the bond of a democrat had not been filed at the same time, and therefore the thing was a standoff and neither Mr. Manspeaker nor Mr. Schlatcr were responsible for it. We hold Mr. Schla ter very highly and would not for a moment publish anything him personaly if the facts did not war rant it, and so far a9 we know there is no reason for any statement along that line. People who read the heading to an article hhould also read the whole article and many times they will know more about it if they do so Brief Local Happenin gs Little Items Concerning the Go ing and Coming of People You Know. Dt'linur Saxon of Klmwood in in the city today. i ne came is noi enaeo. i tie mere casting of the ballot, the counting of the votes4 and the announcement iL. la. t i me resuu is out an incident, a mere skirmish to the great battle which wil! take place one year from this fall There is more at stake, possibly than the average citizen considers, and would be well from now on to study conditions, study prospective candidates and look well not only into the past but into the future. It is noc to be ex pected that any man or any party can legislate or assist in legislating in such a way that every man will be satisfied It is a question of the geatest good to the greatest number which needs to be studied, ond in studying that question put your prejudices in the background throw your blue glasses in the stove and view the situation critically with the naked eye and with a mind unpre judiced by petty personal selfishness, The political and business history of the past twenty to forty years is with in the memory of most of us, and as a voter, as an intelligent citizen who ap preciates what it is to be an American citizen, foreign or native born, it is our duty as such citizen, to study well the past that we may better cast our ballot in the future. who y win i J, It; AS IT LOOKS. The result of the election in Cass county is not such that the republican who had hoped to see Old Cass brought oack where by rights she ought to be feel hopeful for the future. is true that in some respects bush whacking politics has been rebuke! and for that all good men irrespective of politics should feel glad. But the fact stands out boldly the notwithstand ing Cass pounty is republican by a good majority, republicans insist in splitting ineir ticxet, while democrats just as strongly insist in putting it in straight. a we nave no sensure to make upon s. republicans who believe that their in terests and the interests of the party ( whose principles they believesin can bast be subserved by such action. It is their business and not ours. But there is lots of chance between now and an other election to think thfse things over and learn a lesson from the result in Cass county. V Bllhorn Can't Come. The following is a portion of a let ter to Rev. W. L. Austin, and is self explanatory: "Nothing would please mo more, if I had the opportunity or time, than to go and join forces with you and your people in a campaign. I remem ber dear old l'lattsmouth, many, many years ago, when I was there with my first little organ and had a series of meetings and did a great deal of work in the Hurlington shops. I very dis tiuctly remember! the name C. C Weseott, as one who found the master in my service. I also remember with much pleasure the meeting I hud with -4ju at Hed Cloud, Neb., and regret ex ceeuingiy mat because ol oilier en gagements I will not be able to assist you at this time. "I go to the Pacific coast nearly every year, around December, and upend all the winter there. On Febru ary J, 1910, we sail with a party from San. Francisco, on the boat China, for a trip around the world. We will stop u few days at Honolulu, a week at Manilla few days at Yokohoma, Ja pan,. China, Africa, and back to Aus tralia andNew Zealand, at which places all the large cities are planning great mel tings for us. I wish you could go along, as