The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, November 22, 1909, Image 4

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    va m v-a m V w m i T
1 nti NfcWb-HfcKALU t
Entered at the postoffice at Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska,
aa second class mail matter.
One Year in Advance, $1.50.
Plattsmouth Telephone No. 85.
In other words, the Burkett
theory, as thus plainly stated by
the Plattsmouth News, is that a
Nebraska senator should meek
ly piny the role of cnnip follower.
Not only that, but he should be a
camp follower in the wake of the
ruthless forces that are plunder
ing and pillaging his own state.
He would stoop to lick the boots
of Commander-in-Chief Aldrich in
order that, out of the millions of
tribute collected from Nebraska
for the gorging of the "system" a
few thousand dollars may be doled
out and returned to Nebraska in
the way of federal buildings and
pie counter provender.
It is useless, according to Sen
ator Burkett's friends, for a re
publican senator fron Nebraska
to act with LaFollctte rather than
with Aldrich, because Aldrich has
the bigger army. It is useless for
Nebraska republicans to have con
victions and be true to them, be
cause they are a hopeless minority
in their own party. Nebraska
should be a sycophant and a lick
spittle instead. That is the only
way to "get results."
Senator Burkett is welcome to
all the good he can get out of this
statement of the case by a warm
friend.the Plattsmouth News,and
we trust it will be given wide pub
licity. H'orM- Herald.
The Duily News is not following in
the wake of the forces that arc "ruth
lessly plundering and pillaging his
own state." The News is a republi
can paper and has nothing in common
with the present democratic state ad
ministration, neither did we assist
either as a "non-partisan" republican
or democratic, editor , to put the
present administration in power.
Neither do we believe in following
in the footsteps of Chief Aldrich nor
of "licking his boots so that out of the
As usual the editor of the World
Herald has to go the whole hog or
none. There is no half way position
with it. It must either be radical or
the other extreme. It can sec no good
ia Aldrich, but a whole lot of good in
Jim Dahlman. It accuses the Daily
News of being out for the pie counter,
aud through its pic counter glasses
of course it is to be expected that noth
ing else can be seen. It is the most
hide bound party paper in the state of
Nebraska, notwithstanding it flaunts
lit the head of its editorial columns
that it is an "Independent News
paper." There is nothing independent
about it but its annouencmcnt.
The Daily News believes that in or
der to get results at Washington it is
necessary to go where those r3sults are
to be had. You can't get apples from
a sage bush. You can't get booze in
Omaha after eight o'clock unless you
go where it is. Neither can a congress
Nix! Nine! No!
We are now duily receiving our line of Toys and Xmas mer
chandise. By the 6th day of December we will have on display
the Unrest and most complete line of Holiday Merchandise ever . .
shown under one roof in the history of Plattsmouth. The prices
will be lower than the same merchandise can be purchased any
where else, regardless of close out sales, special sales, fake or
misleading sales, we are here to stay. We own the building we
occupy as well as the merchandise therein and its all paid for.
Wo can and do undersell. Come and purchase any article you
wish, take it home or take it into any other store, compare: it.
then if you are not more than satisfied return it, and your
money will be returned to you just as fast as it can be counted.
We will quote prices in this space just as soon as the merchan
, dise is displayed for your inspection.
The Variety Store
. Plattsmouth, Nub., 3rd Door East of bank of Cbhs County.
WW W W-v A V T
Bualnaaa Magagar
Six Months in advance, 75c
Nebraska Telephone No. 85
NOVEMBER 22, 1909 X
man or a Benator get results at Washing
ton by looking for results from a source
where no results spring from. It is
not necessary to be a camp follower or
anything of the kind to get results. It
is not necessary to follow blindly the
lead of Aldrich in the senate of Cannon
in the house in order to accomplish
things. The men who have accom
plished most for Nebraska were not
blind followers of such men, but had
enough gray matter in their noodles to
sec that in order to get at least some
thing they had to be friendly with the
sources which had those things to give
It is not necessary to be a "blind fol
lower' in order to get things at Washing
ton. But it is necessary to have gray
matter enough to know what to do in
order to accomplish something. The
World-Herald idea is that if a man is
knocked off of a ship in mid ocean he
should refuse all assistance unless it
cornea from the right source. He
would rather be food for the fishes
than accept relief from the source
which in his own narrow way of think
ing would be unpropcr.
