The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, November 22, 1909, Image 8
t Y T Y f m W1 m Mr ' I I tit! VA AA AA AA AV AA AA AA AA A A AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA A, J. E. DOVEY BLOCK REAL ESTATE. Town residence from $4."i) to $3,000. Don't nay rent any longer. You can own your own dwelling cheaper. Let me show you somo good chances to acquire farms in Ne braska, South and North Dakota, Missouri or Texas. FIKB INSURANCE written in six of the best companies. SURETY BONDS. Get your bond from the American Surety Co. ACCIDENT INSURANCE. The risk of personal injury is 40 time as great aa that of losing your property by fire. Secure a policy of the London (Jurantee and Accident Company and be sure of an income whil vu are onable to work. Independent phone 451. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y v A COUGH IS LIKE A MULE You've got to cow it to get it to go. We hare a cold cure that will dart the most stubborn cough going and quickly make it disappear entirely. We have wilneued iu eSecUreoeti io hundreds of out tad guaran:ec thtf it will (top your cough.ury f COMPOUND CHERRY JVIC2 COUGH SYRUP . , , I a ifcliglirful eouBl cute, ci'njy i!;.itrnt (ram Ae otj, Muwao'ni toujh rnnediet. Itt d.iijlillij flavu nukn ii tv (ultuMo. and childirn nprciallr like U ttadily. Iirdmai ciwrl.t anit aart urn throat and hoaneae. U it docaa'l Mop your couth brini ui bid i.iecajxjf botile and well wturayaur money.' Threa popular ma, 25c., 60c. and $1.00. F. Q FRIGKE 6c GO. DRUOOISTS. EXPERT PILL MIXERS. Cold Weather Comforts Our Coal is the best cool weather comfort that you v,'ill be able to find in town. These chilly full winds will soon turn into winter and you will need the comfort that our coal will give you. Uetter order early to avoid disappointments when an extra chilly day comes. ii J. V. Egenberger ,;, ,;,,, ,tt, 1. 1, ,, ,, ,, ,. LOCOMOTIVE BLOWS UP Engine Explodes While Pulllnj Train out of Lincoln.' FIREMAN KILLED. ENGINEER WOUNDED Engineer May Die as Result of Injuries Sustained. 1 RACE MARK ThcVMarh That Means Long Service Here are some records of Keen Kuttcr Tool service; Saw 20 years, Draw Knife 13 years, Hatchet 32 years, Shears 17 years, Butcher Knife 20 years and 3.5 Saws have been sharpened with one Keen Kutter slim taper file. The uniform excellence of if TOOLS is shown by the fact that oyer 100,000 Keen Kuttcr Draw Knives have been sold and never one returned as defective. Keen Kutter Tools liave been standard of America for 36 years, and no better tools have ever been made. The Keen Kuttcr trademark covers a complete hue of tools and cutlery. Sold by JOHN BAUER 0 IQ b 0 u News LINCOLN, Nov. 19. While en gine No. 2010 was pulling a train out of tin; Lincoln yards yesterday after noon the boiler of the locomotive ex ploded, killing the fireman, (.'. A r t , 11 ii.i iweecnam, latany wounded the engi neer, George Tierce, and badly injured Brakeman M. II. Upton. The engine, one of the heavy freight pullers employed on the fast trains, was left almost a total wreck, but cars immediately behind it were neither damaged nor thrown from the track. The heavy boiler was blowiuforward a distance of 4().'l feet, striking the ground three times before finally stopping near the side of the track. In one place where it struck the track it broke the rail and drove a great hole in the ground several feet. Persons who saw the explosion from the Clooch mill de clare that it reached a height if fifty feet in its trip forward. The injector was blown from the boiler and de scribed an arc over the heads of the section men working along the track, landing 400 feet beyond where the boiler finally stopped. Other parts of the engine were found even greater distances away. Engineer George A. Fierce was hurl ed a distance of 80 feet to the north west of the place where the explosion occurred, while Brakcnian Upton was hurled 50 feet. Fireman Meccham was thrown di rectly back onto the tank, his bones crushed by the impact and his body scalded by steam. He lived but a few minutes, and neverre gained conscious ncss. Died In Chicago. Thomas A. Fay, the general store keeper fot the Hurlington system, passed away at his home in Chicago Wednesday night. He had been in poor health for some time. The store keepers over the entire system will probably attend his funeral Saturday. RED MEN BREAKOUT Escape from Reservation and Hold War Dance By Moonlight. SQUAWS AND PAPOOSES ENGAGE IN DANCE Band from Omaha Reservation As sists In Hullabaloodlum. The editor of the Daily News this morning sits in his office with fear and trembling. List night while going calmly to his supper he was rudely en ticed away and before he knew it he was in the midst of the greatest hulla baloodium it was ever his experience to encounter. The editor likes music, therefore when the sweet strains of beautiful music arose from the top of the stairs at Coates hall he began an investiga tion and the resuly was most satis factory. We arc in fear and trembling this morning, not because we are afraid that the Hedmen will caieh us again, but for fear that they will not. Candidly, the Ilcdnien ball at the wigwam last night was a great success. Those red fellows know what the peo ple want and they