Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y ? Y Surprise. M. Fanger Quitting Business Store closes Wednesday and Thursday, November 10 and 11, lor marking down entire stock. Remember this.eritire DepartmentStore, Stock and Fixtures, must be sold down to the last cents worth. Prices astonishing. v Sale Commences Friday Morning at Eight O'clock Sharp ? t Y t Y t V f V f r Y Y Y Y Y Boost. P lattsmouth BY SMOKING Plattsmouth Cigars Herman Spies, Bernard' Wurl, William Hamilton and Ptak & Bajeck William Weber William Budig Make them. WE SELL THEM Weyrich k Hadraba At the Red Cross Drug Store. 0tttn MiiiiHiii"XTWiWTiTifriiinTtriTiirif imi ibbwhwbhwbmbw t Some of the new ttungs that are juat coming in. Skinner Satin Guaranteed to wear two years black, white and colors. Coma lit and she trr Mairii fii.mno. C(IUI'KI:SS IT. TllFN WATCH IT l.XI ANul See our display of the famous Maish Comforts The Maish is wonderfully wanner, yet lighter than or dinary comforts. 4 It is made differently. It is made of one continuous piece, the exact size of the finished comfort, the same fluffy, downy thickness throughout no lumps, no thin places. We have a fine assortment of new fall patterns in all sizes, .silkolcne, sateen and, silk, ranging in price from $3.00 in silkolcne to $18.00 in silk; Bassinette $1.25 and up; Crib $1.75 and up. Come in and sec them. Holiday Handkerchiefs The largest and best assorted lot of fancy and plain 'Handker chiefs everjshown in our town. 100 dozen plain white hemstitched Handker chiefs per doz. only 25c 130 dozen Handker chiefs at each J5c. Best line ever shown. Better grades at 10c, 15c, 25c. 35 and 50c. Black Underskirts The only line that has given full satisfac tion in looks, width and wearing qualities 69c, 89c, $1.00, $125, up to $3.50. ,.,We have the new tilings coming all the time. THE PRESIDENT SPENDS SUNDAY IN REST Went to Church In the Morning To Washington Today. AUGUSTA, Nov. 8. The presi dent enjoyed a. real rest yesterday, beinj? the first Sunday since he begun his trip that lie has not been called upon to preach a.sernion or two at one more churches. He arose late and at tended services at the churcfc of the Good Shepheni the place where he attended churct while he was here awaiting the inauguration. After luncheon he took n shortauto inobilc ride with llajor Joseph H. Cumming, returning: to the home of the latter where Mrs. Cummimg h:ul arranged for an afternoon tea The day ended with a 12 o'clock dinner at the Cumming home. Glenn Perry and family spent Sat urday in Omaha. iLULr?vj wtea mm All Kectai lsis-assi core:l without a ForRicn Ijv operation. No Cblorofoim, IL.hor oro(rter p,ea- m eral aoeasthetic used. CURE GUARANTEED talast a LIFE-TIME. K'examinatiox free. WRITE FOR COOK ON PILES AND RECTAL DISEASES WITH TESTIMONIALS DR. E. R. TARRY. 224 Bo Building. Omaha. Nebraska KK13SJSZE5Z3EEK 1 jkAWw 3 U H- fw nasssEsxEss X2& J. E..BARWICk DOVEY BLOCK Y M, REAL ESTATE. Town residence from $150 to $3,000.. Don't Eay rent any longer. You can own your own dwelling cheaper. et me show you some good chances to acquire farms- in Ne- A braska. South and North Dakota, Missouri or Texa3. FIItE J INSURANCE written in six of the bast companies. SURETY BODS. Get ymir bonds from the American Surety Co. ACCIDENT INSURANCE. The risk of personal injury is 40 J times aa great as that, of losing your property by fire. Secure a policy of the London Gurantee and Accident Company and 4 be sure of an income whil vou are onable to work. t Independent phone 4si. v aVaatA.a..AAA.AA AAAA AA. jA. JA. J. f ? T ? T T t t ? ? ? tjVAivAA-AA-AV- AA AV . Aa. AA. AV AA. JA. Aa, AV AA Aa. Afc. AA. AAAAAAAA A I The Best f t t ? t ? f ? Y ? ? t ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? I That is what our groceries . are. Our Store is filled with GOOD GROCERIES not bargain counter stuff, and you would do well if you would give us atrial. If you want some special delicacy, call us up by phone we have a full line ol them. E. A. WURL Corner Glh and Main. Ml 1 Y i I Y I Y I Y I Y I Y I Y Soennichsen's Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Stands Like a Stone Wall Turns Cattlo, Horses, Higs Is Practically Indostruciible Tfn I. L l l L I I I L L L I iRT' rfrri t rTTTTTTTiin ,-. ft;. f - ha-.. Buy your new fence for years to come. Get tlie big, heavy wires, the liingc-joint, the good galvanizing, the exactly propi irtkmed quality of steel that is not too hard nor too soft. We can show you. this fence in our stock and explain its merits and super iority ,jiot only in the null but in the field. Come and ace us and get our prices.. FOR SALE. BY jomi BAUER r1 Last chance to buy American fence nt present prices. Fence has advanced 15 ner cent since we nurchaserl our j last car and our present price is only good as long as our jl present supply lasts. rt Cold Weather Comforts Our Coal is the best cool weather comfort that you will be able to find in town. These' chilly fa'd winds will soon turn into winter and you will need the comfort that our coal will give you. Better order early to avoid disappointments when an extra chilly day comes. i; J. V. Egenberger II I' I I I 1 l' l..l..l"l"t"r.l..H..t..t....H-4-M"M"l"l""l..I....i..l..i..i..ti.l..l...il jnMnj, Early Winter Excursion Rates To Chicago: Thf Nntinnnl T?arm T onA rVr,,.r, J tt-.uj States Land and Irrigation Exposition, also The Great International uiveoiuc riApusiuon, me mosi wonaeriui exhibition of farm' products ever held in this country. Students of modern farming methods and of improved grades of live stock should attend: rates open to the public. Tickets sold November 15th, 19th, 28th, 29th, 30th, Dec. 6th, and 7th, final limit December 13th. To Omaha: National Corn Exposition, December 6th to 18th. A new Exposition in character and scope. The future benefit of this Expositon should mean increased wealth to every farm Winter Tourist Rates: Daily from November 1st, toSouth ern and Cuban resorts. See the New South and enjoy its winter climate, the hospitality of its people and the luxury of its grand hotels. To the Pacific Coast: The usual winter tourist" rates to Cal ifornia with return via Puget Sound. Homeseekers Excursions: First and third Tuesdays to the south and west during November and December. L. PICKETT, Ticket Agent, Plattsmouth, Neb. I.. W. Wakely, G. P. A., Omaha. Old Papers For Sale at This Office fll I A AA.A.AAAAJ AJkJkAAkA Ai V rrir'rwr'rrwir? V