The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, November 25, 1909, Image 5

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Marries a Woman He Never Saw
and Wishes He Hadn't.
Experience ol Man who went to
Spokane to see the Town.
'.SPOKANE, Nov. 22.-Married to
a woman lie never saw before nor since
the ceremony was performed in the
parlor of a hotel in Seattle on Nov. 1,
is the strange experience of I M.
Stipp, a widower living at North
Yakima, Wash., who sought to file an
t.ction for divorce in the superior
court of Yakima county. The com
plaint was not filed for the reason that
Stipp hail no counsel and the prosecut
ing attorney would not order the clerk
of court to put it on record. Stipp
alleges that he does not know the
name of his wife, also disclaiming
having acquiesced in the proceedings,
lie says the ceremony was performed
while he was seated in the hotel par
lor reading. Three men and a woman
filtered the parlor and went through a
marriage ceremony, in which he was
made the bridegroom. The party left
the room soon afterward and he has
not seen the men or woman since, but
fears an ulterior motive in the action
of the strange quartet. Stipp's wife
died 20 years ago, and, he declared,
he has no desire to marry a second
time, but if he does he wants to know
Kmiething about his wife, at least to
become familiar with her name.
Reticence In Trouble.
Uev. W. L. Austin was greeted by
an unusually large congregation Sun
day morning in the First Methodist
Episcopal church. There being no
service in the Presbyterian church
many members of that denomination
availed themselves of the privilege
of being present, were cordially wel
comed, and with the others had the
pleasure of listcnirg to a very able,
instructive and interesting sermon on
the theme of "Reticence in Trouble."
The speaker admonished all to not un
necessarily parade their troubles be
fore others, but to tell their sorrows
and trials to (lod only, and urged them
to get right with Him.
The large choir under the able lead
ership of Mrs. F. H. Weseott fur
nished excellent music, and sang an
anthem. Mrs. Weseott also sang a
solo very sweetly, while her husband
presided at the organ with a master's
M l I I I I I I I I I I I I MM I ill I H Ml HI I IH' ) I I "I tii ttt t 1 1
Cold Weather
Our Coal is the best cool weather comfort
that you will be able to find in town. These
chilly fall winds will soon turn into winter
and you will need the comfort that our coal
will give you. Better order early to avoid
disappointments when an extra
chilly day comes.
J. V. Egenberger jj
Sealed Bids.
to boys and girls, Flexible Flyre, "The
sled that steers." The best sled in the
world. You can easily procure one
within a few days by doing a little
pleasant work. Some have in a few
hours. Be the first in your town.
Write today stating your age. A pos
tal card will do. W. I. Davis, 155
East 24th Street, New York City.37-3x
Attend Funeral.
W. A. and Albert Leesley and Mr.
a .'till V 11 1
and .Mrs. Nicmon Laugnnn arnveu
from Greenwood and attended the
funeral services of Captain McFherson
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received by the Hoard of
County Commissioners of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska for bonds for the several
ollicers of said county, said bids to be
submitted before it o'clock in the
morning of December 7th, l'.IO'.t. The
amount of the bonds for the several
ollicirls may be learned by applying
at the office of the county clerk.
The Board reserves the right to re
ject any and all bids.
M. L. Freidrich,
Chairman Co. Hoard of Coin's.
Dated at Plattsmonth, Neb., Nov.
23. 1909.
Verdict For $550.
The jury in the damage case of
Herold vs. Coates brought in a verdict
Saturday night in favor of Herold for
S550. The case was bitterly fought
from start to finish and it is reported
that the verdict does not suit cither
party to the controversy and both
may take an appeal although, as yet,
no move has been made.
Thanksgiving Services.
The annual union Thanksgiving
services will be held in the Methodist
Episcopal church in this city Thursday
at 10.30 a. in. Rev. Luther Moore,
pastor of the Christian church, will
preach the sermon. As this will be a
union service of all denominations, it
is hoped that there will be a large attendance.
Nix! Nine! No!
We are now daily receiving our line of Toys and Xma9 mer
chandise. By the 6th day of December we will have on display
the largest and most complete line of Holiday Merchandise ever
shown under one roof in the history of Plattsmouth. The prices
will be lower than the same merchandise can be purchased any
where else, regardless of close out sales, special sales, fake or
misleading sales, we are here to stay. We own the building we
occupy as well as the merchandise therein and its all paid for.
We can and do undersell. Come and purchase any article yon
wish, take it home or take it into any other store, compare it.
then if you are not more than satisfied return it, and your
money will be returned to you just as fast as it can be counted.
We will quote prices in this space just as soon as the merchan
dise is displayed for your inspection.
The Variety Store
Plattsmouth, Neb., 3rd Door Last of Hank of Cass County.
i i
All Kectal Diseases cured without a surgical!
operation. No Chloroform, Ether or other gen
eral aoeasthetic used. CURE GUARANTEED
to last a LIFE-TIME, (("examination pres.
uDtTf? RnD nnnv ntl vir PC lUn ourrif nictucre ujitu Tccnunwiitc
BDn. E. R. TARRY. 224 Bt Building. Omaha. Nebraska
jim.'.ut..,,-uj,j wis nc
hGnnhp for T
JUuu l)u U 1
Want Column
WANTED Woman to do laundry
work. Good wages, apply at once at
Hotel Riley.
