The News Herald NEYF&HERALD PUD. CO. Publisher! PLATT8MOUTH, NEBRASKA A Cnllinj Down of the More Impor tant Ercuts Here and There Foreign. An extraordinary iittfiupt at whole sale poisoning among military 'officers lu Vienna has caused a sensation. A largo number of ollicers Just pro moted' to lio csptains In the general ftaff liaro received thrciui;li the mail sample boxia of pills. Tlivsc wore iiccoinpnulcd by a circular recom mending them for nervous 'debility. One of tho officers, Ciiitaln Mailer, took wiine of tho pills and died al most ininiedlalely. An autopsy re vealed tho presence of cyanide of potassium and that death had been caused by tlila poison. Tho United, States Pacific fleet un der Hear Admiral Spree, has begun target practice in Manila, F. 1. bay. President Tnft neat tho following telegram to Ills majesty, Mohammed All ut Teheran: "I tender your ma jesty congratulations on tho opening of the constitutional parliament. .Tho American people wish wclfaro and peaco for Persia under this new order of tilings." Tho body of tho Into dowager em press of China, which was removed from the forbidden city, was burled in the eastern tombs. At an all-night session the Finnish Diet rejected tho government bill lro vidlng for Inland's contribution to tho Russian military npproiriatlou. A resolution was adopted requesting tho emperor to reintroduce tho measure In a constitutional form. The disso lution of tho Diet is expected. General. Mariners nro to bo Kent noiith with Nicaragua tho posslblo destination. Customs frauds at New York arc not limited to tho sugar cases. .1. S. Clarluion will not be reappoint ed as tho surroyor of the port of New York. More harmony of action is expected ns a result of the meeting at Wnsn ington of railroad commissioners. Senator Borah called on the presi dent In tho Interest of we.sturn irriga tion prnfllectH. The British liberal government is bued an ultimatum to the peers. Count Tolstoi ' has sent another peace message to the world. A jury In the Henry county (lilin nis) circuit court set aside tho will of John l,ooney. who left $:u,Oim to Charles and Harry l.ooney of Val paraiso, Iml., and James l.ooney of Kansas City. Tho court at Wash'ngton denied a May to Gtmipcrs, Mitchell and Morri son In the contempt cases. There was an exchange of angry words at tho meeting in Washington of railroad commissioners. An International Labor Press asso ciation was organized at Toronto, ("an., with Charles V. Fear of.JoplIn, Mo., as president. Tlio body of five year n '. Frank Do Hosa, who, It was supposed, had been klndnaped ten days ngo, and for 'whom wide Bcnrrh bad been made, was found Jammed In tho top of a chimney ut his aunt's houso on F.ast Sixty-third street, where he had been, visiting with bis mother when ho suddenly dls iippcnred. i. was tho coroner's opinion that tho boy had been stran gled nnd pushed down the chimney, a woman teacher In tho . Denver pubtio schools, whose naiuo Is with held by tho police, became ''insane when teaching her class and began to disrobi) In tho presence of her pu pils. American federation of labor lead ers declared themselves against tho baloon. Tbeodoro Iloosevolt. as a candidate for governor of New York in 110. Is the prediction of Congressman W. V. Cocks of tho Oyster Hay, X.: Y dis trict Aid for families of miners lost at Cherry Valo, HI.; is being solicited. Football claimed a total of thirty lives and 216 injuries during ;the( pros cut season, according to flg;uW com piled by tho Chicago Record-Herald. This Is tho largest number of deaths recorded In nine years. A South Dakota claim-holder was held np In a freight car and robbed of three thousand