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About The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1909)
T i I I Piles aii neciai operation, to last a WRITE FOR BOOK ON PILES AND RECTAL DISEASES WITH TESTIMONIALS on. E. H. TARWY, 224 Be V V f r t ? ? ? ? DOVEY REAL ESTATE. Town resident from $150 to f.llHK). LVi'c uay rent any longer. You can own your own dwelling cheapi-r. Let me show you some (food chance to ucquire farms in Ne braska, South and North Dakota. Missouri or Texas. l-'IKE INSURANCE written in six of the best companies. SURETY BONDS. Get your bonds from the American Surety Co. ACCIDENT INSURANCE. The risk of personal injury is 40 times as great as that of losing your property by fire. Secure a policy of the London Gurantee and Accident "Company and be sure of an income while you are onable to work. INDEPENDENT PHONE 451. V aft. f t ? t ? ? t ? ? t t f ? ? Y ? ? f V t f ? Y ? Y The That is what our groceries are. Our Store is filled with GOOD GROCERIES not bargain counter stuff, . and you would do well if you would give us atrial If you want some special delicacy, call us up by phone we have a full line ol them. 1 Y Y Y Y Soennichsen's V V l Some of the new things that are just I Guaranteed b!ad coming in. i Comb in and pix tub Maisii tim-ino. Courr.! rs ir. Trrrx v-atvii it kxi'and! Sec our display of the famous Maish Comforts The Mnish h wonderfully warmer, yet lighter than or dinary comfort.;. . It. is niae differently. It is made of c::e continuous piece, the exact ti;:c cf the finished co::ifort, the same fluffy, downy thickness throughout u o 1 u ni p s , no thin places. We have a fine assortment . fall patterns in all sizes, ..silkolene, sateen and silk, ranging in price from $3.00 in silkolene to $18.00 in silk; Bassinette $1.25 and up; Crib 1,75 ,and up. Come in and see them. A'- i FISTULA-Pay When CURED Diseases cured without a surgtca 1 1i no ibioroforra, fcther or other gen end aneasthetic used. CURE GUARANTEED LIFE - TIME. sWhxamination pre Building. Omaha, Nebraska BLOCK V V V t t ; f. 4 v t f v f Y V Y v t V Y Y ? Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y T MMMMBMbl V Best Skinner Satin to wear ttca years while and cnlors. Holiday Handkerchiefs The largest and best assorted lot of fancy and plain Handker chiefs ever shown in our town. 100 dozen plain white hemstitched Handker chiefs per doz. only 25c 130 dozen Handker chiefs at each 5c. Best line ever shown. Better grades at 10c, 15c, 25c, 35 and 50c. Black Underskirts The only line that has given full satisfac tion in looks, width and wearing qualities 69c, 89c, $1.00, $125, up to $3.50. We have the new things coming all the time. J E. A. WURL Corner 6th and Main. uuv. rr"TjinrnrM isstssi? ft GREEKS 1 BATTLE MUTINOUS NAVAL OFFICERS IN TORPEDO BOATS ATTACK SHIPS. LITTLE DAMAGE IS DONE Hifjhting in Which the Field Batteries Also Take Part, Lasts for Twenty Minutes Will Suppress Outbreak by Force. Athens, Nov. 1. A natal battle was fought at Salamla, the ancient port, where, over two centuries ago, the Persians suffered an Ignominious defeat by Themlstocles. The correspondent has Just returned here from Scaramnnga, whence he witnessed 20 minutes of fighting be tween field batteries and big warships on the one side, and the mutinous band of naval officers, which quitted the capital Wednesday with torpedo boats, on the other. Torpedo Boat Hit. Some of the projectiles struck the arsenal buildings, but the correspond ent saw only one shell 'hit a torpedo boat, the Sphendona, which Immedi ately was enveloped In a cloud of smoke. During the action the torpedo-boats gradually retired, steamng backwards until they obtained the shelter of the headland, when the firing ceased. The rebel vessels, while the engagement was In progress, returned the fire of the warships and field batteries, but apparently little damage was done on either side. The rebels were led by Lieut. Tlbaldos, and reported to have numbered 300 men. The position of the mutinous torpedo-boats resembles that of the Rus sian battleship Knlaz Potemkine, which mutinied In 1905, and fired on Odessa and then roamed the Black sea for several weeks, and the govern ment Is apprehensive as to where it next will hear of them. It Is rumored that they have gone toward the Island of Crete. " In the chamber of deputies Premier Mavromchalls said the government was determined to suppress the out break by force. The ministers he said, were occupied In reforms In all branches of the administration and would not neglect the navy. There fore, the officers' Impatience was un justified. The premier added, however, that if the naval officers had been led astray they still had time to rehabili tate themselves. POLICE FIGHT WITH ROBBERS Light In Office Betrays Thieves Sur render After