The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, November 08, 1909, Image 4

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Entered at the postoffice at Flattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska,
as second class mail matter.
Business Magager
One Year in Advance, $1.60.
Six Months in advance, 75c
A, Flattsmouth Telephone No. 85. i Nebraska Telephone No. 85 JL
V v : : ;. V
NOVEMBER 8, 1909 " V
In the excitement of a political cam
paign where men who take an active
part bend every energy to win for both
themselves and thtiir friends, in the re
laxation which' comes after the result is
given, we sometimes think that we are
prone to forget too quickly those who
having borne the brunt of the battle
and have gone down to defeat.
In the campaign which has just
closed republicans can look back with
pride to the battle which was waged by
both the candidatesand their friends.
Some of the,, republican candidates
were up against a proposition which,
though defeated;" they come out of the
conflict with banners flying.
The defeat of Laurence II. Daft, re
publicancandidate for register of
deeds, cannot be laid to the door of lack
of qualifications of Mr. Daftor to any
thing that can be said against one of the
most popular candidates on the ticket.
Everybody conceded his election at the
very start, and without doubt it was
this feeling of oVer-confidencc which
was responsible for his defeat. His op
ponent, Mr. Snyder, was a strong can
didate, but as Mr. Daft had the pres
tige of a republican' majority to start
with no one doubted but what he
would be the next' register of deeds.
His defeat came as a surprise and also
with much regret. . He is too good a
man to keep down, and we trust that
his defeat will makeliini even stronger
with the public.
John Gerry Stark was up against a
strong man. He was opposed by a man
who was not only popular, but was up
for his second term, which in a county
as close as this means a great deal for
the second term candidate. With the
acquaintance gained over the county
and the experience which has come to
him in his first campaign he has not lost
prestige, but has placed himself in a po
sition where he will be stronger with
the people in future years.
For a new man who had been in the
county but a short time, Prof. E. E.
Odell ran a great race for superinten
dent. He too was opposed by a strong
candidate and one who was up for her
second term. This no doubt was re
sponsible more than anything else for
his defeat. He made a clean campaign,
and the people who came in contact
with him have learned to respect him
and to have confidence in him not only
as an educator, but as a young man of
sterling integrity.
While we regret the defeat of all the
candidates who went down in the bat
tle, that of George Lushinsky seems to
strike the hardest. This is not be
cause of favoritism over other candi
dates, but more especially because of
the people he represented. It was to
be hoped that the people of tho county
would recognize that Mr. Lushinsky
was a representative of the laboring
class and irrespective of party give
him the recognition he deserved as
their representative. However, the
odds were too strongly against him.
The irc were several conditions which he
had to.mcit, either of which would
have put most any man to the bad.
In Mr. Morgan he had an opponent
who was well known, having been in
public life for several years. Added to
this was the facl that he had made a
Tcry efficient deputy and many people
believed that he was entitled to promo
tion. Having been in the office of the
county clerk for four years he had an
opportunity to cultivate an acquaint
ance which stood him in good stead
when he came to. ask for the votes of
the people. I'hen again, in Mr. Ro
sencrans Mr. Morgan had a friend who
is one of the lst campaigners in Cass
county, and tile weight of his influence
alone would have been sufficient to
have defeated most men. Were it not
that Mr. Lushinsky made hosts of
friends wherever he went, and the feel
ing that prevailed that he represented
the working men, Mr. Morgan would
have received six or eight hundred ma
jority to say the least.
Mr. Lushinsky isamanamone men.
He announced at the start that
if he could not be elected upon a clean
campaign he did not wish the office.
His wishes were respected and the
campaign was fought out we believe on
both sides of the clerk controversy
with no bad feelings on either side.
Mr. Lushinsky started out compara
tively unknown outside of Flatts
mouth. He had always been an indus
trious hard working citizen, stickine
closely to business and his acquaint
ance had therefore not extended over
the county. However, the people of
Cass county now know George Lushin
sky better, and if the time ever comes
again when his party should present
him for the suffrages of the people
there will not be a man in Cass county
who will be able to stand against him
successfully. It is such men as George
Lushinsky who make the kind of hon
est officials which the people want,
and this defeat, while it is a defeat for
office, is a victory for manhood and
sterling integrity, from the fact that
with all those conditions against him
mentioned above, he was able to hold
his opponent to comparatively an even
vote. Mr. Lushinsky will be heard
from in the future.
Take it all around, while we feel
deeply the defeat of the republican
candidates from a political standpoint
as well as personal, the fact remains
that the republican party put up a
clean fight and there are no regrets
coming from that score The battle
has been fought. Victory has perched
on the banner of a portion of our can
didates, aud while others w:ent down to
defeat they did so with banners flying
and their faces to the enemy.
