The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, October 25, 1909, Image 5

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    get while we were working in a little
country printing office in Nebraska dur
ing the operations of the democratic
partyt, drawing the munificent wages
of six dollars a week to be taken out
in trade at the stores, the day the
Kelly industrial army camped near the
town composed of over a thousand men
on their way from California to Wash
ington. We say that we shall never
forget those days and when we compare
them with the conditions that have ex
isted since under the high tariff, high
grub, high wages and everything else
high, we say give us high tariff and its
corresponding high things rather than
a democratic tariff with everything low
including the grub box, the clothes
closet, and the condition of the home
treasure box.
In short give us the Aldrich Bill with
everything high and money to buy it,
rather than another democratic Wilson
Bill with everything low and nothing to
uy with. '
We are pleased to announce that we
have secured the services of Mr. A. E.
Quinn of Duluth, Minn., who will have
charge of the local business of the
paper and will also act as city editor.
Mr. Quinn is i newspaper man of
thirty-three years standing and under
stands all departments of the business.
It is our intentiDn to make the paper
the very best one in southeastern Ne
braska, and we believe that Mr. Quinn
will be an important factor in accom
plishing that result.
As stated before, Mr. R. 0. Watters
will have charge of the circulation de
partment and will be the traveling
representative when not engage in the
local circulation.
With the installation of our new
Monotype, the only one used by any
newspaper in Nebraska, which arrived
Thursday, and which we hope to have
in operation next week, we will be in a
position to make the Plattsmouth Daily
l',ewa and the Semi-Weekly News-Her-
tin. uvu iiv n oupkio u wiiia ociuuil oitU
the best advertising medium for busi
ness in Nebraska outside of Omaha
and Lincoln.
Only a short time and the voters of
the Ciy, of Pttsrnouthand.yicinlty
will be called upon to select the officers
who will look after the city and pre
cinct outside of the regularly elected
officer at the spring election.
For City Assessor the republicans
resent the name of J. C. Lindeman,
who needs no introduction to the voters
of this part of the county. Mr. Linde
man is well qualified for the position
and will make a first class assessor.
For District Assessor Dr. A. P.
Barnes bas been selected. Dr. Barnes
is an old resident here and has been in
a position where he knows property
values well and being a business man is
in a position to do good work as district
James Higley and J. R. Denson are
the candidates for constables. Both
men are well qualified, well known and
no man can have any valid excuse for
nonvoting for them.
For Justice of the Peace, J. C. York
and A. N. Sullivan afe the candidates
and it is not necessary to speak of their
qualifications. They will fill the offices
in a manner that will bring credit to
the office and themselves and justice to
iTiOse who patronize the justice courts.
Republican voters who desire to vote
the straight ticket this year by placing
their "X" in the party circle near the
top of the ballot are warned that the
democratic circle comes first at the top
this year instead of the republican
circle, as has been the case for several
years past, and that the republican
party circle apppears second from the
top of the ballot. The law so provides
owing to the fact that the democrats
cast the largest vote last year for the
head of the ticket (Shallenberger.) All
republicans hope to replace the republi
can circle at the head of the ballot by
winning this year and replacing the
party circle at the head of the ticket
for the important election of next year
when a complete list of state officers, a
I'nited States senator and a legislature
to be chosen.
Sundiy at Hcma.
Miss Maud Mason departed for Ash
fand Friday evening, Miss Arline Ship
man for York, Miss Bell for Ashland
and Miss Clee Applegate for Union, all
teachers in the city schools, to spend
Sunday at home.
Sorry Ha Spoke
Mr. Black Jake Brown's wife nm
cuniniln' obeli to trade yo' chicken,
an' you'll hab to gib her sometiir to
boot. Ik'ss gib her sotnefln' wuthless.
Mrs. Black -Soineflu' wutliless? All
rltlit. Sa,ipos Ah gibs her yo'?
Gotting a Hair Cut.
Just That.
"What do you suppose they will do
with the north pole now tbnt they've
found it?"
Taint Jt red. white nnd blue for n
barber pole. Then nny one who tries
to take it will hare a close shave."
Things Theatrical.
First Actor I hare Just signed a
contract for the Reason nt a salary of
$."00 a week.
Second Actor That's nothing. 1
hnv an offer of $.() n week In real
Real Flight.
