The MewsHeralb 0 NbrKk TWICE A WEEK NBWS. Hstabliiihed Nov. B. lf91 ' lft,ll.Uf-l J. 1 1K HERALD. EUblihed April . 1864 I CoB,olidte1 J". 1. '896 PLATTSMOUTn, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18.1iK! VOL. XL VI G2 1 HEM It's easy to make large claims in print but it's a differ ent thing to "deliver the goods." What you want is mer chandise. Reliable goods that you can depend on absolutely. You have always found that kind here. You will find that kind here now. A few prices: Boys' fleeced or ribbed underwear, slightly damaged. .20c Boys' Knickerbocker suits $2.25. Plain suits. . .$1.99. Men's sweater coats, fancy or plain colors, large pearl buttons, size 34 to 44 , 50c Men's Corduroy coats, blanket lined, large collar, a special bargain at $2.50. Men's Corduroy pants,full size.well made warranted $1.75. Men's Fur coats; Gordon & Ferguson make, large collar -..$15.00. C. E. Wescotfs Sons THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. MUST GET BUSY RIGHT AWAY Great Demand for Goods to be Manufactured Here. FACTORY OFFICIALS GETTING UNEASY Much Valuable Time Being Lost Installing Machinery. C. L. Wcathcrwax, represent ing the Union Special Machine Co., of Chica go, has been in this city the past few days installing the machines in the M. E. Smith & Co.'s factory. He set up four 2-needlc machines for making double fell scums which give the same finish on both sides of the garment. More, it is expected, will be added later. A Daily New representative visited Jic factory and in the course of his hich may prove of interest to the readers of this paper. He learned that rhc machines spoken of are capable f taking 3,200 stitches a minute. That the operator can turn out a dozen shirts of the company's special make in a day. That the wages earned by the operators will run from $0 to $10 per week. That there are two tables, seating sixty operators,. Beside each operator is placed n wooden receptacle for placing material in. That there arc all told sixty .achincs in place. That it requires 4S,000 yards of thread to start each machine and that all ma chines are run by electric power. That the capacity will be sixty dozen garments per day. That the wages of the operators will depend upon the amount of proficiency they acquire in the work. That there is a constant i i r .1 .i i r i t (icmaiHi lor me prouuci oi sucn a iuc- ni ...I ii f i rory. mat ai uic Biari oniy cneap garments will be manufactured until the operators become skilled some what. That the equipment is abso lutely new and of the best make. That in comnection with the other machines there has been installed two pleat machines. That the capacity of the factory will be inerensed to meet the demands of the trade. He learned that the buttonhole machine makes (1,000 buttonholes a day. That if the necessary help can be secured the num ber of machines will be increased to a hundred. He learned also from Mr. Dobcck, of Omaha, who was here to day, that the company was ready to start business next Monday and fully expected to do so, but the local 'com mittee will not be ready. Mr. Dobcck states that besides the difficulty in getting the heating apparatus in shape for use, that the roof leaks, and nothing can be done by the company until the work of the local committee in com pleted. Ho expressed himself as l.reatly disappointed at conditions 1 ere. In defense of the local committee the News wishes to state that it has i : ii i r III Wl'llVlliK Will lllltl lilllllllllll , .'Ml ns been handicapped in getting men to do their work. The starting of this factory means much to the merchants of I'lattsmout A hundred girls earning wages means an increased trade for the business man So many of the clothing advertise ments you read are "just talk." for it an historical fact that women arc generous spenders, especially when they have the noniey and they that is, the Plattsmouth women traded at home. To this community it means that in three months' time the weekly pay roll will amount to about $100. Mr. Dobcck in talking with the News man said that unless the factory could be gotten ready to turn out work to meet the trade at this season of the year that he would be tempted to pull out the machinery. If there is any thing that the people of Plattsmouth can do to assist the eotnmitteet they sliould be called upon for help. Let the good work be pushed and let every man do his level best. It means money to all and that is what we are working for. Declares law Unconstutlonal. LINCOLN, Nov. 16. Another law passed by the last legislature has been declared unconstitutional by the su preme court. This is the law creating a new normal board which has been in controversy for some time. The decision was written by Judge Barnes, Judges Hoot, Lytton, Fawcett and Hoot concurring, Judge Reese concurring in part and Judge Dean dissenting. . The old board which will still stand consists of Itcv. Luther P. Ludden of Lincoln, Dr. B. L. Shellhom of Auburn, X. P. McDonald of Kearney, II. M. ChiUU of York, and D. W. Hayes of Alliance. Thomrs J. Majors, who was appointed to a position on the new board, will probably be appointed by Governor Shallenberger to fill the place of Mr. Hayes whose term has ex pired. It is thought tl at the governor will also appoint new members to most of the other places as it is in his power to remove for cause whenever he sees fit. Mine Disaster. CHERRY, Ills., Nov. 15. All hope of saving the entombed miners at