Boys, we arc not defeated, only re
pulsed for a time. Let's get Tcady to
up and at them again, and with the ex
periences of the past, win the battle
next year.
he wondered . . He has listened to the
words of the great men wlio have lit
erally brought the heavens to our feet
and have told us so much about the
planets, but all these things pale into
insignificance when compared with the
great achievements of the democracy.
That party has simply hypnotized the
republican voter and made him believe
he was the only non-partisan pebble in
the political maelstrom. As he strides
up to the polls to cast his ballot he looks
the part and one can imagine him say
ing to himself, I am the great and only
"non-partisan," I am the independent
voter, I am IT. And his democratic
friends go around behind the house and
"take something.'' Oh, it is to laugh.
You republican laborer, did the demo
cratic party ever put bread into the
mouths of your children or place
clothes upon their backs? Did you
ever earn as much money under a dem
ocratic administration as you have un
der a republican administration? You
republican farmer; you tiller of the
soil, has the democratic party ever
opened up a market for your produce?
Have you not always received a higher
price for your farm products when the J
republican party is in power? Has the
democratic party ever done a solitary
thing for you? Answer. Can you re
call any benefits you ever derived from
the party of the great unwashed? It is
your blessed privilege to vote as you
please, but can you advance any good
reason why you should turn from the
only party that has ever given results
beneficial to you to help out the party
under which you have experienced the
most bitter days of your life? Think it
over and when the time comes again
for you to exercise your suffrage don't
permit your sympathies to run riot
with your reason and good judgment.
Vote for your home and your fireside.
It pays to do so.
the White House but Mr. Taft has
served notice that he declines to be
held to account for matters whose con
trol is vested absolutely in branches
of the government outside his author
ity. Not only has Mr. Taft pointed out
the duties of congress as the legisla
tive arm of the people, but he also has
firmly shown to the voters their re
sponsibility to themselves. His plain
speech on the waterways situation, in
which he put the success of the move
ment flatly up to the citizens at large,
coupled with his later declaration that
he would do all in his power to recom
mend needed legislation, and that it
was then the duty of the representa
tives of the people to act, makes it
manifest that the president will toler
ate no "sidestepping," which is the
bane of any institution whether pri
vate or public. Mr. Taft's interpreta
tion of the functions and duties of the
co-ordinate branches of the national
government will not be accepted
everywhere, but it is unquestionably
the law adhered to by the founders
of the republic and the builders of the
constitution. 15ee,
A Little on Side Talk.
The late unpleasantness in Cass
county, by some referred to as an elec
tion wherein free American citizens are
supposed to give expression to their
preference for political office. ' has
taught its lesson and in all probability
has taught it well. 1 1 has shown the re
publican party what organization will
do when intelligently conducted. It
has demonstrated that a normal major
ity can be manipulated in such a man
ner that defeat, stinging defeat, can be
brought about. It has demonstrated
that without united and concerted ac
tion upon the part of the party holding
the balance of power good and true
men are bound to lose. It has demon
strated conclusively that all important
fact that the average republican voter
can be made the goat whenever the op
position wills it. It has demonstrated
but why continue? The writer is re
minded of the time a number of years
ago when he stood beVide the great falls
of Niagara. He marvelled at God's
great handiwork and his reverence for
the Diety was greatly increased. Later
he stood by the side of nn air ship and
gazed at it as it glided along the ways,
then slowly, gracefully and easily it
soared alolt, and as it circled about
through the air like a thing of life he
paid tribute to the grcHtuess of the in
ventor. He has watched the operator
send his wireless messages hundreds,
yes thousands of miles into space and '
And Kansas won the game. The ed
itor of this paper saw the foot ball
game between Kansas and Nebraska
last Saturday on the new athletic
grounds of the State University at
Lincoln. There were times in that
game when we were very enthusiastic
and other times the other way. Time
after, time would the Cornhuskcrs go
throughjthat Jayhawker line for good
gains, and then when it came to third
down they would fall back and punt.
