The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, November 25, 1909, Image 4

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Entered at the postoffice at Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska,
as second class mail matter.
Bualntas Magagar
One Year in Advance, $1.50. Six Months in advance, 75c
Plattsmouth Telephone No. 85.
Nebraska Telephone No. 85
NOVEMBER 25, 1009
With Mayor Hrown of Lincoln a
candidate for governor, contesting
with Mayor Dahlmun of Omaha fat
the democratic nomination, and gov
ernor Shallcnberger contesting with
W. II. Thompson of Grand Island for
the nomination for the senate on the
game ticket, the democratic campaign
promises to be a warm one. In the
event of the success of either, the tem
perance people will have little to make
them feel like supporting the demo
cratic ticket, and yet, Hut why go
over the same old ground
We don't know why it is, but sev
eral of our editorial friends take ex
ceptions to our way of looking at con
ditions. The latest one is Editor
Taylor of the Central City Nonparicl.
lie is afraid that if we continue to be a
"stand patter" that we will lose our
clear conscience and develop a chronic
case of dyspepsia. Why, bless your
dear heart, Taylor, that is the way we
developed a clear conscience and got
rid of the dyspepsia. A "stand patter,"
as some fellows like to call the editor
of this paper, has no reason to have
anything else but a clear conscience.
Why should he? A "stand patter" is
a man who has faith in the republican
party and the man who is its standard
bearer. We have the same faith in
President Taft now that we did when
we stood on one leg and howled our
self hoarse a year ago when that man
as the candidate of the party that has
solved the greatest problems which a
party ever had to solve and solved
them right, passed through Nebraska
and stopped for a few hours in Lin
coln. We have the same faith in the
republican party now that our father
had, when after being sent home to die
from wounds in 1802, he recovered and
cast his vote for Abraham Lincoln
or the presidency. We have the
same faith in the republican party now
that we ilid when it met the problem of
the civil war and solved it right. We
have the same faith that we had in
the republican parjy when it met the
problem that confrontedthis country
in the Spanish-Phillipinc controversy
and solved that problem right. We
have the same faith in the republican
party that we have always had and no
free silver craze, no imperialism craze,
no free trade era A, and none of the
other "crnVies" which hae carried
republicans into the ranks of the as
sistant democrats have ever caused us
to waver in our allegiance to the party
which has time and again faced the
problems have had to be solved
and met them fairly and solved them
rightly. We had rather go down to de
feat a loyal "stand patter" if you please
fighting for the repunlican party and
its grand leaders than to be instrumen
tal in the slightcstjway of assisting to
place in power a partythat has time
and again shown its incompetency and
lack of business principles in handling
the affairs if the government. If be
ing true to honest convictions and
faith in the partyjthat has proven
time and again its ability to handle
the gravest questions, is hemg a
"stand patter," then a "stand patter"
we are, and proud of the fact. The
name of "stand patter" sounds mighty
good to us and the man who thinks he
is slandering us by calling us that name
is instead paying us the greatest
compliment possible. AH glory to the
"stand patter." May he live long
and prosper.
nor's chair would work such a change
but it probably has, for in his Thanks
giving proclamation Governor Shal
lenberger says:
"At the close of the harvest sea
son when the labors of the farmers
are crowned with the bounteous
gifts of nature, and the material
growth and prosperity of our
great state has become the pride
and admiration of every citizen,
our hearts are filled with a spirit
of hope for the future and grati
tude for our present prosperity."
Now if the governor can only be
sent, to the United States senate the
whole country will probably be fa
vored in just the same, way as has the
state of Nebraska by his election as
Whether are we drifting? Warrants
for $22,000 had to be registered by state
Treasurer Brian Saturday because there
was no money in the treasury to pay
them. First it was a little debt of
$1,000 with no money to pay it. Then
the next time it was $11,000 and no
money, and now it is $22,000 and no
money. The democratic administra
tion is surely keeping up its record.
At this rate it will soon be neceassry
to pass another Sheldon act making a
special levy to pay off the state debt.
The republican party of Nebraska
is in an enviable position. Of all the
candidates which have been mentioned
for governor every man of then is a
first class man for the position and
no mistake can be made by the selec
tion of either. For congress, of the
three of four that are now mentioned
they are all good men and not a word
can be said ngainsr either of them.
For the senate of the United States
the same can be said. What more
could nny man ask in seleing a party
to which he could cast his future, po
litical aiiegiancef i oung man, you
are just getting rciuly to cast your
first vote. When you go to the ballot
box next fall you will be taking a step
which will mean much to you in the
future. You are taking a step which
may govern your whole future ex
istencc. When you start out in bus
iness life and desire to cast your lot
with some firm do you select the firm
which has made a failure in business
or do you try to secure a position with
the successful firm, the firm of stain
ing in the community. Naturally
it will be the latter. Then in getting
ready to cast your first vote next fall
spend some part oi your spare mo
ments between now nnd when the cam
paign shall open in looking up the
records of the two great parties and
see which of theni has been the most
successful in carrying on the business
of the state and of the government.
