The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, November 08, 1909, Image 6
The NewsHerald I KXWS-HERALD PUB. CO. Publishers PLATT8M0UTH, NEBRASKA By Tfie Wizard L. Frank Baum (Copyright, by the Uobtm-Merrlll Co.) (Copyright by Frank buum & W. W. IJonHluw.) i SYNOPSIS. ! Dorothy lived In Kana with Aunt Em land Uncle Henry. A cyclone llfu-U their Jhome Into the air, Dorothy fulling iihIwd jlimldat the excitement. A cranli Hwakenetl H ier. The houae liaJ landed in a rountry Mf marvelouf beauty, Uroupa of queer little people greeted her to the. I-and of Munchklna. The houne had killed their enemy, the wicked witch of Kaat. lr othy took the wltch'a silver alioet. Hhe tarted for the Kmerald City to find the Wliard of O. who, she wu promised, might find a way to send her back to Kansas. Dorothy released a scarecrow, ;lvlng him life, lie was desirous of ac quiring brains and started with her to the wliard to get them. The scarecrow told his history. They met a tin wood man who longed for a heart. He alBO joined them. They came upon a terrible lion. The Hon ronfesued he had no cour age. Tie decided to accompany them to the Wliard nf Oi to get some. Tlie scare. crow in poshing the raft became Im paled upon his pole In the middle of the river. Te scarecrow was rescued by a friendly Stork. They entered a poppy field, which caused Dorothy to fall asleep. The scarecrow and tin woodman rescued her and her dog from the deudly flowers. The lion fell asleep and being too heavy tt lift, was left. On the search for the road of yellow brick which led to tho KmeraJd City they met a wild cat and field mloo. The woodman killed the wild cat The queen mouse became friendly. 8he lent thousands of her mice subjects to dw the lion away from the poppy field, Dorothy awoke from her long ale. They started again on the Emer ald Pltv mad. Thev enme to a fence. painted green. There were fnrmers of green, houses or green and people aressea in green. It was the Land of Os. They head, but it had eyes and nose and mouth, and was bigger than the head of the biggest giant. As Dorothy gazed upon this tn won der and fear the eyes turned slowly and looked at her sharply and steadily. Then the mouth moved, and Dorothy heard a voice say: "I am Oz, the Groat and Terrible. Who are you, and why do you seek me?" . It was not such an awful voice as she had expected to come from the big head; so she took courage and an swered: "I am Dorothy, the Small and Meek. I have come to you for help."1 The eyes looked at her thoughtfully for a full minute. Then said tho voice: - . "Where did you get the silver shoos?" "I got them from' the wicked Witch of the East, when my house fell on her and killed ,her," she replied. "Where did you get the mark upon your forehead?" continued the voice. "That Is where the good Witch of the North kissed me when she bade me good by and sent me to you," said the girl. , ' ' Again the eyes looked at her sharp ly, and they saw she was telling the truth. Then Oz asked: "What do you wltth me to do?" "Send me back to Kansas, where my Aunt Em and Uncle Henry are," she answered, earnestly. "I don't like your country, although It Is so beautiful. And I am sure Aunt Em will be dread fully worried over my being away so long." . The eyes winked three times, and then they turned up to the celling and down to the floor and rolled around so queerly that they seemed to Bee every part of the room.' And at last they looked at Dorothy again. "Why should I do this for you?" asked Oz. "Because you are strong and I am weak; because you are a Great Wlz ard and I am only a helpless little girl," she answered. "Out you were strong enough to kill the wicked Witch of the East," said Oz. "That Just happened," returned Dorothy, simply; "I could not help it." "Well," said the head, "I will give you my answer. You have no rignt to expect me to send you back to Kansas unless you do something for met the guardian of the gntea or I bed the power of the V He de- Vizard of Oz. All put on grtfen spectacles as the bright ness and Elorv or Kmeraiu tny Diinueu them. The wlxard decided to receive one of the party each day. All were put In green rooms. ' CHAPTER XI. Continued. ' She left Dorothy alone and went back to the others. These she also led to rooms, and each one of them found himself lodged In a very pleas ant part of the palace. Of course this politeness was wasted on the Scare crow; for when he found himself alone In his room he stood stupidly in one pot, Just within the doorway, to wait till morning. It would not rest him to lie down, and he could not close his