The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, November 18, 1909, Image 5

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Watchmaker and Jew ler.
Has a Very Large and Choice
Selection of
All solid gold. We no not carry any other kind.
Baby Rings 10c to f 1.25.
Large selection of Ladies' Set Rings $1.00 to $10.00.
A complete assortment in sizes and weight in plain and .
Band Rinjjs $1.00 to $8.00.
Gents Pet Rings $0.00 to $10.00.
Be sure to sec our line of Stick Pins, Cuff Buttons, Chains,
Lockets, etc. Large assortment in all lines and we can
please you in prices.
The Day Gompers Goes to Jail All
Workers May Go Out.
Ufytt ftt this time that in all probability
there may be a general strike ordered
all over the country on the day when
the officers of the American Federation
f Labor are gent to jail for contempt of
Resolution to thio effect have been
unanimously adopted by "3,000 work
er in several different lines in this city.
)opiei of the resolution were also sent
to the American Federation of Labor
wbih it now in session in Toronto.
Wabash Notes.
M. V. Wood was at Lincoln a few
4y last week. fgr .
Albert Waltz has been having a cou
sin visiting him.
The Baptist ladies will have a bazar
just before the holidays.
Mrs. VauEnery was a passenger to
Weeping Water Tuesday.
Henry Richard went to Lincoln last
eek. From there he will go to New
Mr. Caygul, who has been sick the
past week with an attack of pneu-
minoa, is reported as improving.
This part of the country was visit oil
by a snow stoim Friday afternoon
which turned into rain which continued
until Sunday morning.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley died last Tuesday and was in
terred in the Wabash cemetery Wed
nrsduy. A good many relatives were
here to attend the funeral and the sym
pathy of the community goes out to
the sorrowing parents.
Laid to Rest.
The funeral services of James Yel
inck, aged 50 years, was held in the
Rohemiun church Monday forenoon at
1) o'clock. Father Shine officiated.
The deceased was born in Bohemia
aud had resided here for nintecn years.
He is survived by a wife and four chil
dren, Mrs. Anna Zitka, and Misses
Lillian, Herniia and Mary. Among
those present at the funeral were Mr.
and Airs. James Skvaril, Mrs. Joseph
Cisar, South Omaha, Charles and Jas.
Yelinek, Omaha, Mrs. Will Swatek,
South Omaha.
Nehawka News Note.
Isaac Pollard and Sons have just
closed their seusons' shipment of ap
ples from the celebrated Nehawka
Fruit Farm. It amounts in round
numbers to 20,000 bushels or .n,( car
loads more than a train load, in fact.
Their run of cider will be about 15 ear
loads, of 45.000 gallons. They have
p prayed their apple orchard for several
a ears anu me resuu is mere are very
lew defective apples.
Detroit Wins.
HAVANA, Nov. 15. The Amer
ican Detroit team defeated the Alinen
dares, a crack local team of this city,
yesterday by a score of 4 to 0.
Names Delegates.
Among the delegates named by
(tovernor Shallcnberger to attend the
third annual meeting of the Missouri
River Navigation congress to be held
in Omaha on December 14-1G are Dr.
J. S. Livingston and Col. M. A. Bates
of Plattsmouth, Attorney Oeo. L.
Loomis and Charles II. May of Fre
mont. Funeral Services.
The funeral services over the body
of N. H. Shulze were in the Christian
church Sunday, and were largely at
tended. Rev. Luther Moore officiated.
The deceased is survived by a wife and
.the following named children' Mrs.
Nellie Hennessey, Missouri Valley, la;
hurlcs of lork, Bert of Omaha and
.ainait oi uub cuy.
Mm Lillian Bokrujyer sp.nt Sun
day la this city with the home folks.
Going to Leaie Town.
It is with regret that we announce
that Asemissen & Winger have deter
mined to close out their business in
Plattsmouth and remove to some point
in Dakota where they will embark
again in the same line of business.
This firm has made many warm and
firm friends in this city and county who
through their courteous treatment of
patrons and by square dealing and the
regret heard on all sides testifies in a
slight manner the esteem in which
Asemissen & Klinger are held. In this
issue will be found the announcement
in which prices are quoted that should
make all sit up and take notice. Ev
ery article in the big store has been
marked down and every article in the
store must be sold on or before Dec.
