The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, November 08, 1909, Image 5

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Judge Supreme Court
J. R. Dean, dem
B. F. Good, dem
J. J. Sullivan, dem.;. . . .
J. B. Humes, rep
Jacob Fawcett, rep. . . . .
S. II. Sedgwick, rep. . . .
R. L. Staple, pro
A. G. Wolfenbarger, pro
Regents of University
Churles T. Knnpp, dem.
Charles S. Allen, rep
W. G. Whitmore, rep...
I). C. Cole, pro ind
F. E. Linch, pro
J. H. Van Stccn, pro. . .
A. T. Hunt, soc
Wm Wemnier, soc
Regents to nil Vacancy
II. E. Newbranch, dem
F. L. Hallcr, rep
A. L. A. Schiermeyer, soet
County Clerk
D. C. Morgan, dem
Geo. Lushinnky, rep ... .
County Treasurer
F. E. Schlatcr, dem
J. G. Stark, rep
County Judge
M. Archer, dem
A. J. Beeson, rep
County Sheriff
Ed. S. Tutt, dem
C. D. Quinton, rep
County Superintendent
Marv E. Foster, dem. . .
E. E. Oddl, rep
Register of Deeds
A. J. Snyder, dem
L. II. Daft, rep........
County Surveyor
Fred Patterson, dem
Geo. Trunkenboltz, rep .
County Coroner
E. Ratnour, dem
B. I. Clements, rep
rViuntv rVimmlsclnnpr
G. P. Meisinger, dim. .
M. L. Friedrich, rep
And now the bunglesoiue work of
the last legislature is again being
shown. It will be remembered that
the legislature of two years ago passed
a law which tfas'tafliid the'Auti-Pa
Law." The provisions of that made it
unlawful to "Accept or Use" a pass.
Thn Inst, lrtrislature in chancing the
law and making it legal for railroad
"ompanies to issue passes to widows of
employes, changed the wording of the
law to "Accept and Use." Therefore
in the changing of the little word "or"
to "and" it is now necessary to prove
law to "Accept and Use." Therefore
in the changing of the little word "or"
to "and" it is now necessary to prove
the"usc" of the pass, the acceptance
not being of itself unlawful. Hereto
m m
Individually Wrapped
Each Vassar Chocolate is protected by
an individual wrapper of moisture-proof
This insures their freshness their rich
ness, their daintiness. This extra pre
caution is expensive to us but it is better
for the candy.
Vassar Chocolates never dry out Their
' exquisite flavor is always retained.
; And such a flavor ! So supremely delicious.
' The creamy centers are flavored with
In each box are assorted strawberry,
raspberry, pineapple, apricot lemon and
orange. You can recognize the taste of the
luscious fruit. Each chocolate is encased
in the purest and costliest coating.
Vassar Chocolates are the favored sweet
meat Their popularity has created a
great demand. Our dealers are constantly
Treat yourself or your loved ones to
Vassar Chocolates
Made by
1 1 1 TT ! S I W,'l)inB I Plattsmouth
t c w Water
X 2 C w SSj "H
i .& t s s g . I d -S M I I 3 I I g M g $ "a-
HO a, vW a. ? u i-;: W j u, x b J cZH U, x H h E
99 C7 88 102 70 53 32 8G 9S 03 08 12li 50 S9 83 54 116 18 14 8 fis 138 133 72 0(5 1S07
95 07; S7 102 70 49: 30j 85 93 03 07 125 53 87 82 55 110 IS 15 8 72 130 130 09 05 1845
93 08 SS 100 72, 50 30( 85 90 fi5j 07 125 53 89 84 55 115 18 10 " 75 13S 130 09 04 1858
'98 72 1J0 177113 ,03 00, 00 107 74 55 58 )17 127 "77 28 09 42 48 37 07 72 94 OS 3l 193o!
' 98 "75 116 ISO 1H0 153 5S. 59 1()g 73 54 59 117 124 77 28 07 41 47 30 00 73 94 00 33 1919
95 72 117 1S1 110 03 5S 61 10S1 73 53 59 115 125 70 28 65 41 48 30 00 74 93 07 2! ISSo'
5' 7l 1 6 5 1 13 12; 4 4 1 0 2 4 1 2 2 3 2 2, 77
t 41 9 3 4' 8 2 1 3 13 4 4 3 0 3 4 2 2 1 3 4 2 21 S7
S" COj 81 90 01 43 28 8 J 90 58 00 122 52 80 75 49 105 17 14 0 57 122 113 57 03 1009
110 80 121 191' 122 70 64 60 110 l 6lj 02.123 132 83 30 77 40 48 38 80 82 111 82 33 2113
100! 78 121 187j 123' 00 02 64 109 78 6l 02! 121 132 8l 33 77 38 48 39 81 80 104 77 33 2055
14' 0 57 13 8 0 5 2 4 6 7) 3 39 IS 4 8 9 4 4 8 8 IS 0 5 202
13 N 5 11 ll 4 2 3, 18 5 3 3 1 1 6 5 7 4 2 1 0 7 1 4 131
llj S 5 9 10 3 2 3 15 5 l1 3 1 0 5 7 3 2 1 0 6 1 3 110
l1 4 . l 1 1 l1 It 4 3 1 4 , 1 2 12 7 9 3 5o!