we may need someone who lias the gift of taking up collections." Rev. V. L. Austin and Mr. Bilhorn, the sweet singer, were classmates and boys together iu Mendota, Ills. John Fitzpatrick, for many years on the police force here, departed Thurs day morning for his home in Council Muffs, after a pleasaut visit here with daughter and other friends. jf'Wt. and Mrs. W. L. Pickett de fied Thursday fur Lincoln to attend the funeral services of Mrs. Pickett's mother Friday. The interment will be at Ashlaud be'ul that of her hus band. ..'' Sheriff Quinton is at Nehawka to day on official business. Mrs. F.dith Donnelin returned home Thursday from Line tin. Ralph White of Nebraska City vis ited in this city Thursday. C. A. Clark of Chicago visited the C. h. Weseott s Sons Thursday. Mrs. Joint W. Crabill was a passen ger to Omaha Ihursday morning. ... II. Weseott is looking over all that is worth seeing at Omaha today. Miss Helle Martin, a sister of Chas. L. Martin, is the guest of Mrs. II. D. Travis. Mrs. C. A. lierggien and her daugh- ttr, A.i.-w Hannah, spent Thursday in Omaha. Mrs. J. II. Donnelly and her sister, Miss Julia Herman, visited in Omaha Thursday. M. Fanger went to Omaha Thursday to meet his new milliner from New York City. Mrs. S. M. Chapman visited Omaha Thursday and brought her son, John, home with her. Protracted meetings commence at the M. K. church Sunday evening. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Mabel, the seven-year-old daughter of Chief of Police Amick, who has been ill with diphtheria, is now convalescent. Mrs. Clcorge Sayles, who has been visiting her son and his family, re turned to her home in Cedar Creek Thursdaty. L. F. Sallee, of the Nebraska Ma sonic Home, went to Omaha Thursday to learn how the election went in Ne braska Tuesday. Miss (Jrace Fitzgerald captured her audience at the ramiele last night when she'sann "LoveMe, and the World is Mine." Mrs. Frank Wheeler accompanied her husband's sister, Mrs. S. A. Wood, as lar as Umaha on her way homo Thursday morning. Mrs. T. A. Astle, wife of a Burling ton conductor, departed Thursday for Schuyler to visit her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Hasberger. Mrs. (3. G. Smith, who has been vis iting her friend, Mrs. Thomas Wiles, departed Thursday morning for her ionic in Havelock. Protracted meetings commence at the M. E. church Sunday evening. A cordial invitation is extended to all. The Mcsdames Albert and William Weteneanip accompanied the boy to Omaha, where he is receiving medical treatment from Dr. Clifford. James Smity ond son Marion, of Kmerson, la., were in this county Ihursday looking at the rich dirt with the view of purchasing a good farm. Mrs. Mary Mctiowan, who has been visiting her brother, Dr. W. D. Jones, family ond other friends, de parted Ihursday morning for her ionic in Los Angeles. Railroad Building. Two parties of engineers employed by theNorthern Pucific Railway Co., and three crews connected with the Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound Railway company are racing for the first location of a line into the timber belt on the north fork of the Clearwater river in northern Idaho. The Hill peo ple have located a line on both sides of the river from Ahsahka to Dent, 15 miles, and is extending it up the stream on the north bank. The Milwaukee engineers have located on north bank between the points named and are now working on the south fork. Eastern ond western lumber companies with extensive holdings along the river are obliged to remove the timber within a specified time and the railroads are necessary to handle le products. ,v Mrs. John Brady and her daughter returned home Wednesday from Norburne, Mo., where they were vis iting relatives. Nebraska Beet Sugar. John Petrie, of the live Ntoek de partment of the Burlington, who has just returned from a long trip to the west and northwest, says that there is nothing in all the