As to whether it is folly for a repub
lican senator to act with LaFollctte
rather than with Aldrich, that ia a
question which probably will not be
left for the World-Herald to decide.
The World-Herald has a standing ex
ample right in its own household dur
ing the past number of years of how
much a congressman can accomplish
for the state who has persisted in work
ing against the powers that be aud
with the powers that be not.
As to Senator LaFollctte, whom the
World-IIerald delights to hold up as
an example for Burkett to follow, we
quote LaFollette's own words in
speaking of Senator Burkett:
"X Ret the truth about Bur
kett you must study him close.
You must study his record. When
you do this you will sec that he is
a progressive senator progres
sing." As to the editor of this paper being
a warm friend of Senator Burkett, we
will say that we never met Mr. Bur
kett.and never have spoken a word with
him, but we have known him by repu
tation for many years and have noth
ing to take back regarding that gentle
man. We adnirc hkn as a man, as a
citizen and as a statesman, and if the
United States had more men of the
Burkett stamp at Washington there
would be no occasion for the dismal
howls that ascend from the Farnam
street tomb.
The question is often asked why it is
that the east has it so much its own
way when it comes to making laws at
Washington. The answer is easily
found. First, it has the numlers.
Second, it has the long experience
which counts.
If one will take the time and trouble
to look at the present congress and
will look carefully at the men who com
pose both houses they will see the an
swer. It has always been the policy of
the eastern and older states to keep
their representatives both of the lower
and upier house in congress for years.
By bo doing they have as representa
tives men who understand every move
that can be made which will tend to
help their cause. They do not elect a
man and then just about the time that
he would begin to be a valuable repre
sentative, set up the "two term enough
cry" and relegate him to the rear.
We would like to ask the merchant
which of his clerks as a general rule
is the most valuable. The answer will
be, the one who has been with me long
est and understands thoroughly the
business and the customers with whom
he comes in contact.
Ask the farmer who of his hired men
is the most valuable to him and he will
say that it is the man who has been
with him long enough to understand
the farm, understand the different
kinds of silo and the cultivation there
of. 43ne who knows the horses and how-
much they can stand. Who knows the
stock and the different breeds. And
who knows where each piece of ma
chinery ia kept and the one hundred
and one things that it is so necessary
to know about the farm.
Then why not use the same judg
ment in political life here in Nebraska
that a man would use in business life
here or anywhere eLe. Why not use
the same business sense in politics that
you would use in anything else
The East holds the power that it
does for the very reason that their rep
resentatives have been there so long
that they know every move that must
be made in order to accomplish what
they want. They have been there so
long that they know what to do and
how to do it. The opposition which
A A .1 .
conies 10 xnem irom me v est is easilv
disposed of because the West is unac
quainted with the methods of legis
lation and ns a result experience cuts a
greater figure than inexperience, as it
always does. It is just another plain
case of experience and large numlrcrs
against inexperience and small num
bers. . -
The East held the chairmanship of
the committee that framed the tariff
bill and this was the sixth tariff bill
which Senator Aldrich has helped to
make in his twenty-six years in con
gress. The chairman of the committee
on appropriations is Senator Hale of
Maine, who has served twenty-eight
years. The chairman of the commerce
committee is Mr. Fryc of Maine, who
has served twenty-five years. The
committee on foreign relations is Sen
ator Cullum, with twenty-six years'
experience. By looking over the list of
committees it will be seen that all the
important chairmanships are held by
men who have been in congress long
enough so that their length of service
and experience has entitled them to
the positions they hold.
The West will never be a power in
congress until she recognizes the fact
that in order to gain the recognition
she deserves she must keep her repre
sentatives in congress long enough so
that they can learn the ropes and by so
learning them in such a way that every
move will count and bring the right
kind of results. Nebraska has never
kept a senator in Washington long
enough, with possibly one exception,
to get the experience necessary to get
results. If he does not accomplish
something right away, he is turned
down and another man not one whit
better is sent down, only to meet the
same fate.
(live a man a chance to make good
and give him to understand that he is
going to be kept there long enough so
that he enn cojw with the fellows from
the East and then Nebraska will get
results. Until then the only glory that
can be had will be the fun of bucking
up against a stone wall and being
culled an "insurgent." It is very pop
ular nt this time, but it isn't accom
plishing very much for the state of
Nebraska or for the West.