j 41 2 1 l 1 5 1 1 3 1 1 7 5 9 2 44
97! 6 J 85 101 72 52 32 SO 9.J 04 G7 12? 54 87 82 50 117 IS 14 7 61 132 125 07 03 1820
98 81 118 185 123 64 61! 63 111' 77. 56 61 122 127 78 28 71 40 51 38 74 71 97 00 33 1997 171
2 4' 9 1 1 I 2 1 l! 5 1 2 6 1 3 8 8 11 3 59
113 74 104 137 95 57, 35 SS 123 72 59 120 62 114 89 00 120 23 14 12 80 130 121 48 58 2032 73
86 73105 155 103 58 00 01 90 72 00' 07 114 108 81 21 80 40 51 35 57 88 125 103 48 1959
I I I I I I i I I I I I I
148 87 99 100 98 00 48 100 151 77 76 128 75 108 97 05 147 35 28 16 105 161 154 80 76 2337 687
53 64 111 194 100 50. 51 45 88 09 48 05 100 108 70 22 57 27 37 34f 40 59 89! 50 27 1050
94! 61 84j 90; 68 49 34 70 95 69 65 123 52( 74 85 58 104 19 14 10 61 103 120 73 06 1747
, 109 87 127 200 127, 07 05! 75 123 80 58 07 123 147 84 31 98 47, 50 40 85 121 129 77 38 2255 580
' I I I 1 I I
95 08 81 94 71' 45 33, 88' 93 59 08 110 47 81 77 53 95 19, 20 8 67 120 143 00 08 1781
103 84 130 199 130 73 07 03 129 91 57 80 129, 142 98 36 108 48, 40 43 73 94 100 82 37 224S 407
I I 1 Mil
112 78 93 108 93 40 40 93 111 73 70 130 65 91 95 03 140 25 20 12 79 154 149 75 73 2088 164
90 72 115 187 100 80. 57 57 109 77 55' 50 112 132 74 25 63 40, 44 37 65 08 98 72 31 1924
1 I I I I I
103 52 01 102 70 53; 30 87 103 05 72 130 01 98 90 09 147 21 10 11 85 150 154 80 77 2011 38
i 100 100 149 187 129 04 02, 62 114 77 54 61 114 122 76 20 55 45 46 38 58 64 91 GO 25 1973
! 8S 00 88 114 83 55 37, 85 10o' 08 65 129 5J 10 J 94 51 128 24 17 13 82 140 140 77 75 1990 65
112 79 118 175 116 62 59 05 107, 77 56' 61 113 115 77 34 73 37 40 47 58 73 93 04 27 1931
I ' I 1 '
87 02 87 73 74 51 40 98 95 81 71 128 83 92 81 57 118 40 31 17 62 132 129 61 03 1916
120 85 121 219 124' 65 57l 51 118 64 52, 62, 92 124 84 30 79 ' 27 33 32 77 86 112 80 38 2032 116
92 72 89 115 90 50 40 101 122 09 07.114 58 94 94 60 111 26 14 11 65 121 130 03 69 1949
I 78 78 119 170 100 61 58 48 95 74 60 81 118 125, 80 29 90 37 52 38 ,78 104 115 82 35 2041 92
I ill lli 1 I I I I I I I I III
fore the roads were compelled to give
the names of all parties to whom passes
were issued and as the acceptance of a
pass is not now of itself an illegal act,
it is)ieT:essHry to prove the Use of that
pass, which is another proposition.
One by one the laws of that last legisla
ture are being proven of no account,
and now it seems that they are respon
sible for the undoing of some of the
good laws of the former session.When
will it ever end?
For almost the first time in its his
tory Tammany knows what it means
to hold the bag. Just think of it, no
money to handle for a long time to
come, and that means nothing doing in
the graft line. There will be much
weeping among the faithful and many
of them will have to go on the carpet
and tell what they know about it and
just why and how it happened. In the
language of the classics there is going to
be something doing at graft headquar
ters and many a man is going to spend
a bad half hour.