WANTED Young men and women to
fill positions paying J900 to $2000 per
annum. Big demand for stenograph
ers in the Government service, as
well as in private business life. Our
new method of teaching shorthand
by mail insures as thorough and
practical a training at your own home
as is obtainable by personal attend
ance at any business college in the
country. We guarantee success.
Complete course for small cash pay
ment; balance to be paid when you
secure a position. Trial lesson free.
Central Business Institute, Central
Building, Washington, D. C.
Lral Nolk.
Alvln Hi'rrlA li fondant, will taknnotlcottiat
on the fourth ily of AiiKunt. Imu. Aits to rw,
I'llillllfT llltnl h,T IM-titlon In I ho illutrli-t mirk
of fkM niiinly, N)lrli. umliiM llm ilifiind.
am. mcoimvi anil irayirir which In tooliUlo
a iIimtw of illvon-ti fnmi lln IkuiiIh of matri
mony, anil for tlui riiHi-mlji of hrr rhlliltvn, to.
it. Kilii l, t'lair ami konnt'ih. anil fur auclt
other relief an equity nmy riiiin.
You are reqtilnvl to aiiftwer Ralil pel I Hon OQ
or hefore the With day of lT.nilMr Krlltf.
, . Arta Kirrln.
Hy her Attorney, M Archer
Legal Notice.
8tM of Nebraska, I . ,
Cuiintynf ('ana. I w In Kniintjr Court.
In the matter of the ititate f Mamam. M.
WalllllK. iIuvhxmI.
To all iM'rxonx lnur,'Kt.',l:
You are hereby not iti,t that the exeeutnr of
the almve -mhi,' ha niril In thii court IiIh rn
ixirt together with a iM tltlon. pravlnx therein
that ftuiil pfttata l m-iUhI anil the exi i-ntor Ik
dlm-harKisl. anil that the wUite h' illstrlltutml
anil asxfftneil mirtlliw to Hh teMim nf tho last
will anil tcMiamcul of wiiil ilin-easiYl.
That a hearing will lx hail ukhi nalil report
anil iH'titlon licfore tlijn i-onrt, at I'laltsinouth.
In Mitlit rounty.on the MMh ilay of NohmiiIkit,
lto, at u n'rliN'k a m . uml that all opinion.
If any. iniiHt lie IIUhI on or lt fore unlit day ami
hour of hearing.
Wit new my lianil and the oiil of f tin rountr
court of kuIiI eounty thin th day of NovemlKrr.
l"Ot. Al.iiKN J I1KKSON.
I I County Judgrt
FOR SALE CHEAP At Smith's barn,
Plattsmouth, Neb., a new carriage.
Lady owning same has quit keeping a
horse. It must sell. sw-tf
Will Trade.
One of the best ranches in central
Nebraska, 2,000 acres, highly im
proved, cut 1,000 tons of bay, fenced
and cross-fenced, well watered, has
over 400 acres of good corn land, 12
miles from station, $22,000. Want a
Cass county farm.
4S0 acres, in cultivation 150, fenced,
has house and barn, 12 miles from dc
pit. A fluup for cash at S 12.50 per
acr. 11. I). Windham,
61-3x riattamouth, Nel.
Legal Notice.
Nturo of Nehraxka,
SH. In County Court.
In the matter of the entail of Jacob K. Sten-
M'l . III-'UHC1 .
Notice Ih herotiv irluim thut I li ,.piullt,rM nf
naii I dci-ciiKcd will meet thti admlnlKrutrii or
Kiild estate, heforo me. County Juilxe of Caw
I'flimtV . tl... i .,.. . .
Ill I'laitHuuiiith. In' Nttiil County, on the I till
nay 01 uei uht. I'MMi. ami on the Mill day
of June. Itiltl. at l o'clock a in., each duy for
the piiriMimi of pnM'ntin thuir clniniH for tw-
Siv liuiiilhu HMk un.tu....! f.. .1
-- --" .' i'wni 1.11,1 vililiuniilil
ali I ilix-eaxeil to iirem'tit their rliilnm, anil Olift
iui .in. uuiiiiiiiNiTiiHir.iit weiue Ham oiau,
froni the llthilay of 1iiiiiiIht. I'.IOII.
,.M-ni. ,v ikiiiii uiiu (iu wtti oi nam v oun
ty Court, at IMatUnmiilh, NehrhKktt, this liltb
'-, , Allen J. tlecHim.
SKAL.) County Juilc.
Hank of Eagle, Eagle.
Nehawka Bank, Nehawka.
Bank of Murdock, Murdock.
First Nat'l bank, Greenwood.
State bank of Murray, Murray.
