The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, October 28, 1909, Image 4

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1 . i . i ni l n r ... vti ...
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A. :
Editor and Manager
One Year in Advance, $1.50.
Six Months in advance. 75c 1
Flattsmouth Telephone No. 85.
Nebraska Telephone No. 85 t
OCTOBER 28. 1900
Remember that if you want to vote
the republican ticket that a cross in the
second circle from the top will do the
business with neatness and dispatch.
Cast your vote for B. I. Clements, a
man of experience of one who will
know what to do when the time comes
to do it. He is the republican candi
date for coronor and up for re-election.
We do not know how many of the
candidates who are running for office
approve of the methods being used by
the Journal to carry the election for
the democratic party. But the fact
remains that if there ever was a cam
paign of misrepresentation and miser
able and unreliable campaign rotten
ness ever indulged in before as com
pared to the one being put up now we
never heard of it. It is a disgrace to
the democratic party and we don't be
lieve that the rank and file of the
party will Btand for it. Certainly no
candidate will feel like accepting an
office if elected where he was success
ful on such a kind of tommy rot.
So far no candidate on the democratic
ticket has had to suffer from the per
sonal mud slinging of the republicans.
This is not because it could not have
been started if such a campaign had
been necessary, but because the day of
a dirty campaign has passed and has
been proven to be a losing game for
those who indulge in it. When the
campaign is over po democratic candi
date will be able to say that he has
suffered from falsehood and misrepre
sentation from the hands of his repub
lican opponent. Can the opposition say
the same thing.
And now it is the model attorney
John J. Sullivan,candidate for supreme
judge on a "non-partisan" platform
that has fallen from the high pinacle
of perfectness that the public have al
ways held him to. It has leaked out
and on reliable . authority, that he so
licited funds from the corporations to
fight the corporation tax law passed by
the last legislature with the emergency
clause attached. This means that
John J. Sullivan has succumbed to the
wiles of corporation influence and
for a fee, solicited by himself, will
undertake to break one of the im
portant laws passed by the last legisla
ture. The writer has always had a
high regard for Mr. Sullivan. Living
in the same district, we have always
regarded him as above suspicion in this
regard, but the fact remains that he
seems to have the same weakness as
lots of other men and has fallen under
the influence of the corporation cormor
ant. As the World-Herald and other
democratic papers do not attempt to
dispute the evidence, it must be be
yond contradiction.
are that the voters know Sheriff
Quinton and they are not going to be
led estray by any photographic dodge
of the buncherinos.
We do not present to our readers the
above picture because of its good looks
especially, but because it is the picture
of a good man. Lawrence H. Daft is
the republican candidate for Register
of Deeds and is a man well qualified
for that position. Mr. Daft has been
in business which requires the strictest
kind of book-keeping and therefore the
duties of the office to which he will
without doubt be elected will not be new
to him and therefore will be well taken
care of without the necessity of.having
to learn the trade after he goes into
the office. In the community in which
Mr. Daft resides he stands highly, and
this means that when he moves to the
county seat that city will be a gainer
by such a move. Vote for Daft.
As the fight against Sheriff Quinlon
has progressed, it has shown conclus
ively that there is something behind
the movement other than the wish of
the Journal to look after the welfare
f the voters. This paper has felt con
tent to let the Journal do all the talk
ing feeling sure that they would fall
into the trap and before the election
rolled around would show their hand.
The vemon put into their fight against
the sheriff has born fruit and all over
the couitry the voters are denouncing
the methods of the Journal and rallying
to the support of . the sheriff. Of
course they will keep up the fiht, that
is to be expectod, but every day only
adds to the majority of the sheriff and
if the election was a month away the
prospects fr the sheriff's election
unanimously would not be among the
impossibilities. The facts of the matter
It ought not to be necessary for any
thing to be said in furthering the can
didacy of Judge Beeson for re-election
as County Judge. He has made an
efficient officer. Elected without oddo-
sition two years ago because of his
standing as an honest and conciencious
man, he has not betrayed the confi
dence which has been placed in him
and no man should hesitate when he
comes to the name of Allen J. Beeson.
It does not pay to change too often the
position of county judge. There are
too many intricate and important mat
ters connected with the office to be con
tinually changing from one official to
another. The county iudee. if he be a
competent and honest official, should be
kept in that position until such time as
a change is necessary for there is too
much at stake to trust the settling of
the estates of the widow and the
orphan to new officers. If there is an
office on the face of the earth which
ought not to be changed it is the office
of county judge. Let not the people of
Cass county turn down an efficient
legal mind like Judge Beeson.
