w V X n Ok n i 1 1 i t ? Y ? Lb Ik nmnrzmmzsa A r i uS u lui f I ? w Lb Vy M IV 1 hf y !!$ I't I I I , - ! V I HLIIBY Y sr Goods must go at greatly reduced prices in order to move them quickly. Read over the Great Bargains and judge for yourselves. Owing to ill health I have fully decided to close out the entire New Fall Stock regardless of cost. All Fur niture and Fixtures are also for sale. V ? ? f ? Y ? ? T f J ? Y ? ? ? ? ? ? Y f ? OUR MILLIHERr Ot I About 150 swell trimmed hats, includ ing pattern hats, the price cut squaie in two. All our iirU' caps, red, black, brown and blue, formerly sold rt G5c, during thjs cloning out sale at 33c, FUR OEPfflHI !i m titi ma eish Underwear In our ladies' and children's un derwear department prices are almost cut in two. Muslin under wear prices are cut in the same manner. Now comes our Men's Under weardepartment, about 250 men's suits, which we formerly Bold at $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 and 2.50, will now go during this closing out sale at 89c, $1.1!) and$1.4(J. Men's two-piece underwear, sold for 50 and 75 cents, 35c and 58c Boy's Underwear formerly sold at 35c and up to 50c, will now go at 19c, 35c and 39c Shirt Waists Those you will find on the front counter and the prices will speak for ttiemselves. They have to go at any price. y . Y y -J , V A' i v rash V Hnu m V 'Tv ?f :".... 'f..'-i ... i,-'U" Clothing In our Men's and Boys Clothing Department 1 can do you a world of good, for the quicker I sell out the better I will like it. You will And the prices cut so low that if you shouldn't need a suit or an overcoat for yourself or boy with in the next year you couldn't help hut buy one, ana the price will be so low that you will walk out with a smile that wont come on for a week. Over 300 pairs of men's fine pants, including cordu roy, will be sold at a sacrilice. 50 pair of men's cottonette pants, which are sold by every clothing house for $1.25, will now go at 69c. Now what is the use to be wearing overalls, when you can buy a pair of pants for less mon ey. One lot of boy's knee pants straight and knickerbockers, will be sold at way below cost. Men's and Boys' sheep and duck lined coats. This is what you need right now, and why not buy it at a ridiculously low price. Re member that the price is no ob ject in this store at this time. This is a straight, bona-fitlo sale and the prices in every depart ment are being cut regardless of cost. SWELL TAILORED SUITS! DURING THIS BIG SALE $15 00 suits go at $7.50 and $9.98; $20.00 suits at $12.50; $25.00 suits at $15.00 and $17.50; $35.00 suits at $19 50 and $22.50; $37.50 and $40.00 suits at $25.00 and $26.50. The greatest value ever offered in Plattamouth. About 200 Ladies' and)Misses swell dress shirts at rediculous low prices. Skirt that formerly sold from $5.00 to $12.50, will now go from $2.98 to $7.50. ABOUT 200 CHILDREN'S CLOAKS are marked down to less than half of their value. Babies' bearskin coats white, blue, brown and all mixed colors, will be sold at $1.49, $1.98, $2.25 and $2.98. SILK UNDERSKIRTS! One lot of ladies' black silk un derskirts, made of good grade of taffetta.aold for $4.75. during this Bale for $3.25. Those that sold for $0.00 and up to $8.50, will go at $4.50 and $5.00. One lot of iletherbloom skirts, sold at as high,;as5$5.0O, will be sold out at $1.91. SPRING AND FALL JACKETS I LHdies' and Misses Spring and Fall Jackets will be sold for half the price. This means that half a dollar will buy a dollar's worth of goods. We have on ly four ladies' long black silk coats that sold at $16.50 and $17.50- p during this great closing out sale at Gloves Ladies, Misses and Childrens Gloves and Mittens will go at this sale at 25 per cent below cost. Thread About 500 dozen Coates and Clarks Machine Thread, from No. 8 to No. 100 only 3o a Spool. Cotton Cotton Batting 12Jc grade, dur ing