The editor of the livening Journal
persists in worrying over the future
prospects of lion. E. M. Pollard for
receiving the nomination for congress
from this district. Mr; Pollard has not
o far as we have seen made any public !
announcement that he is a candidate ,
for the nomination in this district, j
But if he should, and the editor of this
paper thinks he will, with the record of
the past Uhind him, republicans of
Cass county and the district should i
familiarize themselves with his public j
record before they think seriously of
supporting any other man. The editor !
of this paper never became acquainted
with Mr. Pollard until less than three
months ago, but we knew something of
his record, both as a member of the
Nebraska legislature and as a member
of congress, and as one looks over that
record carefully he will find that the
state of Nebraska never had a more
earnest and conscientious representa
tive either in the legislature or' at
Washington. The only criticism that
the opposition can find against Mr.
Pollard is that he supported Mr. Can
non at various times. At no time was
Mr. Pollard what might be called an
ardent Cannon supporter. Mr. Pol
lard went to Washington and to con
gress to represent the First district
and the state of Nebraska. He soon
learned upon arriving there that if he
wished to accomplish anything for his
district and his state it was necessary
to be classed among the regular repub
licans of the house. In being classed
as such it was not necessary, and nei
ther was he. what some have classed
him, a "blind follower" of the Cannon
outfit. It was necessary in order to
get recognition to some extent have a
standing with the forces that were in
power and recognizing this fact Mr.
Pollard supported measures which
were advocated by Mr. Cannon as long
as the support of those measures did
not materially work in opposition to
the interests of Nebraska. In doing so
he was able to ask and receive recog
nition where a man who was a "blind
knocker" had no prospect to even be
noticed. It is a well understood fact
that a democrat stands little show of
getting very much from a republican
majority and that a republican stands
in the same position with a democratic
majority, therefore it is reasonable to
expect that a man who goes to con
gress with the averred purpose of fight
ing the men who are in power can
stand little chance of landing any leg
islation which will be for his interests
to have passed. In order to accomplish
things one must be with the powers
that accomplish results..' A man with
good judgment can go to Washington
and get results without being a "blind
follower" of Cannon and his men, but
he has to have some gray matter in
his cranium so as to be able to distin
guish between "blind following" and
"blind knocking." Mr.-Pollard ac
complished results because he was pos
sessed of good sound judgment and
used it in way which had he been sent
back to Washington a year ago, Ne
braska would have received something
in return, instead of the First district
being a blunk. Study the public rec
ord of Mr. Pollard. It will bear the
closest scrutiny.
The editor of this paper is not a but
insky. We do not believe in sticking
our nose into other people's affairs.
The city of Plattsmouth has granted
the slaoon keepers of the city the right
to do business for the year in which
their license runs. There are certain
rules under wjich they are allowed to
do business. We admit that the en
forcement of all of those laws would
work a hardship upon the saloons, and
as long as they are given a license we
are willing that the people who want
saloons should be given the -privilege
of patronizing them as long as the li
cense has been granted and the law
gives them the right. In many local
ities there are a class of citizens who
believe that there is no harm in taking
their families and going to a saloon
and sitting down for a family lunch
with beer and balogna. As a class they
arc all right and in taking their family
there they are following out the prac
tice of the country from which they
came and as a general rule they know
how to conduct themselves properly.
They believe that a glass of beer is
good for them and their families and
we have no quarrel with them or no
criticism to make, of them for their
belief, for they are honest in it.
The criticism we do wish to make at
this time is that there is a law against
taking young girls into saloons and
treating them tbintoxicants, either in
the saloon proper or serving them in
the rear of the aloon. In the back
Watchmaker and Jeweler.
Has a Very Large and Choice
Selection of
All solid gold. We no not carry any other kind.
Baby Rings tOcto1.25.
Large selection of Ladies' Set Rings $1.00 to $10.00.
A complete assortment in sizes and weight in plain and
Band Rings $1.00 to $8.00.
Gents Set Rings $3.00 lo $10.00.
Be sure to see our line of Stick Pins, Cuff Buttons, Chains,
Lockets, etc. Large assortment in all lines and we can
please you in prices.
room of a certain saloon in this city one
day this week two young men and two
young women were seen drinking beer
at a table. It is understood that one
couple was a man and his wife, the
others were relatives. That, however,
cuts no figure in the matter. The law
prohibits the treating of young women
either in or about a saloon and the
habit should be stopped.