west like the beet sugar business in northeasrern Colo rado and the North Platte valley in western Nebraska. - The beet crop has been heavy, and the harvest is now on. The crop in the North Platte valley was unusually heavy, and the prospects are for an increased acreage next year. Mr. Petrie says: "There are now three sugar fac tories taking the product of that part of the beet erowimr territory. Thev are located in Brush, Sterling and Fort Morgan. At Fort Moriran and Brush the factories are slicing about !KK) tons of beets each per day, while the fac tory at Sterling getting iects'fwin both the Union Pacific and the Bur lington, has a greater supply. The beets are the finest in quality and the raisers are getting a good price for them. Sugar beet trains are now be ing pulled out of the North Platte val ley to those factories, and the rather long Haul is making considerable bus iness for the railroad. Next season the new factory nt ScottsBluff will be in operation and the haul will be reduced, but it is probable that the tonnitge will more than make up to the railroad the loss in mileage. There is no question about the future of the North Platte valley. You get the combination of an irrigated country raising sugar beets and a sugar fac tory in that territory and the way quick money comes in makes some other lines of industry look sick. At Sterling, Fort Morgan and Brush about ten thousand head of cattle will be fed and enough sheep to bring the live stock total far above $l(K),0(K). The stock is fed upon the refuse syrup the pulp and prairie hay ond the com bination makes fat cattle in a short time. ''It would Im hard to find the range country in a better condition than now. The ranee is excellent, the sea son liavinir been iust the live stock on the range is doing well. You have heard that most of the live stock has been taken from the ramie bv the high prices. This is not true. The rangenien have sold what surplus they rind and nave kept the stock that will grow into money. The railroads have handled a heavy stock tonnage but there is p'enty left up there for itfxt ycar.'M . : - i "Stockmen in Burlington territory liave done well. Cattle men have ha good feed and have sold at liieh nriees r r - Sheep men have'done the same. There doesn t anitear to be a thimr to kick about in the west and the nnrthwi-Nt The country is prosperous and traffic conditions are all that we could ask for." Want Column i i .1 i WANTED. Card from the Sheriff. 1 wish to thank most heartily mv friends who stood by me during the late political campaign. It is good to have friends and I know it and to their efforts, early and late, is due my elec tion. 1 thank them again, and hope to be able some day to show my apprecia tion in a more fitting manner. Carrol D. Quinton. oost Plattsmouth BY SMOKING I Plattsmouth Cigars Herman Spies, Bernard Wurl, William Hamilton and Ptak & Bajeck William Weber I Weyr William Budig Make them. E SELL THEM ich k Had mini At the Red Cross Drug Store. I The Best! f t T f ? t T ? Y ? ? ? ? t ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? t That is what our groceries are. Our Store is filled with GOOD GROCERIES not bargain counter stuff, and you would do well if you would give us atrial. If you want some special delicacy, call us up by phone we have a full jine olthem. X Y t ? ? f ? ? ? ? t T ? ? ? ? WANTED Young men and women to fill positions paying $900 to $2000 per annum, oig demand for stenograph ers in the Government service, as well as in private business life. Our new method of teaching shorthand ' by mail insures as thorough and practical a training at your own home as is obtainable by personal attend ance at any business college in the country. We guarantee success Complete course for small cash Dav ment; balance to be paid when you secure a position. Trial lesson free. Central Business Institute, Central Building, Washington, D. C. FOR EXCIIANGE.640 acres in Kimb l county, fine. Will exchange for Cass county land pay difference. 