The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, October 28, 1909, Image 2

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    The NcwsHerald
The Busy Reader Can Absorb In a
Few Moments a Good Deal of
Nicholas, emperor of all the Rus
Bins, made a triumphant entry into
Ituly. Whatever may havo stirred bo
neath the surface the outward mani
festation waH a cordial and popular
welcome to the head of a friendly
At Czenstochowa, Russian Polant
during the night robbers entered the
chapel of tho Paulino convent and
despoiled the imago of the Virgin of
the Kobe of Its pearls, tho diamond
6tudded crown and many votive offer
ings of jewels. The iniaKe Itself was
not damaged.
Lieutenant Governor James Dims
inulr of British Columbia gave his con
sent to the dissolution of tho British
Columbia government, and an an
nouncement was made that the legis
lature would bo called for January 20.
While tho popo only recently
Beemed determined not to have a con
slBtory until 1010, it is now suddenly
announced that one will bo held about
the middle of December, nnd another
next spring.
The socialists at Brussels made a
violent attack on Spain in tho cham
ber of deputies with reference to the
execution of Ferrer. There were
cries of "down with Spain." Deputy
Vandervelde, tho socialist leader,
called it a frightful crime. "The Span
ish ministry Is a government of as
sassins," he shouted.
The competition of the Kosmoa
steamship line, which is subsidized by
the Germany government la causing a
shipping crisis on the west coast of
South America. Tho South American
Steamship company has asked the
government for a subsidy of $250,000.
.The Chilean Steamship company Is
Belling Its steamers and the minor
companies engaged in similar traffic
Will also dispose of their vessels.
The Piiirllngton has announced its
Intention of building an additional ex
tension In Wyoming to run as far east
as the Powder river and to form a con
nection with the Northwestern.
Mrs. Theodora Bcnner, daughter of
former United States Senator Van
iVVyck of Nebraska, has tiled a peti
tion In district court seeking a di
vorce. Mrs. Benner waa Miss Happy
Theodora Van v"yck. She waa born
In Washington, though most of her
life has been rassed in Otoe county,
J. P. Malloy has begun suit In the
federal court at Sioux Falls against
the Milwaukee railroad for $30,000
damages for alleged false arrest and
The board of governora of the Amer
ican Textile association has ordered
all the big cotton mills of North and
South Carolina to close down for a
period of from fourteen to thirty days,
In order to curtail the manufacture of
Dr. Frederick A. Cook, who lectured
at St. Paul, announced that Frof. L.
I Dyche of tho University of Kansas
has been definitely decided upon as
one of the members of his forthcoming
Mount McKlnley expedition.
Blown fifty feet In the air, two men
were Instantly killed when a firebox
on a Big Four freight engine at Sha
ron, Ohio, blew out.
Charles F. Murphy and the entire
executive committee of Tamranny at
tended the funeral of Senator Patrick
II. McCarren In Brooklyn.
A rumor Is In circulation at St. Pe
tersburg to the effect that the powers
have addressed a Joint note to Russia
with regard to Manchurlan affaira.
Co-operation of governors of all
states and territories In a nation-wide
campaign for safe and sane celebra
tion of Independence day In every
batnlet, town and city throughout the
country Is the object of a movement
now Inaugurated at Washington.
Dr. Cook promises within two
months to submit proofs of his dis
covery of the pole.
Seven persons and possibly more
were killed In a wreck on the Pan
Handle division oi the Pennsylvania
railroad near Colllnsvllle, O., In a
William II. Oalllnger. 39 years old,
ft son of United States Senator Gal
linger of New Hampshire, died of
' heart failure In New York at the
home of hia cousin. Mrs. Adelaldo E.
More meat Is condemned as unfit
for human food In the United States
than In any other country.
An even dozen men of standing will
pass Judgment on the polar con
troversy. The department of commerce and
labor telegraphed to Los Angeles, Cal.,
authority for the release on ball of
Oulterrei de Lara, who was arrested
as an anarchist and an alien, who en
tered this country without Inspection.
At midnight June 16 the 15,000
electric light of the Alaska-Yukon-Pa-clfio
exposition were put out, closing
the World's fair of 1909.
Labor leaden are to renew tbelr
agitation for representation In the
jreildeat'i cabinet
Copies of circulars Issued In north
China by a body of Chinese, calling
themselves the popular association of
the three eastern provinces, havo been
received In Japan, after having been
spread broadcast among Chinese, of
the lower classes.