"Oh, darling, come and fly with me!"
lie cried to the maiden sweet.
Just then hla auto hit a cow,
And o'er the big and brassy prow
The maid flew twenty feet.
A Narrow Escape.
"Yes. that' Scrubbn, the great foot
ball player."
"How pule lie loota."
"Yes; he had quite u wure this morn
ing." "What caused It?"
"He en me very near getting lu the
lay of a bargain day rush."
...... HOT , . .,
1 .
By Marie Robertson
The Juniors have charge of the music
this week, Miss Fern Long doing the
The Geometry test was postponed
from Monday until Wednesday.
The Juniors had a test in history last
Monday morning.
A sister of Miss Goehry, who teaches
in the grades, visited the High School
this week.
Hon. M. T. Harrison of Dunbar, who
served as Float Representative in the
1907 Session of the Legislature, viited
his son, Principal Harrison, last Tues
day. Plans for interclass basketball games
are under way. The schedule as ar
ranged is for the fifth and eleventh of
November at Coats' hall. The price of
admission to be decided upon later.
Miss Gertrude Morgan coached the
basketball girls this week.
Miss Helen Travis, teacher of Eng
lish wili Sunday at Omaha.
Tuetday after school both the Seniors
and Juniors held class meeting and
later held a joint session. The results
of their deliberation are to be secret.
Several absentees have been report
ed this week. "Thou shalt not Skip."
Principal Harrison visited in Omaha
last Saturday.
Miss Anna Wolfarth entertained her
sisters, Miss Clara, and Miss Folda as
visitors Thursday afternoon.
We need a little more class spirit
it helps to boost the school. Try it
for awhile and watch the results.
Absentees reported for this week
have been:Thelma Robins, Willa Moore,
Mollie Seivers, Robert Newell, Guy
Will, Bessie Holly, Pearl Moore, Anna
Snyder, Albert Thomas, Wayne Dick
son and Francis Whalen.
Mrs. L. E. Schaules visited the
school last Thursday morning, being the
guest of Miss Ina Hatt, class '10.
There has been an air of mystery
about the combined class meetings of
the Juniors and Seniors. It is rumored
they are up to a trick, but the rumor
is not confirmed.
(The above was handed in with the
request that we publish, by a sweet
little sophmore.)
, Changea at Majestic
Prof. Austin is making some quite
extensive changes at the Majestic this
week, which will add greatly to the
appearence of the house. Among the
most important is the erection of anew,
stage which will have a capacity of
210 square feet with a nineteen foot
front. This will he eqipped with new
scenery and a new curtain and when
completed will make a nice and pretty
little theatre. In fact it will be the
house cosy for an evenings entertain
ment. Alter a Due
L4f if &
New Neckwear and Ladies Furnishings
We have made arrangements with a large wholesale
house to send us a shipment of the new things as they are
put on the market each month. We shall make a showing
of these new things as often as possible. When looking
for something new just give us a chance. You will also
be surprised at our large and fine selected stock this sea
son, have almost double the stock we had last year.
Outing Flannel
This is the time of year when people think about
heavy Gowns; when you think that way come and look at
wh1twe.are.sh0s 8lic, 10c. 12'sc.
Attorney Charles L. Graves and J.
A. Talkington, the latter a merchant
in Union, were visiting in the county
seat Friilav.
A. S. Will, C. H. Vallery. Frank E.
Lorenz, G. E. Fitrpatrick of Murray,
W. H. Sharp and J. G. Phebus visited
the South Omaha stock market Friday.
Edwin Bates departed Friday for
Castelha, la., to visit the old home
stead, where he enlisted in the army.
He will also visit a sister in Newton,
Mesdames I. M. Gochenour, Loretta
Ault, Peter Turn, Lucy Gregg, John
Schafcr, Ed Tritsch and Miss Lena
Meisienger were visiting in Omaha
Nelson Jones, the night watchman,
departed for Omaha Friday afternoon,
where he will Bubmit to a surgical op
eration. Ben Rainey will fill the posi
tion while he is away.
To Improve Road.
The committee appointed by the com
mercial club, consisting of Hon. R. B.