Twenty 8hots Are Fired After Them. Chicago, No. 1. More than 20 shots were fired by two detectives In the pursuit of two suspects follow ing an attempted burglary of the Cres cent Electric Company, West Jackson boulevard and Canal street. The chase continued four blocks, until the fugitives surrendered In the shadows of St. Patrick church, Desplalnes and West Adams streets. Detectives Burton and Fee of the Desplalnes street station were sum moned to the electric concern by citi zens who had been attracted by a light In the office. The robbers, who had forced an entrance with a "Jimmy," fled from the rear of the building when the detectives ap proached. Brooklyn Has Water Famine. New York, Nov. 1. Unless the city quickly pays a man who has been sup plying one-tenth of the water con sumed by Brooklyn, that borough will suffer a water famine. Asserting the city owes him $130,000, the contractor haa closed bis pumping station. Needle Traverses Body. Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 1. Tha re moval of a needle from her left ankle, which ten months ago had entered ber right foot, Is the unique experience of Mrs. F. W. Force, well known club woman and a probation officer of this lty. HUNT FOR WOMAN IN BIG SWINDLE Said to Be Chief Pilot In Directory Frauds Over $500,000 Gleaned. Chicago, Nov. 1. Search is being made fur a woman supposed to be the head of a gang of directory swindlers, which Is said to have gleaned half a million dollars by its operations. Two members of the gang have been convicted. Evidence was adduced In a second trial, begun while the Jury was still out in the first case, that this remark able woman was Mrs. Sarah A. Bow en, who, with her hiiBband, Arthur A Bowen, Is a fugitive. The state expects to show that it was Mrs. Bowen who stood on the bridge of the piratical commercial craft and piloted it through legal shoals, grand jury rocks and police narrows Into the fat harbors of plen ttf where business houses were looted all over the United States. That a delicate feminine hand was at the til ler is Indicated by the manner in which the fraud was carried on. So cunningly planned and executed were the expeditions Into the realms of wary and conservative business that men of tried and true conservatism were completely hoodwinked. Ingeniously worded contracts were signed In such a manner that when the portion bearing the signature was torn off there was left a neat little prlmlssory note for several hundred dollars. Mrs. Bowen also handled the money thus gained, according to Infor mation' in poRsesston of the state, and dealt It out In portions according td her own Judgment for the further ex ploitation of the scheme. The. men In the deal were her pawns and it was only when they quarreled among themselves that her plans went awry and the police scattered the band. Emmanuel Goodhart and Melville E. Kline were the men who were found guilty in Judge McEwen's court ol swindling the London Automobile Supply Company of $800, paid sup posedly for a subscription to an ad vertlslng space In a business direc tory. While the jury was deliberating Kline and K. Hughes were placed on trial before Judge Scanlan. The ac cusprs in this case are F. P. Barnes, a furniture dealer at 191 Michigan ave nue, who estimates his loss at $200; the Western Methodist Book Concern, which lost $1,800; the Moneywelght Scale Company, $800, and E. C. Cook & Bro., $300. As field marshal for his resource ful wife, the real head of the enter prltte, Bowen had a misunderstanding with Reld Kent over the distribution of money. Kent wrote to some of the victims and as a result Klein was ar rested. March 22. U. S. MEETS ITS FOOD DEMAND Though Growth Exceeds Production America Holds Own In Sup plying Wants. Washington, Nov. 1. In spite of the declaration that the production of food stuffs Is not keeping pace with the growth of population, the depart ment of agriculture announces that the United States is more than hold lng Its own in the task of feeding its people. The bureau of statistics de clares that during the fiscal year the United States imports of farm prod ucts were valued at $540,000,000, which was $14,000,000 less than In 1906 and $87,000,000 less than In 1907. In the nine years since 1900 much less than one-half of the Imports have been products of the farms. Troops to Avert Lynching. Sheridan, Wyo., Nov. 1. Ten mi litiamen were ordered to Basin and others were held In readiness for Im mediate service as a result of the ar rest of five men charged with com plicity In the Tensleep raid, in which three sheepmen were killed. A lynch lng Is treatened. Paelflo Fleet at Manila. ' Manila, Nov. 1. The United States Pacific fleet. Rear Admiral Sebree com mandlng, arrived at Manila bay two days ahead of Ita schedule. The voy age from Honolulu was uneventful. Wanl Column J FOR SALE. FOR SALE. -Scott Bluffs irrigated lands. A $2,000,000 beet suar fac tory nearly finished. Send for liter ature. Windham Investment Com pany, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. 