The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, November 01, 1909, Image 7

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Tapestry Boxes
ML 0k
Mrs. Bauer Tell my son-in-law that
I thank him for his invitation, but am
unable to accept it.
Servant Good. lie promised ma
half a dollar If you weren't able to
; The Main Question.
This story is current in the Arkan
sas hills. A woman was telling some
friends what a delicate childhood was
tiers. N
v "When I was born I weighed only
four pounds. They put me in a cigar
box for a cradle."
j "Goodness gracious!" exclaimed one
of the listening women, leaning for
ward with great interest, "and did
you live?" Kansas City Times.
SiuiiU be Fitted by a Spc;:isl
Don't trust your eyes to pedlars and
traveling grafters. Call on us and we
will examine your Eyes Fro. We are tlie
irest optical manufacturer In the middle west,
Huteson Optical Co.. 211 sojth isib STee.
Factory on ttio rrsmlM
Nebraska Directory
1517 Douglas SI., OMAHJ, NEB.
Reliable Dentistry at Moderate Prices.
v-,uu price. i.ukIi ur UrnopnT-Uu-nta.
Hinted, rent iipnhe. Wealilp
aicwlion- fur freeexainlnutlan. Nud
pH Wm.rl.T lltt an.1 UVr
H. t'.biikiB Ctt.,4'.7 Wttodoiu Itlitg .,Oaaaa
Do yuu ant tii" Hint ( orn Vhellcr niado? If to,
itiBibt un having a
V 1 itu for caUUf or sw four locul donler.
IF .YOU wnt yAur bonne Itphtp. hy electricity,
lutiiM Wm', run Cream tViamiur, Wum-iinr iU
clilrte. hrwina lUchitit Feed Urliitier, KU. wltli nauif
toer, die ply, iiitotlia
1113 Farnnm St. - - Omaha, Neb.
WPI nilUf (autogenous) Bt
VI E. la U 1 I V U tliia prutt-baall broken
parts ol niiii-hinery madeeood as new, Welds
cast iron,caat steel, aluminum, copper, brass or
any other metal. Kpnrt automobile repairing.
BERTSCHV MOTCR CO.. Council Bluffs.
Th Root with thm Lap
All Nail Htadt Protoetmd
Hail and Firo Rtiiiting
Ask your dealer or
Omaha, I I t I Nebraska,
401-3 S. 15th St., Omaha. Neb
Eetab.1883. Mali orders filled.
of all varieties
pcriajn e n 1 1 y
curtJ in a few
days without a surgical operation or
detention from business No pay will
be accepted until the pvient is com
pletely satisfied. Write or call on
Room 306 Bee Bldg Omaha, Neb.
Searles &
Specialists for
HEmany thou
sand of peo
ple Cured by us,
siaka tilths moat ex
perienced specialists
in the went in all dis
eases and alimenta of
men and women no
matter bow acquired,
MP MTrEt WHU curtn.
Established li
Omaha 26 run
A Letter to , or a
visit at our oflice will
prove it.
rrnA Examination
ricH and Consult
1 1 MW tlon, Write
for Sumption blank.
l4th&DouglasStsDepU, OMAHA
$20,000.00 DEC
An j cm trot to buy a Piano or Or?anf If ao, buy
from Tba Bftini-H Com inn y, Omaha, (Tha Largt
DMlir of riant and Organ U v m() and
titip jour
$20,000 WORTH of PIANOS. 0R6ANS
and Ptano-Playani (Ivan away abaolutaly fra by
Tha Bennett Cnv any. Writ now fur paftleiiltm
nd If IntwrtntiMl wiir on f tliair great Piano
booktthowlnfr naarly 100 ri.ftVrant PUnot and or.
San to tiMci from. ftMauoa ililppad ovarfwhara,
old on aaay paaraenta.
The Bennett Company, Omaha
Boots and Arctics
Best nm Prices
Tts atias
Aak your Daalar for Goods with this brand
American Hand-Sewed Shoe Go.
"Saved!" cried the beautiful girl In
triumph. "Saved!" The old gentle
man in the easy chair dropped his pa
per in astonishment.
"Who is saved, my daughter?" he
Interrogated, with alarm.
"The whole city. My name shall
go down to posterity as a heroine."
Still the old gentleman was visibly
"But, ruy dear, I haven't heard of
any great conflagrations or earth
quakes. In what way was the city in
It was then that the beautiful girl
came over and sat down on the arm of
his chair.