Seldom have the people a chance to
elect to such an important office as
county treasurer, as able, efficient and
capable man as John Gerry Stark,
republican candidate for county
treasurer. It was indeed fortunate for
tha republican party that at about t' e
time of the primary that Mr. Stark
should ba retiring from the business
he had been engaged in for years, be
cause of the sale of the business to
parties who purchased it with the in
tention of conducting it themselves.
This left Mr. Stark out of business
and when the people of community
urged him to make the race for the
nomination for county treasurer he
decided to do so This i how Mr.
Stark happens to be running for treas
urer at this time. Nothing but words
of praise from t'mse who have done
business for with him for years comes
from Elmwood. taking a lead in all
public improvements of the city, man
ager and president of the chatauqua
at that place, a chautauqua that has a
statewide reputation, and to its suc
cess to a great extent is due to Mr.
Stark, he will be a valuable acquisition
to this city and a valuable man to han
dle the business affairs of the treasur
er's office. A man who has made such
a success in his own community, and
stands so high socially, morally and
financially, will surely be a valuable
man to serve the people in the capacity
of a public officer. As a man is known
so is he. John Gerry Stark has made
a succuss in his every undertaking.
He will make a success as county treas
urerer of Cass county.
About a month ago we called at
tention to the fact that for the first
time since the republican administra
tion paid off the state debt that a demo
cratic administration had accumulated
a small beginning. Luckily enough
money came in to liquidate that amount
before it had stood a week. However
there is now warrants in the- hands of
the state treasurer amounting to over
$11,000 at this time with no money to
pay them. This is just exactly eleven
times the amount of the debt one
month ago. Not very much, it is true,
but it is growning and it may be that
the democratic administration may be
able to keep it going until it get so
large that the voter will again step in
and tell the republican party to take
hold and pay it off again. There is
nothing like having a team that works
well together. The democratic mule
and;the republican elephant pull to
gether in good shape. The mule being
the smaller animal, pulls the weight
down, and the elephant than takes hold
and lifts it off again. In this way the
machine keeps busy all the time.
The opposition to Sheriff Quinton,
through its organ, the Plattsmouth
Evening Journal, is sacrificing every
thing to defeat that worthy official.
No stone is to be left unturned. Every
effort is to be made to defeat the sheriff
at the expense of everything else. Al
ready rumors are in the air of trades
which are trying to be made which it
is hoped to pull off in such a way that
the sheriff will be defeated. There is
something at stake besides the mere
defeating of that officer. At the pres
ent time the fight being made has made
the sheriff many votes, and it is this
fact which is leading the opposition to
Sheriff Quinton to get so desperately
in earnest. They know that their fight
so far has been so dirty that it has
made the sheriff friends, and they will
now bend every energy to do some
thing to offset the vctes they have al
ready made for Quinton . Voters who
know Quinton and who know the gang
that is putting up the fight against
him, do not hesitate very long ,in chos
ing the side they propose to stay with.
A dirty personal political fight against
an honest and competent official will
not win in Cass county any more.
Some of the arguments that are be
ing put up to defeat the republican
candidates for office would be indeed
ludicrous were it not that some people
might be prevailed upon to believe
them and then vote against a good man.
When people take advantage of their
position to try and make people believe
that some one else has done wrong then
it is time to sit up and take notice. We
are reliably informed that the demo
cratic member of the county board of
commissioners is fighting his colleague
Mr. Freidrich on the grounds that Mr.
Freidrich has taken the money belong
ing to the road districts in that mem
ber's district and is using it in his own
or other portions of the county. This
democratic member knows better. He
knows that each district has its own
fund and that Mr. Freidrich nor no one
can take that fund to some .other dist
rict. He thinks that being a member
of the board that he can tell this and
that the people who may possibly be
unacquainted with the law will believe
it. There is nothing to it and an in
vestigation will show it. Regarding
the bridge fund however we are in
formed that the democratic member
has had more than his share as the law
governing this fund is not the same and
it has been the custom to allow each
member to use as near as can be de
termined the amount due his district
according to the amount of taxes paid
by that district. Why a member of
the board who is in a position to know
what a valuable officer Martin. Freid
rich has been to Cats county can at
tempt to deceive the voter in order to
deprive the county of Mr. Freidrich's
services is more than we can under
stand. We don't believe that the voter
is going to turn down Mr. Freidrich on
such argument.