gave it to them, too. A largo crowd was in attendance and a good time was had by everybody. About ten o'clock the floor was clear ed of the dancers and the Hedmenjbe gan their war dance about the camp fire. Then followed the moonlight waltz participated in by red m'ii and their squaws only. The lights were turned out and the pale, blue moon cast its artificial light on the scene while the sweet strains of the Iledmen orchestra from the Omaha reservation lent the occasion much interest. After that was over the room was again cleared and the merry dance went on. The receipts of the Wall were very satisfactory to the Indians and we await with pleasure their next break from the reservation. Visiting Here. Roy Miles, now a resident of Cali fornia but at one time a I'lattsniouth boy, has been here lately on a visit with old friends. He also vnited with Frank Weidman at l'lainview. Mr. Miles expects to return to his home in a few days. i Warner's Rust-Proof Corsets Corset style is noted in the extreme" length of skirt. This completely en cases the figure, but is unboned and soft and absolutely comfortable, sitting, standing or walking. These new D.. rectorie Styles define the waist, but do not emphasize its curves; the emphasis is on length the corsetted figure pre senting an appearance of long unbroken lines, as shown in this Warner Corset. These corsets are guaranteed to wear not to rust, break or tear. Warner's standard of quality is so high that this guarantee is almost superfluous. Security Rubber Button Hose Sup porters Attached Price, per pair 1.00 to 5.00. Every pair guaranteed. This Book and any 15c Pattern FREE for 20c. E. A. WURL STYLE BOOK fit) Efc Vv ..V iv ; nil yj : WINERY Tin Ladies ItoMEMRNAL PATTERNS-- Important Notice. All persons knowing themselves to be indebted to us in any sum arc re quested to call and settle at once, either by cash payment or by negotia ble notes. Asemissen & dinger. W. II. Freese, wife and their daugh ters, Mrs. L. V. Copenhavcr, Mrs. Don York and Miss Violet, spent Saturday in Omaha. Burlington Time Table. o. ft. o. 4. o. 02. o. an. o. 2. o. 1. o. ;io. (I. 21). No. 20. o. l.V o. 211. o. a:l. KAST UOI NI). C'liloaito Fast Train 7:53 a. in. I.0011I to 'hlcuo. . . . ;.ii:.r,4 a. m. Local to Pacillc Jet ...1:12 i. m. Stub to racillc Jet 2:40 p. m. ('liicHKo fst train .V(H) p. m. liOral from Omaha 0:25 p. m. Arrlvi-K from l.iuivllk3 :H) p. m. tul) from Omaha 4:00 p. m. WEST I101ND. Ix)cal from Cedar Creek and lyoiiisvlllo. 7:10 a. m. Fast train fur Lincoln. . ,S:16 a. m 01 111 wniunn 1 ;;m p. m Schuyler. ..3:20 p. m' A. WTO December 15 We Close Our Store ani The Goods Must Go A. vv A. A t ? ? ? ? t t f X t T ? ? ? ? t ? t ? ? f V f ? t I 1'aint, was $l.Oo, now per gauon VV . . . .. ii now per gaiionn ft YnS n w raees Commencing today and continuing until December loth, there Quick meal 1-inch oven, was $."(), now 40.50 will be something doing all the time in the hardware business in Platts- Mounted grind stone, was $(?."(), now 4.00 mouth. It is our intentention to discontinue business at this place Snow Ball washer, was $fi.f0, now 4.98 and remove to Dakota, and it is not our desire to take a dollar's worth Motor wash machine, was $10, now 7.50 of our big stock with us. In order to close it out completely we have Garden hose, was 12 l-2c, now 08 slashed prices right and left as you will readily see by looking over a Rolled rimmed porcelain lined 5 1-2 foot bath tub, was $19. .13.25 few of the quotations we present below. Remember that fll" C It S 1 This Sale Will Continue Only 30 Days. Then all goods remaining unsold will he packed up and whipped. Run your eye over these prices and then get busy. It is your time to buy what you want at prices never before offered: Klfl X V Paint, was $1.(50, Faint brushes, were $1.40, now... Paint brushes, were $1.00 now. .. Carborundrum stones, were SI. 15, now Carborundrum stones, were $1.00, now No. 5 U. 8. Cream Separator, was $00, now No. 7 U. S. Cream Separator, was $70, now Remingto double barrel hammerless shotgun was $112.50. Stevens double barrel hammerless shotgun, was $20 German Heater heating stove, was $32, now t t ? t t Y ? t ? ? ? ? ? r .. 90 69 .. 75 C5 ..72.00 .56.00 .. .25.0 . . .13.5 . .23.00 14-inch Splendid .heater, was $14, now 10.00 Moore's glass oven door range, was $58, now 46.00 . Owing to the fact that we are goifig out of business, we cannot give credit. We want our friends to take advantage of the big bar gains offered. We have quoted but a few articles. We would sug gest that you call at our store and select what you want and wc will give you prices that will astonish you for their cheapness. F.very ar ticle in the big stock has been marked down to prices that should peal to you. Do You Want a Furnace? We have four of the very best made which will be sold almost at your own price. The furnaces arc absolutely guaranteed and are fuel savers. Farmers, a Chance For You. to buy wire fencing and anything else you may need on the farm Come in antl look us over and you will find that the trip has made you big money. ASEMISSEN & KLINGER PLATTSWIOUTH, NEBR. t t ? T ? ? t ? ? ? t ? ? ? ? t ? f ? ? t ? T ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Y ? ? ? ? ? t ? Y f ? ? ? X ? z