People who are interested in foot ball
want to remember that the hottest
game of the year is to be played at Lin
coln tomorrow when the old rivals,
Nebraska and Kansas, meet on the new
gridiron in the capital city. It will be a
hotly contested game as there is much
rivalry between the teams and enough
of the old fight left so that the game will
be a hammer and push from the start.
You can leave here in the morning and
return after the game is over
The report that Theodore Roosevelt
had been killed while hunting in Africa
has been branded as a fake. No, Ted
dy has not been killed and furthermore
is not going to be. A man like our
former president has too much respect
for the big game of America to permit
any old animal in the dark continent to
do him up. But if the report had been
true the mourning in this country
would have been something fierce.
Foot ball may be all right for some
people who would make food inmates
of a loonytick emporium, llit when it
comes to a game that is a game, give us
the good old national game where it
takes brains instead of beef and where
the average citizen can sec what is go
ing on without having to resort to an
x-ray machine to see through the pile
and determine who has the ball.
Friends of Mike Cavey all over Cass
county will be pleased to learn that he
was elected county commissioner of
lioone county on the republican ticket,
notwithstanding the county went dem
ocratic. His own precinct gave him a
majority of over two hundred. This
speaks well for Mr. Cavey and we con
gratulate him upon his election.
Cass county went republican by a
majority of 05, a gain over last year of
45 on the head of the ticket. On re
gents of the university the republican
majority was 444 over the democratic
vote. ' That doesn't look as if old Cass
was going backward very much.
The Journal editorial writer should
come out of it for a time. He will be
taken seriously some day, and thru
The republican judges have all been
elected, but by a mighty close margin.
"We love, we love, we love the republl
can candidates," sings the voters, but
oh, yoii"(emoerat.s.
That Bank Guarantee Law down in
Uklahoma seems to he running up
against some trouble, and even Gov
Haskell seems to be getting cold feet on
the proposition.
It is estimated that while Judge
Faweett may be the low man on the re
publican ticket, his majority will prob
ably be not less than 2,000.
The new slogan for the democratic
campaign next year will be "Let Him
Shoot His Wad." It sounds better
than "Let the People Ilule."
the Benefit
Plattsmouth Has to Bow to the
Enevitable- Scores of Citi
zens Proves it.
After reading the public statement
of this representative citizen of Platts
mouth, given below, you must come to
this conclusion: A remedy which cured
years ago, which has kept the kidneys
in good health since, can be relied up
on to perform the same Work in other
cases. Keaa mis: ...
J. W. Hickson, Oak Street, Platts
mouth, , Nebr., says: "I will never
cease to praise Doan's Kidney Pillr,
as they were of such great benefit to
me several years ago. My kidneys and
back were a source of constant suffer
ing and I was subject to attacks of
lumbago that came on without the
least warning. The simplest move
ment was painful and I was anoyed
more or less by the irregular passages
of the kidney secretions. I read so
much about Doan's Kidney Pills, that
I finally procured a box from Gering &
Co. '8 drug store. I was so gratified
with the results of their ue that I
publicly endorsed them in 1906 and at
this time, I heartily renew that state
ment. I hope that other kidney suf
ferers will profit by my experience."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foeter-Mllburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name-Doan's-and
take no other. 50-4
Allard Vroman who has been travel
ing over the western part of the country
for the past 18 montha returned home
Sunday to spend the winter with his
parent,Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Vroman.
Want Column
WANTED-Woman to do laundry
work. Good wages, apply at once at
Hotel Riley.
WANTED-Young men and women to
fill positions paying $900 to $2000 per
annum. Big demand for stenograph
ers in the Government service, ,as
well as in private business life. Our
new method of teaching shorthand
by mail insures as thorough and
practical a training at your own home
as is obtainable by personal attend
ance at any business college in the
country. We guarantee success.
Complete course for small cash pay
ment; balance to be paid when you
secure a position. Trial lesson free.
Central Business Institute, Central
Building, Washington, D. C.
FOR EXCH ANGE.640 acres in Kimbl
county, fine. Will exchange for
Cass county land pay difference. 80
acres Cultivatep, in Eastern Kansa
for Plattsmouth property. 8 room
cottage to exchange for western land.
Fifteen acres close in for Cash.
Windham Investment Co. 56-4
FOR SALE CHEAP-At Smith's barn,
Plattsmouth, Neb., a new carriage.
Lady owning same has quit keeping a
horse. It must sell. sw-tf
Legal Notice.