Governor Hughes will take no part
in tlie New York municipal campaign.
On the historic ground at Yorktowu,
Va., where Lord Cornwallia sur
rendered one hundred and twenty
eight years ago, patriotic Americans
gathered together to celebrate the
Enraged because his choriM girl
wife preferred a Hie on tho stage to
his companionship, William H. Short
of New York City shot and perhaps
fatally wounded her on tho west por
tico of the Union station in Wash
ington. President Osborn of Des Moines col
lege announced that the gifts toward
the $100,000 endowment for Dea
Moines college have reached $80,000.
Henry Charles Lea, widely known
as author, banker, scientist and pub
lisher, died In Philadelphia aged 48
A second cardinal for the United
States may be appointed at the next
papal consistory.
Dr. Maurice C. Stack, for thirty
three years assistant superintendent
of the government hospital for the In
sane died in Washington Sunday night
of cancer of the throat.
David Taft Robinson, aged 94, a
c ousin of President Taft, died at Rich
wood, O. He was a retired farmer.
Commission men of Nebraska are
supposed to get licenses, but only a
few have done so. The state is pre
paring the answer to the railroad tes
timony In the rate case.
Postmaster General Hitchcock has
been requested by a Missourlan to
mako good the loss of a live dollar bill
which was chewed up by the Mis
sourlnn's "young pup dog."
United States Senator Martin N.
Johnson of North Dakota died from
an attack of acute Brlght'a disease.
Ten men are dead, two injured and
one missing as a result of an explo
sion In mine No. 10 of the Rock Island
Coal Mining company at Hartshorns,
More than half the republic of Nica
ragua Is in the handa of the revolu
tionists. Whether he Intends to be a candi
date for the republican nomination
for congress In the Third Nebraska
district next year la a subject on
which ex-Congressman Boyd is non
committal at this time.
Government ofTlclala at Washington
do not look upon action of France re
garding American exports as a tariff
The National Paint. Oil and
Varnish association went on record
favoring a parcels post. Tho report
waa adopted unanimously.
A loud-mouthed man who said he
wanted to kill Taft was arrested at
Albuquerque, N. M.
The announcement of the death of
Justice Peckham, while expected,
came as a shock to hla associates on
tho bench and in official circles, and
everywhere expressions of regret
were heard. Justice Peckham waa a
democrat and beforo taking a seat on
tho bench gave considerable atten
tion to politics in New York. He was
born in Albany, N. Y., November 8,
1838, and had been on the bench,
state and federal, for twenty-six
years. He was appointed to the su
preme bench by President Cleveland.
Using a roll of bills as a weapon,
Charles C. Glover, president of the
Rlggs National bank, is charged with
having attacked a depositor who
called at the bank. The depositor,
Emilio Jasselll, brought suit for dam
ages against Mr. Grover, asking $10.
000 for the bodily and mental pain he
Despite rumors, no one has yet been
selected for the post of minister to
China to succeed Chnrles R. Crane,
whose resignation waa recently ac
cepted by the president. Among the
many names that have been men
tioned, one of the most recent Is that
of Judge Thomas Burke of Seattle,
Wash., but this nnd other reports In
regard to the post were characterized
by Assistant Secretary of State Wil
son as mere speculation.
Announcement was made at the
navy department that Rear Admiral
Gottfried Blockllnger will be trans
ferred to the retired list on account of
old age October 23, and that Rear Ad
miral Thomas C. McLean will be re
tired October 25, for the same reason.
Admiral Blocklnger was bom in Iowa,
and entered tho navy In July. 18C3. He
reached the rank of rear admiral In
October, 1908, and has bad over
twenty-one years service at sea.
The Right Rev. William Hobart
Hare, bishop of the Episcopal dio
cese of South Dakota, died at Aber
deen after a long Illness. He waa
72 years of age.
A man who died In destitution at
Hastings, Neb., haa been partly Iden
tified aa Francis Schlatter, the healer.
In a speech at New York Judge Gay
nor designated William R. Hearst as
a bellowing demagogue.
President Taft took a minor part In
a cattle roundup on his brother's
Texas ranch.
James J. Hill, builder of the north
western empire and. a powerful fac
tor in the development of the north
ern section of the west half of the
United States, will be the guest of
Omaha during the National Corn ex
position. At Carthage, Mo., Edward Brooks,
a millionaire, 25 years old, attempted
to murder his wife by cutting her
throat while the two were out walk
ing. Jim Jeffries sent a wireless message
that he Is well and anxious to fight.