"Listen, father, and you 6hall hear.
Twenty minutes ago Percival Van
Pickle proposed to me, and vowed if I
refused to becomo his wife he would
Jump into the main reservoir and end
It all. When I thought of thoso 20
packs of Turkish cigarettes Percival
carries in his pockets I knew the wa
ter would be poisoned and the people
doomed. Then I I accepted. Don't
you think I'm a brave girl?"
The Mean Man.
'Top," said the farmer's boy, "I
have been reading a lot about these
Marathons these days and I'd like to
enter some."
"All right, my lad," hastened the
old man, taking a fresh chew of to
bacco, "just yeou go down to the
woodpile and start a wood-chopping
Marathon and when yeou are through
ycou can use the sawdust to play cir
cus. Now, who says I'm not a con
siderate father?"
Enviable Age.
Mrs. Stnbb (reading) How queer.
John! The windows of the houses
In ancient Egypt never had any cur
tains. Mr. Stubb Gracious, Maria! I
should have liked to live in those
Mrs. Stubb Why so?
Mr. Stubb Well, when a man came
home late he didn't run much chance
of getting a curtain lecture.
Guest You called "Minna." Is that
the blonde, the dark one or the old
Waiter How do you know our
Guest By the 60up.
The Pole.
Little drops of water,
Moving chunks of Ice,
Mado It ao elusive
Had to find It twice.
Suspicious of Favorites.
"I understand that politician aspires
to be recognized as a favorite son?"
"Yep," answered Farmer Corntossel.
"He 'pears to have some tuch ideas."
"Don't you approve of them?"
"Not altogether. My observation Is
that the pet of a family is Jes' as like
ly to prove a disappointment as any of
the other members."
A Good Reason,
Taper I'd like a two weeks' ab
sence to attend the wedding of a very
dear friend.
Mr. Gingham It must be a very
dear friend, Indeed, to make you want
that much time. Who is It?
Taper Well, sir, after the cere
mony she will be my wife. Vogue.
Strictly True.
"I see where a swindler trimmed a
grass widow."
"Haw! Haw! With a lawn mower?"
"Oh, get out!"
"It's a fact He sold her a lawn
mower that didn't have any blades."
All Right.
"Do you think It Is all right for n
young girl to ask a man to marry
"I certainly do. When I get en
gaged I am going to ask our old min
ister to marry me; he married papa
and mamma."
Quite a Coincidence.
"Remarkable similarity between
natural conditions and politics in our
"What's that?"
"We need rain terribly and the
county's Just gone 'dry.' "
A Prudent Precaution.
"Isn't your husband going to take
part in that automobile speeding con
test?" "No. I simply tormented him till he
gave up the Idea. You know, Jenny,
I nevor did look well In black."
The leninod writers for the press
Aro very, very Rood
At proving how wo waato on dress
Or furbelows or food.
Earh writer new who makes his bow
With other (inges vies
To show unhappy mortals how
They may economise.
They tell us of the thrifty French,
Who all excesses shun.
But I'm not anxious to retrench;
It isn't any fun.
I'm weary of this endless song;
I wish some seer wise
Would show us how to get along
And not economize.
TaWtA. i HP 1 I
Mr. Smith Why do you women
want to vote? Don't you know that
the majority of the women don't want
you to?
Mrs. Smith That's exactly why we
are determined to do it the cats!
The Application,
t'ntrt thope who talk and talk
This proverb cliould appeal:
Tim strain that blows tliu whistle
Will never turn the wheel.
A for an Oliver.
A young Dnltiinoro man, who is
quick to see a point and somewhat
of a wit himself, walked Into a shop
the other day and asked for a comb.
"Do you want a narrow man's
comb?" asked the attendant, all un
conscious of his terms.
"No, said tlio customer, gravely;
"I want a comb for a stout man with
rubber teeth."
Just Possible.
"I was born and raised on this
farm, said the stranger, "but I have
n't set foot on it for 20 years. It cer
tainly has run down a good deal sine,
"Mebby it has," rejoined the old
farmer, "but I reckon lt'd run down a
heap sight worse if yew had stayed
on it."
In the Air.
"Where's Willie?"
"Up In the attic building a mono
plane." "And where's George?"
"He's in the cellar making a bi
plane." "And where's Henry?"
?"He's In bed. Ho tumbled from the
roof of the garage in his aeroplane."