Use the same business sense in pol
itics that you would in every day
Diismess uie ami you will make no
How different a fellow feels some
times, and what a difference the season
of the year makes in a fellow's opin
ions. Just More election last year
Governor Shallenbergcr, who was a
candidate for the position he now
holds, traveled over the country and
tried to make the people believe that
the country was going to rack and ruin,
that the farmers were weighted down
with mortgages and debts and that
there was no hopes for anybody or
anything unless he was elected and
the democratic- party was given the
control of affairs.
The governor was elected and now
see how things have changed. No
one would ever believe that just the
mere putting of a man in the govcr-
as usual, me insurgents claim
that they are going to down Cannon
this time. Well if he can be downed
then down him. Hut down or not
down, do something for Nebraska
it it is loutui that there is power
enough ih congress to work the trick
successfully, then pull off the deal
and get down to business. But
there is not, don't waste the whole
session in making a fight on the leader
just for the sake of getting glory from
being called an "insurgent." There
are wieghtier matters to be consid
ered more than Cannonism or Al
drichism, and a congressman is not
paid to go to congress for the sake of
getting cheap glory, but for the pur
pose of getting results for his dis
trict and for his state. The editor of
this paper is not much on the Cannon
order, but as between accomplishing
something with Cannon and accom
plishing nothing against Cannon, we
prefer to take the tail with the hide
rather than lose both tail and hide.
Alter Many Years New Passenger
Station Is Built.
COLUMBUS, Nov. 22. The new
Union Pacific passenger station at
this place has been completed and the
work of removal of the furniture and
other effects was completed Saturday.
It will be the finest station between
Ogdeu and Omaha and has been sadly !
needed for many years. The old build
ing will be torn down.
It is hilariously amusing to read the
criticism of the World-Herald against
the republican congressman of Ne
braska who have accomplished things.
It criticises the methods used, forget
ting that the owner of the same
World-Herald who has been in con
gress quite a while has never done any
thing to distinguish himself. It should
sweep off its own doorstep before it
makes any remarks about the little
dirt that it appears to sec on the door
step of a neighbor.
As far as Nebraska is concerned the
great football game of the season will
be pu.led off on Thanksgiving Day
when Johnnie Bender, the once great
star of the Nebraska team will line up
his Haskell Indians in a game at Lin
coln with the Nebraska university.
There will be great doings that day for
Bender would give more to beat
his old friends than to win a game
from Yale. At the same time Nebras
ka does not propose the let Johnnie
have his way.
Captain John P. McPherson.
The body of Captain John P. Mc
Pherson, a notice of whose death ap
peared in these columns last Thursday,
arrived in this city Monday from Ida-
10, and was taken to the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Ramgc and the funeral
sermon was by Canon II. B. Burgess.
nternemt was in Oak Hill cemetery
jcside that of his wife who preceded
him a number of years ago. The de
ceased is survived by one son, Charles,
and two daughters, Edna and Grace,
the former residing in Omaha and the
atter in Idaho. Also two sisters, one
residing in Omaha and the other in
New Jersey.
Captain McPherson was well and
favorably known in this vicinity as a
pilot on the Missouri river, as pre
viously stated in these columns. He
married a sister of Mrs. John Leese-
ey, and Mrs. Fred Ilamge was a cou
' Injured at Shops.
Lone Kessler is reported to have had
one of his legs badly injured while
working in the Burlington shops Mon
The editor of the Minden Courier
in an argument with this paper in
which he put up five reasons for being
a democrat, says that he "foolishly an
swered a fool according to his folly."
At the time we thought they were the
five most foolish arguments we ever
heard and we are glad that the editor
of the Courier acknowledges the com.
The arguments of the average dem
ocratic editor do really look foolish in
A town is judged a great many times
by its business done. It is also judged
by the rustling abilities of its besiness
men. If a commercial club represents
the feeilng existing in a town then
the city of Plattsmouth should rank
as the leading third city in the state
We will put up our commercial club
against any town in the state, barring
none, when it comes to get-thereitive-ness,
and we are not ccepting some
of the larger towns either.
It would seem that the Standard Oil
combination had really struck a snag
this time. 1 1 is doubtful whether thety
will survive the shock. They could
pay a pretty stiff fine all right, but
when it comes to a question of being
forced out of business, it is a different
proposition. That, too, just as winter
is setting in. Foor fellows, they may
have to get down to work like honest
The editor of the Lincoln News has
for a short time quit the discussion of
"non-partisan" matters and is now
discussing big battleships. He is much
better qualified to intelligently discuss
battleships for he has seen so many
sail up Salt Creek and maneuver on
Capital Beech lake.
Watchmaker and Jeweler.
If you are asking yourself where you can buy
best and cheapest your needs in the jewelry line you
will get your answer if you look through our superior
Sterling Silver Souvenir Spoons 50c to $1.50.
Six Sterling Teaspoons 3.50 to $6.00.
Watches $1.00 to $100.00.