eyes; so he remained all night staring at a little spider which was weaving Its web in a corner of the room, Just as if it were not one of the most won derful rooms in the world. The Tin Woodman lay down on his bed from force of habit, for he remembered 'When he was made of flesh; but not being able to sleep he passed the night moving his Joints up and down to 'make sure they kept in good working order. The Lion would have preferred !a bed of dried leaves In the forest, and jdid not like being shut up In a room; but he had too much sense to let this fworry him, so he sprang upon the bed and rolled himself up like a cat and purred himself asleep In a minute. ; The next morning, after breakfast, the green maiden came to fetch Dor othy, and she dressed her In one of the prettiest gowns made of green orocaaea satin. Dorothy put on a green silk apron and tied a green rib bon around Toto's neck, and they started for the throne room of the Great Oz. First they came to a great hall in which were many ladles and gentle- men of the court, all dressed In rich costumes. These people had nothing to do but talk to each other, but they always came to wait outside the throne room every morning, although they were never permitted to see Oz. At Dorothy entered they looked at her curiously, and one of them whispered "Are you really going to look upon the face of Oz tho Terrible?" "Of course," answered the girl, "If ne will see me. "Oh, he will see you," said the sol dier, who had taken her message to the Wizard, "although he does not like to have people ask to see him Indeed, at first he was angry, and said i snouia sena you duck where you came from. Then he asked me what you looked like, and when I men lionea your silver shoos tie was very much Interested. At last I told him about the mark upon your forehead, and he decided he would admit you to bis presence, Just then a bell rang, and the green girl satd to Dorothy: "That Is the signal. You must go Into the throne room alone." She opened a little door and Doro thy walked boldly through and found neriel: In a wonderful places It was a big, round room with a high arched roof, and the walls and celling and floor were covered with large emer alds set closely together. In the ceo. tr of the roof was a great light, as bright as the sun, which made the em eralds sparkle In a wonderful manner. But what interested Dorothy most eras the big throne of green marble that stood in the middle of the room It was shaped like a chair and spar kled with goms, as did everything else. In the center of the chair was an enormous head, without body to support it or any arms or legs what ver. There was flo hair upon this "I Am Oz, the Great and Terrible." me In return. In this country every one must pay for everything be gets. If you wish me to use my magic power to send you home again you must do something for me first. Help me and I will help you." "What must I do?" asked the girl. "Kill the wicked Witch of the West," answered Oz. "Dut I cannot!" exclaimed Dorothy, greatly surprised. "You killed the Witch of the East and you wear the silver shoes, which bear a powerful charm. There is now but one Wicked Witch left In all this land, and when you can tell me she is dead I will send you back to Kansas but not before." The little girl began to weep, she was so much disappointed; and the eyes winked again and looked upon her anxiously, as if the Great Oz felt that she could help him if she would. "I never killed anything willingly," she sobbed; "and even If I wanted to, how could I kill the Wicked Witch? If you, who are Great and Terrible, cannot kill her yourself, how do you expect me to do It?" "I do not know," satd tho head; "but that Is my answer, and until the Wicked Witch dies you will not see your uncle and aunt again. Remember that the witch Is wicked tremendous ly wicked and ought to be killed, isow go, ana do not ask to see me agnln until you have done your task." Sorrowfully Dorothy left the throne room and went back where the Lion and the Scarecrow and the Tin Wood man were waiting to hear what Oz had said to her. "There Is no hope for me," she said, sadly, "for Oz will not send me home until I have killed the Wicked Witch of the West; and that I can never do." Her friends were sorry, but could do nothing to help her; so she went to her own room and lay down on the bed and cried herself to sleep. The next morning the soldier with the green whiskers came to the Scare crow and said: "Come with me, for Oz has sent for you." . So the Scarecrow followed him and was admitted into the great throne