The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, November 11, 1909, Image 7

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    Pretty Tea Gowns
Satisfactorily Done Without Other Apparatus or Instru
ments Than Strong Clothes-I.lno and u
Sharp Meat Saw.
m&mh s a
iCojijruUl by
"She was tho finest woman In the
universe. Her stature was noble and
elegant, her complexion fair and her
eyes the fairest blue of the heavens."
Thus one chronicler describes the
Princes Guinevere, daughter of the old
Celtic king, Leodegraunce. Much of
her story and Arthur's Is so shrouded
In legend that tho actual facts are
hard to determine. Here is the tale
as It Is generally accepted:
Arthur, a Celtic prince, was spirited
away In childhood by loyal servants
to save him from assassination. When
lie reached manhood he was made
knovr. to the people and (about 500
A. D.) became king of part of Uritain.
He found the country In terrible con
dition. Toverty stalked abroad. The
wi'dorness had swallowed up most of
the farmland; robbers and cruel bar
ons oppressed the poor. Arthur set
out to remedy all this. To aid him In
tho task ho gathered about him a
' The Knight, of Jand fB noh?
tho Round Table. i"0XnMaaSnf
Knights of the
Round Table," who were sworn to re
dress wrongs, help the needy, protect
wonun and lead .upright lives. So
well did Arthur govern and so ably did
lils knights aid him that soon the
kingdom was prosperous and safe.
The bravest of the Knights of the
Round Table was Sir Lancelot of tho
Lake. Arthur and Lancelot were as
brothers In their affection for one an
other. The king saw and fell In love
with the beautiful Guinevere. Being
detained at home by affairs of state,
he did not go to htr father's court to
woo her In person, but chose Lancelot
as his messenger.
Now, Lancelot set forth for the cas
tle of King Leodegraunce with every
Idea of fulfilling his royal master's
commands. But at first Bight of Guine
vere's loveliness he wholly lost his
head. From that moment he blindly
adored her. Honor, loyalty, his
knightly vows all were swept away
In that mighty tide of love. He could
Bcarce bring himself to plend Arthur's
suit Instead of his own. Guinevere, on
her part, mistook the handsome stran
ger at first for Arthur and rejoiced at
the thought that she was to become
A Castllian grandee, De Blvar by
name, in the latter half of the eleventh
century was slain by the count of
Oviedo. De Bivar had one son, Rodrl
go Diaz, a fiery youth, destined to be
come tho national hero of Spain. Like
many another such hero of olden
times, his real exploits have become
so tangled with legendary feats that
Jt Is hard to senarate the two. Here
Is his love story, as told In Spanish
chronicle and song:
To avenge his murdered father,
young Rodrigo sought out the count of
Oviedo and challenged him to mortal
combat. The challenge was accepted.
The two fought with swords and Ovie
do was slain. Rodrigo had but obeyed
the customs of his time In avenging
his father's death. He considered the
affair now at an end. But Ovledo's
daughter, the beautiful Xlmena, rushed
to the king of Castile, demanding Just
Ice and begging that her father's slay
er be put to death by torture.
Accoruing io some accounts, Rodri
go had already seen Xlmena and
(though unknown to her) had lost his
heart to the lovely girl. Thus it had
A Girl'. Plea been a bitter grief
A v. t0 nl"i when filial
for -Vengeance. devoton fjrced
him to kill Oviedo and by that deed to
raise so fearful a barrier between
himself and the woman he loved. In
any case, Ximena clamored for his
execution. He was seized and brought
before tho Judgment seat of the king
to face his fair accuser.
But at sight of the handsome youth
Ximena suddenly lost all longing for
his punishment. She withdrew her
plea that he be slain, and he was ac
cordingly set at liberty upon his ex
planation that the killing of Oviedo
had not been n murder, but a uiattei
of fair fight and an act of vengeance
for the death of Rodrlgo's own father.
