t t t THE NEWS-HERALD I PI.ATTHMOUTH, NKUWAHKA Entered at the poatoffice at Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska, aa second class mail matter. OFFICIAL PAPER OF CASS COUNTY V v & THE NEWS-HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY, Publishers P. A. BARROWS V E- A QUINN I RATES OP SUBSCRIPTION One Year in Advance, $1.50, Editor Business Magagsr V Six Months in advance, 75c Plattsmouth Telephone No. 85. Nebraska Telephone No. 85 NOVEMBER 4, 1909 4 Which Is The Prevaricator? The Facts in the Case Wherein the Platts mouth Journal Accuses the Daily News of Misrepresentation. AFFIDAVIT. State of Nebraska, J Cass County, J 1, W. E. HoBencrans, County Clerk of Cass county, Nebraska, do hereby certify that on Saturday, October 30, 1909, P. A. Barrows, editor of the Platts mouth Daily News, came to my ofTce and asked me if I was aware of the fact that the bond of Frank E, Schlater as Deputy County Treasurer for the term of 1906 and 1907, was not of record. I immediately began a search and the follow ing facts were found: ., The Commissioners' Record, in which a report of the proceedings of all meetings of the Board of County Commissioners are kept, showed no record of the bond of Frank E. Schlater as Deputy County Treasurer having been pre sented to the Board. The Index Record in which is kept an index of all Bonds filed in my office, showed no record of said bond. The Bond Record in which is kept a written copy of all bonds filed in this office, showed no record of this bond. I made a search of the files, in which are kept all bonds after record has been made and found no bond of said Frank E. Schlater coverngjsuch period. I made other search, covering several hours, but was unable at that time or since, to find such record. Furthermore I authorized the said Barrows to use my name in connection with such search, and having read this statement as published in the Daily News of October 30, 1909, I desire to say that such statement is true as relates to said record, and also that the statement as above set forth is true as regards the records of this office. W. E. ROSENCRANS, (Seal) County Clerk Cass County, Nebraska. This is the first time in our newspaper career that the opposition has put up such a rotten defense that we have had to resort to the affidavit campaign . Were we in a community where we had resided for some time it would not have been necessary, and we ask the indulgence of the public this time for the reason that possibly some people who do not know the editor of the Journal and others who may not be acquainted with the editor of the News miy by mislead. The Journal took advantage of the fact that it was the day before election and that no statement could be made in rebuttal by the News to publish this bunch of miBtatements when there was nothing in the publication of the News which would call for it. It was simply rotten politics of the most decayed kind. TREASURER'S BOND WAS NOT REFERRED TO Bond as "Deputy," not "Treasurer,'' and "1906V and not "1908," the Question Under Controversy. The editor of this paper as a general thing does not take exceptions to any political controversy which may come to it by reason of a campaign. W e have always been able to keep up our end of the controversy and not have to recourse to anything outside of a mere statement of facts. When we came to Plattsmouth two months ago we did so with the purpose of doing a legitimate newspaper business and to go after the business in a legiti mate way. We have asked no man to patronize us through sympathy. We re fuse to accept any advertising from any source unless it comes through straight business methods. We do not propose to knock on our business con temporary at any timei There is business enough, or at least there ought to be, for both of u, and life is too short to resort to bushwhacking methods and we positively refuse to do so. We do not propose to go to the employees of the Journal and discourage them from continuing in the employ of that paper. We do not propose to interfere in any way with their making a success of their business. We are here for business and the interests of Plattsmouth as a whole and not for any political or business coterie. ! x In its issue of Monday last the Journal took occasion to inform the public that the editor of this, paper had attempted to mislead them regarding the bond of Frank E. Schlater and that we had made an attack upon him as a busi ness man and upon his bondsmen also. This paper never had at that time or any other time taid a word in opposition to Frank E. Schlater ps a businessman, public officer or in any other way. We 'nave not at any time referred to his bind as county treasurer or to his bondBmen. The statement of the Journal is false and we hereby submit to the public the two publications, the one published in the News on Saturday and the article appearing in the Journal in answer the following Monday. We are willing to let the public be the judge of who has been the prevaricator. We are willing that they should be the ju'lge of whether Frank E. Schlater was damaged any by the article in controversy. In fact we are willing to submit to the public