The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, October 28, 1909, Image 8

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    Stole Shoes
In Union
Louis Robertson Confined in the
County Jail For Stealing.
L F. Carver, a special agent for
for the Missouri Pacific railroa i com
pany, who was traiiHferredlfrom Kan
sas City to Imaha on ()etoherT1,
brought to this city tTuesdny morning
Louis Robertson, and turned him over
to Deputy Sheriff Manspeaker and he
is now confined in the county bastile
on the charge of having broken into
a car in Union and appropriating for
, his own financial gain several pairs of
new shoes. Robertson informed Mr.
i Carver that he was in Omaha the day
previous and could have gone to ork
,in that city. He arrived in Union
about 3 o'clock, he said, and entering
the :ar could not resist the temptation
to carry off those fine show, as he was
shy of cash and wanted to go and visit
his parents in Ohio.
The prisoner is an ex -convict, having
recently been released from the state
penitentiary for having been convicted
of committing a similar crime in Lin-toln.
Stole Laproba and Wh p.
II. F. Gansemier. residing about five
miles from this city, drove in from his
homo last evening to look after a car
load of cattle and left his horse
and buggy on Main atreet.1t When he
returned to the buggylthe whip and his
new laprobe were goneTandJthe lantern
was turned over and the oil leaked out
on the ocher articles.
It is a pretty tough proposition when
a man cannot leave his goods in his
buggy for a few moments without they
are stolen. An effort should be made
to catch the rascal and give him all
': there is coming.
Captured by Brigand. .
Miss Ellen M. Stone, who was cap
tured by Turkish brigands in Masa
dona and held a captive in the moun
tains for a ransom of $(S,r,0(K), which
was pnid by the bunkers of this coun
try, will address the people of Platta
mouth and vicinity in the First Meteo
dist Episcopal church in this city Thurs
day afternoon and evening, October
28, under the auupices of the W C T
Mrriage license was issued on the
27th to Henry'Rorlfaky, f4, of Alvo,
and Pauline Brekenfiekl, 51, of Elm-
Uneeda Biscuit
arc made from the finest flour and the best
materials obtainable
That Makes them an ideal
Uneeda Biscuit
are baked in surroundings where cleanliness
and precision are supreme
That Makes them
are touched only once by human hands
ivhen the pretty girls pack them
That Makes them
Uneeda Biscuit
are sealed in a moisture proof package
That Keeps them
wood, ihev
by Rev. J. L. Snavely.
at Alvo
Caas Convention Ends.
The nineth annual Cass County Sun
day School convention in Elmwood
closed Wednesday evening and the
delegates returned home today. An
interesting program was very Success
fully carried ouc and all enjoyed the
exercises of the convention.
son, Charles, Jwho i3 being made rie
fendent in a suit brought by his wife,
Mtb. Grace York Neligh.
Loose -Wiles
Vassar Chocolates
None have their Flavor,
their Quality, their Popularity
Fresh, mellow, and full of flavor. You will be delighted
with them wherever you buy them.
Rich with moist filling deeply coated with the most
expensive chocolate Vassar Chocolates h.ivc a taste,
quality give a satisfaction not obtainable in other
There is no secret about the goodness of Vassar Choco
lates their popularity comes from the use of the purest
ingredients the care in their making and the protection of
their packing.
Each Vassar Chocolate is protected like the kernel of a nut,
or each is individually ivrappcd in moisture-proof parchment;
the layers are separated to prevent crushing of their own
richness, and the elegant box is then encased in dainty
parchment and sealed with the Loose-Wiles guarantee of
quality and fnhness. The flavor is permanently retained;
there are no dried-out Vassar Chocolates.
Loose-Wiles Vassar Chocolates and the other dainties
from their sunlit confectioner's kitchens are obtainable
Get' Vassar Chocolates Today
Mrs. W. A. Tailor and her daughters
Mrs. Grace Thomas Hiid Mrs. K. 0.
Furlong, and the lattir's son were
passengers Thursday afternoon to
Kalston to vMt frienis.
Mrs Sophia Neligh of W isner, who
resided in this city anil her husband
conducted the blacksmith kIiou iust
west of Kd. Fitzgerald' livery barn.
is in this city in the interest of her
Mrs. Pauline Resales of Edtfemont,
S D.r and her daughter, Mrs. Homer j
Moore, of Omaha were visitir.y friends
Wednesday in this city, where they j
both formerly resided. Mrs. Moore's j
husband is working for J. W. Newell !
in the Burlington headquarters r Om
Old Papers For Sale at This Office
toia weam
Waller Beaumaster, who has been
confined in the asylum for insan for
some time, was visiting at his home in
this city and went out of the house to
get a drink of water Sunday evening
and has not since been seen.
Some of the
new things
that are just j
coining in.
Skinner Satin
(hiaran to wear two years
black, white and colors.
,v -fS
We are making it easy for you to get the very best
chocolate creams in case your dealer doesn't keep them.
We have prepared a handsome sample package of Vassar
Chocolates of generous size.
Write us your name and that of your dealer today,
enclose 15 cents in stamps and we will send you this sample
package by return mail. Or send us 80 cents and wc will
express (prepaid) a full one-pound box of Vassar Chocolates
to any point in the United States.
For a real treat you owe it to yourself to try, or send
i r n. ..t-.,
Comb ii and snr. tun Maihh ptLLtNO.
Cumi'rkhs it. Turn watch it expand!
KANSAS CITY, U. S. A. i-eci
We en inttrttt any denier
vjha can prifsrty cart for
Ir'unar Agencf.
... ffj
-Cl'"-- il
7 -tf:-"-r'J: i-" Jii'.x'
See our display of the famous
Maish Comforts
The Maish is wonderfully
wanner, yet lighter than or
dinary comforts.
It is made differently.
It is made of one continuous
piece, the exact size of the
finished comfort, the same
fluffy, downy thickness
throughout no lumps, no
thin places.
We have a fine assortment
of new fall patterns in all sizes,
silkolcne, sateen and silk,
ranging in price from $3.00
in silkolcne to $18.00 in silk;
Bassinette $1.25 and up ; Crib
$1.75 and up. ,
Come in and see them. "'v''
The largest and best
assorted lot of fancy
and plain Handker
chiefs ever shown in
our town.
100 dozen plain white
hemstftched Handker
chiefs per doz. only 25c
130 dozen Handker
chiefs at each. 5c.
Best line ever shown.
Better grades at 10c,
15c, 25c, 35 and 50c.
The only line that
has given full satisfac
tion in looks, width and
wearing qualities 69c,
89c, $1.00, $1 25, up
to $3.50.
We have the new
things coming all the
Our Coal is the best cool weather comfort
that you will be able to find in town.- These
chiily fall winds will soon turn into winter
and you will need the comfort that our coal
will give you. Better order early to avoid
disappointments whrn an extra
chilly day comes.
. .
i: J. V. Egenberger j
Stands Like a Stone Wall
Turns Cittli, Horses, Hags Is Practically Indsstructibla
Corner 6th and Main. I
-ff-fff-H-H r-H-MW
Buy your new fence for years to come. Get the bip, heavy wires, the
liint;e joint, the Rood galvanizing, the exactly proportioned quality of steel
that is not too hard nor too soft.
We can show you this fence in our stock and explain its merits and super
iority.not only in the roll but in the field. Come and see us and get our prices.
Last chance to buy American fence at present prices.
Fence has advanced 15 per cent since we purchased our
last car and our present price is only good as long as our
present supply lasts.
scribe i