dollars. f Danger of a car shortage, imminent a few weeks ago, has entirely passed, according to railroad officials. Xearly all the roads centering in Omaha havo adopted means to allay the apprehen sion which shippers felt with respect to the situation. Tie secretary of tho Des Moines Commercial club received word from Congressman Hull that tho secretary of war has ordered that the military tournament for next year shall bo held In Des Moines. Kx-Sheriff Shlpp and flvo others of Chattanooga, Tcnn., wero sent, to prl Cm for contempt of court. Secretary Ilalllnger has ordered more land withdrawn from settlement. It U rumored that Clifford ilTncho't novernmcnt foreste.', has written to President Tuft expressing 'a 'desfr'o to have his status in tho administration more clearly defined. Hmttttttiit IKIES iCONOENSED; The failure of Nebraska farmers to bring their grain to market has canned a great fulling off lu grain ro celpts, according tr tho government report for September. Six summary dismissals were made at tho New York customs houso. Tbero will bo fifty republican In surgents in tho national house ready to fight Speaker Cannon Tho Dell Telephone- comf.acy has ab sorbed tho Western Union telegraph, and is still reaching out. Discovery of a tarantula in the mail caused a brief panic In tho dead letter ofllec ut Washington. George Robert, former director of the mint, Is au advocate of a central bank of issue. President Taft, for tho present, 13 getting recreation by horseback rid ing. Seventeen keepers of soft drink places wero fined nil aggregate of $11, CI and each received a jail sentence of from thirty to ninety days for sell ing intoxicating drinks ut Helvidere, Illinois. The American federation of labor declared for an investigation of the steel imii.stry. There lias bee.i n marked increase In rice production In tho Fnited Slates. Tho nanus of Mrs. Augusta 12. Stet son was dropped from tho rolls of the Christian Scienco church. Two Americans caught In tho Nica rebellion are reported to have been shot without receiving a trial. Mechanics' lieii.-t aggregating $15, (110.15 have been Hied against the In dependent Telephone company lit Omaha. A stay was granted labor leaders by the court of appeal at Washing ton. Private advices received in Wash ington say that n division of the Hon ruran army Is on the march to Chain teen on the. Xicaraguiin frontier, un der command of General Lara. A uniform code alTeetlug state and Interstate transportation alike was adopted at national association of railway commissioners. W. H. Gleason, well known in rac ing circles, died at F.I Paso, Texas. Ho was a member of tho Utah Jockey club. The Paris diainlier of deputies adopted tho revised duty on cotton seed oil. Tho general rate is nine nnd the maximum six francs per 100 kilos. Brluadler General .ludson I). Ding ham. U. s. A., retire,), died at his home in Philadelphia, aged seventy eight. He was born in Lawrence county, Pennsylvania, and graduated from West Point in 1S.1I. He was re tired lu llor.. Since Mexico has taken, off Its tariff on com the Omaha grain dealers are preparing to enter the liell on a larg er scale. Mexico demands whito corn and wants a lot of it. Tho govern ment alone Is advertising for bids for ltio.OOD tuns of white corn. The American marine hospital serv ice reports Atnoy ir'-i from bubonic plague, and Asiatic cholera. W3shlr(,ton. With a view to enabling anyone to determine the denomination of a post- ago stamp at a, glance, l'ost master General Hitchcock has doclifid to have printed as an experiment tho ten-cent stamp In a rich brown ink on yellow paper. If tho experiment proves a success other stamps of a