The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, November 22, 1909, Image 5

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    We certainly feel proud of the ujv
pcurauce of the Tlattsinouth Daily
News since they have installed their
new type machine. Not only that but
It ia a mighty well edited paper and
Editor barrows is apparently getting
the support in a measure that he de
serves. The lepuMican party needed
a good news-paper in Plattsniouth and
there is one there now who can tell the
truth and still be an influential factor
in the community. Wttiing Water
lit Has the Time Now.
Clerk of the District Court Hobert
m is a happy man today, in fact he
has been happy since last night. For
some time past Mr. Robertson-has
been cni.oyrd because he was unable
to give the time tf day to callers at his
office and he has frequently been put to
the tiouble of going to some other office
to get the time. Taking advantage of
a meeting of the board of county com
missioners he went before that body
with a request that a time piece of
Rome kind be provided at the clerk's
office. The county board expressed
great sympathy for the genial clerk
and really felt that he was suffering for
a lack of time. So great was their sym
pathy that they went at once into ex
ecutive session and the result of their
deliberations was a subscription paper
which was generally signed by the
members and other officials and a time
piece was purchased. Immediately
after the district court had adjourned
a body of men consisting of the com
missioners and the other contributors
to the time fund, headed by Judge
Pemberton, filed into the clerk's office
and informed Mr. Robertson that it
had come to their knowledge that his
office was not working "on time" and
knowing that he was bo particular in
that respect they had decided to pur
chase for his use a time piece which it
was hoped would be to him a remem
brance that he was not forgotten by
his other official friends who desired
that his every want should be prompt
ly provided for. It gave them great
pleasure to present to him a means
whereby at all times he would know
when to go to his meals and at the
same time when he looked it in the face
he would recall one of the happiest mo
ments of his official life. Judge Pem
berton made the presentation speech
i 1 his most hnnnv vein and the emo
tion of Mr. Robertson was. most pa
thetic to witness. As the judge con
cluded his speech he stepped forward
and "handed the clerk a package."
for a few moments Mr. Robertson
was too overcome to reply, but finally
h! arose to the occasion and spoke elo
quently of the pleasure he felt. Then
h remobed the wrappings and dis
posed to view a handsome "Inger.ol
watch." Tableau and then some.
Hiwever, Mr. Robertson is wearing
p oudly his new timepiece, and looks
a though he was happy.
Final Settlement.
In the matter of the estate of James
C. White, deceased, final stelement was
made this morning. The amount re
ceived by the executor was $17,525. (iO.
The amount paid out was $3,747.03.
For distribution among the four heirs
w'.ll be $13,778.57.
1 The
That is what our groceries
are. Our Store is filled with
not bargain counter stuff,
and you would do well if
you would give us atrial.
If you wa::t some special
delicacy, call us up by
phone we have a full line
ol them.
Bride Is Daughter of II. Norton
ol this City.
The folulwing from the Rrock bul
letin will be of interest to Plattsniouth
people le cause of the fact that the
bride is the daughter of Mr. 11. Norton,
agent of the Missouri Pacific Railway
at this place:
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. II.
Norton, in Talmage, at S:3() a. m.,
Wednesday, t.ccurred the wedding of
Fred (. Hawxby and Miss IVarle
Norton, both of Auburn.
The ceremony was performed by
Elder Harris and the bride and groom
were attended by Miss Gertrude Rob
ertson and Elmer Dovel. Immediately
after the wedding breakfast which fol
lowed the ceremony, the bridal couple
drove to Julian and boarded the train
for Kansas City at St. Louis to spend
their honeymoon. They will be at
home to their friends in Auburn after
January 1.
The bride is the daughter of II. Nor
ton, formerly of Rrock. and was reared
in this village where slio was very pop
ular and has a host of warm friends.
The groom is the junior member of the
firm of Stull & Hawxby and is one of
the leading attorneys of southeast Ne
braska. Uncle Tom Was Injured.
Thomas Kennish, called by his best
friends "Uncle Tom," was injured this
morning but, we are glad to state, not
Of late he has been driving a team
for the Dovey store. This morning he
had backed his team up to the rear
door of the store, the wagon being
heavily loaded. One of the mules got
frisky and proceeded to hold the reins
with his tail. Mr. Kennish reached
forward to sooth them and about that
time the contrary animals took a no
tion to run. The sudden start threw
the driver forward onto the ground and
one of the wheels passed over his foot.