Xlmena could not forget the gallant
young man. When she saw ho was
equally attracted by her own charms,
she so far set asido her former hatred
ns to come again to the king and ask
that her hand bo given In marriage to
Rodrigo. The youth eagerly assented
to tho plan, which was to change his
recent euemy to his wife.
"For tho father of whom I deprived
you," ho said, "I offer you a hus
band." The two were accordingly married.
But their wedded life was destined
to run far from smoothly. Spain was
split up Into several minor kingdoms.
Most of them were more or less fre
quently nt war with one another.
There were also many thousand MoorB
In tho country. These controlled cities
and wholo districts and were nearly
as powerful as tho Spaniards, with
wJiom they often clashed. Rodrigo, in
the service of King Alfonso of Castile,
won for himself by bravery tho titles
of "Tho Cld" and "El Campeador"
("The Lord" nnd "Tho Conqueror")
and became tho foremost general of
the day. A political clique contrived
his exile from Castile. Then his true
career begun.
Gathering about hlin a "free lance
Uit Author.)
his bride. Learning the truth, she was
Inconsolable. But tho welfare of tho
kingdom compelled the two lovers to
set aside their own wishes. Guinevere
sadly accompanied Lancelot back to
Arthur's palace at Canielot and there
wedded the unsuspecting monarch.
But she and Lancelot could not for
get each other. Lancelot absented
himself for long intervals from tho
court in order to drive Guinevere from
his memory; and the queen sought to
rule wisely at Arthur's side. But, at
last, whispers of her concealed love
for Lancelot were breathed abroad.
The Knights of the Round Table gos
siped of It. Since the bravest of their
number could so far forget his loyalty
as to dare lift his eyes to the queen,
the rest began little by little to lose
the exalted ideas that had made the
Round Table so terrible a menaco to
evil doers.
Last of all, Arthur himself learned
of ftie affair. Ho was horrified; for
his own simplo loyalty could not grasp
the Idea that his wife and his dearest
. . ... . . friend could have
Kingdom Wrecked . . .
h" kept such a secret
oy a woman, . . , x
from him. Lance
lot withdrew from court, and Arthur's
advisers persuaded the king to make
war on him. Then it was that Sir
Modred, Arthur's treacherous nephew,
who hated the king and his reforms,
saw that the time was ripe for rebel
lion. He headed a revolution against
his uncle, and the once peaceful land
was plunged once more Into the hor
rors of warfare. Arthur freely forgave
Guinevere and rode forth at the head
of his kntghta to repel Modred's Inva
sion. In a great battle near Bath,
England, In G20 the two armies met.
Arthur Was victorious and Modred
was slain. But Arthur received a death
wound during the last charge. The
kingdom and the reforms he had so
wisely built up crumbled to pieces at
Ihs death destroyed by one woman's
lack of loyalty.
Guinevere, heartbroken, retired to a
convent; while Lancelot put aside his
armor for a monk's gown and ended
his days as a holy hermit, praying for
the repose of blameless King Arthur's
army, the Cid offered his services
first to one Spanish monarch, then to
another. He sided with Christian or
Mahometan alike; burned either
churches or mosques, sacked Spanish
or Moorish towns. His sword and his
army wero at the call of the highest
bidder. His warlike deeds were In
every mouth. In short, he became a
wholesale freebooter.
At length he conquered a goodly dis
trict in Spain and set up a kingdom
on his own account, ruling with Xlme
na, who seems to have remained
The Man Who fM,f thro"gl)
Stole a Kingdom. hardal)Ip and dif).
aster. His "kingdom" included nearly
all of Valencia and Murcla. Here for
a time he ruled wisely nnd with sur.
prising gentleness. But he was grow,
ing old. When some of his former
victims took up arms against him, in
1099, he did not go to battle himself,
but sent a trusted lieutenant to lead
his forces. This lieutenant was beaten.