higher denomination will bo so print ed. Heretofore there has been much confusion over tho colors of the various denominations of stamps be cause of the use of inks of, different similes of tho same color. Dismissal of the Indictment ncninst William Gordon Crawford, once depu ty auditor for the postolllcc depart ment, who was prosecuted as a result of the sweeping Investigation of post office frauds some years ago, was di rected by Attorney General Wicker sham on tho recommendation of United States Attorney Daker nnd with the concurrence of Postmaster General Hitchcock. Instructions to supervisors who are to tnke the next census, beginning April 15, 1D10, havo just been for warded them by Census Director Du rand. There Is nothing in the net providing for tho taking of tills cen sus, tho director says, which will pre vent women or persons under 21 years of age from becoming eligible to appointment as enumerators, nnd ho says that In both the eleventh and twelfth censuses women were cm ployed In such work. An attempt was made to assassinate Iiiird Mlnto, viceroy of InJIn, and Lady Minto. . Formal announcement was made by the department of Justice of Hie :e appolntinent of Francis J. Honey, the San Francisco graft prosecutor, as a special assistant attorney general, to represent the government In the pros ecution of the Oregon land fraud cases. Heney was formerly engaged In this work. Commander H. H. Peary delivered his second lecture, describing bis re cent successful dash for the pole, In tho Delnsco theater before members of the national geograpn c. society, and their Invited guests, he did not refer to Dr. Cook. Personal. The Finnish diet has been dissolved Hr refusal to obey Russian orders. C. L. Wlncholl says ho has not re signed the presidency of tho Hock Is land road. . A $17.0(10 robbery of the K. M. F. Automobile company of Detroit was reported and a discharged paymaster is missing. ..Governor. Charles N. Haskell nnd the other six defendants charged with 'conspiring to defraud tho government In Muskogou town lots pleaded not guilty. OFF F0H Bill FOUR HUNDRED MARINES WILL SOON START SOUTH. WILL DEMAND REPARATION Nicaragua Will Not De Permitted to Settle at So Much Per Head for the Men It Kills. x New Oilcans A cablegram from Colon to the Picayune says: Pas sengers arriving from Nicaragua re port that a number of Americans who were in business In Nicaragua ' are missing and say that they are lan guishing In jail. President Zelaya has plastered nil that portion of Nicaragua governed by him with llaming posters denounc ing the Americans in the most violent language and calling the present revo lution "the Gringo conspiracy." Washington Preparations arc being made for -i Cm marines to sail from Philadelphia, either for the canal zone or for Nicaragua next Saturday. This will constitute the first armed force to land In Nicaragua, if developments in tho situation there within the next fuv days require such a course to be pursued. All will depend upon tho ac tion to be taken by the state depart ment, which Is marking time pend ing tho report of additional details of the two Americans, Groco and Can non. The departure of tho marines comes as a result of rush orders sent to the League Island navy yard after tho slate department received tho prelim inary report of the slaying by Presi dent Zelayu's orders of the two men. It hud been intended to send tho marines to Panama to relieve about HSU marines now on duty there. Tho date of departure from Philadelphia had been set for December 3, by which time the troopship Prairie would have been ready to sail. Dy working night and day tho League Island force will be able to finish