Alvln Kt'rrln. defendant, will take notion that
on thi fourth day of Aummt, IWM. Ada KhitIh,
planum. mm nw petition in tne aim net court
of Cam county, NYhraxka. airalnnt the defnnct
ant. the object and prayer of which la to obtain
a decree of divorce from the bomlii of matri
mony, and for the cimUxiy of her children, Ut
wit: F.lhi'l, Clair and Kenneth, ami for auch
other relief aa equity may require.
ou are minimi to anxwer aaid net It Ion on
or before Hie !2IHli day of December, 11MU.
Ada rerrla.
By her Attorney, M. Archer
Legal Notice.
WSctK I County Court.
In the matter of the ltd ale of Margaret M.
Walllnit. deceancd.
To all persons IiiutiwNmI-
You are hereby notified that the executor of
the aliove eatate Mux filed In this court his re
IKirt toKcthcr with a ictl(ion, pray I tut thvreio
that said estate be settled and the executor le
discharKed, and that the estate be distributed
and assigned Hccordlnn to the terms of the last
will and testament of said deceased.
That a hearing will Im had iiMtn said report
and petition liefore thia court, at riattsmoiith,
In suld county, on the IMItli day of November,
lUOfi. at Ho clock a m.. and that all object Ions.
if any, must lie II led on or before suld day and
Hour or nearlnK.
Witness my hand and the seal of the county
court oi sum county nils vn uay or rsovemner
Seal. , County J mine.
Sit HI
Do you want an
If you do, get one who has
Experience, Ability, Judgement
Telegraph or Write
Robert Wilkinson,
Dunbar, Nebr.
Or call at the News-Herald office and
we will save you trouble and expense
in getting dates and terms.
Good Service. Reasonable Rate
Smoke an
And he Hn-rmv 'i
nr ij .
Bank of Eagle, Eagle.
Nehawka Bank, Nehawka.
Bank of Murdock, Murdock.
First Nat'l bunk, Greenwood.
State bank of Murray. Murray.
First Nat'l bank, Plattsmouth.
litlll apalliicrt Ilik-Oril DfMI-tnr ItaiM
aturrlm. nt-'quiapfd D'ul Of
fice It lb Mmiit Mtti.
M floor filon Bl . Ilbrrnm. OMAHA, NEB.
1 tlJt tiv 'lull n u"u( tin
C ) VI I 1,1 flSYMll UMIKVKI
HMJX-N III t ill vmSSiuii
i J in -J.M0 e)x
Snid S U31S3H0IHO
Ayttuwu ! rut p H ut tl,
Vwpeuu puiua4 ei-a-s ,
W ') 1rSa4, jeal say Mpe-I
State of Nebraska, I . . ,
County of Caae. !" County Court, .
In th mutter of the ntate of Jacob F. 8. Stan-
ner, deceased.
To all persona interested:
You are hereby notified thai a petition haa bmn
filed In thia court for the administration of tha
estate of Jacob F. Ktenner and that Inn Stenner
haa barn nominated aa ui-h administrator, that
hearing will be had upon said petition on tha 6th
day of November. 19(19. at nine o'clock A M. at
my office in the City of riattamouth. Nebraska,
before which hour all objeclivna thereto muat be
filed. My the Court.
Skal) J. RftmoN.
U-S County Judge.
State of Nebraska, J oa . .
Caaa County. Is8- In County Court
In the matter of the estate of Mary Miller. de
ceased. To all poranna Interested: s ,
You are hereby notified IhaYa petition haa bean
filed in this court (pr the wiminMration of the
eHtateof.Mry Miller. tTiat ftividj. I'itman haa
been nominated an aurh admiamtrator, and that a
hearing will be had upon aaid petition on the 6th
nuTmum n. Lf,, lyvy. ai eiirni O CIOCR A.
braeka. before which hour all objection! thereto
muat be tiled, liy the Court
Byiion Clark and Allin J. Bkfrom.
W. A. Kohkrtaon, County Judite.
Notice of Election,
Befora the Board of County Commliwionera of
the County of ('ana. Nchraalia.
In tha matter of the organisation of Liberty
Drainam) District
To all whom it may concern:
1'urnuant to the order of the Board of County
Commimiionera of the county of Cam. Nebraska,
made and entered on the Itrth day of October. A,
I)., 1VU9, and by virtue of the authority veated In
me by the Statute of the State of Nebraska
hereinafter deacrihed, I, W. E. Koaencrana,
County Clerk of Caaa County, Nebraska, do
hereby mve notice that on the Uh day of Octo
ber. A. U.. 1SOH. A E. Taylor. 11. (3. Todd. J. K.