The disgrace of defeat threw old Rod
rigo Into a fit of rage, from which he
Ximena for two years defended Val
encia against the foe, proving herself
a brilliant commander. At length,
when force of numbers compelled her
to flee, she carried to safety with her
the body of her hero-husband, in
whose memory she had waged so vali
ant a war against hopeless odds.
Uncle Sam's Human Hinges.
In other cities the doors of public
buildings are set on springs and slap
to nnd fro as the visitor wills, but in
Washington it appears necessary to
have a special man to open nnd close
tho doors human hinges as it were
no undignified banging of doors there;
this custom has died out in other
places, but there are many veteran ne
groes In Washington who have seen
years of such service for tho govern
ment; they have a stately way of per
forming this office, which gives a door
an official and unofficial swing. Na
tional Magazine.
Use of Flower, for Food.
An interesting development of the
use of flowers for food is recorded in
tho dally papers, says the London
Globe. The use of the candled petals
of the violet as a sweetmeat has long
been known, but the practlco Is now
arising of preserving flowers whole.
You may now buy a bunch, say of vio
lets, for your buttonhole, and after
ward eat them. As a matter of fact,
a number of flowers are habitually,
eaten. Cloves, capers, cauliflowers
and artichokes are all flowers, or
parts of flowers, before the blossoms
have expanded.
Immense Electrical Plant..
The two Waterside stations of the
New York Edison Company, In First
avenue, between Thirty-eighth nnd
Thirty-ninth streets. New York City,
are sold to make, together, tho largest
electric light and power plant In the
world, capable of supplying 500,000
horsepower of electrical Installation.
kjy. Tying Cow J
Method of
Tho dehorning of cattlo can be very
satisfactorily performed without other
apparatus or instruments than a good
strong clothesline and a sharp meat
saw, or miter saw with a rigid back.
Tho method of controlling the animal
with the clothesline is shown In one
of tho illustrations. The heavy line
is passed around the upper part of the
neck and tied in a knot that will not
slip, otherwise it will choke tho ani
mal. The free end of the rope is
carried between the horns, through
the stanchion to the front, up over the
horizontal stanchion rail, then down
underneath the neck and up nnd over
the top of the stanchion rail to an as
sistant, who should hold It firmly. Tho
stanchion is then opened, allow Ing the
animal to withdraw its head, and the
rope held tightly Is passed once
around the muzzle, up over the stan
chion rail and through to tho front
again to tho hands of the assistant.
This effectually restrains tho animal
and tho dehorning operation can be
commenced. If the stanchion rail is
too wide to permit of properly secur
ing the lower part as well as the up
per part of the animal's head, the turn
Cause the Farmers Greater Loss
Than Any Other Factor
by Reducing Yields
By Harry Snyder.
Tho weed crop indicates the con
dition of the soil as to fertility and
previous methods of farming, and is
indeed nn index of the farming that
has been practiced. Where grain
crops have been grown extensively
weeds, as mustard and wild oats,
take such firm possession of the land
as to seriously decrease both the
yield and quality of the grain. Where
crops have been rotated and the con
ditions have been less favorable for
the development of weeds, larger
yields have been secured.
Weeds take from the soil a much
larger amount of fertility than Is gen
erally conceded. A light grain crop
and a heavier weed crop remove from
the soil more fertility than a heavy
grain crop. The stronger feeding pow
ers of weeds enable them to secure
from the soil plant food which would
otherwise go to the support of grain
crops, the weak feeding cereals be
ing unable to compete with the strong
feeding weeds. The best use that can
be made of a weed crop, is to plow It
under for green manure and make It
produce humus, of which many of our
soils stand much in need. In this way
weeds can bo made to add fertility to
the land through the Indirect action
of the vegetable matter upon the soil.
At the Minnesota experiment sta
tion analyses have been made of many
of the more common weeds nnd It was
shown that in some grain fields from
20 to 40 pounds and more of nitrogen,
15 to 25 pounds of. phosphoric acid
and 30 to CO pounds of potash had
been removed from an acre of land by
tho weeds. This is as much as is
removed In a grain crop. The produc-
A Clover
Clover seed will be a high, light
crop this year owing to the dry
weather. Good heavy soed will be
scarce and high in price next year.