repairs on the ship by November 27, and that date lias now been net for the sailing of the marines. Secretary .Meyer of the navy depart ment will go to Philadelphia on Fri day to review them, ns he intended to do even before war cloud:) appeared in Central America. In event of necessity the liSO ma rines now on the canal zone could be utilized in Nicaragua in addition to the ln() to be taken south by the Prai rie. The next move of tho game being played with President Zelaya of Nica ragua will be made by Secretary Knox and undoubtedly It will bo an import ant and possibly a decisive one. Zel aya has killed two Americans, it is believed, in tho most summary nnd brutal manner, and It Is not expected that he will be permitted to settle at so much a head for these or nny other members be may see lit to kill. It is therefore believed that some thing more than compensation for Groee and Cannon will be involved in the in xt step by tho state depart ment. Tornado Damage $50,0C0. Hamilton. O. A tornado which passed over this city damaged prop erty to the amount oT $50,000, while barns and outbuildings in rural parts of tho country were blown down nnd other damage done. Ambassador Tho.n-son Retires. Mexico City. James G. Dailey. re cently appointed first secretary of the American embassy here, arrived Sun day. Mr. Dailey will be charge d'af faires of the American embassy in Mexico after the first of next month until a successor to Ambassador David E. Thompson, is chosen. Areators' Corporation. Albany. N. Y. Capitalized at the Wright company of New York was incorporated "to manu facture, sell, deal In, operate and oth erwise use at any place or places on the North American continent and tho islands ndjacent thereto, machines or other mechanical contrivances for aerial operations or uavigatlon of any and every kind and description, and any future Improvement or develop ments of tho same." Tho directors are Wilbur Wright and Orvillo Wright oi Dayton. Object to Railroad Rates. Washington - Sunderland Dros. of Omaha, engaged In buying nnd selling coal and building materials, tiled with the Interstate Commerce commission flvo separate distinct complaints against the following railroad com panies: Chicago & Northwestern, Chi cago, Durllngton & Qulncy; Missouri, Kansas & Texas; Atlantic Southern & Southern; Chicago, Hock Island & Pacific; Union Pacific; St. Louts & San Francisco, and Illinois Central, charging excessive rates and demand ing reparation. New York. Mortimer F. Klllot. general counsel for the Staudard Oil company, said Sunday, In commenting for tho tlrst time on tho decision against the company handed down yesterday by the United States cir cuit court at St. Paul. "I havo seen what purports to be the text of tho decreo handed down by tho United States circuit court yesterday. The company will take an appeal Im mediately to the United States su premo court and will cheerfully nblile by the verdict of tho highest court in the land, whatever that may be. Vote In Nebraska Tabulated State Canvassing Board Will Soon Make Official Announcement of the Result and Issue Cer tificates of Election to the Successful Candidates. Supreme Judges. ? 9 o o 3 f. m c V 3 S 1 Ail. mis Alililipi; Rumer Itl.iiu.. Ihioiii' Hex Unite IlllVil lipiw-n Imfl'iilo Knit Hill ! r r rriM.H f'll.-isi; I'li'-rry ll'V t'.tlu C'l.lV ivir.ix I'liituiii; f'nMi r I'iil;c t.i I litWI H I Mwt-on Iifii'l Hxm H111I1;- lMubs ImiMly film. in,- rrmklln I'ldiiiii-r I'iii!i;ih CiU.-e Cuili.'M fidfl" 1- lil I.'V Hall Hamilton Harlan I la vrs Illlrlieni-k Holt Hunker Ilewniil Jl'lll'lf III Jnliiison Kearney Iv-I'll KfM I'aMa KIiuIj.iII KlK'X l.alK.islir I.imnlii I.'