Street car strikers In Omaha have
determined to go on with the fight
Most of the Members of the Crew In
Bed and Asleep When Crash
Aast Port, Me. The north Atlantic's
annual toll of lives and vessels re
'.elved the first tithe of the winter
season from Its tributary the Bay of
Fundy, Tuesday fn the loss of at
least a score of souls and the de
struction on a shoal, inside of Old
Proprietor ledge, off Seal cove, Grand
Manan, of the Donaldson line steamer
Hestla, bound from Glasgow for St.
John and Baltimore. Four of the vic
timsyoung Scotch laddies were
passengers on the Ill-fated steamer
and the others were members of the
crew. Captain Newman and twenty
or more members of the crew were
last seen this morning In a ship's boat
which was being tossed on the stormy
Of the forty persons whe were
aboard the steamer when she piled
up on the shoal at 1 a. m., only six
are positively known to have been
saved. They were forced to cling to
the wreck, shifting their positions
often as the steamer was tossed by
the great seas. It was not until 3 p
tn. that life savers were able to man
their boats nnd reach the steamer
When rescued, the survivors were in
a weakened state after their fourteen
hour ordeal.
Those known to be saved are:
Third Mate Steward, Second En
gineer Morgan, Seamen Keen, Mc
Konsle, Smith and McCickar.
A heavy northeasterly gale is be
lieved to have been responsible for
the Hestla's fate, although it Is sup
posed that a mistake of the man at
the wheel In believing he had picked
up Gannet Rock light while really dis
sernlng the gleams of the lighthouse
on Machias Seal Island, several miles
southwest, carried the ship many
miles southwest of her course.
The sailors of the midnight watch
had been out of their bunks an hour,
and all others except the navigating
officer were stowed In bunka or ham
mocks when the crash came an hour
after midnight.
In the belief that he was lcavlns
Grand Manan on the port tack and
following the usual course to St. John.
the navigating officer sought tho dis
tinguishing marks of that route. But
'.hey were not to bo seen. Instead,
the steamer was heading for Seal
cove, between Gannet rock nnd Ma
Milne Seal island, over seas which
barely covered a treacherous bottom
l shoals. It was on one of these,
Just Inside Old Proprietor ledge, that
the vessel's nose became Impaled.
Noted Soldier Expires at His Home at
Burlington, Vt.
Burlington, Vt. Ceneral Oliver O
Howard, one of the union command
prs of the civil war, died at his home
!n this city Tuesday. Heart disease
was the case of the noted soldler'a
death. He was 79 years old.
Last week General Howard was in
Ontario delivering his lecture on
"Abraham Lincoln." His last appear
ance was at London on Sunday night.
On Monday he returned to hla home
In Burlington and waa nnnnrpnttw in
his usual good health. Tuesday night,
nue siuing in a chair at his home
he was attacked by heart disenH nnd
waa dead when a physician reached
ine nouse.
Funeral of Bishop Hare.
Philadelphia Attended by six
bishops, more than a hnlf hunt! raA
clergymen and many laymen, the
runeral or the Rt. Rev. William Ho
bart Hare. D. D., bishop of the mis
sionary district Of South Dnkntn waa
held hero. The body goes to Sioux
Falls, South Dakota, for Interment.
President Taft Notified.
Hickman, Ky. President Taft whiln
here received, through newHrmnar
sources, the bare announcement of the
assassination of Prince Ito at Harbin.
in the absence of any definite tnfnr.
matlon, he made no comment other
than to express deep sorrow and con
cern over the loss of a friend. He
had known Prince Ito well.
Lieutenant Dismissed.
Washington Found guilty of break
ing a pledge taken In 1906, to abstain
from tho use of intoxicating linunrs
for five years, First Lieutenant Ed
ward W. Terry of the Twentv-serond
Infantry, haa been dismissed from the
Breaks World's Record.
Donenster, Eng. Ion Delagrange,
the French nvlator, Hying a Blerolt
tniinopuine there broke the world's
speed record. He traveled a mile and
800 yards in 1 minute and 47 1-5 sec
onds. U. P. Survivors Are Busy.
Wheatland, Wyo. A corps of Union
Pacific surveyors is now operating
near this place and this fact, coupled
with the activity of the company at
North port and other points In the val
ley of the North Platte in western Ne
braska, where large quantities of
building material are being unloaded,
leads to the belief that the company
has decided to at once extend Its
North Platte line on up the river.
across the Wheatland colony, through
the mountains, then to make a con
nection wiUx the main Una.