Those having a good stand of clover
that will yield one bushel of seed to
the acre would do well to save it.
One hundred pounds of plaster spread
to the aero will bo a help In Increas
ing the growth of the clover. Thoso
having n mowing mnrhlno and n reap
er platform can easily nnd cheaply
pave the seed. A light platform of
of the rojio round the muzzle may bo
omitted and the last lap of tho ropo
carried around the stanchion rail to
the front and to tho hands of tho as
sistant. Caro should be taken that
the ropo pass each time over the neck
of tho animal between the horns In
Buch n way as not to interfere with
the work of tho saw. Tho rope uiUBt be
held by nn assistant instead of being
tied, so that should tho animal throw
itself off its feet during tho operation
It can bo promptly slackened. This,
however, Is rarely necessary, for as
soon ns tho bend Is secured, the opera
tor should be ready, standing at the
riRlit shoulder of the nnlmnl, to saw
off first the right nnd then tho left
The horn should be severed from a
quarter to half nn inch below where
tho skin joins tho base of tho horn,
cutting from tho back toward the
front. If tho cut Is made too high, an
irregular, gnarly growth of horn la
very apt to follow.
The worry, pain and cruelty often
inflicted by cattle upon their mates
before being deprived of their horns
is much more to be considered than
the pain of tho dehorning operation.
tion of weeds is a heavier draft upon
the land than tho production of heavy
grain crops. A weedy farm will get
out of condition and run down In fer
tility faster than a farm that is thor
oughly cultivated and upon which
Inrge crops are produced.
Ventilating Stables.
Horses and cows are in the stable
at night for reBt. When the weather
is warm tho atmosphere in cIoho con
finement becomes very warm and op
pressive, bo much so that the animals
become very uncomfortable and hence
fail to get proper rest. The horse that
does not get proper rest in not in a
good condition for heavy work tho fol
lowing day, and the cow that does not
sleep in a cool, restful place in hot
weather will not give a full flow of
milk. The temperature of the work
ing or producing animal must be kept
normul to give tho beRt results. If
thero are no windows in your stables,
cut out a number now and let light
and fresh air come for the.healtth and
comfort of the animals..
. Sheep Need Good Care In Fall.
If tho sheep nre left out in tho
chilly fall rains, coughs and colds may
Many an otherwise good shepherd
forgets that his sheep" relish salt in
winter the same n3 In any other sen
son. Ma.-ket some of the older cheep, and
retain part of the choice lambs for
the improvement of your own flock.
Tho best In your flock will be none
too good. A poor sheep is as difficult
to shape up and fatten as any
other poor farm animal. Furnish
plenty of proper rations nnd start the
sheep through tho winter in good
.shapo It will pay.
Sheep on Farm.
Farming conditions would bo im
proved if more sheep wero kept, as
they help to exterminate weeds. But
i!og3 and other objectionable features
nnnear to have driven Khwii frnm
I most of our farms.
sheet iron may bo made to fit tho
mower. Bolt tho platform to tho cut
ter bar, letting the rear end drag on
tho ground. A man should walk bo
hind tho mower with rake to draw
the clover on tho platform nnd when
full It Is pulled oft Into windrows.
If there Is a largo growth of clover
and little seed, cut when seed Is hard
nnd cure as for hay.
The Illustration shows a flngerllkr
attachment for bunching and laying
the clover out of the way of the
pi r; M$Am
11 ftlw. wi
W ?p i lk i MJis&
The gown on the left Is a charming model of white Ninon and a quantity
of white luce. The gown Is made up over a closely fitted slip of palo pink
satin. A largo roue trims tho bodleo nt the front, nnd there nre touches of
palo roso velvet ribbon here and there. Tho gown on tho right is a pale
green satin, with lace overdress.