Mr. Kennish was picked up and car
ried into the store and later taken
home where upon examination it was
found that no serious injury had re
sulted from the mishap. The thick
mud into which Mr. Kennish fell evi
dently saved him.
Louisville Courier.
General Manager Pollock of the In
dependent Telephone Company, was a
business visitor in town Tuesday.
J. V. Kinnison was agreeably sur
prised at his home Saturday by a par
to of friends, it being his 37th birth
day. An enjoyable time was spent
and Mr. Kinnison was the recipient of
a lovely oak rocker. Refreshments
were served and at a late hour they re
turned widhing him many more happy
In our report of the vote of Louis
ville precinct in last week's issue of the
Courier an error crept in, giving the
vote received by Commissioner M. L.
Fricdrich as 05 when it should have
been 95. Mr. Fricdrich was eledted
for a second term, after one of the
hardest fights of the campaign, his op
ponent, G. P. Mcisinger, being very
Best !
Flies Two Petitions.
In the matterof the estate of Dr.
Edward T. Rickard, deceased, Mrs.
Lydia M. Rickard, the widow, has
made application for appointment of
herself as administratrix. Mrs. Rick
ard has also petitioned the court for
the appointment of herself as guardian
of her two children. This is made nec
essary owing to the fact that Dr.
Rickard had left life insurance pay
able to the children, Eisner, aged 10
years, and Edward T., aged 3 months.
Sixteen Year Old Lassie Elopes
With Mr. Turnlpseed.
OMAHA, Nov. 18. Little Ruth
Spencer, a pretty sixteen year old las
sie from Rising City, this state, in
company with a young man by the
name of Thomas Turnipsced appeared
before Judge Leslie and were made man
and wife according to the rules laid
down and provided.
Little Mrs. Turnipsced had the con
sent of her father who accompanied
the couple. They first tried to get
married at Council Rluffs, but the
magistrate there would not grant
them a license. Mr. Turnipseed's
home is in Washington, Iowa, and
they will probably return to that place
ultimately, although Mr. Turnipsced
has been working at Norfolk.
Lowered In Mine at Cherry, Ills.,
But Driven Back.
CHERRY, Ills., Nov. lS.-Two
brave men, unable to stand the uncer
tainty as to the conditions existing at
the mine in which are buried 300 of
their fellow workers, volunteered to
go down and were lowered into the
depths of the earth yesterday.
They were unable to go farther than
about 300 feet, but reported that the
fire seemed to be abating and it is
hoped that in a short time investiga
tion can be made. The men were ut
terly exhausted when they were hauled
to the top.
Charles M. Rlgg, Well Known In
Nebraska, Is Dead.
BEATRICE, Nov. 18. Charles M.
Rigg, well known all over this section
of the state and a former Nebraskan
who took much interest in politics, is
dead aCJuIesburg, Colo., according to
word receivec here yesterday. He
was traveling for the Beatrice Cream
ery Company at the time of his death
and lived in Lincoln.
WhUe Hunting Rabbits Hunter
Finds Body Near Emerson."
EMERSON, Neb., Nov. 19.-The
body of a man was found in a cornfieh
near this place yesterday by Mr. Hen
ningston who was out hunting rabbits.
He was found in a natural position
with his coat under his head and a
small sum of money with a pass book
on the First National Rank of this
place was found in his pockets.
The book had the name of Ed Hun-
lin written in it, but the bank officials
were unable to identify him in any way
The book showed that there were $75
on deposit at the bank. The coroner
has taken charge of the body and will
investigate the natter.
One ol the Most Severe lor Years
and Drills 20 Feet Deep.
BROKEN BOW, Nov. 19,-Roads
leading into this city have been block
ed for several days on account of the
huge drifts of snow which have been
piled up by the storm and wind.
Some of the drifts are twenty foet high.
The roads are now quite well opened
and in a day or so traffic in and out of
the city will be resumed again in a
natural manner.
Owns Ranch.
A. P. Kiser of Sundance, Wyo., who
came to Nebraska with his parents in
1850 and settled near Nebraska City
on a farm, but now resides on his large
ranch, departed for his home Thurs
day. He had been visiting his old
friend, A.M. Franks, and has about
concluded to dispose of his stock ranch
and return to Cass county to reside.