this lace was abandoned yesterday when the rescuing party which descended into the mine came back after an in effectual attempt to get below 150 feet. The 300 or more miners who arc entombed, some, of them buried under tons of earth which has fallen upen them, are without doubt beyond all aid. Work has been carried on day an night for over forty-eight hours, and is now abandoned as far as rescuing the men is concerned. At one o'clock this morning every thing was quiet about the mouth of the main shaft, as the same had been scal ed up. The lire in the mine is still burning and it is impossible to tell when the attempt to get to the bodies of the men will be made. It is understoo'd that 300 coffins have been ordered to be brought to the mine tomorrow to receive the bodies of the miners, providing they can be reached. Another Shower. Miss Grctohon Donnelly has issued invitations for a handkerchief shower to be given at her home next Saturday afternoon at 3 (('clock in honor of Miss Lena Frickc. PLATTSMOUTH COMMERCIAL CLUB GOING AFTER THE BUSINESS Enthusiastic Meeting Held at Coates Hall in Which Many Interesting Things Are Discussed. EVERYBODY ENTHUSIASTIC OVER THE OUTLOOK Great Things For the Future Promised For Plattsmouth if Wires do Not Get Crossed. One of the best attended and most enthusiastic meetings of the Platts mouth commercial club was held last night at the club rooms when a large number of our hustling citizens got together to discuss matters of vital importance to the future welfare of the city of Plattsmouth. There was not a dull moment from the time the chair man called the meeting to order until an adjournment was taken. The re ports of the various committees were presented and were received with a marked approval. The president reported over S500 in cash on hand. The building committee reported that the Smith building was in shape for business just as soon as the work of installing the heating plant was finished. The hustling com mittee reported that it had met with good success in collecting the M. II Smith fund. Over $500 had already been collected and $200 more was needed. The membership committee reported an increase in membership of 50 names, due to the strenuous efforts of George Falter and John Hatt. The committee on road to the ferry have the matter well in hand nnd so re ported. Mr. Windham spoke in behalf of the committee and stated that they had taken. the matter up with the city councilmen and county board of com missioners. The road to the ferry was easily the chief topic of discussion. It means that when the road is con structed that every merchant in the city will be benefitted. Many bus iness men present expressed them selves as unqualifiedly in favor of the road and it was the sense of the meet ing that a public expression, perhaps through the medium of the city press, would have a favorable bearing. The Daily News columns are open for A Dutch Supper. There is in Plattsmouth a social club and that particular club knows well how to get enjoyment out of their meetings. Last Saturday Mrs. J. II. Donnelly had a birthday what one, did you say? Well, never mind, it was her birthday, and the News is not giv ing away any secrets she had a birth day, we stated, and the fact was well known to the other members of the club and of course that meant a birth day party. The club has a membership of about fourteen nnd one of the mem bers happened to be Miss Lena Frickc, whose approaching marriage is public knowledge,so it was decided that the party while celebrating the birthday of a member would be a good time to fit tingly celebrate the coming interesting event of another member, by a sur prise party. At G:30 o'clock the mem bers of the club filed into the dining room, all with the exception of Miss Frickc, dressed in Dutch costume, topped off with the cute Dutch caps and sat down to a Dutch supper con sisting of sauerkraut, wienies and oth er good tYmgs usually found at such a spread. From the four corners of the room to the center had been strung red white and blue hearts, while the table was beautifully decorated with flowers and hearts. The chair of Miss Frickc, who was the guest of honor, was appro priately decorated and the surprise of that young lady was complete and her emotion pathetic. The club has been in existence for more than seven years and it is cus tomary to give a party at the home of the member fortunate to have a birth day. These events arc always thor oughly enjoyed and are a delightful way to keep in remembrance the anni versary of the greatest event in the lives of the club of congenial friends. ilu such discussion, or for the discussion of any public interest. The subject of good roads received its share of at tention and the unanimous sentiment of those who participated in the dis cussion was to the effect that every thoroughfare leading into the city should be improved and the work should be prosecuted as quickly ns possible. The banquet committee reported over fifty tickets sold for the spread which will be given on the evening of the 29th. It is expected to feed 150 guests upon that night. Now the gen eral public must understand that this banquet, to be given by the commer cial club, is not confined to members. All who arc interested in the welfare of Plattsmouth are wanted at the feast. Tickets may be procured from the Messrs. Baylor, Schneider or Nc metz. Buy a ticket and show by your presence that you arc a sure enough