-LMU 1MI Mi'lNllTSOII Ma Hmiii M-Trick N owe Netlliil'll .Nll. koils IIOi.? l'awii'ii I', tl.ii. s ri.ips I'll Ti-r Plato- IVik lii- I Willow l:li h.U' joiHi KihU Saline Sarpy Haumlcrx 'ii-'-f.' Uluil's K. uaril Hli.illatt Shi-niiaii Klnnx Staiilon Vliny.-r TlaiiimM 'niurxtim Valley Washington Wnym Welister Wheeler York Mm i 111 T.iiaTs... I....." lMv id mi mi; vw j lti.;i iii:c ioi 'i HXnI iwv I'.", '. i::'j l.:::t i;;-,) 1711 RV r,! Hi.; IT.'.I J-1-r.j llL'l I'.lr.M Ju;,i U'-T' '. 4 r-i 4'.7 4.V) ii : l.vli I.e. IT.!' 747 :)':; :;.7 4v, Km! I'..! J.v.'nl y' li j u,s r,.. 2; ism le'.i, 1.V.-0; 7SI !..( I i:i'i !' Mi ix.j! iiis zi s." i-xi ,1 7'.; ti'iH llili f.7t Iti'ill 2n.".i .2.7 tilii; iK;j 474 .!:. iM'il Dlll ;ts7; l.M-in SH2: Ml !! PM'i! r.ts. !M2l :: .r t;;n r..S' nn1 47i iiKt. 1717 !'.:! i'.-'ii 17. i! SiV S'j.;' I '-"in li. u, i.'.';i i.'.m, Tiit'i k:i iii.v v:", VMM ;:iL'ii Mm 2 :i fiii.;; i;; liin W'H Ml; M.;7) i::.'-'. i;7i) i;vi 7.-:;l 7 I'll v:i: Mi' IMHi Ml 7:t"ti 7t.:n :ii2l '.v.; :'v.s' i.-.-,.! ir.iM i.Wi le.-i; lex,' mi;; i.;.i iii.y ii',.; 11.77 ll.74i 1147 in;.. 1W'"1 IMi7; 1!7:V 2777! ills 4iO; 4:1:1 4:17 ::.".; z-r. 7it 71;! 77 in; in 7111 7"ni 7H :;n l.'ii'.'1 KiL'V i.v.i ir,;i v,:; 1 i::s2 102! r:;i'!i v:. i.::..i Mini Sl.;i Mil S'i.Ii s;i. n :::2 27S 27U 41.1l I'D 4.7:; Ml IK'I 11'.':, HXf: j in; 1 11 Mi js 71 i:.! M.7. ii7 77-; ! I".V', M7i 1.'..Vi. '.''ii s-.:, s7.i, 1 l'i:; ie.7 i'7 '.-': y.:K ::,- 2 ;"; 212 ;i::7, 122, U7j 121 22" lt!i7' Ml".! 117! liili, 2';:'! I:1 s2-; m.m sis ut::: i;ii in 114 I'M I'll !!' I.'m 111 1:1 iu r.i"i 12 H 122V.1 i2i::i i4i. '.j st;!, si:i i'is iiii'i 7'l li'.'Oi 72.7 V.JI 12: 11'iHi 11 mi ni'i l'l'i: i':2 i'ii2 ill"' Kl'i; 17 I'M llilml NT.j 7i.'l; 77:: lUi S2V ii.;j 112:.! 2'ii' 21 '1 12-2' 4M'. i .:., ;-'i 1-i iv7 1 1'..', :iii;i S.s H"m 117"! 1,2;;; ll.i.j life; S..1, M.'. S',2l HI I V 171'.; l.'.-.'l 7,1 l".i',; ii.:.'.' H2 : m si;;ii ).;-; s'2i !72 ll'ls 1'.'1 I'JIii I'.iil !.;- 17".i ! is;; iv".; lsi; ri I'.ill: JI.X'; 1 I.-.'! 1 I.... 1 ,i.2! 7",! 7:! id LI iv.' 2 ,.i l.u.l 1i2':,i 111! 4"11 l.! 7"i 17.7, 1' 7.;; 17.7:; l.Mi ;.i', r!.'; 711 fiSi: I'll i.;.i; C.K f'Vil 2M; L'lst 2.7!'l LS2 li.'i, 'i'"l V'i!i Hill 12.:',! u m lrd 1112 '... vii :,2i l.s 12M. 1.7' 1 2s:; 7:11 Uls Kl I-.-.7 Ml 11121 7HI1 112-.I f.l S2I S'7i 7l'l 7"ll !'-2 I'Mi Mi". iii2 r.s:i M., ii:, l'-Ji, iiii ir:- l!,',l 1.1; 17 1l2i 1771 -1 H-.' 1X2.7 1717 l!'',!' ;!:::. IMll! Ml I 2 2 1'.'! 2:'-2 l!K.i ' .7 'i lev '.1 1'2 M NEBRASKA NEWS AND NOTES. Items of interest Taken From Here and There Over the State. Tlio new lmrik at Geneva lias oiicuud for business. Corn busking In some portions of Nebraska li:is received u setback on account of snow. lln. Hubert IViiock, nn oliltlme reKiilcnt of West l'olnt, died at Erie, l'a. No. 43, tlio Burlington's fast freisbt, was derailed at Alliance, ditching two engines nnd piling up live can?, with no one Injured. rostmaatcr Miller of Grand .Island will not ask for reappointment, be lieving that two terms in succession is all that any man should have. L. F. Illlslngcr of Herman began trapping for musltrats nnd mink No vember 1 and on tho 15th sold sixty flvo inunkrat and mink skins. Mr. and Mrs. II. V. Stuhrman of Dodge, Neb., celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at their home. They came to Dodge county in ISO!). John C. Stroh of Plymouth, Neb., was found dead this morning at the home of his son, John C. Stroh, In West Beatrice, where ho had been visiting. At Lynch Iko Pete, 83 years, just married to a woman 45 years, fatally shot himself alter a quarrel with his wlfo. Ho had been prominent lu Ne braska for thirty years. At Lincoln