Erroneous Report. ,
A representative of the Loose
Wiles Cracker and Candy Co., of
Kansas City, was in the city Friday
calling on the trade. He says that the
report that he is looking for a location
to establish a branch house is not so.
but it he was he would not look any
further than Plattsniouth. .
Attend Bazar Tonight or You will
Miss Something.
Once more have the ladies of St.
Mary's Guild demonstrated that they
usually make a success of anything
they undertake. The bazar given last
night and which will be repeated to
night was well attended and the re
ceipts were something like $170.
Coates hall which is being used for
the event was lxautiful!y decorated
and the bootlis were filled with articles
consisting of fancy needlework and
other things of a nature to appeal to
the shopper. As the News man viewed
the pretty scene Wednesday afternoon
his attention was first attracted to the
Maidenhood booth, which was in the
form of a garden party, with the wall
covered with poppies. At this booth
were served coffee, baked beans and
brown bread. Next came Girlhood.
This booth was built with a number of
nets, and oyster stew was served, also
lovely rich cakes, pies fruits, salads
and "sit h." Near by was Childhood,
built in the shape of a ginger bread
house, presided over by children who
sold ice cream, popcorn and candy..
One of their great drawing cards was a
grab bag. The Infancy booth was
built in the shape of a large cradle in
red, white and blue. Here they sold
everything to delight t he little mother's
heart. The Matrons booth, where all
kinds of aprons and fancy work were on
sale, was liberally patronized. Ad
joining was a booth built in the shape
of a porch party for old age. The dec
orations were conceived by Mrs. II. S.
Austin and carried out under her per
sonal supervision.
Then came the MINSTRELS.
what are we going to say about them.
We laughed so much last night that,
honestly, when we start to write our
impressions our old head is filled with
merry thoughts and our heart with
laughter and it is almost impossible
for us to sober up long enough to do
the job justice. Any way, here is the
Interlocutor Mes. H.'S. Austin as
Miss Fillis Filena Funny Pace.
Bones Grctchen Donnelly as Miss
Dina Do Little and Miss Gladys Sul
livan as Miss Pansy Heartbreaker.
Tambos Florence Dovey and Ber
nice Newell.
Minstrelmen Helen Kline as Miss
Sweetie Spellbinder, Edna Patterson
as Betsy Belinda Butter Ball, Mollic
Seivers as Miss Nancy Nimblcfoot,
Dorothy Britt and Verna Hatt.
The soloists were Gladys Sullivan,
Helen Kline, Grctchen Donnelly, Edna
Peterson and Mrs. II. S. Austin.
The dancer was Mollie Seivers and
the accompanist lone Dovey
The troupe of trained artists were
under the direction of Mrs. II. S. Aus
tin. The large crowd which gathered to
see the minstrels expected to be enter
tained, but it was totally unprepared
for the appearance of the black face
artists when they made their appear
ance upon the stage and therefore the
burst of applause following was spon
taneous and hearty. The specialty
stunts by Misses Kline, Sullivan, Pet
erson, Donnelly, Sievers and Mrs.
Austin were ridiculously funny and
each artist received all that was coming
to them in the way of handclapping.
One feature not down on the bills hap
pened when two of the beautiful col
ored "gentlemen" appeared wearing
whiskers which simply wouldn't stay
on. It is no use, girls, you will have to
wear whiskers by proxy.
We want to compliment the entire
company upon their efferts, and Mrs.
Austin upon her success in bringing
her troupe to such a state of profi
ciency. The show will be repeated
twice tonight.
Montana Exhibit Coming.
A special Great Northern railway
car of exhibits from the Milk River
valley of Montana is now touring Ne
braska and will be here on December 5.
All are invited to see what President
James J. Hill of the Great Northern
pronounces one of the most wonder
ful exhibits of agricultural products
that has been raised or seen in the
West. This exhibit created a sensa
tion at the recent Dry Farming con
gress at Billings, Mont., where Pres
ident Hill made one of his remarkable
addresses. A limited number of copies
of this address are caiied on the car
and a copy may be hnd upon request.
Handkerchief Shower.
Miss (iretchen Donnelly gave a de
lightful handkerchief shower this af
ternoon in honor of Miss Lena Fricke.