15th, otherwise what remains unsold
will be packed up and shipped away.
The sale is now on and it is for cash
only. Go and see what is offered and
get prices.
Eiperlences the Worst Storm In
Over Thirteen Years.
FARCO, N. D., Nov. 15 Trains
are blocked on the Northern Pacific
and other roads out of this place by
the worst storm experienced in this
locality for thirteen years.
Sixteen Inches of snow fell accompa
nied by a forty mile wind and all traf
fic is at a standstill. Telephone and
telegraph wires aro down, street cars
at a standstill, and no services were
held in the churches yesterday.
They are Responsible for Present
Undesirable Conditions.
OMAHA, Nov. 15. Bishop Scan
nell of the Catholic diocese of Omaha
scored the yellow journals yesterday
and said they should not be allowed to
be circulated. He also scored the
woman in politics, saying that they
were inconsistent and unfair, demand
ing unlimited freedom of the press,
which should not 1)2 grunted b ecausc
of the things they lead up to.
Eighteen Year Old University oi
Virginia Lad Is Dead.
WASHINGTON, Va., Nov. 15.
A. It. Christian, who was seriously
hurt in a foot ball game at Georgetown
last Saturday, died at the hospital
there yesterday and was taken to
Richmond for burial. The autopsy
disclosed that death was due to cere
bral hemorrhage following concussion.
Score of Six to Five Shows Close
ness of the Game.
LINCOLN, Nov. 17. The Lincoln
high school won from Omaha high
school at Antelope Park yesterday af
ternoon in one of the harelest and
closest game's seen here in years.
The teams were very evenly match
ed, Omaha being the heaviest, but Lin
coln making up for lightness in speed.
Omaha made the first touchdown of
the game in the first half on a forward
pass the quarter back to right end, who
took the ball ami went over the line
after a run of thirty yards, but failed
to kick goal.
Lincoln scored in the last half on a
fumbleel punt by Omaha, which was
secured by Leslie Mann, the brilliant
player of the Lincoln team who had
been put into the game the hist half,
ami raced down the field for a touch
down and then kicked goal.. The
score at the close of the game wa six
to five in favor of Lincoln.
At the Session Held on Tuesday,
November 10.
I Board of county commissioners met
in regular session with all members
j present.
i Minutes of the previous meeting
I were read and approved, when the fol
j lowing business was transacted in reg
! ular form:
I Bond of Charles Clapp, constable
Elmwood precinct, approved.
Bonel of William H. Rush, road over
seer Kernel District No. 7, approved.
Bond of Walter Hardneick, road
overseer Road District No. 10, ap
proved. With reference to an article pub
lished in the Louisville Courier of Oc
tober 30, l'JOi), signed by County Su
pcrintendent Mary E. Foster in which
it cast reflections upon the County
Board of Commissioners:
We as a board elenounere the charge
us false
The bill of goods she bought amount
ing to $700, she said she could have
bought the same bill of goods from
another firm for $350.
The commissioners would like to
know why she did neit buy them there
as she had the authority to buy where
she wished. She also maele the state
me ut "that she did not deal on as large
a scale as some of the commissioners
would like to have." If this is a fact
why did we as a board cut the claim
from $700 to 84 W.
She also v. ikes the claim that she
would like to know what is going on in
her olfice. If she is not familiar with
the duties of her office, it is time that
she post herself on said duties.
The county board never dictated to
the superintendent the kind, quantity
or quality of goods ordered up to the
time this bill was presented for pay
ment, at which time the board passed
a resolution that in the future no sup
plies should be ordered by any county
official without first procuring an or
der from some member of the board.