which paper, the News or the Journal, has put up the most honest campaign. We have met in business and political combat many newspaper outfiita, but we wish to go on record as saying that it is the first time we have ever run up against a bunch so utterly devoid of common business or political decency. SCHLATER'S BOND NEVER FILED FRANK SCHLATER'S BOND WAS FILED No Record Ever Made of Bond op Frank Schlater as Deputy Treasurer. The People Know F. E. Schlater Too Well to Believe Such Tommyrot. When Frank E. Schlater was appointed Deputy County Tresurer in 1906 the records of the county clerk's effice do not show that a bond was ever filed or that the Bame was ever approved by the Board of County Commissioners. In company with County Clerk Rosencrans the editor of the News made a thorough search of the commissioner's record which gives record of all proceedings of that body, of the bond record index which gives an index of all bonds filed, and of the bond record it self, which has a copy of all bonds filed of county officials ex cept that of Bounty clerk, and no record whatever of such a trans action can be found. Also at the request of the county clerk we went over with him, tak ing several hours, all bonds filed away in the boxes in the vault for many y pais, and was not able to discover anything whatever in the way of the filing of a bond. The commissioners' proceedings show that Mr. Schlater was appointed to the position, but as far as filing a bond was concerned there is no record, neither is the bond itself, if th' ie was one, to be found. This showing is not made for the purpose of casting any reflec tions upon Mr. Schlater whatever, but to show that the contention made against Mr Maimpeaker not filing a bond as deputy sheriff will vhold equally at well in every way against Mr. Schlater, The News of Saturday had in big scary lines, "Schlatcr's Bond Never Filed." When the editor expects to build up his party or his paper by attack ing the record, personal or official, of Frank E. Schlater, we predict he will stumble. Now, Mr. Voter, do not be mis led. Do not take anybody's word for this, but look up the record. The editor says "he cannot find such record. "Possibly true, but we are not responsiblo for any facts the editor of the News cannot find. People of Plattsmouth: Has the opposition ever given any reason why you should not vote for Schla ter? Haven't they always appealed to your prejudice and not to your reason? Look at the coterie of politicians who are endeavoring to defeat Schlater. Every one of them has an object in view and it is a selfish one. The voter of Cass county are too familiar with the business qualities of Frank E. Schlater to believe any such tommyrot as this. Why did not the very truthful editor of the News state that Frank E. Schlater had furnished a personal bond, and thus saved the taxpayer the cost of paying for one from the bonding company, as has been done by nearly every other county ollicial The jnet ix, the ditor of the News has bit otT a bigger bite than he can chew. Mr. Schlater's bond is on fiile, and upon that bond as sureties appear the littrm-a of some of the most suMantial men in Cass county. Now, what do you think of the new iditor of the News as a prevaricator? What will the harvest be? The election of enough anyhow. Quinton is glory While we are slightly delapitated we are still in the ring. Are you sorry you said it? are, don t say it any more. If you There are many anxious hearts wait ing for the roll call in Old Cass to night. Don't you wish yon had worked just a little harder? You might have been elected if you had. . "Every cloud has a siiver lining," it has been said, but this one looks of the free silver variety. . i Old Lancaster got tired of the hoo doo she has been living under since Bryan cerried that county and piles up a good majority of 1,500 for the state ticket. O what a difference in the morning, This political game in a hard one. Font ball is tame in comparison. Sore heads are more easily mended than fractured asperations. certain people who pretend to love clean methods, persist in voting the other way, but we will win next time. The campaign for next year is just starting. It is twelve long months to the next election. Prepare for it. sret into the harness now and the cam paign one year from now will not be so much of the strenuous nature, Right is bound to win over might some day, and our day is not so far away. Alarm Clocks These dark mornings one is apt to oversleep. Get one of our guaranteed Alarm Clocks, only 75 cents to $1.50 and you will have no trouble in wak ing up. Mantel Clocks r iA nice line of Eight-Day Clocks, striking the hour and half hour, for $2.75 to $18.00. J. W. CRABILL - Watchmaker and "Jeweler. We save you money on every purchase in the Jewelery line. threw at itself because of the election of the democratic candidates. They say that they feel very proud of them selves because they elected them. Evi dently they consider themselves the only sweet scented honey blossom in the democratic peony bed. For once the democratic slow-gun failed to enthuse. The non-partisan patooskawoosa did not brings results. Aj a general thing the vote