Plattsmouth booster. ilo'i, another matter. There are sonic good men and true who say they would attend the meetings, but arc afraid of being accused of butting in. Forget it. The more butinskys the better. It won't hurt any for you to join your fellow merchants and then the fear of butting in will not be such a bugbear to you. Bo a "JINEIt." The commercial club wants you. For ty new members have joined the club during the past month and the number of new members should be increased to a hundred before the next regular meeting is held. The Daily News is heart and soul with the commercial club or any other that has for its object the upbuilding and advancement of the best interests of the city, nnd our columns arc at the disposal of all for a free discussion of timely topics. Will you use them. ' Present were the following : Mrs. John Donnelly, Mrs. Annie Britt, Mrs. Carl Frickc, Mrs. Henry Herold, Mrs. II. W. Clement, Misses Mia and Barbara (lering, Dora and Lena Frickc, Maud Mason, Julia Hermann, and Mrs. J. II. Donelan. Miss Mia Gering offi ciated as toastmistrcss most delight fully and the toasts were responded to by each and every one as her name was called in a happy manner. The club fully intends to be with Miss Frickc at her home, to be, at Omaha when her birthday arrives. Important Notice. All persons knowing themselves to be indebted to us in any sum are re quested to call and settle at once, cither by cash payment or by negotia ble notes. Ascmisscn & dinger. It s Next Friday Night. The postponed dance of the Redinen will be given next Friday night, the 19th. So don't forget to remember. Good music and the best of the season. Fanger's department store is kept open evenings to accommodate the working men and others who do not find it convenient to do their trading is the day time. Be up to date. Buy your Christ mas gifts at St. Mary's Guild bazar to be given November 17 and IS at Coates hall. Mrs. W. II. Hyde went toGlenwood Wednesday to visit her parents. S. II. Atwood ofj.incoln was in the city Tuesday. Mrs. Robert Giilliou returned to her1 home in Greenwood Tuesday. I THE NEBRASKA VOTE AS NOW TABULATED Returns as Gathered at the OIHce of Secretary of State. LINCOLN, Nov. 10. The com plete returns as shown at tho office of the secretary of state on tho election show that on supreme judge the repub lican majority is 3,437, while tho vote on regents shows that the republicans had a majority of 33,522. Cole, populist, received 24,891 votes, Linch, prohibitionist, 7,597, and Hunt, socialist, 4,716. The total number of votes cast in the state was 207,002. Sullivan, tho candidate for supreme judge, to whom tho "non-partisan" supporters threw their' strength, and who was thought would probably be elected on account of tho great fight that was mado for him on that issue, polled just 670 votes in the stato more than his nearest democratic colleague. NINETY DAYS FOR NOT DOING DUTY Failed to Protect Man from Mob and Must Sutler. WASHINGTON, Nov. 16.-For- mcr Sheriff Joseph F. Shipp and five other officers of Chatanooga, Tcnn., will begin serving sentences in jail this morning for failing to try to protect a negro murderer from a mob, the ne gro's execution having been Htaycd by the supremo court of the United States. Second Papers Granted. Naturalization papers wero granted Monday to Carl Holmbcrg of this city Gcorgo Pickwell of Elmwood, John A. Johnson of Louisville and Claus Ohm ofAlvo. Today Carl F. A. Bauer of Murdock was granted his papers of citizenship. Jan Stohr was refused papers because of the fact that his wit ness had received his papers before the five-year period had expired. flUJaipYi!r (if Salr3 teteii1 nii Conyrlnht Bart tfcWu.r IF YOU LIVE OUT IN THE COUNTRY CAN'T GET TO TOWN; Need a suit or an overcoat, or any other articles in the men's wear line. Write for stylo book and samples of goods, stating about what price you would like to pay. We will pay express charges cn all orders of $5.00 and over. You needn't pay until you get tho goods and are satisfied. The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats Falier & Thiero Value Gic'uifj Clothiers. WORLMRALD FIXES SLATE Republican Ticket lor 1910 all Pre pared by Democratic Organ. TAKES IMPORTANT MATTER OUT OF VOTERS' HANDS Republicans Can Now Draw Long Breath of Relief. OMAHA, Nov. 15. This morn ing's World-Herald contains in a Lin coln dispatch a pst of tho candidates who will bo given the nice places which it was at first supposed would have to be contested for by several different candidates. It will bo a great relief to the voter and also to the successful candidates to know that the official organ of tho democratic party has so kindly settled this important business, for it might have caused a great deal of trouble before it was over. Tho republican party will feel under great obligations to its friendly enemy for its assistance in the matter. Fol lowing is the World-Herald lineup. For the Bcnatc E. J. Burkett, Lin coln. For congress William Hayward, of Nebraska City,. For governor C. II. Aldrich, David City. For supreme judge, 1911 Lincoln Frost, Lincoln. To blanket Norris and run for gov ernor as a Burkett Btalking horse W. E. Andrews of Hastings. Visit Plattsmouth. Mrs. (1. P. Mcisinger and her daugh ter Miss Ida, Mrs. Christ Gaur and daughter, Miss Lena Fornoff and Miss Clara Metzgcr, all from Cedar Creek, visited this city Wednesday and at tended the cheap sale at M. Fanger's. br 4 jUrx U 7 if