The following claims were ullowcd
on the general fund:
C. II. Smith, stamped envel
opes to treasurer $ 150.50
C. D. Quinton, boarding city
prisoners 7.75
C. D. (Juinton, salary and
boarding county prisoners. 203.30
L. D. Switzer, canvassing
election returns 12.40
J. II. Donnelly, do 9.00
M. L. Frieelrich, salary and
expense 21.10
L. 1). Swcitzer, do 21.25
B. I. Clements, viewing body
of Dr. Rickard 6.10
C. F. Yallcry, setting up elec
tion bewtha 3.00
II. -G. Wellensiek, room for
two elections, A voca 9.00
Joe Banning, room for two
elections, Lilu.Tty 8.00
Fred KYhne, room for one
election, Plattsmouth pre
einct 5.00
M. Archer, costs State vs.
Wilson 5.95
C. 1). Quinton, do 4.30
M. Archer, costs State vs.
Alike Slavieck 4.50
D. L. Amick, witness State
vs. Mike Slavicek 1.00
W. C. Ramsey, do 1.00
News-Herald, printing 24.30
Klopp & Bartlett, supplies,
$239.69 240.91
Nebraska Telephone Co., rent
and tolls 5.45
Peter Claim, stove and pails
to poor farm 2. SO
C. R. Jordan, salary and ex
pense 32.00
Geo. Stander, wood to poor
farm 9.00
T. J. huvr, labor at poor farm 10.20
The following clainu were nltowed
on the Road Fund:
T. J. Marshall, road work R.
D. No. 6 19.60
W. R. Brown, elo 3.00
II. Hart, do No. 7 59.20
M. Dalby, do. No. 0 25.07
J. H. Henegar, elo. No. 9 130.25
The following claims were allowed
on the Commissioner Road Fund:
Henry Snoke, roud work R.
D. No. 10 170.64
The following claim was allowed on
the Brielge Fund:
Nebraska Construction Co.,
bridge work 1503.20
Additional claims allowed on the
general fund
J. A. Eelgerton, labor at jail. . 42.30
J. A. Edgerton, assigned to
M. L. Friedrich 5.00
Dr. J. B. Martin, 3rd quarter
salary Physicians' Dist
rict No. 1 50.00
Meeting aeljourned to meet Tues
day, December 7, 1909. t
W. E. Rosencrans,
County Clerk.
Transferred to Omaha.
William Krisky, an engineer on the
Sioux City run, has been transferred to
Omaha, w here he will be given a switch
engine. The family will remove from
this city to Omaha neixt week.
Mrs. Tom Williams arrived Wed
neselay from Rainfrow, Oklahoma,
and is the guest of her friend, Mr. F.
A. Being three and a half mile souti
west of this city.
Frank Chamberlain Attempted
Life Says Wounded Girl.
BEATRICE, Nov. lfi.-Frank
Chamberlain the Beatrice young man
who attempted to mureler his sweet
heart, will have to answer to the charge
of attempteei mureler, or to the more
serious charge of murder, should tht
girl fail to recover.
It was at first given out that the girl
shot herself by accident, but later she
made the charge that Chamberlain on
her refusal to marry him at once drew
his revolver and sheit her. It was sup
posed that he intended to shout him
self, but the cries of the girl unnerved
him and he gave up the job.
The case is set for hearing in the dis
eirict court this morning, and much in
terest is manife'ste'el in the case as both
partie-s are well known in this city.
R. D. Sutherland will Try for the
5th District Nomination.
NELSON, Neb., Nov. 10. Ex
Congressmun R. D. Sutherland has
announeeel that he will make a try for
the democratic nomination for con
gress in this, the Fifth district. Fred
Ashton, the democratic candidate, was
only defeated last year by 22 votes and
Sutherland believes that a good man
can make the trip safely. ,
Doctor Puts up Tussle and Makes
Gotch Work to Win.
KANSAS CITY, Nov. lO.-Frank
Gotch of Ilumbolt, Iowa, remains the
champion of the world, but he hud to
work to keep it.
It took one hour and fourteen min
utes of hard work for him to down Dr.
Roller last night in this city,
He won the first fall in 40 minutes
and 20 seconds by a half Nelson and
crotch hold, and tho last in 27 min
utes and 39 seconds with the toe hold.
At one time in the second bout it
seemed that the shouhlers of the Iowa
man would surety be forced to the mat,
but he managed to wiggle himself out
and after ten minutes of hard work
forced Roller to the floor.
Masquerade Party.
Miss Ina Halt entertained a number
of her friends in honor of Miss Bertha
Jackson, who has just returned home
from Grand Islanel. The young la
dies wore masks und much enthusiasm
was displayed in the various game's.