room, where he sr.w, sitting in the emerald throne, a most lovely lady, She was dressed In green silk gauze and wore upon her flowing green locks a crown of Jewels. Growing from her shoulders were wings, gorgeous In color and so light that they fluttered if the slightest breath of air reached them. When the Scarecrow had bowed, as prettily as his straw stuffing would let blm, before this beautiful creature, she looked upon him sweetly, and said: "I am Oz, the Great and Terrible. "Who are you, and why do you seek me?" Now the Scarecrow, who had ex pected to see the great head Dorothy had told him of, was much astonished; but he answered her bravely. "I am only a Scarecrow, stuffed with straw. Therefore I have no brains, and I come to you praying that you will put brains In my head instead of straw, so that I may become as much a man as any other in your dominions." "Why should I do this for you?" asked the lady. "because you are wise and power ful, and no one else can help me," an swered the Scarecrow. "I never grant favors without some return," eald Oz; "but thia much I will promise: If you will kill for me the Wicked Witch of the West I will bestow upon you a great many brains, and such good brains that you will bo the wisest man in all the Land of Oz. "I thought you asked Dorothy to kill the Witch," said the Scarecrow, in surprise. "So I did. I don't care who kills her. Dut until she is dead I will not grant your wish. Now go, and do not seek me again until you have earned tho brains you so greatly desire. The Scarecrow went sorrowfully back to his friends and told them what Oz had said; and Dorothy was surprised to find that the great Wizard was not a head, as she had seen him, but a lovely lady. "All the same," said the Scarecrow, "sho needs a heart as much as the Tin Woodman." On the next morning the soldier with the green whiskers came to the Tin Woodman and said: "Oz has sent for you. Follow me." So the Tin Woodman followed him and came to the great throne room. He did not know whether he would find Oz a lovely lady or a head, but he hoped it would be the lovely lady. "For." he said to himself, "if it Is the head, I am sure I shall not be given a heart, since a head has no heart ot its own and therefore cannot feel for me. But If it 1b the lovely lady I shall beg hard for a heart, for all la dles are themselves said to be kindly hearted." Dut when the Woodman entered the great throne room he 6aw neither the head nor the lady, for Oz had taken the shape of a most terrible beast. It was nearly as big as an elephant, and the green throne seemed hardly strong enough to hold its weight. The beast had a head like that of a rhinoceros, only there were five eyes In Its face. There were five long arms growing out of its body and it also had five long, slim legs. Thick, woolly hair covered every part of It, and a more dreadful looking monster could not be imagined. It was fortunate the Tin woodman had no heart at that mo ment, for it would have beat loud and fast from terror. But being only tin, the Woodman was not at all afraid, al though he was much disappointed. "I am Oz, the Great and Terrible," spake the beast, in a voice that was one great roar. "Who are you, and why do you seek me?" "I am a Woodman, and made of tin. Therefore I have no heart, and can not love. I pray you to give me a heart that I may be as other men are. Why should I do this?" demanded the beast. 'Because I ask it, and you alone can grant my request," answered the Woodman. (TO BE CONTINUED.) Women Workers Every Wajje Earner Should Join Union By MARGARET L. FOLEY Nebraska Directory VEKY woinun wage-earner should belong to a trade organiza tion. It is only through organization that anything is ob tained. In every large community of intelligent working people a trade union is as legitimate as a savings bank. Capi talists combine into corporations and trusts to lower expenses and increase profits and wage-earners combine into unions to reduce the hours of labor and to raise wages. Any person, whether capitalist or wage-earner, who does not protect his business interests by organizing with others like himself is almost certain to become a loser. The wage- earner cannot do without the trade union. It is the only hope that he has of permanently bettering his condition. Women workers, especially when unorganized, are the most helpless class in the community, with the exception of the child worker, because of their inexperience in business life. They can be a great menace to the community where they work in competition with men, for when unorgan ized they