Bridge was the chief source of amuse
ment. A delightfiul two-course lun
cheon was served. Those present were
the Mesdames T. P. Livingston, A. E.
Gass, Carl Fricke, CJeorge Falter, Ilea
F. Patterson, and the Mioses Frances
Lee Hatch, Claire and Florence Dovey,
Lucetta Patterson, Omaha; Minnie
(luthman and Dora and Lena Fricke.
They Saw the Scrap.
The 'English-Fitzgerald prize light
iu Omaha hist night which went ten
rounds to a draw was witnessed by
Messrs. Thos. Bates, Dr. Elster, Matt
Goring and Cloyd Hhumakcr.
Want Column
WANTED Woman to do laundry
work. Good wages, apply at once at
Hotel Riley.
WANTED Young men and women to
fill positions paying $K)0 to $2000 per
annum. Big demand for stenograph
ers in the Government service, as
well as in private business life. Our
new method of teaching shorthand
by mail insures as thorough and
practical a training at your own home
as is obtainable by personal attend
ance at any business college in the
country. We guarantee bucccbs.
Complete course for small cash pay
ment; balance to be paid when you
secure a position. Trial lesson free.
Central Business Institute, Central
Building, Washington, D. C.
FOR SALE CHEAP At Smith's barn,
Plattsmouth, Neb., a new carriage.
Lady owning same has quit keeping a
horse. It must sell. sw-tf
Will Trade.
One of the best ranches in central
Nebraska, 3,000 acres, highly im
proved, cut 1,000 tons of hay, fenced
and cross-fenced, well watered, has
over 400 acres of good corn laud, 12
miles from station, $22,000. Waut a
Cass county farm.
480 acres, in cultivation 150, fenced,
Las house and barn, 12 miles from de
pot. A snap for eash at $12.50 per
acre. It. B. Windham,
61-3x Plattsmouth, Neb.
Bank of Eagle, Eaelc.
' ; Nehawka Bank, Nuhawka.
! Bank of Murdock, Murdock.
First Nat'l bank, Greenwood.
State bank of Murray, Murray.
' ' Viral Wnl'l ttnnlr IMaltamniitli
. They Like Ills Herd.
II. II. Teich and E. T. Teich from
Sheridan. Wyoming, were in the city
today and went out to sec the herd of
Red Polled cattle which are owned by
W. II. Hile. Mr. Ilile will have a sale
of his stock some time in the near fu
ture and the gentlemen were so well
pleased with the herd that they are
coming back at the time of the sale
and make a bid for the whole herd.
They say that it the best bunch of cat
tle they have ever seen.
Mrs. Henrlchsen Entertains.
Mrs. William Henrichsen most de
lightfully entertained the Kensington
club at her home on North Third
street from 2 till 5 o'clock and was
thoroughly enjoyed. Games of various
kinds and vocal and instrumental mu
sic quickly whiled away the hours.
A splendid dinner was served. Those
who were fortunate enough to be pres
ent were the Mesdames Fred Renzer,
Andrew Kroehler, Olga Croskary, John
Lutz, George Bruhl and Flora Wad
dick. Acknowledge
the Benefit
Plattsmouth Has to Bow to the
Enevitable-Scores of Citi
zens Proves it.
After reading the public statement
of this representative citizen of Platts
mouth, given below, you must come to j
this conclusion: A remedy which cured
years ago, which has kept the kidneys
in good health since, can be relied up
on to perform the same work in other
cases. Read this: .,
J. W. Hickson, Oak Street, Platts
mouth, Ntbr., fays: "I will never
cease to praise Doan's Kidney Pilln,
as they were of such greot benefit to
me several years ago. My kidneys and
back were a source of constant suffer
ing and I was subject to attacks of
lumbago that came on without the
lenst warning. The simplest move
ment was painful and I was anoyed
more or less by the irregular passages
of the kidney secretions. I reHd so
much about Donn'e Kidney Pills, that
I finally procured a box from Gering &
Co. 's drug store. I was so gratified
with th results of their use that I
publicly endorsed them in 1906 and 'at
this time, I heartily' renew that state
ment. I hope that other kidney suf
ferers will profit by my experience."