Miss Mattie Larson was awarded the
first prize for the best masque. A
delicious two-course luncheon was
served. Those present were the Misse's
Bertha Jackson, Elizabeth Kerr, Eelna
Morrison, Mattie Larson, Angie Mc
Carroll, Jennie Button, ('ceil Hawken
lierry and Lelia Penarch.
Card of Thanks.
We wish to extend our heartfelt
thanks to our friends and neighbors
for their deeds of kindness and words
of sympathy during the sickness and
death of our beloved husband und
father; also for the beautiful floral of
ferings. Mrs. Eliza Shultz
and family.
the Benefit
Plattsmouth Has to Bow to the
Enevitable-Scores of Citi
zens Proves it.
After reading the public statement
of this representative citizen of Platts
mouth, given below, you must come to
this conclusion: A remedy which cured
years ago, which has kept the kidneys
in good health since, can be relied up
on to perform the same work in other
cases. Read this:
J. W. Hickson, Oak Street, .Platts
mouth, Nebr., says: "I will never
cease to praise Doan'a Kidney Pills,
as they were of such great benefit to
me several years ago. My kidneys and
back were a source of constant suffer
ing and I was subject to attacks of
lumbago that came on without the
least warning. The simplest move
ment was painful and I was anoyed
more or less by the irregular passages
of the kidney secretions. I read so
much about Doan'a Kidney Pills, that
I finally procured a box from Gering &
Co. 's drug store. I was so gratified
with the results of their use that I
publicly endorsed them in 1906 and at
this time, I heartily renew that state
ment. I hope that other kidney suf
ferers will profit by my experience."
For sale by all dealers. Price 60
cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name-Doan's-and
take no ether. 60-4
Want Column
WANTED-Woman to do laundry
work. Good wages, apply at once at
Hotel Riley.
WANTED-Young men and women to
fill positions paying $900 to per
annum. Big demand for stenograph
ers in the Government service, as
well as in private business life. Our
new method of teaching shorthand
by mail insures as thorough and
practical a training at your own home
as is obtainable by personal attend
ance at any business college in the
country. We guarantee success.
Complete course for small cash pay
ment; balance to be paid when you
secure a position. Trial lesson free.
Central Business Institute, Central
Buileling, Washington, D. C.
FOR SALE CIIEAP-At Smith's bam,
Plattsmouth, Neb., a new carriage.
Lady owning same has quit keeping a
horse. It must sell. sw-tf
Far Sale.
A fine large-boneel Poland China
sow with six pigs a month old. A
bargain ut $30. First come first
served. 01-2 J. W. Thomas.
Will Trade.
One of the best ranches in central
Nebraska, 2,000 acres, highly im
proved, cut 1,000 tons of hay, fenced
and cross-fenced, well watered, has
over 400 acres of good corn land, 12
mile's from station, $'22,000. Want a
Cass couuty farm.
.480 acres, in cultivation 150, fenced,
has house and barn, 12 miles from da
p it. A snap for cash at $12.50 per
acre. R. B. Windhum,
01-3x Plattsmouth, Neb.
Ltal Ntlc.
Alvln Ferris, defendant, Kill take notice that
on (lie fourth day of August, 1UOU, Ada Ferris,
plaintiff, filed her iictltlon In the district court
of Cas county, Nebraska, against the defend
ant, the object and prayer of which in to ohtain
a decree or divorce from the bond of inittrl
mony, and for the custody of her chlldrcu, to
wit: Ethel, Clair and Kenneth, aud for HUch
other relief as ult.y may require
von are rciiuirml to answer said wtltlon on
or before tho aoth day of December. lttOU.
Ada rerrlf.
Uy her Attorney, M. Archer
Legal Notice.
Mate of Nebraska, ( , t'ountv Court
County of Cam, ( " -nMamiy e ouri.
In the matter of the estate of Margaret M.
WhIIIiim, deceased.
To all persona Interested:
You are hereby notiilcd that the executor of
the altove estaU bus Med In this court his rev
port toitether with a petition, praylnii therein
that Raid estate be mailed and the executor le
discharged, and that the estate lie distributed
and assigned aivordiiiK to the terms of the last
will and testament of said deceased.