If the authorities of the city do not
desire to carry out the law the saloon
keepers of the city should take the
matter into their own hands and for
their own protection sec that the habit
is discontinued. If they do not, some
day somebody is going to get a com
plaint lodged against them and then
every saloon keeper in the city will
have to stand the consequences wheth
er innocent or guilty. For their own
protection they should see that this
incident does not happen again.
The editor of the Daily News would
rather be classed as a "stand patter'
aud feel that he 8 a loyal representa
tive of the party that has carried the
government through every trial that
has assailed it, and carried it through
successfully, rather than stand as a
"progressive" when the name was the
only sign of progressiveness. Wj had
rather be up in the front rack, or any
where else in the line, loyally support
ing our leader, than to be bushwhack
ing in the rear harrassing him at every
point. We believe that President Taft
is worthy the hearty support of every
man who voted for him for president.
We believe that every man who voted
for him for the presidency should at
least give him a chance to show wheth
he confidence placed in him by the
Arriericun people has been misplaced.
We do not believe in electing a man
as a leader and then begin placing ob
stacles in the way of his success as a
leader. If he was worthy of our vote
be is worthy of our support afterward.
If the so called "progressives" can
show in any undertaking that Mr.
fTaft has ever hnd a part in that has
not been brought to a successful ter
mination, .then there would be some
excuse for their action. We wish to
say right here that if we are to be
classed as a "stand patter," then we
accept, and as a "stand patter" we
will do our best to stand up for the
principles of the republican party as
we see them, and stand by the admin
istration of President Taft until he has
shown that he is unworthy the posi
tion as a leader.
Special Sale at Larkin's
In order to make room for our large 8tock of Holiday Goods
we will offer at Special Sale the following articles:
35 and 50c Barrettes, 16c. 35 and 50c Collar Pins, 16c. Hair
Rolls, Back Combs, Side Combs, Belt Buckles, Black, Blue and
Brown Elastic Belts. We also have a lot of Cotton and Linen
Towels and some good Hosiery and will all go at 16c.
We are getting ready for our Holiday Display, new goods
arriving every day. We shall have the best Btoek of Christmas '
Toys and Novelties ever shown in Plattsmouth and the prices
will be right.
P. A Barrows, in Plattsmouth
News: "We don't particularly
care whether our senators from
Nebraska arc friendly with Al
drich or not.- We are not bother
ing our head very much or howl
ing very hard as to whether our
congressman support Cannon or
not." There are men in Can
county who wilt not fall all over
themselves to agree with the last
part of the above paragraph; and
yet the News man says he is a
"progressive "republican. LVi
culn News.
The above from the pen of the dem
ocratic editor of an independent paper
which delights to pose a9 a republican
organ is a sample of the "progressive"
bullfrogging which most of the coun
terfeit progressive sheets are putting
up in order to bolster up their-cause
and deceive the people.
The editor of this paper does not
care how much these lead doller fel
lows criticise this paper. The only
thing we would like for them to do is
to be fair in their statements. This.
however, in our long experience witli
the animals, has led us to know is an
unknown quantity with them. Should
they be fair and meet the issues fairly,
they would have no argument, and
consequently, like the demindican ed
itor of the Lincoln News, they have to
resort to deceit in order to get credit
for being smart,
The above clipping as published in
the Lincoln News was copied from this
paper and is the truth so far as it goes.
But the Lincoln editor did not care to
publish the rest of the statements
Why Because in doing so he would
lose a chance to deceive the readers
of that paper and make them believe
that there was something wrong with
the editor of this paper.
The Lincoln News man need not
worry his noddle over what men in
Cass county will do with the editor of
this paper. We are doing nicely,
thank you, and have no kick coming.
When we make a statement we pro
pose to back it up and not have to re
sort to bullfrog arguments to carry
the point. However, while it may
seem nice to be the editor of a big pa
per like the Lincoln News and feci
tickled because lots of folks don't
know he is a democrat, the editor of
this paper prefers to edit a progressive
republican paper of the kind that is
progressive in fact and not in name
only. The half-breed kind of editor
never did have any attractions for us,-- -