It is too bad that this campaign
which started out so clean and fair
eould not have continued that way to
the end. But some people are not
satified to see things that way and
delight in a mudslingtng campaign,
because they are in their element.
A man or a newspaper which will at
tempt to deceive the voter, just be
cause they think that voter is easy
will get awfully fooled this year. The
voter in old Cass, democrat or republi
can, does not propose to swallow a lot
of stuff that is pumped into him with
out finding out the truth.
W. E. Andrews, of the treasury de
partment is on his way to Nebraska
and Washington dispatches say that he
expects to launch a boom for governor
when he reaches the state.
To show the unfair advantage that
the Plattsmouth Evening Journal will
take of a candidate who happens to be
on the opposition ticket, we wish to
publish the following which appeared
in the Journal of Oct. 23, regarding
the candidacy of E. E. Odell, the re
publican nominee for county superin
tendent: "The republican candidate for super
intendent has taught in Nebraska but
two years, he has never taken a course
in any state institution and does not
now, as we are informed, hold a first
grade certificate."
When that publication was made Mr.
Odell went to the Journal office, ex
plained the situation to them, con
vinced them that he had a first grade
certificate issued by Miss Foster the
democratic superintendent and his
present political opponent for the same
office, and that by going to the court
house they could verify every state
ment he made. They acknowledged
their mistake and promised to make it
right in the next issue of the Journal.
This is the way they made it right.
This is the Journal's method of correct-
Watches and Diamonds
We have a new and fine line of
watches. Let us show you and give
you prices.
Be Sure And See Us
If you want to buy a Diamond Ring.
We have a nice selection and guarantee
you your money's worth.
ing a mistake made by them:
"Odell, the republican candidate for
county superintendent went to Otoe
county to be examined for a teacher's
certificate, and from what we can learn
he had a haij time to secure it."
The above appeared in the issue of
the Journal after they had promised
Mr. Odell that they would correct the
impression made by their first article.
Not caring to be fair they added in
sult to injury by inserting in their
paper the following day this kind of a
"He has taught here but two years
and went to Otoe county to get a third
grade certificate."
The Journal has been howling "See
the Record" all the campaign, yet with
the truth before it and the records to
bear it out only a block away, it still
continues to try to deceive the voter
by publishing what it knows to be un
true. Mr. Democratic Voter, how do you
like to have your official organ, the
paper which is supposed to stand for
the integrity of your party deliberately
publish and continue to publish false
matters about an honorable young man
whose only sin has been that he has
been nominated by his party and seeks
an election at the hands of the voters
of Cass county.
Are you going to stand for such a
deal. Are you going to by your votes
next Tuesday put your seal of approval
upon such under handed and unfair
Go to the records and see for your
The record shows that E. E. Odell
appeared before Miss Mary Foster,
county superintendent of schools of
Cass county and was given a first grade
certificate. The record also shows that
his standing was ninety per cent, a
better average than a large percentage
of certificates show.
Does this look like E. E. Odell was
Does this look like E. E. Odell had a
third grade certificate and that he had
a hard time to pass?
Miss Mary Foster, who issued this
certificate to Mr. Odell, and who as it
'haDDens is Mr. Odell'a nnlit-i
ponent Knew that Mr. Odell had a first
grade certificate, knew, that the Jour
nal was publishing a false statement
about it, and yet allowed the state
ment to go uncontradicted.
X 1 -... -?
Every Lady is Interested In Wrap
pers and House Suits.
We have iust received a fine line of Wrappers.
Good styles and pretty patterns, good full sizes. Per
cales and Flannelettes at $1.50.
Jouse Ore sses One piece house dresses in blue
and black and white check at $1.98 and $2.50.
In nurses stripe ginghams at. $3.00.
Kiinoiuis In persian patterns, figured and stripes
at 1.48, i?.oo and &2.U8.
The higher priced ones are satin trimmed.
Waists The famous Mendell tailored shirt waists
in stripes and plain white at $f.OO, $2.25 and $.50.
Also a white linen strictly tailored waist at $. 75,
$2.00 and $tf.50. Embroidered in white and colors,
linen waists, at $4.oo.
You are invited to call and inspect the above lines
we know you will appreciate them at the low prices
We are headquarters for Floor Oil Cloths,
You may need one for your stove.