this great closing out at 8Jc Table Linen 50 cent grade 35c; 75 cent grade 49c; the $1.00 grade 69c; $1.25 grade 89c; $1.50 grade 98c. Such reductions prevail in exery de partment of the store during this quitting business sale. OF; INTEREST TO UDIES We will place on this great sac rifice sale, our entire stock of Ostrich Flumes, Fancy Feathers and Millinery Flowers, ChilTons, Velvets Ornaments, Hair Ribbons Millinery Ribbons, in fact every thing that belongs to the millinery department, and the prices will be so low that it will pay you to even borrow the money to buy them. otions In our Notion Department there is no use to quote the prices for our price is your price. There are hundreds of other articles in this big department store but it is an impossibility tor us to mention here, but nothing will be reserved. Every dollars worth of goods must go clear down to the show cases and tables. i hole! Another week without JiSIron Clad Id its Ask for Cooper Wells 4 Co.'s Mo. 99 and get stockings that not "only look well and fit per fectly with no seams to annoy, but which give remarkable ser vice. We recommend them. About 2,000 pair of Children's smal sized hose, formerly soM for 15c a pairt dunng this sale will go at 7a. Abou 200 pair of Infant's link) thread stock- ngs, formerly sold for 19c, will now go at 11. About, l,C004'pair of Misses' and Boys' fine ribbed hoso, formerly bo! from lSJto 20c,lwit now go during th sale at 11c. About 1,000 fair of boy's heavy ribbed stockings, named the "Black Cat," formerly sold for 25e, will now go at 15 and 171c a pair. About 2,000 pair of Ladies' fine Unck hose, with and without ribficd tops.lfofmerly sold at 20c, will now. go at 121c About UOO pair of Ladies' pure white drop stitch Summer hose, formerly sold at 25, 35 and 50c, will go at this sale while theylast,at 10c a pair. One lot of Children's brown 25c stockings, during this sale at 10c a pair. 100 pair of Ladies' and Misses' black drop stitch hose, formerly sold at 25c and 35c, will now go at 10c a pair during this sale. DRYI600DS DEPARTMENT! Jewelry Our entire line of finecufT but tons, formerly sold from 25c up to 75c, will now go at 10c, 19c and 39c. All our 10c collar buttons 4c. t T ? f t T ? CUE ASB SUIT DEPARMNT! In this line you nil know that I carry the very best in the country, namely the celebrated Wooltex. Coat sold for $12.50, during this closing outsalo$7.50; coat sold at $15.00, during this sale, $9.50; coat sold at $18.00, during this sale $11.98; coat that sold at $22. 50, dur ing this sale $12.50 and $14.50; coat that sold for $25.00, during this sale $10.50. The $35.00 coats go at $19.50 and $22.50 during this closing out sale. About 250 pair of Blankets will be sold for 9c, E9c, C9c, 79c and up to $2 50. These are usually sold for twice as much. About a dozen pair of fine wool blankets will be sold very cheap. About 50 pair of Lace Curtains, beau tiful designs will be sold for half their actual value. ' GENT'S FURNISHING DEPARTMENT! Ths celebrated Lion Brand Linen Collars, sells all over at 15c, now in this closing out sale only i 9c. This alsoincludes celluloid collars. All our 25c grade of National best rubber collar-now go at 15c during this closing out sale. OURiHOSIERY DEPARTMENT Men's fancy hosiery, 15c grade, now go at two pair for 15c. The 20c grade now two pairs for 25c. Our 25 and 35c grade 15 and 19c. Our every day working men's box the best ten cent sox on the market, "now at 6c. One lot of light weight sox 4 cents a pair. Think of it! . OUR MEN'S NECKWEARf AH the 25c grade, two for 25c; 50c grade now 25c; our 75c grade now 34c during this sale. SUSPENDER DEPARTMENT! In this great closing out sale suspenders will go at thefollowing prices: 20c grade 10c; 25c grade 15c; 50 and 75c grade at Sic and 39c. MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS in our Ladies' and Children's Under- Ywenr Department we have not only cut th profits off, but will be sold for less than cost in order to mako them move T he 10 cent grade for grade, two for 15 cents. 