That a hearing v. Ill be hud upon said report
and petition before this court, at I'lattstnouth,
in said count. v.on the 2111 h day of November,
1!MM, at 0 o'clock a in., and that all object Ions,
if any, must I mi tiled on or Infore said day and
hour of hearing.
Witness my hand and the Real of the county
court of said county thin 4th day of November,
Seal.) County Judge
Do you want an
If you do, get one who has
Experience, Ability, Judgement
Telegraph or Write
Robert Wilkinson,
Ounbar, Nebr.
Or call at the News-Herald office and
we will save you trouble and expense
in getting dates and terms.
Good Service. Reasonable Rate.
Smoke an
And be Happy
Hank of Engle, Eagle.
Nehawka Bank, Nehawka.
Bank of Murdock, Murdock.
First Nat'l bnnk, Green wood.
State bank of Murray, Murray, j
First Nat'l bank, Plattsmouth T
lltllt AmiIikh llgk-Ofia Orathlrr ciim
lalirrkM. BMt-rq.tml0rll0f-flM
It U Midal Weil.
M flMi rtalan ,111k rtrn.m. OMAHA, NEB.
Notice of Election.
Before the Board of County Ommisionert of
tiie County of I'-tjm, Nebraska.
In ehe mailer of the organization of Liberty
Drainage Ihstrirt,
To all whom it may ennrern;
I'unuant to the order of the Board of County
Conimiiiiiioneri of therounty of Cana. Nehruka.
made and entered on the I9ia day of eirtober. A.
D.. i'JOtf, and by virtue of the authority vested in
me by tha Statutes of the Meat of Nebraska
hereinafeei dewribed. I. W. E. rWncrana.
County Clerk of Cass Count. Nebraska, do
hereby pive notice that on Ihe ith day of Octo
ber. A. I) . 19UH. A K Taylor. H. C. Tudd. J. K.
Mce'arn.ll. U. W. Conard. Luella R. Taylor, Jca
ie B. Todd. Barbara A. Taylor. M. 0. McOmn,
I. J. Hall, tH-nrge N. l.aHiw and K. II. Mc
Carthy, filed In the ollire of the County Clerk of
Cas County their petition in writing and aim
their bond with aurety thereon, all in manner and
form as by law required, and which bond ami
urety thereon waa on the 2nd day cf November,
A. l.. l'.iliH. approved by me The object and
prayer of aaui petition being for the organiiation
of Liberty Drainage Dktrict; aaid petition being
(lied under the provisions of an act paused by
the legislature of the .State of Nebraska and
approved by the liovernor thereof. March 27th.
1H07. entitled:
"An Art to provide for drainaire districts to
drain wet land; and land aubject to overflow; and
any land which will he improved by drainaire: -to
build dyke and levees; to conatruct, nu-amht-en.
widen, deepen, or alter any ditch, drain,
stream, or walereourne; to riprap or otherwise
protect the bank of any stream or ditch; to con
struct, enlarire, extend, improve or maintain any
drainage system: to construct, enlarite, estend.