during a funeral the hearso was run Into by a street ear. Tho casket was thrown out and some what broken, exposing tho face of tho corpse. As Mr. Luhy and his 15-year-old daughter wero crossing the tracks at tho depot in Giltner a special train ran Into tho rig. Luhy was badly bruised and his daughter suffered the fracturo of her right ankle. Governor Shallenberger appointed Dr. G. P. Fall of Beatrice ns delegate to tho special session of tho American Medical association, which will meet In the Congress hotel, Chicago, Febru ary 28 to March 2. In spite of tho capture and convic tion of several horso thieves In Mer rick county during the last few months the cpldomic seems to be Rtill prevalent. Recently a man and wom an secured a team from tho Shank livery barn at Silver Creek and brought It to Clarks. Then they dis appeared, leaving tUo team, probably fearing arrest. W. V. Cook of tho I! Grand hotel. York, has had W. N. Young arrested and brought back to York for Jumping a board bill. Ho was caught out in the western part of tho stato and Is tinw In lull until ho euuares ud. Regents of University. T, a i 3 ? 3 z i O V 3 O lM' l'i:..7 r;; 177' H'7.; 4i"J 7;';i 4;2 lslJ ll'n loll i;;:.'i w7 ;.u Jl l'"il j 7V'i ;;!' ;:i:m n.iii i";ai i'"ni 1.7s., 1-iVil 12:' H2 i;;;i L'I 7 Ml! r.'ir.i i7l.ll rn 11 1 SI is 11 is.; l'.oi K'7 '2 17i II. 11! 1. 12;tl 1'e 12: s:t 4-.U I r.i..; ':.'.'.', L'll' 1L-III 12I.V 1:1771 i2!; lii'i, 32;i si r,2- 1n7 lis',; U'. ;si lie; !2 ...I....I I'll' 1H:I IJ. 2l !.;, !''.: :k. isi;i. 2 2i l.iO; VSj S'lOj 's'l 1102; Ml 12'1 r,;i a2iil lit, U'.l ila ;ii.; I'M il l.ll l'i;s ta7 4::' 17:i s!7 11.71 L".!ti Ml! 1,1 2i :ij 411 -i" ;i2i 21 1121 Ivl 121 14 LJ; IS fc..'! 41 411 17f.J li.n -; .'.r-'i; 1 ':s' i;mi' l.r,:.' 41.7. '.l'i. Kin' in 1 ; v! l.Mli S.o s.:i; I'm; is' 1177, i,i,7l n;7 UIK'i Sv;:: n-"--, I"'.:'! :;;is, I'll; mi, H7; LM17J 'l' IV.; X 171 i i.2; 4h; '-.! 20 12:! 12!' 22 t; 12'.' IDs 4'Jl! 7''.' 1 S'i'i S.i. 117 2 i'.:i'. 4i:i I..',:; M' mi 111 1"'. H'i i'-M hi! K,,&':!"J i:f,"i 7WI 4't'i 1140 17l Ill 'J7 'j'li; Ml '.i;i I "0 iii-il ;:ii 21 n, 7: '.". L.1 L'l.'ii 4n:: 111. 42.: IV, ir,::,' 2i "-''.1 Ml 11:.. Si (.111; r.iii CM i2i:; ! :i: of 122 l:.; 1C. 11!'! 1" ,7 av.i 7121 12' l'i"! 122 L'ioi 171 i-i :i;, 11.'.'' 4" 1:u ( v.;",! M'.t'i !::;'! 1 VU' i::s, l-s' Ml ni l'i c,' i; 121! Ii'-.i OS, la; !'.i: 21 1 2::; :ti 21' !m s.l- 472 S.",7' s:;2' 11! 44 1117' 7l'! 71-7! 21" 2"il (,2! 12 : ', li.!7 J1H7 SlI' L'I 1 14.;'. ri-i' Ii! ; lVm 4 si v ; 7!ll! 4''i. s7 lis 111 4:; Ml 21'.. 1211 4.Y.1: 1111, 1KI 1.72 isi If'!. :i';i; NTH 1112 ll'il. KM; 112'j. l'lii'l i2'.7 I i'.l I Ml 1 ': iii'i i'.;. InTl'i 1222! 11; I-S -l'i; Ml K.7j 2!:tl 2"l! l.7"-.j 117: l'l'.ll i"2' lijiil ir.;! l:i', l't.:i i:W2! 1217, 2't! ls'-, Ul-sj Jl.l 2'tt 2'' 'i 12'7 121'ti :-'i' l.'L'i i"i;:; !!;. l-: :: I'sli M221! i'M2i l.y;t lv..i :.:,7! t.,:; i.2'i M; 1.7 2.. :u It 17 '.'. 1 1 W 20 .12, -d 2"! 121 SlI 7'.; i4)'i 11.; O'l 4'.'! 1'.7; !'.! ,::j Ml 12',: lis !..;; .Ml i'.l l--.; l'.i! i:.. 71 .71 1 LMS iwil t;..7 ti'l IT II if:'-.! .:.! 1.711; I x'i' (,12; 1...'.: , 1;.;; l.;.7'', 172. i .Till 1171 i";', 417 i;;s i'-; 41.7' 171 2S; 21 !'! a 1I' 2(1 r,i' 41 !:'' 11! 11 i'2l I.I.M 17t'i STiHi 41'; .V.I' 1:;:'! 71..1, s'l , I 217 4'A; li.7 3 l!'l l-'l 'ivl si' i:; v:i 1;.. i:;,i 4.1 4l! !M P 4ll ! y.! i"i 2'i ill Si.i 4! 4; li:-i urn 111'! fiiS lMlj iu) 00.., Dl:i K I! 12 nil, i;.7, ::i:j I I'M f.'2 2"..! J's 7.7.; 7'i. 17 Ixi 11 10 4s 4,7 f.:, r-i 1121 l'i'.v r.;:i tilt'l 1 0 J Kl Oil LM2 211 e'lv l':si .71 r.'i'. .712, 7 12. 2'-1 2" 1J 7..M 7' :i 17 1.7:;r 14ss 2S 21 :.! 111 Cl.i.1 ik; 1 !'