The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, November 15, 1909, Image 1

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HERALD. Eubliihd ApriUe. 1864 ( CoB,olidtd luL 1898
UU7j .
corduroy or duck. With wool lining or sheep lining. Not
the ordinary kind but the Gordon Ferguson line the best in
the country. Prices $2 to SI 0. Warm Glovaa. Not only
the largest stock in town but the most reliable, 60o to S5.
Double tipped husking mittens 5o per pair.
E. Wescott's Sons
Remember the day
egro iwuruerer is iiusuca Away
and Everything Quiet.
Several Companies of State Militia
Have the Desired Effect.
CAIRO, Ills., Nov. 13 Alexander,
who was reported to have been impli
cated in the murder of Moss Pellcy,
wa9 sent north last night secretly to
unmn niinf tirtlrnnum Ktr a unnninl
train on the Illinios Central railroad,
and in company with two companies
of the state militia was safely taken
With Alexander out of the way the
town is quieting down somewhat and
and it is believed that there will be no
further serious outbreaks. When Alex
ander was taken away a small crowd
gathered and jeered him on the way,
but no serious effort was made to se
cure him, as the presence of seven com
panies of the guard had the effect of
keeping them back.
Two sets of fours were in advance of
the prisoner, who was handcuffed and
flanked by deputy sheriffs, and two
sets of fours followed. As the Vandalia
men swung north toward the railroad
nlong Twentieth street, three compa
nies cleared the street in advance of
the escort and a like number followed
in the rear, keeping back the crowds
that were augmented at every street
crossing of the half mile ,arch to the
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed bids will be received by the
minty clerk at his office in the court
house at Plattsmouth, Xeb., up to 3
o'clock p. m. Monday, December 6,
1009, for the construction of wood and
steel bridges for Cass county, Nebras
ka, for the year 1910.
All bids must be accompanied by a
certified check for $500.
Plans and specifications now on file
at the office of the county clerk, at
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Bids will be opened December 7,
County commissioners reserve the
right to reject any and all bids.
V. K. RoHcncrans,
County Clerk.
Plattsmouth, Neb., November 8,
1909. 59-8
f : .
Warm Time
If you want to have a
warm time on a cold day
you want to buy some of
our warm keepers. Warm
Undarwaar, 50 oants to
SB, - not the ordinary kind
you can find in any store
but the good kind heavier
and better made. Warm
ox A heavy fleeded cot
ton work sock 1 0c. Heavy
wool sox 25c. Warm
ahlrta. Either wool or
corduroy SI to S3. Warm
Working Coats-in wool,
Wednesday 3 p.m.
Thinks State Legislature Shonld
Make Appropriation.
LINCOLN, Nov. 11. Gov. Shal
lenberger is seriously considering the
matter of asking the next session of the
legislature to appropriate $200,000 for
a new state capitol building.
The governor with most all who are
acquainted with the condition of the
present building and the crowded of
fice feel that something should be
done and very soon.
The east wing has been, gradually
sinking on the south side and it is but
a question of time when those who
have offices in that wing will have to
move out.
Laid to Rest.
The funeral of James W. McDan
iels was held yesterday at the Chris
tian church in this city, Rev. Moore
conducting the services, and the burial
at Oak Hill cemetery.
Relatives present from out of the
city were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carri
gan and son of Havelock, an aunt,
Mrs. Daffenbaugh of Lincoln and an
uncle, M. S. Currey of Valyrang, this
James W. McDaniels died in Lin
coln at the Sr. Elizabeth hospital on
November 9, 1909. He formerly lived
in this city with his grandmother,
Mrs. 8. E. Carrigan, who had cared
for him since he was three months old.
For the past two years he had been
with an uncle at Valyrang, McPherson
county, this state. He was taken ill
on Nevember 1st and advised by phy
sicians to go to "a hospital which was
done, where death came to his relief as
stated above. He was born August 22,
1893, making him lfi years, 2 months
and l7 days old at the time of his
Injured at Shops.
While working the round table at
the Burlington shops last cvning John
Brady had two car doors blown on
him. Besides being badly bruised Mr.
Brady had the little finger of his
right hand so badly crushed that Dr.
Livingston found it necessary to am-
putate the member between the first
and second joints.
Rolwrt A. Bates returned home from
Kansas City Friday and reports that
his wife is improving quite rapidly, but
will not be able to come home for sev
eral weeks.
The louse Wife
Will appreciate the quality of our coal, and the man
of the house will appreciate the price and quantity.
Wj'r 'T4Vr tw Wr
"Never Misses an Opportunity to Slap De
cency in the Face " so Says the Senator.
Urged to Take Aotjon to Fire the Mayor Out
Of Office For Failing to do His Duty.
LINCOLN, Nov. 13.-Elmer E.