Handsome Gown That Would Make
Up Handsomely in a Dove Gray
Dove gray cashmere would make up
charmingly In this style; a panel is
mndo from shoulders to hem In front,
and at tho back it is continued ns far
as the yoke, which is arranged at tho
top of sides of ski; tho lower part of
skirt is plaited and set to yoke, the
plaits being stitched down about six
incites. Russia braid put on in a
wavy pattern forms tho trimming; the
waist-bund of folded chiffon velvet is
taken under tho edges of front panel,
holes being cut and button holed for it
to pass through; piece lace forms tho
yoke, which Is outlined by Russia
braid; tho slecvo is set to a deep cuff.
Hat of gray straw edged with black
and trimmed with wings.
Materials required: Eight yards
cashmero 48 Inches wide, 1V4 dozen
yards braid, Hi dozen buttons, hair
yard piece lace.
Overcast Together.
When henvy Russian crash, such as
is now used for portieres, Is too nar
row In width, don't be dissuaded from
the use of this beautiful colorless ma
terial, but Just overcast Its width to
gether after the manner of tho Bagdad
portiere. You will find no hangings
more effective for studio and library
use than those soft-toned crash, and
the heavy linen overcnsllng down each
seam will render them even more at
tractive. To do the overcasting uso
the coarsest of carpet thread or a flux
that la sold tn skeins.
JpkT ....
Season. Materials Marked with Thl
Peculiar and Extremely
Effective Touch.
One of the odd nnd effective
touches of tho season materials la to
weave a heavy thread of black
through everything. This idea is
evolved from homespun, the imported
variety that has that flickering black
or gray thread playing hide and seek
otrcr the surface.
The new dull rod basket cloth,
which Is tho color of grapes, nnd Is to
bo quite fashionable, has this thread
of black looping in and out or the
weave. Smart top coats for autumn
wear outsldo of tho city are or white
cloth, with a black thread through IL
A suit or coat of this rough cloth
with a black thread is naturally
trimmed In black. It looks as though
we wero coming In for a big season
of black hats, gowns, wraps, and &c
One hears more of the all black
gown in the dressmaking houses than
for years past. It Is not now advised
for economy's sake, but for fashion!
AH materials contribute to it. It is
to bo worn for the street, for the
house, and quite n good bit for the
evening. There Is no hint of color
being combined with It, but always
a touch of white.
Smart house gowns of black have
yoke and sleeves of pin-tucked white
tulle and then touches of facetted Jet
The top coat or black in rur moire
or cloth is highly fashionable and the
epidemic of black hats Is in full sway.
Conservative women reel they are
getting their feet on firm ground
again when black and white Is In
first stylo. They have been pretty
much buffeted by sartorial breakers
recently and they are quite relieved
to bo safo again.
The Despised Flannel Skirt. '
It Is netunlly worn again.
It Is fitted as carefully as a princesa
It Is wnrranted not to "bunch."
Tho lntest Is a silk skirt lined with
This gives warmth, and keeps the
flannel from riding up when rubbed
against nn outer skirt.
The plain flannel skirt is often made
with a carefully fitted hip yoke.
Again It is completely circular, fit
ted over tho hipa nnd with fulness
around the knees.
Tho most usual finish around tho
bottom Is scallops, heavily padded and
worked In buttonhole stitch, or cro
cheted lace.
The New Hat Pins.
The arts and crafts are steadily
making their way into all channels of
decoration. All this work goes espe
cially well with the Byzantine and
Moyen age, through which we are
passing. Their newest contribution
to feminlno apparel Is the hat pin.
TIicbo are quite popular. They are
made with squares or circles, of a
greenish bronze, decorated with quaint
Canadian Work.
Flax cloth Is a curious homespun
made In Canada by the women of tho
country districts. Their city cousins
have converted it Into attractive fan
cy pieces for household decoration.
It Is darned with a fleecy wool for
bedspreads, tablecovers nnd hangings,