80 acres Cultivatep, in Eastern Kansa lor l'lattsmouth property. 8 room cottage to exchange for western land. Fifteen acres close in for Cash. Windham Investment Co. G6-4 FOR SALE CIIEAP-At Smith's barn, l'lattsmouth. Neb., a new carriiure. Lady owning same has quit keeping a horse. It must sell. sw-tf Soennichseh's 9 ? ? ? Y ? ? ? ? Do you want an AUCTIONEER? If you do, get one who has Experience, Ability, Judgement Telegraph or Write Robert Wilkinson, Dunbar, Nebr. Or call at the News-Herald office and we will save you trouble and expense in getting dates and terms.' Good Service. Reasonable Rate- Smoke an ACORN J And be Happy f X T Notice. Stat of NrhrwIiB. I , . , County of ('. ( In County Court. In tho matter of thiUtc of Jacob F. 8. Steo- iwr, dvemuwd. To all penmiM Inttmtmi: iYJ'l' ""T ""''' ntil tht a petition ha. bean filed In thin court for the wlminietration of the muteof Jacob K. Htenner and that Inri Stenner hat been nominated a Kuril administrator, that a hearing will he hul utu.. ...... . ..... . l. - . . L day of November. 19US. at nina o'clock A M. at on, , me uy 0 flattumouth. Nebraska, brfora which hour all objrctkM thereto rouit be filed. Hy the Court. SlCAIiL . AfcLHH J. Brkhon. M' County Judga. Notice. In County Court SUta of Nehra-ka, ) CQ Can County. Jb3v In the matter of the eatate of Mary Miller, do- To all permne Interentml: You are hrhw nnliHml 1L.I - ..!. i i di.i i . aui .... minion naa oeen u C"15,,1, ,orI.ho '"wtration of the entaU of Mary Miller, thnt David J. Pitman haa oeen nominated m auch adminiatrator.' and that a nearfnv will h h.l ........ . i ...m .. ... j-Z i m T ! J, ' """" "n on me Bin day of November A. D.. UiOO, at eiKht o'clock A. M.. at my office in the City of I'latUmouth. Ne- m?T. '.V oWoctione thereto mut be tiled. By the Court. Byron Clark and Allem J. Iltnn. W. A. Horkrtiion, County Judge. Attorneya. M.j A. L. TIDD LAWYER References: Bank of Eagle, Eagle. Nehawka Bank, Nehawka. Bank of Murdock, Murdock. First Nat'l bank, Greenwood. State bank of Murray, Murray. First Nat'l bank, Plattsmouth. l,,,.MtMHa"4MH.-H-H4 1 All CV A JHIlabl 3 Iti THE DENTISTS lltnt Appliance, lljh-Or jit Drutl try letiM till Mcm. But-f quipped Of n III Of fltt ll tlM MidwU Wctl. tCIl OllCOUNTI TO CITY VltlTO. M fleor Paiton hik , Itlk r.rn.ra. OMAHA. NEB. Notice of Election. Before the Board of County Commlaslonera of the Count of I'ama N.K...L . In the matter of the organization of Liberty Drainage DUtrict, To all whom it may concern: Plirmianf a th imlm Kr k 11 1 s. CommiMiionera of the county of Caiw. Nebraaka. rnierro on me imn aay of October A D.. 1S09. and by virtue of the authority veeted iti hereinafter dacr,lJ. I 91. E. Rowncrane. County Clerk of Can. County. Nebranka. do nereoy give nonce tnat on the ZXth day of Octo ber. A. I 1MOK A li- T..L.. II n j . V .. McCJ"rJ'1 ' W. Conanl. l.uella B. Taylor. Jea. ... B.Tld. Barbara A. Taytor. M. O, McQuln. k Hh. " N. UKue and F. II, Mc Carthy, filet) in the office of the County Clerk of Cam County their petition in writing and aim their bond with eurety thereon, all In manner and form ae by law required, and which bond and U7,tyitMreon ? t.he 2nd d,y of November, A. I).. HUM. anntvwawt l.M n.. L . . ! prayer of Mid petition bring for the oritaniution of Liberty Dnnnaire Dintrwt; Mid petition beins nwa unaer the provinlonii of an act panned by fi'R"" he t,overnor 'hereof, March 27th. An Art In frimvidA tnm Ji.ii.i. . drain wet land; ami land auhjert to overflow; and any land which will he tinu,.! to build dykee and leveee: to coniitruct, atraight en. widen, deepen, or niter any ditch, drain tream. or watercoume; to riprap or otherwuw protect the hank nf anw atMAn. m . - uin r 1 1 w con- struct, enlarge, extend, improve or maintain any drainage Hyetem; to coniitruct, enlarge, extend improve or maintain any ayetem of control of iur- face WatflV n. vunnina . I . 