Diamond Rings . . .$5.00 to $100.00 and up.
Pearl Handled Knives and Forks, per set $12.00.
Sterling Silver Knives and Forks, per set $20.00.
Our stock of Christmas goods will be the largest
and choicest in Cass county. It will pay you to give
us a call. Everything sold as guaranteed.
For Sale.
Team of good horses, weight 2,900.
rice, $400. 63-4x D. M. Graves.
Rebekahs Elect Officers.
During the regular meeting of the
tebekah lodge, No. 40, Saturday eve
ning the following officers were elected:
Noble Grand, Mrs. Will Busche; Vice
Grand, Mrs. Will Brissey; Secretary,
Mrs. Bertha Peterson. A very enjoy
able evening was spent.
Presbyterian Aid Society.
The Presbyterian Ladies' Aid soci
ety will meet at the residence of Mrs.
W. II. Newell Tuesday afternoon at 2
o'clock. Miss Arnold will be the
V. Zucker spent Sinday un Omaha.
Elevator Changes Hands
Last Saturday It. C. Wenzel sold
his elevator and coal and implement
business to E. P. Betts and P. F.
Venner. Dick has almost grown up
in the elevator business and his many
friends will regret to see him step
out. His successors are well and fa
vorably known to the people of Eagle
and vicinity, both as citizens and
business men and will be right at
home in this business, both having
had former experience. Eagle Beacon.
For Thanksgiving.
Miss Clere Briggs who is attending
the state university will arrive home
tonight to spend Thanksgiving. She
will be accompanied by Miss Francis
of Cheyenne who is also a student at
the university. They will remain the
rest of the week.
Departed lor Home.
Mrs. Abbie Baker who caused the
arrest and conviction of her husband,
Charles J. Baker, on the charge of
bigamy, departed last evening for
her home in Coshocton, Ohio. She
was accompanied by her brother,
Plainer Shaw.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Peters of
Springfield have arrived in the city
and arc the guests of their daughter,
Mrs. John Gorder.
WU1 Attend Wedding.
Among those who will attend the
Harris-Fricke wedding this evening
from Lincoln are: S. II. Atwood and
wife, Mr. and and Mrs. Julius Pepper
berg, Simon Mayer and daughter, and
Mrs. Joe Lline. From Ashland, E. C.
Wiggenhorn and his daughters, the
Misses Eugenia and Dora W. A.
Harnsberger and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Wiggenhorn and Miss Luclla
Lansing. From Omaha Mr. and Mrs.
J. II. Dumont, Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
Dumont, Miss Dumont, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Draper Smith, Mr. and Mrs.
II. E. Evarts, Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Harris
and Eugene Harris.
Well Known Here.
Sophia Wiborg, wife of John Wiborg,
former residents of Plattsmouth, died
at her home in Omaha Tuesday eve
ning and will be buried tomorrow after
noon from ner home, 525 South 25th
Avenue. The Degree of Honor, in
which order the deceased held member
ship will assist in the services. Mrs,
Wiborg was born in Sweden Oct. 8,
1858. She leaves a husband and two
sons beside a large number of friendb'
to mourn her death.
ireu iiamge, jr., una ianiiiy o;
Havelock will be the guests of the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Ramgc, over Thanksgiving.
! E. G.
The Denver papers nre feeling sore
over the way Nebraska downed their
foot ball team last Saturday, and lay
it to the wind. Evidently the wind
The fellows who Hre losing their
jobs because of the sugar graft wil
probably begin to think before winter
is over that after nil honesty is the best
In a few days you will be giving
thanks that you are alive, but just
think about that poor turkey, and
how he must feel.
The day will surely come when the
anti-standpatter will be held in the
out there has not subsided yet, judg-' same light us the onco noted free sil
ing by the wail. ' Ver advocate.
5" -t t'hW.
The best goods you can put on your table is none
too good for you and don't necessarily cost more
than the other kind Judge for yourself from the
list below and remember the quality of the goods
offered is the best for your Thanksgiving dinner.
Our Blend Coffee the best in the land, per lb 30c
Home made Chicken Soup, 3 lb. can 10c
A. B. C. Spinach, none better, 3 lb. can : 20c
Uniform Can Peas, 2 lb. can 10c
Red Pennent Peas, 2 lb. can 10c
J. M. Tomatoes, 31b. can 13c
Hignutt Tomatoes, 3 lb. can 10c
J. M. Pumpkin, 3 lb. can 10c, 3 for 25c
Jersey Sweet Potatoes, per lb 4c
Best Jersey Cranberries, per qt 10c
Best Cove Oysters, 2 lb. can 20c and 25c
Yakima Valley Cherries, 2 cans 35c
Laubard Plums, 3 lb. can 13c, 2 for 25c
Quart bottle Olives 38c
Large bottle stuffed Olives . 38c
Ripe Olives, per can 30c
A. B. C. Canned Fruits and Vegetables; none finer put up.
We have a fine line at the right price. Try them once and
you will say they are good enough for anyone.
18 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar for $1.00