Items of Interest Taken From Here
and There Over the State.
The Midwest Life.
. The Midwest Life is Just issuing a
new list of its Lincoln policyholders
They now number 278 and the amount
of Insurance they havo In this com
pany aggregates $530,200. In this list
none are Included who do not live in
Lincoln. No company doing business
in Nebraska has any stronger home
endorsement than The Midwest Life.
The agency force of The Midwest
Life has recently been Incrasd by
the addition of Mr. W. P. Hancock,
formerly with the Northwestern Mu
tual, who will work In Lincoln; Mr
A. L. Pope, who takes charge of the
agency at York; Mr. W. N. Peterson,
who will make North Platte his head
quarters, and Mr. G. S. Southworth,
who will aid Mr. C. L. Williams in the
development of the Norfolk agency.
There are plenty of good openings left
for men who are producers or who are
capable of becoming producers. Write
the company for an agency.
Franklin's new opera house has
been opened for business.
Mrs. Alexander Hunter accidentally
shot herself with a rifle at their
home near Murray, the ball entering
between two ribs on the left side. Her
case is serious.
Nebraska City is suffering from a
cement famine and many of the large
contractors have been compelled to
lay all of their help off on that ac
count. Mrs. Frank B. Spear of Diller was
instantly killed two miles north of
Plckrell, being thrown from an auto
mobile. She struck on her head,
breaking her neck.
John M. Phlpps, who claims to be
over 18 years of age, was in Nebraska
City, enroute to Farragut, Iowa, on a
visit with his son. He has been mak
ing his home with daughter in
Richardson county.
James Hartshorn of Havelock, 100
years old, died last week at his home.
He was born In England August 4,
1809. Until a few months ago he was
In perfect health and then began to
fail, though his death waa unexpected.
The York county corn contest prom
ises to be one of the big events and
commences November 23 and ending
November 28. No business house or
building could be secured that was
large enough to hold the displays and
an effort will be made to Becure the
court house.
The KiO-acrc farm of L. W. Colby
of Gage county sold to John Connor
of Hamburg, la., for $::2,0oo, or $200
per acre. The land is finely Improved
and has been used for several years
as a dairy farm. This price Is the
highest paid for land in that part of
the state-.
The Fremont Stock Yards company
is having a big run of sheep at its
feed yards in South Fremont this sea
son, more shippers stopping off to
feed there than for some seasons. One
day the books showed 10,500 in the
yards for feed, which is about the
average bo far this season.
In the great collection at the Na
tional Corn show In Omaha will be
seen why of the seven billion five
hundred million dollars worth of plant
and animal products, produced by the
United State3 each year, more than
one billion dollars worth of this sum
can be credited to agricultural
science. Reproduction is truly the
basis of wealth.
By the explosion of a gasoline stove
on which he was cooking his dinner,
Charles W. Goldsberry, 50 years of
age, of Lincoln, was so severely
burned that his recovery Is very
J. E. Kelby, on behalf of the Bur
lington, challenged the constitution
ality of the Barton act, passed by the
last legislature. This measure pro
vides for telephone service in depots
and express offices. He filed a brief
with the railway commission, assert
ing that the scope of the act was
broader than Its title.
The site for the tuberculosis sani
tarium has been chosen by the state
board, which has been In session at
Broken Bow and the institution will
be locnted about two and a half miles
from that. town. The city had agreed
to donate 1C0 acres, but the board
thought this entirely too small, and
decided that It would need at least
1,000 acres. This will be secured.
The work of surveying the Nemaha
river teritory through Johnson county
for the proposed drainage ditch was
commenced by the government en
gineering and surveying force, last
week. The crew Includes three sur
veyors and four helpers and the work
was commenced on tne county line,
northwest of Sterling. It is not known
how long it will take the men to com
plete the work.
A double tragedy, accepted by the
authorities as a murder and a suicide,
was disclosed when a farmer four
miles from Clay Center found the
dead bodies of Leroy Foster and Miss
Inez Cox In a buggy near the roadway
adjoining his farm.. Apparently they
had been dend a number of hours.
Both were shot In the region of tho
heart, and near the man lay a re
volver. It la presumed he killed the
girl, then himself.
One of the worst prairie fires of the
season raged about three hours about
two miles east of Dickinson destroy
ing everything In Its path. The fire
was started bjr a westbound passenger
train on the Burlington.