Thomas, ex-Senator W. R. Patrick and
Judge Holmes, representing an anti
saloon league, called at noon on Gov
ernor Shallenbcrger and presented to
him a petition asking him to direct the
attorney general to begin quo warranto
proceedings under the Sackett law to
oust Mayor Jim Dahlman and the
members of the Omaha fire and po
lice commission and Chief of Police
John J. Donahue.
The complainants appear to be arm
ed with testimony. At any rate they
make a multiplicity of charges against
various persons for violations of the
law. It is charged that the daylight
saloon law and the Gibson law relating
to the sale of liquors at retail by brew
ers have been violated with impunity,
that gambling is allowed and that 300
joints are in operation where bootleg
ging is conducted.
The complaint charges that T. J.
O'Brien, licensee at the Henshaw, vio
lated the daylight saloon law by sell
ing beer in teacups at 9:20 p. m. It is
charged that Rome Miller repeatedly
violated the same law by selling li
quors after hours in th6 Rome vine
yard. The dates of alleged sales are
It is alleged that Lcntz & Williams,
T. J. Foley, J. J. Sullivan, W. E. Nes
tlehouse and Henry Sherman also vio
lated the daylight saloon law. On Oc
tober 9 it is charged that gambling was
carried on at 1409 Douglas Street
Richard Berlin is charged with operat
ing a faro game in the Windsor hotel.
Improvements In Dally News 01
Ilce About Completed.
Owing to extensive improvements
which have been going on in this office
we have been compelled to disappoint
our readers in many things very much
to our regret.
We believe now that everything has
been completed which will be apt to
cause any delay and that there will be
no more inconveniences on the part of
the public or ourselves.
Our carrier system is not yet as we
would like to have it and wo ask all
patrons of the office to promptly no
tify us of anything that is not satis
factory. It is our ambition to make
this paper the best in this section of
the state, and in order to do so we ask
our friends to co-operate with us in no
tifying us of any inconveniences they
may be subjected to by reason of the
failure of the paper to be delivered. If
you have a box at your home let us
know and we will have the carrier
place the paper in the box.
Beginning with Monday the Daily
News will go to press promptly at 4
o'clock, and in order to insure your
notices in the paper they must be sent
to the office not later than 2 p. in.
Please remember these things and
save any further inconveniences.
ww rWrVFrWFVrvF
Frank Sampson is said to have con
ducted a gambling room in the Murray
hotel September 15. Rome Miller and
O'Brien are charged with having sold
liquors on election day, November 2.
The complaint sets forth that liquors
are sold by women who opwrate dives.
One of these houses is said to exist at
Fourteenth and Jackson. Jcanctte
Williams, 613 South Fourteenth street,
is named as another violator of the
daylight saloon law. Liquors are al
leged t6 have been sold illegally at 31 13
South Eleventh, on Douglas street near
Ninth, at the northeast corner of Elev
enth and Douglas and 300 joints known
as bootlegging places are in operation.
Morris Milder, alleged by the com
plaint to Iw a young politician, is
charged with selling liquors illegally in
the Kcnnard building, Fourteenth and
Douglas, and that Milder is the newly
elected assessor, and that ho is a friend
of Tom Dennison, whom the complain
ants say is a gambler and a politician.
Two clubs are listed. One is tho Owl
club, open only for "Owls"and tho oth
er is the young men's social club.
It also alleged that the brewers vi
olate I'ne Gibson act and that irotice of
all these violations have been formally
filed with the fire and police commis
sion and that body has allowd tho vio
lations to continue. The governor is
asked to direct the attorney general to
begin ouster proceedings against the
"By his actions everywhere Mayor
Dahlman has never missed an oppor
tunity to slap decency in the face,"
said Senator Patrick. State Journal.
The State Platlorm lor 910 DIs
cussed Very Fully.
LINCOLN, Nov 11. Mayor Jim
Dahlman came down from Omaha yes
terday and in a joint convention con
sisting of himself, W. J. Bryan and
Edgar Howard of the Columbus Tele
gram, discussed the platform for next
year and other things of importance.
The. conference was called by Mr.
Bryan, but why Governor Shallen
berger was not invited was not made
public, though possibly that may not
be necessary.
It is said that Mr. Bryan insisted
that the democrats should put county
option in their platform, but Dahl
man and Howard just as strongly in
sisted that it should be kept out.
Governor Shallenbcrger will insist
upon standing upon his eight o'clock
closing record, and does not care
whether county option is in the plat
form or not.
Mr. Brynn announced after the con
ference that he would not be a candi
date for the United States senate, un
less conditions demand it. He said:
"I appreciate the compliments that
have been paid me by the democrats
tonight, but republicans in the legis
lature paid me a compliment even more
flattering. They opposed the adoption
of the Oregon plan on the ground that
it was intended to elect me to the sen
ate. By making the objection they
virtually declared that I could be
elected if the voice of the people would
be made effective. I thank them for
this certificate of my popularity but I
need not tell my friends that I was ac
tuated by higher motives than person
al ambition in urging the passage of the
"The principle is right anil I am in
favor of it, no matter what party or
what person may get the benefit of it.