invariably tend to lower wages. Women start out in the labor world with the idea that their wage- earning period will be of short duration. They therefore often accept lower wages than would a man without considering that by so doing they are lessening the possibility for that man to marry and support a family according to the American standard. Again the large number of women working after marriage is indica tive of the fact that the competition of organized women with men is so great that the normal family relation cannot be maintained. Kverv wnmnn slinnlil strive for I t . SJ living wage, an eight-hour day and rAu oC- good sanitary conditions, which are al most never found in unorganized trades. How the Poultry Business Rapidly Grows By J. A. BOSTEDO ) WHAT'S THE USE OF KICKING? Writer In Eastern Journal Condemns the Practice, and Asks Above Question. If kicking would help some It would be worth while, but It does not On the contrary, it hinders. Then why do rational, sensible men and women indulge in it? There is a question that Is worthy of more than a passing thought, for It relates to human comfort, prosper ity, and success: Why do you kick when things do not go to pleaBe you? Is It not because you were taught to do so? Didn't your parents, your big brothers and sisters, and maybe the men and women you admired, grumble and complain, or kick, when things did not go to suit them, even when its fault was their own? And are not your children learning in the same way from you? Maybe you had no thought of this before? Now that your attention has been called to It, and you have thought about It, if you do not act accordingly you will not be doing right, and to fail to do that which you know to be right is to sin. Kicking is, therefore, a sign of Ul- breedlng, and one that young folks should take Into account when choos ing life partners, for a kicker In matri monial harness loses the race, besides creating much confusion. Newark (N. J.) News. Benefits of Sunlight in the Sickroom By WELLS ANDREWS, M. D. If you wish to be Cured of Constipation Use Uncle Sam Breakfast Food A delightful food made from wheat and flax na ture's own remedy. Ask your grocer He Certainly Knows Some one now advocates a muzzle for roosters. There have been muzzles pro posed for dogs, for cats and, in fact, for almost everything except for the man who constantly finds fault with other people's business. Only a few years ago the poul try industry was in its infancy. Look at it now. The city folks are building up some of the finest grades of poultry to be found either in America or Europe. Most people think that it was the farmer who built up the poultry industry. Xot i Look through the many poultry shows and you will see that the city folks are ahead of the farmers. The large cities are full of faney-iwultry breeders. People came to our doors simply begging for fresh eggs, especially for the use of invalids and children. The price was no object. Fresh eggs were needed and not storage eggs. Still we find people who kick about chickens while clamoring for fresh eggs. Why don't they use storage eggs? The coming winter will find these people paying more for eggs than ever. The only way to obtain the real fresh egg is to raise it. It costs no more to feed blooded stock than the common stock of thicken. Hence the great amount of fancy poultry found throughout the suburbs of the hi" cities. If people do not agree with their neighbors' views and ideas, why don't thev move elsewhere? The unmuzzled howler is found all over the from ocean to ocean. But show me one who adds a penny to industry. A visit to the poultry and animal shows will convince anybody that the city peopk are showing the goods, not howling. It is cot a surrey with a rattling air-cooled power plant. It is a reg ular Automobile, made in Jackson. Moderately high wheels, 2-inch solid rubber tires. Detachable rear tonneau seat. A really handsome as well as strong car. It is not a racing car, climbs the big hills; handles the muddy roads and with top (storm front always in eluded) it is a perfect winter car. PIONEER IMPLEMENT CO. COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA Send this add to us and we will send you a circular with full in formation. WELDING fcSlOTfflSUK neiae machinery made good new mr other metal. Expert automobile repalrlaf, nana ul muchluerr caat Iron, caat Heel, aluminum, copper, bra m or BERTBCHY M0TCH CO.. Council Bluffs. Do Too want tbe Beet Corn Shelter aa4e? If Kt iDm ud nTiDg a MARSEILLES CORN SHELLER Wrlu for caiatuf or ae you local dealer. JOHN DEERE PLOW CO., OMAHA ALL MAKES TYPEWRITERS M m arr price, uud or lime pa nia. HaoMa.ranieppn. weikls rwhere for free lamination. Mo 4e n. writ, forfeit banal ILl ..4 0k? IJ.HM la. KODAK FINISHING attention. All auppllea for tbe Amateur strictly freeh. Send for catalogue and finishing price. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO.. box 1197. omana, nod. THE PAXTON European Plai Rooms from 11.00 up single, 76eente up double. CATS PRICES REASONABLE for full Informa- IllllOtlo Ion on VICTOR MACHINES AND RECORDS. Indeatru ctable Cylinder Kecorda, runo put ere. uicutan r lano Plarera. Player aad Plana Uullc ka F.VU1.I1 la. Wholel uu M.tall, PIANO PLAYER CO. 120 60. Iflthtt. Ill fcitM itire Omaha All doctors now agree that the sickroom should be a sunny one, if possible. It has been remarked in hospitals that patients on the sunny side get well quicker than those on the dark side. Sunlight gives vigor and life. Of course the window blinds should be drawn if the patient wish es for a dark room, as people do in pain, and in some cases a dark room is necessary, but these arc the exceptions. In general a sunny room is a good medicine. In all families there should be one who could perform the duties of a nurse. To do so requires tact and observation. She must use her eves and remember every detail and, if possible, note them down in writing, to tell the doctor nil about the patient in his absence. These are the principal things the nurse should note: First, tempera ture: second, pulse; third, respiration. Taking the temperature means ascertaining the exact heat of tho bodv. This cannot be done by mere feeling with the hand. It must be done with a clinical thermometer, which ia a very important help in med ical practice. These thermometers can be purchased of your druggist and your doctor will instruct as to their use. The temperature can be taken in various parts of the body, the most usual being in the mouth or nnnpit. The normal or natural heat of the body is 08.4 degrees. -uauuiB old br (be Beet Daaltre. We will tend te Mplle a teach. r on raoolpt of Hot. I a lUmpi, It-Inch, bar maple, tra edged rule. JOHN 0. WOODWARD A COV'The Candy Mn"Councll Bluff, la. fin VhATo BALTIC BLACK 1 'V I LYNX SUM A I I Pi FURS OUAMANT1IO. uV nil i Ann iinrn utim I.IILLUUU IIUICLOami in. American S2. 00 par day and upward European SI. 00 par day and upward Taka Dodga ttrl oar at Union Depot. Cramation In Germany. In 1908 the total number ot bodies disposed of by cremation tn Germany was,, the British Medical Journal lays, 4,050, as against 2.977 In 1907, showing an Increase of 1,073, or 3G per cent Among those whose bodies were cre mated were 1,474 women. The classi fication according to religious creeds gives some Interesting results. Whll the majority of persons cremated were described as Lutherans, there was a considerable body of Catholics, not withstanding the prohibition Issued by Leo XIII. For some reason, In Ger many, as in France, cromatlon does not seem to appeal to Free Thinkers. In 2,517 cases, all coming under the head of Lutherans, the Incineration was accompuulcd by religious rites. Berbers of Morocco Are a Bad Lot By PROF. PAUL DU B013 llnlrtnlty l Calllorala The Berbers, the fanatical followers of Mohammed, nre the ones who have made the trouble that Spain is experiencing in Morocco. I was in their part of the world sum mer before last and got a near view of the natives, although it is a dangerous land for strangers to explore. The IJerlcrs make war on everybody of alien race and they are especially hostile to white men. Many a missionary has been dispatched by them in the most horrible manner. Throughout all tho centuries since Christ they have re- OMAHA ROME MILLER DR. HcGREW GO. SPECIALISTS! Pay Fee When tor MEN & WOMEN Cured Established In Omaha 27 Years Investigate our success, reliability, hon est and honorable dealing and office where the tick are treated and cured. All ailments, no matter how acquired. Write for FREE Symptom Blank, Exam-, (nation and Consultation. 215 S. 14th St, Omaha, Neb. "fit ALCOHOLIC INEBRIETY OPIUU MORPHINE POSITIVELY CURES AND OTHER DRUC ADDICTIONS. THIRTY YEARS of contlQUoue aucceaa. Printed matter aent ID plain envelope upon rrmieat. All cor mained as they were in the beginning, sav ego nomads, unconquered, their hand against all mankind and living rMpPond,en'.Zflderntl.,!! off their herds and flocks. There nre about 3,000,000 of the Berbers in THE Ff EELEY INSTITUTE Morocco. Arabic. They have no written lunguage and speak a corruption of Cur. TwmtrTlfth and Caaa BlrMte, OMAHA, NEBRASKA