More Comfort Then.
"Why do you always postpone your
vacations until fall instead of going
during tho summer?"
"It's easier in the fall. I don't have
to fight my way into the dinlnj room
or get up before daylight in order to
get a chair on tho porch."
A Chance for Him.
"I don't know what to do with my
son, there seems to bo so few oppor
tunities for him. There Is no plnco for
a man who Is needed and yet has nu
"I don't know. Why not make him
a baseball umpire."
Two of a Kind.
"This," said the senior member ol
the law firm, "is another case of Greek
meeting Greek.."
"How's that?" queried tho Junloi
"One affinity is suing another atrial
ty," replied the other.
Barber-Why. your face is all
carved up! What mutton-headed
idiot shaved you last?
Patient I shaved myself!
It's the Price.
It Is not looks that make the style.
That nil the fashion books;
The atmbonnet has got the peach-
Dasket plum' out for looks.
HI. Difficulty.
"Jinks seems to be having a haro
pull to get along."
"His hard pull is just the reason bt
can't get on."
"How do you make that out?"
"Because he's a dentist."
Steep, Indeed.
Gunner The milliners have named
a new fall hat tho "Cook hat." Thej
are going to bo two feet high."
Guyer I I'm that's nothing like ai
high as the prices.
Hardly That Kind.
'Top, tell me one thing."
"Yea, my son."
"When they want pets on board ol
ships, do they take old sea dogs?"
r r. j 1
Boxes and Cases of Tapestry, Silk
When the great ships from over tho
Ki-a unload their treasures at tliQ
wharves, feminine Interest is all a-flutter
for 11 first glimpse into the alur
Ink, mysterious boxes. And small
wonder that a woman loses her heart
over tho lovely things brought forth
from tho depths of the great cases,
for they are wonderfully dainty when
arrayed so attractively in tho win
dows and showcases of our smart
Among tho novelties Just over from
Put is is tho tapestry work bags,
Imxes and picture frames, and nil
manner of useful nnd pretty things,
of course they aro expensive who
tvt r taw a Paris novelty that was
not? But tho woman with clever lin
gers nnd a little spare tlino never
needs to be discouraged over these
prires, for rho knows that-for a sur
prisingly small sum fha can copy the
things displayed, with excellent re
sults. Good taste In choosing mate
rials and liRlitiU'ss of touch In sewing
re all that is necessary.
In tho sketch aro shown a number
of useful boxes which tho dainty wo
man loves to have about to hold her
little dress accessories. These little
trifles of dress may bo kept fresh and
new looking for a much longer time if
they are well cared for, and each hns
Its box or bag in which to be placed
when not in use.
Any shaped pasteboard box that one
wishes, a bit of pretty tapestry or cre
tonne, a piece of silk for lining, and
old gold galoon for binding are tho
only materials needed for the most at
tractive tapestry work. It does not
take long to cover a box, and those
who have only a little time In the
evening for faecy work will find It
No One Rule Has Been Laid Down
Concerning This Part of the
It is a happy fashion that allows
a woman to wear her eIccvo of any
length. This Is true this season. Evi
dently wo are not to have ono rule
which must not be broken.
Tho full puff to the elbow, finished
with a ruffle, seems to bo tho only
sleeve that Is not allowable. All other
kinds are permitted.
The long mousquetalre Is In fashion,
but It Is a trifle second class even in
afternoon frocks. It has been modi
fled to a wider shape that docs not
hug the arm fo closely, nnd has more
grace than the former plpestem.
Possibly the preferred sleeve for
evening is the one that Is almost
straight from shoulder to elbow, is of
transparent fabric nnd usually differ
ent from that used In the gown.
Tho modified lego'-mutton will be
highly in favor for cloth sleeves.
There Is a slight fullness at tho el
bow, but tho sleeve is cut In one
length from shoulder to wrist, and
not divided nt tho elbow. As yet
there is no evidence of tho huge puff
at the top attached to tho long, tight
The Black and White Gown.
As soon as dark colors came Into
fashion the conservative designers
went In heavily for all black with a
touch of white. There is no gainsay
ing the elegance of tho black gown,
unless It Is made of cheap materials
thnt do not take a good dye.