51 4 FOR SALE. 250 improved farms in Nebraska. See us before buying. Windham Investment Co., Platts mouth, Neb. ci-4 WANTED. WANTED-Young men and women to fill positions paying $900 to $ 2000 per annum. Big demand for stenograph ers In the Government service, as well as in private business life. Our new method of teaching shorthand by muil intmres as thorough and practicnl a training at your own home as is obtainable by personal attend ance at any business college in the country. We guaranteo success. Complete course for small cash pay ment; balance to be paid when you secure a position. Trial lesson free. Central Business Institute, Central Building, Washington, D. C. AT ONCE, reliable representatives in this vicinity to look after renewals and new subscriptions, part or whole time, for the fastest growing maga zine In America. Liberal salary and commissions. Live men and women make $35 to $150 a month. Appoint ments now being made. Write im mediately to Director of Circulation, Hampton's Magazine, 66 West 35th. St. New York City. 49 6-x FOR EXCHANGE.640 acres in Kimbl county, fine. Will exchange for Cass county land pay difference. 80 acres Cultivatep, in Eastern Kansa for Plattsmouth property. 8 room cottage to exchange for western land. Fifteen acres close in for Cash. Windham Investment Co. 56-4 FOR SALE CHEAP At Smith's barn, Plattsmouth, Neb., a new carriage. Lady owning same has quit keeping a horse. It must sell. sw-tf Do you want an AUCTIONEER? If you do, get one who has Experience, Ability, Judgement Telegraph or Write Robert Wilkinson, Dunbar, Nebr. Or call at the News-Herald office and we will save you trouble and expense in getting dates and terms. Good Service. Reasonable Rate Smoke an i Ann no h rm-mr t t m :t A. L. TIDD LAWYER i I Beferanres: 4 Bank of Eagle, Eagle. I Nehawka Bank, Nehawka. 4 Bank of Murdock. Murdock. 3 First Nat'l bank, Greenwood. ' 3 State bank of Murray, Murray. First Nat'l bank, Plattsmouth. 1 CHICHESTER S PILLS ' ' - " J-r--IV KMItblMWSMlWt Utmi II...... t,li. 1 SOLD BY DRLGGISTS CVtliVV. iiLRE BAILEY & T.1ACH THE DENTISTS lltllt MllCM ll.ll-Gf i1 Drtitl t- Reilt Mil PrlcM. Brt-rnuipprtf Ornlil Of flw li Mi Mialli Wtit. MCUt DISCOUNT! TO CITf H'TO. M floor futon Ilk . Ktk rinum, OMAHA. NEB. That the Plattsmouth public has acquired the Majestic habit was evidenced by the fact that three shows were necessary, Saturday evening to accommo date the crowd. ACORN ummk'ws tmn jnur I'ruklt 11 vf hU'bosvnVt IMttmond TtmujV iMIlaln K d nl C.lcJ r rt.l !cV alr. vith li Kihimn, Talks n I hop. lint nf rorF V OruciKl-t. Ahf III. 4 Iff M.TFIfH ft? IMAM IKIl If H A lh 111 In i Notice. FUt of NehnuikA. I in..-. County of Gw ( County Court In th muturnf th wiUtf of Jacob F. 8. Sun- ner, dan-cam. To all iCTMini intrrmtnl: You ro htrvby notiliwt that petition haa bwn Hied in tln court for the adminiatratfnn of tha rutat of Jacob F. Strnnrr ami that Inci Stvnner hu been nominated an riurh aiiminixtratnr, that a hearinir will he had upon mm! petition on the 6th day of November. 1. at nine o'clock A M. at my olllce in the City of I'lattnmouth. Nebraxka, heforo which hour all objretiona thereto niunt be tiled. My tha Court Skai.1 J. Brkdon. County Judge. Notice. State of Nchrar.ka.Uu i r- . o . CanaCounty. (SS., 1 County Court In the matter of the tatate of Mary Miller, de- ceaned. To all permina interested: Ymi are hereby notified that a petition haa been Bled in thia eotirt for the administration of the eatateof Mary Miller, that IaidJ. I'iUnan ha been nominated aa auch administrator, and that a heanniF will h h..i ... ... . .... hj.iii .i i-iiiiun on me om day of November A. I)., 1MM, at eight o'clock A. .-..-.., ,,. , inemyoi riattsmouth. Ne braska, before which hour all objections thereto must be filed. ,4Hy the Court HraoN Ci.AiiKand Alu.n J. Ukrhon . W. A. Kohkrtson. County Judtt, Attorneys. 63-8 Notice of Election. Before the Board of County Commissioner of the County of Cass, Nebraxka. In the matter of the organization of Liberty Drainage District To all whom it may concern: Pursuant to the order of the Board of County Commissioners of throminty of Cass, Nehraskr. made and entered on tho loth day of Octolier, A. D.. 1!KK). and by virtue of the authority vested lii me by the Statutes of thn State of Nebraska hereinafter dcacrilsd. I. W. E. Homnrrans Gmnty Clerk of Cans County, Nebraxka. do hereby (rive notice that on the 2nth day of Octo. ber. A. 1 . 