After working from 1 o'clock until
3:30 In the morning In an effort to
break open the strong box of the Man
ley state bank, robbers gave up in
disgust and departed, taking precau
tions, however, to leave no clues be
hind as to their identity. The ban''
was robbed October 29, 1908, and the
robbers secured between $2,000 and
A Reception by the Governor and Mrs,
Shallenberger. Other Notes From
the State Capital.
By a law passed by the last session
of the state legislature It. was provid
ed that any person, firm, or corpora
tion wishing to carry on a commis
sion business must secure a license
from the pure food commissioner, pay
ing therefor $10, and filing with the
application certain information. At
the same time such company is or
dered to execute a bond for $2,000 to
the county judge of tne county in
which business Is done which bond
must be approved by the county clerk
and placed on file. '
Though there are a good many
firms In the state who carry on a com
mission business, that Is, buy and sell
consignments of wares and merchan
dise in the state, only seventeen of
these have received and paid for a
license. All of them are Omaha and
South Omaha firms, and have parted
with their $10 under protest. It Is not
known whether tbey have executed a
bond each, as that duty falls without
the scope of the food department. The
law attaches a penalty for those who
conduct such a business without tak
ing out a license under bond. From
the wording of the law there is no
other authority to compel obedience
than that of the county attorney. Ho
would probably be governed by com
plaints. Reception by the Governor.
A reception by oGvernor Shallenber
ger and Mrs. Shallenberger will be
one of the features of the Nebraska
State Teachers' association. The
event will take place at the executive
mansion on the evening of November
5; from 4 to 6 o'clock. The reception
line will be composed of Governor
Shallenberger, Mayor and Mrs. Love,
President W. A. Selleck of the Com
mercial club, nnd Mrs. Selleck, Presi
dent A. L. Caviness of the association
and Mrs. Caviness, State Superintend
ent E. C. Bishop and Mrs. Bishop and
Chancellor and Mrs. Avery. The re
ception is extended to the teachers by
the governor and the city.
Telephones Go to Depots.
The Burlington has notified the
Railway commission that It has or
will Install telephones in depots In
several communities where it believes
they are needed. It also states in the
communication that the Bartos' act Is
unconstitutional and It Is not In com
pliance with that law that the tele
phones are being Installed. The Bar
tos act provides that railroads must
furnish telephones In their depots.
Juror Gets Full Time.
The county of Douglas must pay L.
D. Spaulding for serving as a Juror
for three weeks or twenty-one days,
Sundays excepted. The county com
missioners of Douglas county docked
Mr. Spaulding when he handed in his
bill for twenty-one days because they
held court did not meet on Saturday
and for that reason the juror was not
entitled to pay for those Saturdays.
The court held, however, that a Juror
is entitled to pay for the time for
which he was summoned, Sundays ex
cepted, unless excused.
Johnson Gets his Daughter.
The supreme court has decided J.
A. Johnson should retain possession
of his daughter, under 14 years of age,
whom Seth Terry and others have at
tempted to get away from Johnson.
The county court of Gage county Is
sued a writ of habeus corpus for the
return of Eflle Johnson to that county
from Douglas county, where she lived.
The court has decided that this is be
yond the Jurisdiction of the county
court. Johnson went into district
court to preserve his rights, but upon
the admission of the litigation in
county court the higher court dis
missed his case.
Trophy from Arizona.
Miss Leach, brand clerk In the office
of the secretary of state, received tho
skin of a full grown rattlesnake some
five feet long, with twelve rattles and
a button attached, sent to her by her
brother in Arizona. The brother had
killed the reptile in hia front yard by
chopping Its head off with a short-
handled hoe. The skin Is nicely
tunned and will be used In the future
as a decoration for the walla of the
office of tho scretary.
Although a reward of $1,500 has
been offered for their apprehension,
no trace has been found of the rob
bers who recently wrecked the bank
at Manley. Detectives are at work on
tho case, but the chances of finding
the robbers seem rather small.
Druggist Gets New Trial.
Nicholas McCabe, who runs a drug
store at North Platte and who was
convicted on four counts of selling
liquor, secures a new trial because
the supreme court holds that where
the lower court permits the Introduc
tion of a county Judge's search war
rant aa independent evidence it will
be held In error when the complain
ant charges the defendant with hiv
ing sold liquor personally and the de
fendant is not a witness at the trial
to face his accusers. The case will
again be tried.
Some Questions That Need to Be
Passed Upon.