Black that Is really black Is worth
the buying. In a good material It
serves season after Benson. It never
gives the beholder a chance to re
member tho date of Its first season,
for It Is inconsplclous. Tho woman
who must be economical finds it her
safest choice. She knows that by
touching it up with different lace, a
bit of gold or silver net, a few yards
of velvet or satin ribbon, she can
brighten and change it
Weighted Tapes.
Women who find they must weight
down the edges of skirts, and especial
ly coats, will And the weighted tape,
which comes by the yard, a boon and
a blessing.
Those who object to tapo showing
even at tho skirt hem can place It in
the hem. In the coat It is put be
tween lining and outer material, as
tho ordinary weights are.
Use of Gold Lace.
Gauzy gold lace is a favorite com
bination in the evening gowns of di
aphanous fabrlcB for tho tiny sleeve
ind tucker, which tho smartest mod-
Is show. A b'nek liberty satin prin
cess gown, bo finished, Is ono of tho
cason's bet models.
Lined and Trimmed with Gold Galoon. enjoyable results are so quick
ly attained.
To make any of the boxes, proruro
a pasteboard box of tho desired shape,
cut out pieces of tapestry to lit each
section, lieir.g careful to select the
prettiest parts of the goods, nnd baste
each on the box, near the edge. If
the pasteboard la heavy, then it will
be better to paste the goods on near
the edge, using n white, strong paste.
The lining is put en in the samo way.
Then the gold galoon is put on over
all the-edges us n finish, sewing down
on each edge w ith very small stitches.
All' covers are ovcrhnnded on after
tho galoon is applied.
The fancy shaped sewing box In tho
lower left hand corner is made of
pieces of pasteboard, cut out, the low
er edges smaller than tho upper, and
the tides are slanted. The sides are
held together with narrow slips of pa
per nnd nulled gum arable. The cov
er is simply a squnro of pasteboard,
tapestry covered. Tho veil or glovo
case In the upper right hand corner is
made of two boy covers.
In tho lower right band coiner Is a
llttlo jewel box, covered In tho same
way as tho others. Tho llttlo tray is
composed of a box cover with several
divisions mado by covering strips of
cardboard with the lining material
tho strips just fitting in tight enough
to hold in place.
A ribbon nnd necktie holder Is
sketched In tho upper left hnnd cor
ner. A collar box and a little divid
ed holder for side combs, shell orna
ments and hairpins, are also shotm.
All the boxes have perfumed pais un
der tho lining.
They are attractive little boudoir
accessories, theso French trifles, and
remind one of the dainty dames of
long ago.
Shantung Costume, Light In Weight,
Is the Most Appropriate
Something that Is light In weight,
but not in color generally Is required
In autumn, and for this, nothing enn
be better than shantung In a rich,
dark shado of heliotrope.
The skirt of our model Is quite plain
nnd Just touches tho ground.
The coat Is open up each side and
Is trimmed with straps of shantung
and silk tasseled ornaments; shaped
pieces are carried over each shoulder,
and tho collar and cuffs are faced
with velvet; silk cord ornaments are
used for fastening fronts.
Hat of heliotrope chip, trimmed
with roses of a lighter tone and rib
bon velvet.
Materials required for tho costume:
12 yards 34 Inches wldo, ' yard vel
vet, 8 tasseled ornaments, 3 silk orna
ments for front.
Matting I. Effective.
When the floor Is in poor condition
and must be covered, If there are no
rugs for It entirely plain matting Is
not to bo despised. It wears better
than many of tho "fillings," that Bhow
soil as well as every particle of dust
When It becomes necessary to cleans,
the matting it should be dono with
rait water. Instead ol soap.
i X m
"Ain't she all right, Maria?"
"You might say something nice t
me, once In a while, Bob."
Big, Painful Swelling. Broke and Old
-. Not Heal Suffered 3 Year.
Tortures Yield to Cuticura.
"Little black swellings wero scat
tcrcd over my face and neck and they
would leave llttlo black scars that
would Itch so I couldn't keep from
scratching them. Larger swellings
would appear and my clothes would
Btlcktotho sores. I went to a doctor,
but tho troublo only got worse. By
this tlmo it was all over my arms and
tho upper part of my body in swellings
ns largo as a dollar. It v. as so pain
ful that I could not bear to lie on my
back. The second doctor stopped the
swellings, but when they broke the
places would not heal. I bought a set
of tho Cuticura Remedies and in less
than a week somo of tho places were
nearly well. I continued until I had
used three sets, and now I nm sound
nnd well. Tho disease lasted three
years. O. L. Wilson, Puryear, Tenn.,
Feb. 8. 1908."
fuller Drug A Cbcm. Corp, Sole Props,
Where Inspiration Sits.