on the can didates for the supreme bench ran pretty well along together in both parties, and if there was any. disposi tion to vote for the best men it was about a stand off. That was certainly a great boquet that our contemporary up the pike One thing is sure and that is that the present method of getting the returns from the different counties could be greatly improved upon, though the re sults from some counties could be dis pensed with entirely. With the present improved methods of communication the result on the head of the ticket ought to be known twelve hours after the polls are closed. As it has been in the past, it has sometimes taken forty eight hours before the result is known for sure. Sampson was a mighty strong man, but he had a weakness. Rockefeller is a might rich individual but he would give his millions for some poor man's good healthy stomach. Napoleon was a great and successful general, but the time came when he had no army. Bryan tried three times ti be President but he could not cut the mustard. The democratic party is a great party, but it can't run the government. Truth' crushed to earth will rise again but no man knows how high up it will get on the second trial. A fish can go as fast as a bird in the water but he can't fly worth a cent. An air ship can fly through the air at the rate of sixty miles an hour, but if the motor busts it will come down much quicker. A pretty girl is a thing of beauty and if good natured a joy forever, but too much paint and powder spoils the picture. A turkey is a mighty fine thing to have on Thanksgiving day, but it will take somebody's subscription to this paper to enable the editor to get it. It is not the intention of the Daily News to cast any reflections upon the public or personal life of any candidate unless the facts bear out the statement. The fact that the bond of Frank E. Schlater as Deputy County Treasurer was not filed in 1906 in no way casts any reflection upon him in any way. That was not his affair. The state ment was made to show that while th charge was made that the bond of a republican had not been filed that the records of the county showed that A Now that it U all over, settle down to business and make up your mind that you will never try it again. And after makine the resolution, stick to it like grim death to a dead nigger at least for a year. If the bond of Frank E. Schlater as Deputy County Treasurer was contin ued, as the Journal Bays, why doe's not the commissi mers' record show it? Who said dam. The fellow who gets beat is really the one to be congratulated, for he will be far ahead in the game when the other fellow is looking for a new job in two years or is going through the same old thing all over again. I: E. G. DOVEY a SON New York City still insists on the Tammany brand of politics, and as long as they are satisfied, we people who are so far away from its contaminat ing iufluence probably ought not to have very much of a kick coming. ' Douglas county seems to think, that "Boss Rosewater" isn't such a bad fel low after all the World-Herald has said and showed its confidence in "Vic and Bill" by running a couple of "thou sand majority for the republican ticket. That's going some we guess for on off year. The election table containing the ab stract of the official vote which will probably appear the latter part of the week will be a good thing for you to study when you get home from church next Sunday, for you will then be in a mood to keep from indulging in cer tain kinds of language which would not sound good on the Sabbath day. Boys, they have got just a little the start of us this time in Old Cass, but don't get discouraged, get ready to get up and at them again next year. It don't pay to get faint hearted over a partial defeat like this. The methods used are questionable and it seems that f ? t t f t ? ? Y t y f ? ? v t f ? t y t ? t y y ? ? ? ? ? t ? ? t f y ? ? ? A BUTTERICK FASHIONS - WINTER 1909-10 - Km 1 1 Jr m 'price 25c tecMuif tay Bunrnck partem fra pnef 25c ill IMIMI The New Winter Styles Customers who have used our Quarterly Fashion Book will be glad to know that Butterick Fashions Winter issue is now ready with a Butterick Pattern Certificate FREE with every copy. Call and look over the Winter Book at our Pattern Department. For that "tired feeling" which you are apt to have these cold mornings when you step out of bed on the floor, you should' visit our Carpet department and look over our Rues and Carpets. A new thing is our wool-fibre Rugs at $li.GO in 9x12 size, some people ask as much as &1G.OO for them. The smaller sizes 30x60, 2.45. 36x72, $185. We show these in green, blue and brown. Our Bocanya Rugs 9x12 area very durable Rug and artistic in patterns,very reasonable at $ iff. 50. To save your wife a lot of hard work with a broom you should buy her one of our Gold Medal Carpet Sweepers for $ff.OO. . Our line of all-wool ingrain Car pets is full of very choice patterns, 70 and 75c. None better made. All-wool 3-ply Carpets, Mo quettes and Velvets, Oil Cloths and Linoleums in great variety. .G. DO VEY fit .SON 1 MM ? y t f t Y y y f y ? ? ? ? ? ? t y y t t ? t ? ? r y ? ? ? ? ? ? f ? ? y ? ? ? ? t t ? 9