.;.. l'!.!s 121 1 1 S'tlt 1; 2i;i; 1 2i:; : no 7iM 1111 11 1 1277 7S I'!7 I2;t:!; . hs 21. m; 72 l's'sj 17:'. i ii!.;! 1 'ii! 41; 12!! IK ;.i Hi'', i !'.';'! 12,1 17j js.l'l 621, !'! vj ::: 20 :i 17 1; :ii. 3l0 4'i! n vs ' u . 1 2's:.r; Many of the farmers in Dixon coun ty have P.tilshod tho corn nusking. Tlio recent snow storm left about ono foot of tho "beautiful" in Custer county. Engineer Davis, who was killed re cently in Oklahoma by his locomotive overturning, formerly lived in Madi son. For tho first nine months of tho current year Omaha occupied second place among tho markets of the coun try in receipts of corn, sixth place In receipts of wheat and fourth In re ceipts of oats. Searching parties aro scouring tho hills and canyons around Calhoun in hopes of finding seine trace of Wil liam Blackwood, an old soldier, who disappeared. It Is believed he lost ins way in the darkness and has per ished from the cold. Special railroad rates will be given for the National Corn Imposition from all points In tho east, north of the Ohio river. The Central Passenger association has announced a rate of a faro and one-half for the round trip from its entire territory. This rate will accommodate a large number of people who expect to attend the corn show, ns excursions nro already being worked up from Indiann, Ohio and Illinois. Warden Smith of Lincoln received a messago from one of bis farms in YorK county that a peculiar malady had broken out in his drove of hogs and several of them had b"en strick en. The hogs, the message said, be came weak in the back and In tho courso of a few days they were un able to raise their hindquarters, though able to drag around by ttu !r fore legs. Congressman Norris filled some lecture engagements In the northerr part of the state Just previous to de. parture for Washington to attend con gress. William Coon, who drove tho auto mobile which killed Miss Smith more than a year ago, was cleared by a Jury in district court of tho charge of man. slaughter. The jury brought In a ver dict of acquittal. Washington dispatch: Postmasters appointed are ns follows: Nebraska, Euders Lake, Drown county, Clement D. Ungley, vice L. A. Langley, re signed; Pnllsado, Hitchcock county, Doctor F. Gruver, vice A. J. Blount, resigned; Venango, Perkins county, Janle M. Watkins, vice T. G. Kunkel, resigned; Weyerts, Cheyenno county, Frederick G. Bauer, vice F. G. Iiusse, resigned. The Knights of Columbus of Alli ance aro making elaborate prepara tions for their big clas Initiation and banquet, which will be held there De cember 19. BASi III BRIEF NEWS NOTES OF INTEREST FF10M VARIOUS SECTIONS. Ml SUBJECTS TOUCHED UPOH Religious, Social, Agricultural, Polit ical and Other Matters Given Due Consideration. The club women of Seward are pro paring to raise money for a ito for a city library. The two year old son of .1 times Peterson, living eleven mllea routli west of Hastings was Instantly killed by the accidental discharge of a shot gun. The corn stalk disease among the cattle in Custer county U causing more loss than for many year.-!, one n;;m losing eighteen head la a single night. Adjutant General HartigM issued an order mustering out Company , Second infantry, stationed at Kear ney. The company failed to come up to the requirements. Tho boys and girls of county will be represented at the National Corn show at Omaha with about exhibits In the domestic science and corn growing contests. The handsomo Hag presented llrck athorn post No. 477, Grand Army or the BepuMie of Tecumseh, by l!:e last, legislature was raised on the new steel Hngilnff the post erected in the court house yard in that place. A. A. Sharkey, an old soldier who has lived at. the Ml ford homo fir sol diers for the last ten years, died a lew days it and left ?P)5 in money, to which, in the absence of other heirs, the state falls heir. Ruth Bryan I.eavitt gave hor cele brated "a. I'ihrima.'