McCarroll. 0. W. Conard. Lurlla R. T.vlnr Ja.
aie H. Todd, Barbara A. Taylor, M. (i. McQuln,
Im J. Hall, (ieorne N. LaHue and F. H. Mc
Carthy, tiled in tha ofrire of tha County Clerk of
Cam County their petition in writing- and also
tneir Dona wun surety thereon, all in manner and
form as by law required, and which bond and
surety thereon waa on the 2nd day cf November,
A. D1U08, approved by me. The object and
prayer of aaid petition bein for tha onranitation
of Liberty Drainaue District; aaid petition being
niea under ma provisions or an act passed by
the Legislature of tha State of Nebraska arut
approved by the Coventor thereof, March 27th,
iwi, enuiira;
"An Act to provide for drainao-a districts to
drain wet land; and land auliject U overflow; and
any land which will be improved by drainage; 1
to build dykea and leveea; to construct, atraight
en. widen, deepen, or alter any ditch, drain,
stream, or watercourse; to riprap or otherwise
protect the bank of any stream or ditch; to con
struct, enlarge, extend, improve or maintain any
drainage system; to construct, enlarge, extend.
improve or maintain any ayatem of control or sur- -fare
water or running water: and tha riirhts.
obligations and powers of eweh corporations,
including the power of eminent domain, the crea
tion of debts. Issuing of negotiable bonds, and tha
levying oi special asaeaamenu ea auch real ea
tata and easements therein as may be benefited
by aurh public work, and defining the dutiea and
powera of public officials. ' And amendments
That tha boundaries of aaid Liberty Drainara
District as fixed and determined by aaid County
Commissioners are aa follows, to-wlt:
Commencing at the center of the Missouri River
where it intersects the east and west half sec
tion line of section twenty-eight ti), in town
ship (10), range fourteen (H), in the County of
Cass, Nebraska, thence continuing due west on
aaid half section line through eectiona twenty- ,
nine ana tntrty t buj. of sM township and
range to range thirteen (131. thence continuing
due weat through section twenty-five (2T) to unc
tion twrnty-aix tzti). thence north eighty (HO)
rods, thenre due weat one hundred and aixty
(160) rods to the half section line, thence north
on the half section line to the northern boundary
of section twenty-three 121), thence due west on
the north boundary line of snid section twenty
three (')), with sections fifteen and sixteen (IB A
in) on tha north and sections twenty-one and
twenty-two (21 & 22) on the south, to the north
west corner of section twenty-one (2i, thence)
aouin one mile to tne southwest corner of section
twenty-one (21), thence due east on the section
line to the northeast corner of section twenty
seven (7). thence one and one-half milea to the
half section line bet ween serlions thirty-four and
thirty-five CU A BT). thenre due east on the half
section line through said section thirty-five (116)
to the center of section thirty-aix CM), thence
south eighty M)) rods, thence east one hundred
end sixty DM) rods to the section and range
line, all in township ten 11)1, mirth, range thir
teen (13) thenceMiuth to tho southwest comer
of section thirty-one (31), and to the Otoe
Count v line, thenre punt on the county lino forty
mil rons, thenre south in Otoe County one hun
dred and aixty (UK)) rods, thenre east forty (40)
rods to the center of said strtion six (). thence
south one hundred and aixty ltvi roda lo the
section line, thenre east on said section lina to
the center of the channel of thn Misonuri Itiver,
thenre up the center of the Missouri Kiver with
its meandering to the point of beginning. All
of said lands in Otoe County being In township
nine, norm or range fourteen.
All land owners within th boundaries of said
proposed Liberty Drainage District and all others
concerned, are hereby notified that an election
will beheld on riduy. November ID. A. D., 1909
between the hours of right o'clock A. M . and aix
o'clock P. M . at the otlire of the County Clerk of
the County of Cass, Nt brasko, at I'lnttsmouth in
said county; that at snid election the question of
the formation of said Liberty Drainage District
shall be determined and n Hoard of seven direc
tors shall be elected, sa d bosrt to take office
contingently on the formation of said district.
In Witness Whereof. I have hvreinto subscrib
ed my otficisl signature an Coun y Clerk aid
affixed the arnl of Case ci unty. Nebraska, at my
office in the court house in the city of Platts
mouth. In raid county, this 2tt day of October.
A. D., 1909.
Hvnt'N ( i.ark and W. K. Hoskntrans,
W. A. KoHKHTfloN. County Clerk of Casa
Attorneya for Petitioners County, Neb.
LSkali tb-t
At Low
Round "flip
On pale every firtt and third
Tuesday in earn mmith t every
part of the Southwest.
Hugh Norton, Agent.