1 . .. r.. ; - - wwwrr, anu mo rignia. obligation and powera of mich enrporatioiui. ...i. ,, power oi eminent domain, the crea tion of dellta. iaaliina' nt nuMtibhu .... levying of aimial aiuH-mmeiita on auch real ae tata and eaarmenta therein aa may be benefited by auch public work, and defining the dutii-a and powera of public ofliciala. ' And amendment thereto: That the fmnn.lo. mmlj ff ik ... n. -i. ri- . . . . V ueriir urainage Diatnct aa fixed and determined by aald County Htiiunrra are u IOIKJW". IO-Wlt: Commencing at the center of the Miraouri River where If intenu-f-fa tha mm . ...I . i i. tion hne of aection twenty-eight 2S), in town ahip (101. range fourteen (14). in the County of Caaa. Nebraska, thence continuing due weat on aaid half aection line through aectiona twenty nine and thirty 129 A SO), of aaid townahip and range to range thirteen (M, thence continuing due weat through aection twenty-five (2ft) to aec tion twenty-aix (26). thence north eighty (SO) th,-n5e.u? X"1 OM hundred and aixty (1601 rod to the half aectmn line, thence north on the half aection line to the northern boundary of aection twenty-three 2.1). thence due weat on the north boundary line of aaid aection twenty three ZI0. with aectiona (if Own and sixteen (16 & 111 on the north and aectiona twenty-one and twenty-two (21 & 22) on the aouth. to the north- . iiCT oi m-ruon iwenty-one Vli; thence aouth one mile to the aouthweat corner of aection uu. tnrnce due eaxt on the lection line to the nnrthraat corner of aection twenty aeven CI), thence one ami one-half mile to the half aection line between aecUina thirty-four and iniriy-nve t.M at .mi, thence due eaat on the half aection line through aaid aection thlrlv-fiva. t:iM to the center of aection Ihlrly-aix (;!), thence aouth eighty f0) rwla. thence eaat one hundred andai.ty(lfiO)rod to the aection and range line, all In townahip ten 10', north, range thir teen (13) thence aouth to the aouthweat corner of aection thlrfv.nn 111 . A , I. r.. County line, thence eaat on the county line forty vw na, inence aum tntltoe County one hun dred and aixty (1(10) roda. thence eaat fortv (40) roda til the renter nt maiA .. . . i aouth one hundred and aixty (ItiO) roda to the ...-.u.rrnui on lum aection line to the center of the channel of the Miaaouri Kiver. thence up the center of the Miaxouri Kivcr with ita meanderinga to the point of beginning. All of aaid land, in Otoe County being in townahip nine, north of range fourteen. All land owner within the bounderiea of aald nroi.oaed Liliertv Drain... .ii ... concerned, are hereby notified that an etivtlnn will be held on ' riday. November 19. A.D.. 190 Wtwapn th. hnnp. nt .:..kt .'-I.-.L . la . o clock P. M. at the office of the County Clerk of the County of Caaa. N. hraeka. at I'lattamouth in . mai ai aam election the queetion of the formation nt oi.l I :1 ... r. : ahall be determined and a Hoard of aeven direc tor "hall Iw elected, aaid boor 1 to take office contingently on the foimation of raid dia'rict. In Wllneaa Whereof, I have he rein to aubacrib ed mv nHlf-ii.1 aisnBhiH ... r'l . I .it . w. niuir. tifra era affixed the m al nf Caui. Mni. office in the court houae in the city of' Piatt- inuuin, in aaia county, thnt 20th day of October. Byron Clark and W. K. RoHKurRAna. W. A. Kohkrtson. f Vunty clerk of Caaa Attorney for Petitioner County, Neb. ISKALi (5.8 Majestic Theatre Under the Management -OF- Prof. H. S. Austin Program Changes Mon days, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Tonight and To morrow Night Illustrated Song. 3,000 Feet of Moving Pictures. I RE rTYGIRLS Soig Production. First Show 7:30 Sharp. SETTLER'S EXOUBSIOHS At Low Round Tup Rotes On sale every first and third Tuesday in each month to tvery part of the Southwest. ' " MISSOURI. ARKANSAS, LOUISIANA; TEXAS. OKLAHOMA, KANSAS AND COLORADO Hugh Norton, Agent. '