First Nat'l bank, Plattsmouth
. .i t t.-i..e. .i
pv " i v t T i i i n n
Dodges a Few Bullets Himself But
Thinks He Hit Man.
December 15
We Close Our Store and
Goods Musi Go
Commencing today and continuing until December 15th, there
will be something doing all the time in the hardware business in Platts
mouth. It is our inteiitcntion to discontinue business at this place
and remove to Dakota, and it is not our desire to take a dollar's worth
of our big stock with us. In order to close it out completely we have
slahhcd prices right and left cs you will readily see by looking over a
ft w of the quotations we present below. Remember that
This Sale Will Continue Only 30 Days.
Then all goods remaining unsold will be packed up and shipped. Run
your eye over these prices and then get busy. It is your time to buy
what you want at prices never before offered:
Paint, was $1.65, now per gallon S1.35
Paint, was I1.G0, now per gallonn 1.25
Paint brushes, were $1.40, now 90
Paint brushes, were $1.00 now 69
Carborundrum stones, were $1.15, now 75
Carborundrum stones, were $1.00, now 65
No. 5 U. S. Cream ScDarator, was $90, now 72.00
No. 7 U. S. Cream-' pam01! was $70, now 56.00
Rcmingto double barrel hammer loss shotgun was $32.50 25.0
Stevens double barrel hammerless shotgun, was $20 13.5
German Heater heating stove, was $32, now 2J.00
14-inch Splendid heater, was $14, now 10.00
Moore's glass oven door range, was $58, now 46.00
(Juick meal lS-inch oven, was $50, now 40.50
Mounted grind stone, was $6.50, now 4.00
Snow Ball washer, was $G,50, now 4.98
Motor wash machine, was $10, now 7.59
Garden hose, was 12 l-2c, now 08
Rolled rimmed porcelain lined 5 1-2 foot bath tub, was $19. .13.25
This is a Cash Sale.
Owing to the faot that we are going out of business, we cannot
give credit. We want our friends to take advantage of the big bar
gains offered. We have quoted but a few articles. We would sug
gest that you call at our store and select what you want and we wil
give you prices that will astonish you for their cheapness. Every ar
tide in the big stock has been marked down to prices that should
peal to you. ,
Do You Want a Furnace?
We have four of the very best made which will be sold almost
at your own price. The furnaces are absolutely guaranteed and ore
fuel savers.
Farmers, a Chance For You.
to buy wire fencing and anything else you may need on the farm
Come in and look us over and you will find that the trip haa mado
you big money.
BROKEN BOW, Nov. 22.-Tothc
music of singing bullets a stranger who
was supposed to be a thief, rushed
own the street and boarded a train
that was pulling out for Grand Island
anil got away Saturday night.
Marshal Draper had received noticel
only a few moments before over the
phone to look out for a man who an
swered the description of the stranger
who had stolen tin overcoat and some
other valuables at Grand Isluid and
was liable to show up at Broken Bow.
When the man noticed the marshal
watching him he lit out and when the
officer took after him be turned am
fired, just missing the marshal's
head. Draper fired at him in return,
and again as he passetl beneath a
street light, and thinks that he hit him.
The missing goods were found later at
a hotel where the man bad registered
under the name of James. No trace of
him has since been found.
the Benefit
Plattsmouth Has to Bow to the
Enevi table Scores of Citi
zens Proves it.
After reading the public statement
of this representative citizen of Platts
mouth, given below, you must come to
this conclusion: A remedy which cured
yenrs ago, which has kept the kidneys
in good health since, can be relied up
on to perform the same work in other
cases. Read this:
J. W. Hickson, Oak Street, Platts
mouth, Nebr., says: "I will never
cease to praise Dean's Kidney Pills,
as they were of such great benefit to
me several years ago. My kidneys and
back were a source of constant suffer
ing and I was subject to attacks of
lumbago that came on without the
least warning. The simplest move
ment was painful and I was anoyed
more or less by the irregular passages
of the kidney secretions. I read so
much about Doan's Kidney Pills, that
I finally procured a box from Gcring &
Co. 'a drug store. I was so gratified
with the results of their use that I
publicly endorsed them in 1900 and at
this time, I heartily renew that state,
ment. I hope that other kidney suf
ferers will profit by my experience."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Poster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no ether. (0-4
At Low
Round Trip
On sale every first and third
Tuesday in each month to every
part of the- Southwest.
Hugh Norton, Agent.
Do you want an
If you do, get one who has
Experience, Ability, Judgement
Telegraph or Write
Robert Wilkinson,
Dunbar, Nebr.
Or call at the News-Herald office and
we will save you trouble and expense
in getting dates and terms.
Good Service. Reasonable Rate.
Smoke an
And be Happy
THE DENTISTS llit-Gij 0nthtr. iMMt
IkllPrlcM. Bft-rqlppfD(i Of
fice h til MliMIt Weil.
MCitt discounts to Cit iitopi.
M floor P.1 ton Bl .limr.rnm, OMAHA, NEB.
I'llHl III U,4 ml Un4 0,,t.lllcSV
., rltMtUf,,Aw,nlell.hl