Mrs. (Juilltmer enme tiptoeing softlj
Into her husband's study, rested a
hand lightly on his shoulder nnd
peered over at the sheaf of half-writ
ten sheets on his desk.
"What are you working on now,
dearest?" slio asked gently.
"On Mary's mittens," ho answered
pleasantly, but without looking up.
Mrs. Qullluser studied a moment, ai
if planning. "Dearest, Wllllo needs 1
pair of shoes more than Mary doea
the mittens. I havo already promised
them to tho poor boy. Hadn't you bet
ter work on Willlo's shoes first, dcart"
"All right, Nelllo, all right," he r
piled kindly, turning his eyes up into
Nellie's great patient ones.
Then he. pushed back "An Ode ta
the Dancing Leaves" and cheerfully
began to write a Sunday special on
'A New Substitute for Coal." Puclt
Government Sanatoria.
The United States government oj
eratcs three tuberculosis sanatoria,
one for soldiers and officers of th.
regular army at Fort Bayard, N. M.;
one for seamen In the merchant ma
rine, and others employed in coasl
service of the government, not in tha
navy, located at Fort Stanton, N.
and one for officers and enlisted men
In tho navy at Las Animas, Col. Th
first hospital Is conducted by the de
partment of wnr, tho-second by th.
United States public health and a. a
rlno hospital service and the latter bj
the navy department.
Judge's Sarcastic Advice.
Mr. Choate, having arrived t tho
"old sighted age," did not rewgnlze It
or did not wish to comment the use
of glasses. In pleading cause b.
bad difficulty In seeing ifa notes, and
In order properly to disciher his man
uscript kept holding hi, paper farther
and farther off. On ore occasion this
so annoyed the judgq that he at last
burst out with:. "Mr Ohoate, I would
advise you to get cue of two things,
either a pair of tongs or a pair ol
Then la mora Catarrh In this awtlm of tha mantra
Uiau all olli'-r dlvtanee put toxetui-r, and until the last
re year aa uipnuaed to be tucurable. Fur a (real
many years docUira pronounced It s local diaeaae an.
prewnbed local rcmedlea, and by eonstantly tallln
U cure with local treatment, pronounced It Inrurahla
Hclence has proven Catarrh to be a ainitllutKHiai da
caw, and thrrelnre reuulre conatllutloiial treatment
Kali's Catarrh Cure, miuiufaclured by V. J. Cheney
A Co., Toledo. Ohio, Is the only Constitutional cure of
the market. It M taken Internally In dusea from II
drone to a teoanoonlul. It acta directly on the blood
and miieous surlarra of the syatem. Thry oRer na
hundred dollars (or any eoae It tails to cure. beo4
br elrrulars and trtlmnnlals.
Address: F. i. CIIKNEV CO.. Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by riruicldts. Vf.
lass 11 all s Family Fills for ooostlpaUoo.
Grading Literary Power.
Dean Shallcr Mathews says that the
newspaper "shapes the popular mind
more by its headlines than by Its ed
itorials." By the same token, au
thors Impress by the title of their
books, not by their contents, artists by
their themes, rather than by their ex
ecutionand lecturers by their plati
tudes more than by their sense.
The U. 8. Government has bought 28
Gross (3,000 boxes) of Uonli on Kats to
send to the Panama Cnnal Zone, because it
does the work. Tlie old reliable that nevei
fails. The unbeatable exterminator. 15c,
2Sc, 75c.
Life should surely consist In seiz
ing the fortunate and fighting through
the 111 moments else, why should
men have heart and nerve. Merri
man. Pettlt's Eye 8alv Restore..
No matter how badly the eyes may bt
diseased or injured. All druggist, or flow
rd Bros.. Buffalo. N. "Y.
Only a disinterested third party la
able to realize that there are two sldea
to a question.
through s naming cough or Irritated throat. Allen's
I ung lUlaaui will heal the aSt-ollon quickly ami
hanul.wly. All druggists. SU), Mm and ll.UU bottles.
The bravery of some mon is like
that of bulldogs; they haven't sens
enough to be afraid of anything.
Lewis' Single Binder straight Be cigar i.
made to satisfy tha smoker.
The man who has been down can
appreciate being up la th. world.