If you will pardon the reference to my
own plans I will tell you that I do not
desire to occupy a scat in the senate.
There are a number of men at this ban-
quct board and others in the state who
I would rather see elected than to be
elected myself. I am in a posotion
where I can go anywhere and find an
audience. My election to the senate
would hot add to the number of dem
ocrats in public life. The election of
some other democrat from Nebraska
would add one more. "
Since then utterances of friends of
Governor Shallenbcrger indicate that
he desires to make the race again for
governor, mainly that he may secure
a vindication of his policy in signing
the daylight saloon bill. The common
statement is that sentiment within
the party will force him into this raco
rather than the senatorial one.
The scheme proposed is that the
democrats espouse county option so as
to have that plank as well as the re
publicans. This would eliminate that
factor from the election and allow the
democrats to center on national issues.
It is fondly hoped, and believed, by
many democrats that if Bryan and
Shallenbcrger could head the ticket
and the issue be made a national one
the entire state, legislative and con
gressional tickets could bo carried by
Handed a Bunch.
County Attorney Ramsey was hand
ed a bunch yesterday in Judge Travis's
court which he was not looking for.
It was in the matter of Baylor vs. But
ler. The case was called for hearing on
motion to quash bill of exceptions.
The court had previously issued a man
damus compelling Justice Patterson
to settle bill of exceptions according to
law. Under advice of County Attor
ney Ramsey he failed to obey orders of
the court, hence the package which
was handed to the c. a. The court in
formed Ramsey that all orders of the
court must be obeyed. Without such
obedience there would be no law or
order and anarchy would bo the result.
He was given to understand that the
court orders must be obeyed implicit-
Chicken Pie Supper.
The annual chicken pie supper given
by the ladies of ' tho Presbyterian
church Thursday evening in the base
ment of the church was the"best ever"
in every way. Those in chargo of the
tables vied with each other to make
their tabic the most beautiful. All
were loud in praise of the coffee. At
one time all of the tables were filled
and the room was full of people pa
tiently waiting to be served. Every
body had a good time and enjoyed a
most excellent supper.
You'll find in our
amazing variety
Copyright Hrt Sduffner tc Mtrt
mm pliS W 1 1
,f jjp
The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes
Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats
Falter & Thierolf
Value Giving Clothiers.
Eleven Companies of State Troops
Sent By Governor.
CAIRO, Ills., Nov. 12.-Froggy
Williams after confessing the murder
of Miss Annie Pelley, was taken from
the jail last night and shot. He was
riddled with bullets and then burned.
Oven one thousand men participated
i nthe killing.
Henry Salzncr, a white man who was
also in the jail was also lynched.
Another colored man who was im
plicated in the confessionof Williams,
named William Alexander, escaped
from the mob and was captured by tho
chief of police and spirited away be
fore the mob could get hold of him.
An appeal was made to Gov. Dinecn
for assistance and eleven companies
of the state troops were ordered at
once to the scene. It is hoped that
the sheriff will be able to hold the mob
in check till the arrival of the troops
which were expected to get here about
3 :30 this morning.
The Loyal Sons.
At the home of Rev. Luther Moore
Thursday evening the Loyal Sons, a
class for the study of the Bible, hold
a meeting and bcsidcB transacting the
regular routine business, elected tha
following named officers for the ensu
ing year: President, Richard Osborn;
vice president, Ratio Taylor; secretary
Oscar Wilson; treasurer, Jesse Perry;
instructor, Rev. Luther Moore. A
number of committees were appointed
and it was decided to purchase new
white suits trimmed in blue, to bo
worn by the members in serving meals
and in playing base ball next summer.
Plead Guilty.
Vim Smith and Ainslec Wilson
pleaded guilty to the charge of break
ing into asMissouri Pacific bunk car
and stealing. Judge Travis deferred
passing sentence. The boys are not
twenty years of age, and have been,
tramping the country for some time.
District Court.
The divorce case of Raylcs against
Rayles occupied the attention of
Judge II. D. Travis in district court
Friday and probably will tomorrow.
Tho forenoon was spent in passing on
motions and the first witness was not
called until afternoon.
overcoat stock an
of good things.
We've got the
dress overcoats you
want for functions or
daily wear; we've got
the "big roomy" coats
very smart style this
season. We've got
the suits you want for
every and all occasi
ons; ready for you In
style and fit and tail
oring. They're,
Hart Schalfner
& Marx
Clothes, and there are
no others to equal
them elsewhere.
We also have a very
strong line of suits and
overcoates from