For Bale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Viilburn Co., BulTalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Kemember the name-Doan't-and
take no other. 60-4
Lmal Nolle.
Alvln KpitIh. (Ufin.lunl. will lake notice that
? f,1."i"i',rltl !u' A''KU. I'HW. Ada Kirrla.
lllri(lfT.nll her petition In thn dlntrlrt rourt
of raw county. Nrhranaa, aaliiKt the cirfwid
ant, the iihioct and praycint whk h In to obtain
a iltnti of illvonti (mm tan htind of matri
mony, ami for the niKtotly of Iht rhlliiiwi. to
lt: Kthfl. flair and Krnm'th. and for such
other rt-lli'f an inly may iMinrtv
oil am minimi hi auxwvr earn petition oo
Ix fore llio 20lh day ol Ifcu ombor, lOU.
,. . . Ada Purria.
Uy her Attorney, M. An h.r
Legal Notice.
State of Nehraidia, . ,, , .
County of Cam. m- lu ' ounl' Coart..
In the matter of the nttle of Margaret M.
WallliiK, dcri-amiri.
To all pemonn intoriwleuV
Yoii arc hereby mnille.1 that the executor of
the alMive entate ha lll.ot In thta court Ida re
port toitether with a petition, prayln therein
that aaid ixilaU) lie mHUikI anil the executor be
dlHCharied, anil that the estate be dlxtrlhutud
and aw Kiiml accnrdliiK to the term of the laat
will and teNtanienl of mild rimwml
That a heartu will he had upnn'ralil report
and petition before thin rourt. at I'laltsinoulh.
l!JHil rVu".,y.,m the Vh day of November.
ISMMi, at o ehwk a ro ami that all objection.
If any muni tie tiled on or liefora aaid day and!
hour of hearing
W it new niy hand and the acal of thn county
court of Raid county thl h day of November.
J'"-, Al.i.KN J HKKHON.
I County Judgo.
Legal Notlct.
Hlato of Nebraska,
., , f. In County Court.
Cam County.
Ill the matter of the cwtiitc of Jacob P. HI en
tier, uoccuflod:
Notice In hereby ftlven that the creditor nt
Kttid doceaie.l will mccl the adminlNtratxii of
Raid cMtto, before ine.lViiinty Judge of Caw
County, Nebraska, at the County Courtroom
In riutlAinouth, hi saUl County, on thn lltli
... ..... 'mi-, limit, aim on in I4tn day
of June, HMO, at 0 o'clork a. m., each day for
.... .nm. i'm-kiiiiiik mi'ir claims iur ex
amination .adJiiHlinent ami allowance.
Hl montliM are allowed for the creditors oT
aaid ilecrawil to prewnit their claim, and on
VWIP fur I lui n.l...l..lut...i.. ... ii
t : """,Mi .unit! nnui estate.
from the 1 1 1 It day tif December, HMMl.
.. ,..- . mini a in, toe acal 01 nam l vlin
tvt'nurt f1iuii,i,.i,ih .i. ..
: V- '"....'.n.f, jii'triauina, una lata
day of November, I'kw.
, , Allen J. lleewon.
INfcAL.l County JuilKt-
At Low
Round Trip
On sale every first and third
Tuesday in each month to every
part of the Southwest.
Hugh Norton, Agent.
Do you want an
If you do, git one who has
Experience, Ability, Judgement
Telegraph or Write
Robert Wilkinson,
Dunbar, Nebr.
Or call at ihc Ntwa Herald office and
wo will save you trouble and expense
in Rcttinj? diiteu and tonus.
Good Service. Reasonable Rate-
X Smoke an
And be Happy
lltist MIIi(i I(-Cr1 r)tnlM' Icitif
atufrlm. BrM t ijlpfd Ufatjl Of.
Ik la tot Mudli Weil,
aateiat oiacoufcTa ie tm viairoM.
M Hoot I'aiion Hik .lliu A, OMAHA, NEB.
"iiuuyyr .
Sali a ol-r. R. ,f V
rso!rfcrf '"i-T in"J. 'tk h
UlAttoffn HIMNI. ri.l..V't"a
lnkMan Dki. .ii,t i i .... u . -
j -CjV . t.t.WFIJ till,!
rWcCv 'Ma In li J and ui4 r,
T m'HSl HIM. 1. llh Ul. to