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About The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1909)
REPORTS OF CAMPAIGN COMMITTEES Showing Amounts Received and Disbursements In Detail. Democrats. 1, J. S. Livingston, duly elected vlinirniun and treasurer of the dem ocratic county central committee, lo licrcliy certify that the following sire the true amounts collected hy me as Mich treasurer, RivinR the itnmunts, from whom received and the date received: It. F. Hrcndel. . $ 10 00 W. li. Ihum'inK $ 10.00 II. D. Travis . 10. M W. C. Kamsey.. 10 00 'url Frickc... 10 00 Henry U. (ieiiiin 10 00 W. FJiillespie.. 10 00 IJeornc Snyder.. 10.00 .S. Hovles 1 0 CM) C. 15. Jordan... 10.00 J. II. Foreman.. 10 00 Julius Fit a 5.00 State Committee 35. (X) F. M. Schlater.. 75.00 I). V.. Morgan.. 75.00 M. Archer 75.00 A. J. Snyder.... 75. IK) Miss Foster.... 75.00 11 Tutt 50 00 Kd Tutt 25.00 ;eo. Meisinger. 50 (Ml Jeo. MeisiiiRer. 25.00 Total $085 00 The following are the disburse ments made hy me as treasurer of the county committee- Paid for postage (damps . l'lutts. Journal. .$100.01) Sundry Kxp. Hates 30 00 Kime 25. (K) Wundcrlich... 25.00 Crimes 10 00 Crimes 10.00 J. II. Donnelly 50 00 Meeting at Un ion 25 00 "20 precinct.. 2(M).O0 5 precinct. .. 100.00 Livery 22.50 I Yrtionul exp ... 05 00 $077.50 Ihdanceon hand 7.5(1 I hereby . certify that the above is a true and correct statement of receipts and expenditures hy me as t-.mrcr of the democratic county fvittrul committee, as above set forth. J. S. Livingston, Treasurer. 10 2S-0!) 10-2S-0!) 10-21-0!) 10-23-0!) 10-27-0!) 10-21-0!) II) -23-0!) 10-23-0!) 10-21-0!) 10-21-0!) 10-30 -0!) 10 -2S-0!) 10-31-0!) 10-23-0!) 10-23- 0!) 10-23-0!) 10-230!) 10-30-0!) 10-230!) 1030-0!) 1023-0!) 1030-0!) ...$ 15.00 102309 10-20-09 10-2S 09 10 2S 09 10-2309 10-28-0!) 10-2509 10-31-09 10-31-09 10- 31-09 11- 2-09 11 2-09 Republican. HUCKUT.S. M.L. Friediich... 9 200!) $ 15.00 L. H. Daft 9-20 09 (10.00 A.J. lieesou 9-22-0!) 30 (H) Hal. former trcas. . 9-2300 4.19 F,.K.(),lcH, 9 25 09 30.00 (leo. Tushinsky. . .10- 1-09 30 00 John i.,.... 10- (V0!) 10. (M) ..lohnScliul!ing....lO- 7-0!) .50 V. 1). IJuiiitoii.... 10-11-09 35 00 It. 1. Clement.... 10 -H--p!l 5.00 Win. DclesDernici-10 22 -09 30.00 i 1). (Jnii.ton....l0 22 0!) 30.00 Ilarrv Karl hold. . . 10 30-09 30.00 M. L. Friedrieh. . .10-30 09 30.00 JV. J. Heesou 10-2!) 0!) 30.00 A. I). WcILmi 10 2!) 09 30 00 John Campbell for. Odcll 11- 2 09 30.00 Total $159.99 DlSHFItSKM FjNTS. W. Clapj), exp. . . . 10-20 0!) $ 30 .00 UJ. MMvlicld.plg.lO 20 09 15 00 Dr. li. W. Cook getting out vote 10 20 0!) 175.00 James Robertson, exp. of ehm 10 2S 09 30 00 I). L Taleott get ting out vote. . .10 29 09 10 00 Vi. T. Ada tin, get ting out vote. . .10 30 09 10.00 Dr. li. W. Cook, exit) 30 -4)9 25 00 Union Ledger, ptg. 10 30 4)9 5.00 W. A. Clark, ptg. .11- M!) 10 00 P. S. Uarncs, get ting out vote. . .11- 1-09 5.00 Frank ltarnes, get ting out vote. .11- 1 09 5 00 J. Y. Carter, get ting out vote. .11- 1-0!) 5 (H) W. Clapp, railroad fare to get voters home 11- 1-4)9 5.00 Jessie Woodard, tel cphone 11- 4 09 2 (5 J. F. Wolfe, exp. team in getting outvote 11-4-0!) 0(H) Chas. Hucknell for gett ing out vote .11- 5 -09 1) . 25 J. M. Creamer for Retting out vote 1 1 - 9 -09 2 00 F.J. Hcnnings, do. 11- 9 0!) 10.25 Jeo. Olive, ptg.... 11 10 0!) 