.re Through Pales tine" to a crowded house at P.;:uver City. Th" ml ire renting capacity of the hou.te xr.u sold in advance and standing rein,) was at a premium. Wolves are not, common anywhere in Adams county, and much less iu the vicinity of Hastings, but V. Suffa met one within tho city as he was 011 his way to bunt rabbits. He was brought down at the first shot The state conventions of County Clerks and Supervisors and Commis sioners will be held in Fremont ! comber 11, 10 and 10. Tho joint an nual banquet will be held at the i:n hotel on the evening of tho Mrs. Martha McClny, living with her son, James McClay, on his farm on Prairie creek, eleven miles west of Central City, was ft'.tally birned. She was alone In the houso when the fatality occurred. Paul Khein, a painter, was almost instantly killed and his brother, Frank. Ferinusly and probably fatnlly Injured by the breaking of a scaffold near the roof of the Brown Milling company's mill iu Fremont. Richard A. Clcve, one of the leading farmers and cattle raisers of Oioe comity, has filed a suit in tho district court praying for a divorco from his wife, Mrs. Carri'j Cieve. Tho petition makes some sensaMonal charges. Sheriff Bauniiin of Dodre county was notified by wire from Cheyenne. Wyo., that S. M. Randall, who is charged with having been Implicated with II. L. Guess in the robbery of a jewelry store at North Bond, Is un der arrest there. Randall will bo brought back for trial. Adjutant General Hartigan has re voked a former order which allowed officers in the Nebraska National guard six months in which to prepare for an examination. If nn officer is dense, says the adjutant general, he cannot learn the required amount in six months while tho company may be ruined. If the officer Is able and apt he can learn in less time. A serious uecldent occurred two miles north of Sargent. Several young men were out hunting with a team and sleigh, when the sleigh sud denly running into a rut on ono side, threw Alva Hileman to the ground in such a manner that his gun dis charged, tearing his arm so badly that amputation near tho shoulder wa, necessary. Tho Nebraska City vinegar works has stopped purchasing apples for the season. During the summer and fall they purchased fj),!)0t bushels of ap ples, of which there wero l.OEC loads hauled to the works and two car loads shipped In. The secretary of the company estimated that ilO.Oim bushels of tipples remained In the orchards and were allowed to ro to waste. J. Hennlngston, while hunting for r ibbiu, found the dead body of a man in a corn field near Kmerson. Coroner Graham of Allen arrived and nearched tho dead man's clothes. A small sum of money and a pass book on tho First National bank of Emerson were found. The pass book showed he nd $75 on deposit and that fcin name was Kd Hanlin. The bank officials failed to nlace him and he Is unknown in Mhiu-r-ton. Governor Shallenberger received no tice from the federal government thit 1 warrant for $2,8.17.84 would lo forth--oinlng shortly as Nebraska's share of he receipts from the forest reserve in his state. This sum represents '.'5 per cent of the entire receplts. The livery barn at Hildrctli vaa de stroyed by fire. Tlio firo was nst dis covered until under such headway that It was Impossible to save it. The stock was owned by Grnver Yodir, the loss nmountlng to about ?1,r,0o. with l!,000 insurance. Kverything in the barn was burned, including thirteen head of horses.