1908. A K. Taylor. H. 0. Todd. J. K. McCarroll. O. W. Conard, I.uella B. Taylor. Jes aie H. Tlil. Barbara A. Taylor, M. (. McQuin. U J. Hall, (ieorge N. Laltue and F. II Me. Carthy. filed in the office of the County Clerk of Cass County their petition in writing and aim ineir uomi wun aureiy thereon, all in manner and form aa by law reuuired. and which tmn.1 .n.l surety thereon was on the 2nd day cf November, A. u I'.nm, approved hy me. The object and prayer of aaid petition beino- for tha of Liberty Drainage District: aaid petition being linn unuer me provisions or an act passed by the Legislature of the Ktata of Nelr.l. .n.l approved by the Governor thereof, March 27th. iinri, nmueu; "An Act to provide for drainage districts to drain wet land: and land subiect to nvnrHu- .ml anv land which will be improved by drainage; to build dykes and levees: to construct atraight en. widen, deeiwn, or alter any ditch, drain, stream, or watercourse: to rinrab or otherwise protect the bank of any stream or ditch: to con struct enlarge, extend, imnenvenr maintain .nu drainage system; to construct, enlarge, extend. improve or maintain any system ol control of sur face water or running- water: ami thn rink,. obligations and powers of such corporations. niciuiung me power oi eminent domain, the crea tion of dehu. issuing of negotiable bonds, and tha levying of special assessments on such real es tate and easements therein aa may be benefited by such public work, and defining the duties and powers of public officials. ' And amendments thereto: That the boundaries of said Liberty Drainage District as fined and determined hv uid '.m..i Commissioners are as follows, to-wit: commencing at the center of ths Missouri River where it intersects the east and west half sec tion line of section twentv-eivht (2X1. in town. ship (10). range fourteen (14), In the County of ('ass, Nebraska, thence continuing due west on said half section line through sections twenty nine and Uiirty ISfJA 80). nf said township and range to range thirteen (13), thence continuing due west through section twenty-five 2M to sec tion twenty-six (2f), thenee north eighty (MO) rods, thence due west one hundred and sixty (1M) mis to the half section line, thence north on the half section line to the northern boundary of section twenty-three 23), thence due west on the north boundary line of said section twenty three (2:1), with sections fifteen and sixteen (16 & lfi) on the north snd sections twenty-one and twenty-two (21 A 22) on the south, to the north went corner of section twenty-one (2ii, thence south one mile to the southwest corner nf section twenty-one (21). thence due east on the section line to the northeast comer of section twenty seven in), thence one ami one-half milea to the half section line between sections thirty-four and thirty-five CM A 3f), thenee due east on the half section line through said section thirty-five (116) to the center of section thirty-six (36). thence south eighty CO) rods, thence east one hundred and sixty 1 100) rods to (he section and rsnge line, all In township ten I0. north, range thir teen (13) thence south to the southwest corner of section thirty one (III), and to the Otoe County line, thence east on the county line forty (40) rods, thence south in Otoe Cnnnt v n hun dred and sixty (1TO) rods, thence east fortv (40) rods to the center of said section six (6), thence south one hundred and sixty loj roils to the section line, thence east on said section line to tne center of the channel of the Missouri River, thence un the renter of the Miwiuri Uiver with it meanderings to the point of beginning. All of said lands in Otoe County buing in township nine, north of range fourteen. All land owners within the boundaries of said proposed Liberty Drainaire District and all others concerned, are hereby notified that an election win oe new on riday. November 1, A.U.. 19119 between the hours of eitht o'clock A. M and air o'clock P. M. at the office of the County Clerk of the County of Cass, Nebraska, at I'lnttsmouth in said county; that at said election the question of the formation of said Liberty Drainage District shall he determined and a Board of seven direc tors shall he dieted, said buarJ to take office contingently on the fmmalion of said district In Witness Whtriof, I have hereinto subscrib ed my otlicisl signature as Cnun:y Clirk and oflixed the seal of Cass county, Nib-aska, at my office in the court house In the elty of I'lstts- moiitn, in said county, this 20th day of Octobir. A. 1).. l!Kia. Byron Clark anil W. E. rtoRKNCRANS, W. A. Kohkrthon. 'mnty Clerk of Cass Attorneys for I'etitivners County, Neb. ISKALi 66-6 SETTLER'S EXGURSSOHS A I Low Round Tr ip Holes -.- On pale every first and third Tuesday in euth month to every part of the Southwest. MISSOURI. ARKANSAS, LOUISIANA, TEXAS. OKLAHOMA, KANSAS AND COLORADO Hugh Norton, Agent.