Inquiries have been addressed to
the secretary of state regarding the
marking of the ballot in the coming
election, nnd the secretary Is waiting
for the attorney general to pass on the
question before making a statement.
One party desired to know for
whom a vote would count if a voter
should make a cross In the circle at
the heajl of the ballot and then vote
for one candidate for judge on an
other ticket.
Without having given the matter
any study tho legal department of the
state said off hand it would appear
that the party after whose name the
mark was made would receive the
vote and the candidates on the other
ticket for the same office would not
receive the vote.
For instance, if a democrat should
make a cross in the democratic circle
at the head of the ballot and then
vote for one of the candidates on the
republican ticket for judge, it is the
belief of the legal department that the
vote would count for the one repub
lican candidate for judge and for all
the candidates on the democratic
ticket except the three Judges. Or the
election board might throw out the
ballot entirely, though it would be an
injustice to the candidate after whose
name a cross has been made, but no
more so than to two of the judicial
candidates on the other ticket, for
each person is entitled to vote for
three candidates for judge.
Homesteaders Ask Help.
The Sacked law for tho removal of
derelict officials may bo brought into
use to remove from ofilec some coun
ty commissioners who have failed to
clean roads along section lines in the
west end of the state.
Governor Shallenberger received n
letter for help from a homesteader out
In the hills near Dalton In the west
end of Nebraska. The writer, Mrs.
L. G. Simer. says lands owners have
fenced in the land along the section
fines and in going a distance of two
miles she bad to open five gates. She
wrote that lu going to town it was
necessary for her to take her three
children, the eldest of whom la four
yeara of age. These she had to leave
In the buggy while she gets out and
opens and closes the gates. She Is in
constant fear of a runaway, to say
nothing of the fact that she has ruined
several skirts getting in and out of
the vehicle.
When she complained to the land
owners, she wrote, she was told that
if she ever left the gates open they
would be fastened with wires nnd she
would be forced to stay In the hills
and never get to town at all.
Homesteaders, she wroto the gover
nor, are trying to develop western Ne
braska and they are undergoing all the
hardships of pioneers and she believes
they are entitled to the help of the
officials to the end that life may be
made as bright as possible.
Others, she said, were in the same
fix as she is and she is writing for
them nil. asking for relief from the
authorities. In answer to the letter,,
the governor wrote that he would
render all possible help.
Odd Fellows Elect Officers.
The grand lodge, independent Order
of Odd Fellows, selected Lincoln for
its next meeting place. The lodge
elected the following officers: Grand"
Master, C. J. Kelly, Deputy Grand"
Master, Paul Story; Grand Warden..
W. G. Vosburg; Grand Secretary, I. P
Gage; Grand Treasurer, F. P. Bryant;
Grand Representative, R. H. Miller.
No Count Till November 15.
Word was received from Judge T. C .
Munger that the petit jury for the
federal court to be held in Lincoln will
not be called before November 15. Un
1 11 1 that date there will be no motion?
heard and no cases up in either the
clrcuit or district court for the Lin
coln division.
Wallace Gets a Vacation.
Dr. Charles W. Wallace, who re
cently discovered important docu
ments relating to the life of Shakes
peare, was granted a year's leave of
absence by Chancellor Avery of the
State university. Dr. Wallace will re
turn to London to continue his investi
gations. Commission Men Hang Back.
The law requiring commission mer
chants to register their names with
the secretary of state and give a bond
after paying a license fee of $10 is
evidently pretty much of a dead let
ter. Up to this time only seventeen
have taken out the licenses and of
these five are grain merchants. Every
one paid his money under protest.
Brief In Occupation Tax Case.
Judge Sullivan and hia fellow coun
sel have filed In the supreme court a
brief In support of tbelr contention
that the occupation tax enacted by the
late legislature is not constitutional.
Soldier Under Arrest.
James Miller was arrested by Chief
Malone and is held on the charge of
deserting from the army. Pictures
and papers found in hla pockets indi
cate that his true name Is James E.
Gingery, who is accused of the murder
of William Walsh at Molino, III.
Test for Corporations.
Secretary of State Junkin has pre
pared an affidavit for the signature of
those corporations, which their officers'
claim are not organized for profit and
therefore do not come under the pro
visions of the occupation tax law. The-v
affidavit Is to set out the capital stock
of the corporation; how it Is invested;
the statement under oath that it was1
not organized for profit Those who
sign the affidavit will have their cor
porations stricken from the Hat, which
Governor Shallenberger will cancel
next November.