15.00 News-Herald, ptg 11-17 09 10 00 W. Clepp, exp. . . .11 17 -09 25. (H) Hal. on hand ... 19. SI Total $159 99 I). L. Taleott, treasurer of the re publican county central committee, if Cass county, Nebraska, being duly sworn, depose and says that the above is a true and correct report id nil receipt and disbursement i if the campaign fund of the county campaign and that there are no ob ligations outstanding against the com mittee, according to his best knowl edge and belief. Further alliant wiycth not. 1). L. Taleott, Subscribed and sworn to before inc this UJnd day of November, 1909. A. D. Wilson, Notary Public. Hunger makes me think of you ; . Thought of you makes me hungry; Between the thought and sight of you, Indeed I'm always hungry But with appetite awaiting a nickle in hand and? you ) in store who could wish for anything more? NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY; 1 ""rrrrA ? A t I The Best f ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? t ? ? ? ? ? f ? f f t ? ? V "IwrfW Ml J 5 '",? That is what our groceries are. Our Store is filled with GOOD GROCERIES not bargain counter stuff, and you would do well if you would give us atrial. If you want some special delicacy, call us up by phone we have a full line ol them. Soennichsen's 1 V J! ? V: ?! i f ? ? ? ? y f ? y ? ? t y y t y : t t v 9 y f y WW V nunc. V y y y y y y ? ? ? ? ? A. J. DOVEY BLOCK REAL ESTATE. Town residence from $450 to $:?,000. Don't nay rent Hny longer. You can own your own dwelling cheaper. Let me show you some good chances to acquire farms in Ne braska. South and North Dakota, Missouri or Texas. FIKfi INSURANCE written in six of the best companies. SURETY BONDS. Get vour bonds from the American Surety Coi ' ACCIDENT INSURANCE. The risk of personal injury is 49 times as great as that of losing your property by fire. Secur a policy of the London Gurantee and Accident Company and be sure of an income whil you are onable to work. , INDEPENDENT PHONE 454. y t y f ? ? ? ? ? t y We Are Headquarters For All Kinds Of GOOD THINGS TO EAT Look over the following list and see what you want t y r r x ' X I X I X X X x X i X X X X x t y y f t ? ? t ? y t y ? ? y y y ? ? ? y y t y y y Turkeys. Get your orders in EARLY as we have a limited number at 25c. . Ducks. Some nice fat ones at per lb 15c Geese. These will be sold at per lb 15c. Spring Chickens. From small to large, per lb 12V to 15c. Old Hens, per lb 12k. Prime Rib Roast Beef, per lb 12k. Seal Shipt Oysters, per qt 50. Pickles, Sweet, Sour and Dill. Look Over Our List of Vegetables. Celery, per bunch 5 and 10c Radishes, per bunch .5c Leaf Lettuce, per bunch v."c Sweet Potatoes, per lb 4c Parsnips, per lb 3c Carrots, per lb 3c Cabbage, per lb 4c Spinach, per peck 25c Onions, per peck .25c Honey, per frame 20c , Country Butter, per lb 25c Creamery Butter, per lb 38c Cranbeines, per tit 10c Sweet Mixed Pickles, perpt 10c Bananas, per doz 20c Oranges, per doz 30c Lemons, per doz 30c Grapes, per lb 15c Pears, per peck 25c Squash, each 10c Sweet Pumpkins, each 10 to 25c Mince Meat, per lb 12k Olives, per qt 30c Chow Chow, per qt 30c Cheese, per lb 22c These cold mornings are just the time to buy some of our Pure Buck Wheat Pan Cake Flour and Maple Syrup. Plenty of Fresh Eggs H AT T & SON t y f y y f ? ? ? y ? ? y y t f y ? ? ? y y t f y ? t f y t t y y y y ? ? y y f y y y ? ? T y