improve or maintain any system of control of sur
face water or runnina- water: and the ruthta,
oblia-ations and powers of such corporations,
including the power of eminent domain, the crea
tion of ili bt". iHHUing of m irutiuble bonds, and thai
levviiiK of special a"rnH nta on such real es
tnlu snd easrmenls ih. rein as may be benefited
by such public work, und doflnin the duties and
powers of public olnciuts, " And amendment
That Ihe boundaries of said Lilierty Drninaa-a
District as hxfd and determined by said County
Commissioners are as follow , to-wit;
Commencinit nt the eem. r of ihe M it sour I River
where it intersects the east and went half sec
tion line of section twenty-eight (2X1, in town
ship (1(1), ramre fourteen (14). in the (iiunty of
Cass, Nebraska, thence continuing due west on
said half section line throuyh sectkma twenty
nino and thirty (29 A SO), of said township and
ranire to rsniro thirteen (IS), thence continuing
dua went tlnoiiKh section twenty-five (2f) to sec
tion twenty-sis VM), thehre north eia-hty (HO)
roils, thence due west one hundred and sixty
(INK rods to the half section line, thence, north
on the half section fine to the r.nrthern boundary
of section twenty-thne 1S)). thence duo west on
the north boundary line of said section . twenty
three ), with sretkms fifle. n and sixteen (10 A
In) on the north and sectkm twenty-one and
twenty-two (21 A 22) on the south, to the north
west corner of section twenty-one (21 , thence
south one mile to the southwest corner of section
twenty-one (21). thence due east on the Ruction
line to the northeast corner of section twenty
seven (27), thence one and one-half miles to tha
half section line between sections thirty-four and
thirty-five CM & 35). thence due east on the half
section line throuiih suid section thirty-five (:6)
to the center of section thirty-aix (.'. thence
south einhty V0) roils, thonoe east one hundred
and sixty I KM) mis to the seel win and ranire
line, all in township ten 10', north, ranire thir
teen (13) thence south to the southwest corner
of section thirty-one Cll), nnd to the Otoa
County line, thence east on the county line forty
(40) rods, thence south in Otoe County one hun
dred and sixty (Irtl) roils, thence east forty (40)
rods to the center of said sertion six OS), thenca
south one hundred and sixty I Hi I rods to the
section line, thence east on snld section line to
the center of the channel of tha Missouri Klver,
thence up tha center of the Missouri Klver with
its meanderlnirs to the point of beginning;. All
of aaid lands in Otoe County being in township
nine, north of ranire fourteen.
All land owners within the boundaries of aaid
proposed Lilierty Drainaire District and all others
concerned, are hereby notified that an election
will be held on r riday. November 19. A.D., 190V
between the hours of eiirht o'clock A.M. end six
o'clock I. M. at the olfice of the County Clerk of
tne imnty or Vivb, Nebraska, at riattamouth In
said county; thnt at suid election the question of
the formation of said Liberty Drainaire District
shall be determined and a Board of seven direo.
tors shall be elected, said boarl to take olllce
contingently on the formation of said dis'rict.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereinto subscrib
ed my official sis-nature as County Clerk and
aflixed the seal of Cam rountv. Neb-aka. at mv
office in the court house in tha city of I'latta-
mourn, In said county, this 20th day of October,
A. D., 1909.
Byron Clark and W. K. Rorkncrank,
W. A. KoHKKTKON. County Clerk of Cans
Attorneys for i'etitioners County, Neb.
KAI.i fj6-
Legal Notice.
HI ate of Nvhrnftka,
NS. In Cotinfy Cemrt.
Cbsh County,
In thii mntOT of the extnte of Jaeob K. Ston-ni-r,
(IixvummI :
Notice is hereby pjvcu that the creditors of
mild (ItivHKivl will iiiort tho administratrix of
mid twtiile, before inc (Vunty JihIko of Crh
County, Nebraska, at tho County Court room
In I'liitlKinoiith, in kiiIiI y, on the
day of Dcci'iiiIht. I (Mill, and on the 1 Ith day
of June, Itllfl. at f) o'clh a. in , each day fur
the purpose of prou'iiline- their claims for ex
amination .niljiiNtnii'tit ami allowancx.
Six months are ullowcd for the creditors of
said deceased to present their claims, and on
year for the settle said ettato,
nun the I Ith duy of Diremhcr, I'.Mni.
Witiiiwi m v hund mid the seal of said Coun
ty Court, nt hattMmoiith, Nebraska, this Llth
day of November, I'Mi'i.
ni-H Allen .1. llooHon.
IHKAL County JuIko.
Round Trip
On sale every first and third
Tuesday in each month to every
part of the Southwest.
Hugh Norton, Agent.
W v TIIK lIMMONlt lilt AMI. A
.aaiesi Ann your OrwiRUl f r
4'hl-rae.erS iHumnttil llrsnlir
I'llls la Hnl Siut UM4 r-r:,Vr
lnr, IMlr.1 wllh Hlua KIMT.fl. V
Tali ae oilier liny f vnnr V
DIAMOND HHANU 1'll.l a.r.rvl
ynnknownK Ucvl.Sl.. Al.ivi KrliiMa