4 cents, the 15 sent Here is where I shine and vou know it, for 1 handle the Tiger hat the best in the country -always and everywhere sold for $3.00, now at this closing out sale $2.35. Our John B. Stetson hats, I need not tell you what they are. I have got the $5.00 and $G.00 grade, but it will only cost you now during this closing out sale $2.98 and $3.93. Our $2.50 Champion hat will now go in this closing out sale for $1.89. Our fine $2.00 grade Hurdle Brand hat will now go during this closing out sale at $1.39. All our $1.50 hats go for 98c, and our $1.00 hata for 09c; aud 50 and 75o hats for 39c. OUR OVERALLS AND JUMPERS! Our $1.00 grate, 83; our85c grade, 69c. Boy's overalls, 50c grade for 39c. Splendid values. MEN'S SHOES! Those that sold for $2.25 will now go for $1.75; those at $2.50 at $1.95. Our $3.00 at $2 39; our $3.50 and $4.00 line, made by the King Quality peo ple, considered one of the best shoes in the United States, will now go at $2.95 and all our $4.00 grade at $3.35. This is the greatest value on earth. Our boy's shoes that sold for $1.75 will go for $1.28; our $2.00 grade for $1,47. Remember prices are during this closing out sale. these LADIES' AND MISSES' SHOES will go 25 per cent below cost. Almost 200 pairs of babies' shoes and sandals, all colors brown, light blue, pink and white, formerly sold from 50c up to $1.00, now at this greet i' losing out sale at 25c a pair. Trunks and Valises 25 per cent below cost. Here is where the bargains will speak for themselves. While it lasts we will sell ten yards of a good grade, 10c bleached muslin, a yard wide, at 10 yards for Cue during this dosing out sale. Thefcame price for tho best irradu of double unbleached muRlin Our 11 Jc grade-very finest muslin and cambric, will sell for 8ic Our lflcgrado for 10c. Our double width, nine and ten quarter width, bleached and unbleached, best grade of sheeting, usually Hells for 30 and 35c, while it last 25c a yard. Our entire stock of calico, called The Amer ican and Simson's Prints, se!s from 7J and 8c, during this cloning out sale 10 yards for 49c. All our percales, fine cimbricsa yard wide, best 15c value in the store, will sell 10 ya:d) for 9Sc. We will sell 10 yardH of outing flanr.cl for 41c. You could not winh for any thing batter. This is the 7c grade. Our 12ic grade EngtiBh' flannelette "Vicuna" b-and, new goods juct come in this fall, formerly sold 2 yards for 25c,"will go at 3 yards for 25c. All our heavy grade, fleeced on both sides "Twentietn Cen tury" cloth, usual selling price 121 and 15c, our price 9J nud lljc. Five Volts fancy plaid German flannel, always handled in my Btore at 25c a yard, will now be sold 2 yards for 2V. About 25 bolts Amoskeag apron ginghams, sell every whf re from 8 to 10c, our price is 6J. 25 bolts of silkaline, beautiful pat terns, sold for 12i and 15c, this closing out sale at only 9c. 25 bolts of cretonne, formerly sold at 10c, our price- 7c. 50 bolts of line ginghams for dresses and shirt waists, regular 15c sellers, now going at this closing out sale at 9c. Our worsted dress goods department prices will be cut almost half. Fahger's apartment Store Plattsmouth, Nebraska. OUR CORSET DEMENT is well known to the ladies of Platts mouth. We handle the Jk C, College Girl, Peerless and My Lady. These aro $1.00 corsets, during this sale they go at 75c. Our $1.50 corsets, "Classic Form" and "Her Highness" will go at $1. 15. Our $2.60 corset, "Nature's Ad justable, "will go at $1.65. All our 50c eorsets, "Goklrod, " "Violets, " "Daisy" "Gypsy" and "Dixie" will go at 39c. z ? ? ? ? X ? ? T ? ? Y ? X ? ? ? ? t ? ? ? ? ? ? t ? ? ? ? t ? ? ? ? ? t t ? t t ? t ? ? ? ? f ? ? ? ? ? ? T f t t f ? ? T f T t ? ? f t ? AAAAAAA