Such fool generalship on the part of
the leader of the Nebraska squad we
never saw. Time after time would
they go through the Kansas line for a
good gain and on top of it for another
good gain, and then instead of taking
advantage of the demoralized condi
tion of the Kansas bunch and going af
ter them again for another buck of the
line, the Nebraska fellows would call a
session of the council and give the Kan
sas fellows a chance to steady them
selves. Nebraska could have won that
game hands down several times had
the man in charge of the Cornlutskcrs
had head enough on top of his shoul
ders to have forced a fight. Here is a
sample of thekind of play put up by
Nebraska: Within forty-five yards of
the Kansas goal Nebraska took the
ball and in seven attempts aggregat
ing thirty-five yards they carried the
ball steadily toward the Kansas line,
and Kansas was plainly rattled. Then
within ten yards of the Kansas goal
and when rapid thinking might have
won the game, Nebraska stopped and
held a consultation and Kansas re
gained her head and when finally Ne
brask made up her mind to try for
another buck of the line Kansas was
ready for her and held them. Had Ne
braska worked rapidly at several dif
ferent stages of the game, the score
would have been different. You can't
run a foot ball team without a general
any more than you can run an army
when everybody attempts to direct
the fight. -
Presidential Responsibility
The judicial temperament of, Mr.
Taft, a mighty good thing for a'presi
dent to possess, has come to the fore
twice during his southern' trip. r The
American grows up with the idea that
the president can accomplish anything
he likes, and only after the schoolboy
becomes a student of the world's affairs
in his manhood years does hewbegin I
to realize that the president's fuuo-:
tions, while executive, Ili4 riot mngfa'-'
terial. 'Congress, the sole legislative
power of the nation, sometimes seeks
to shift responsibility for sins botlof
omission and commission by blamfrig
In a comparison of the vote of the
recent election with that of a year ago
it is seen that there were 5,148 votes
cast in 1908 and only 4,140 this year
a falling off of 1,008 votes.
On the head of the ticket last year
the vote was 4,953, while the head of
the ticket this year was 3,775, or a to
tal falling off on the head of the ticket
of 1,178 votes.
The republicans cast last year on the
head of the ticket a total vote of 2,440
and this year 1,887, a loss of 553. The
democrats cast a total vote on the head
of the ticket last year 2,390, while this
year it was 1,807, a loss of 523.
A comparison of two years ago shows
that the total vote was 4,288, a loss for
this year of only 148 votes. The demo
crats cast 1,804 votes on the head of
their ticket, a gain of 83 votes. The re
publicans cast 2,088 votes on the head
of their ticket, a loss this year of 201 .
This shows that if republicans had
Our line of Sterling Silver and Plated Ware com
plete and up-to-date. We carry the product of four
or five manufacturers of standard ware and the pat
terns are new. Your choice is here.
Try our 16 dwt goods. They will give you perfect
satisfaction and will cost you only $4.50. Others
for $3.50 to $8.50. We have a nice line of pearl
handled goods. Our line of Sterling Silver for the
Christmas trade will be the largest ever shown in
Watchmaker and Jeweler.
Burlington R. R. Watch Inspector.
Don't forget our repair department.
turned out we would have landed every
man on the ticket except treasurer
This is no criticism of the voter, but.
gives him a chance to have something
to think about between now and next
On the head of the ticket this morn
ing conceded the election of Barnes and
Sedgwick, but contended that there
was still a fighting chance for their can
didate, Sullivan. A communication
received at this office from republican
headquarters at Lincoln says that there
is no doubt that the republicans have
the whole thing.
The editor in chief is in Lincoln to
day to see the Nebraskans tear great
chunks out of the Kansas Jayhawkers
and at the same time win a little glory
on the football field. He is no doubt
howling just as loud as any other In
dian, even though he was a mighty
sick man all day yesterday. What he
will say when he reads this page of the
News will be unprintable, but it will
be something worth listening to at a
distance, therefore and subsequently
and for other reasons too numerous to
mention, the writer will leave tonight
for Omaha or some other suburban re
treat for a needed change of air, like
wise diet. Wanted to go away for a
day or so anyway, so why not now?
Our phone number has been lost.
Thomas Benton Murdock, the tal
ented editor of the Eldorado, Kansas,
Republican, died at Kansas City last
Thursday. Mr. Murdock was one of
the best known newspaper men in
Kansas. He was 07 years of age and in
his death newspaper circles loses a
highly honored member and Kansas a
bright and shining light. Bent Mur
dock was a character peculiar to Kan
sas. He was a forceful writer and
wielded an influence in the affairs of
his town, district and state second to
no other. Such men are rare and their
loss is felt keenly.
Mr. George Trunkenboltz was the
candidate for surveyor, and who it was
thought was elected, but the officia
...... 1 I aI ! L 1 1 !..
cuuin siiuwcu uuierwisc.nau mauc nine
or no campaign. He had refused the
tLMnf .... : - f 1 1
luiuiiiuuuu, eu we are miormeu, ana
therefore is probably not feeling so
badly his defeat.
w a new
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Customers who have used
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A new thing is our wool-fibre
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: ... .. t