Windham, T. H. Pollock and Philip
Thierolf, to confer with the county
commissionrs and the city council, in
regard to improving the road from this
city to the Missouri river ferry, is "do
ing business" and good results will
tltllt Hit IIiI-OmiH Dentistry. Imim
ttli rrlcf . But -MulBpr i Omul Of
fice la the Middla Weit.
M floor Isiton Rlk . Kit k r.rn.m. OMAHA, NEB.
Majestic Theatre
Under the Management
Prof. H. S. Austin
Program Changes Mon
days, Tuesdays and
Tonight and To- ,
morrow Night
Jllustrated Song,
3,000 Feet of Moving
Prof, and Mrs. Austin.
First Show 7:30 Sharp.
We have taken the
agency for the
Ladies' Home Jour
nal Patterns. To say
we are pleased puts
it mildly we are now
selling more patterns
in one week than
formerly in, one
month. Agents for
Ladies Home Journal
and Patterns.
Want Column
FOR SALE.-Scott Bluffs irrigated
lands. A $2,000,000 beet sujar fac
tory nearly finished. Send for liter
ature. Windham Investment Com
pany, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. 51-4
FOR SALE. -250 improved farms in
Nebraska. See us before buying.
Windham Investment Co., Platts
mouth, Neb. 51-4
WANTED Young mcn and women to
fill positions paying $000 to $2000 per
annum. Big demand for stenograph
ers in the Government service, as
well as in private business life. Our
new method of teaching shorthand
by mail insures as thorough and
practical a training at your own home
as is obtainable by personal attend
ance at any business college in the
country. We guarantee success.
Complete course for small cash pay
ment; balance to be paid when you
secure a position. Trial lesson free.
Central Business Institute, Central
Building, Washington, D. C.
AT ONCE, reliable representatives in
this vicinity to look after renewals
and new subscriptions, part or whole
time, for the fastest growing maga
zine in America. Liberal salary and
commissions. Live men and women
make $35 to $150 a month. Appoint
ments now being made. Write im
mediately to Director of Circulation,
Hampton's Magazine, GO West 35th.
St. New York City. 49-6-x
Do you want an
If you do, get one who has
Experience, Ability, Judgement
Telegraph or Write
Robert Wilkinson,
' Dunbar, Nebr.
Or call at the News-Herald office and
we will save you trouble and expense
in getting dates and terms.
Good Service. Reasonable Rate
Smoke an
And be Happy
vH"MMtSMM"H"i' ! 'I11!"!' 'i"H"H' 'H'
t References:
I Bank of Easrle. Eagle.
f Nehawka Bank, Nehawka.
t Bank of Murdock, Murdock.
I First Nat'lbsnk, Greenwood.
t State bank of Murray, Murray. 4
t First Nat'l bank, Plattsmouth. J
These Are
Helpful Words
A Plattsmouth Citizen Gives
His Experience.
Is your back lame and painful?
Does it ache especially after exer
tion? Is there a soreness in the kidney
These symptoms indicate weak kid
neys; There is danger in delay.
Weak kidneys fast get weaker.
Give your trouble prompt attention.
Doan's Kidney Pills act quickly.
They strengthen weak kidneys.
Read this Plattsmouth testimony.
Soren Anderson, 1322 Lincoln Ave.,
Plattsmouth, Neb., says: "Several
ca rs 8go we procured Doan's Kidney j
nils at uering & Co. 'a drug store and
used them for kidney disorders. The
results was gratifying and there has
been no return of the difficulty since.
We publicly recommend Doan's Kidney
Pills in 1906 and at the present time, I
take pleasure in confirming every word
of that statement."
For sale by all dealers. Price B0
cents. Foster-Wilburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name-Doan'a and
take no other. 50-4
State of Nebraska, 1 . . .
County of Cam. I " ,n C0""1 urt
In the matter of the estate of Jacob F. S. Sten-
ner, deceased.
To all persons interested:
You are hereby notified thai a petition ha been
filed in this court fur tlx administration of the
estate of Jacob K. Ktenntr and that Inn Stenner
ha been nominated aa such administrator, that a
hearing will be hail noon laid petition on the 6th
day of November, 1909, at nine o'clock A M. at
my office in the City of I'luttiimoulh. Nebraska,
before which hour all objections thereto mutt be
tiled. Hy the Court.
! County Judge.
State of Nubraitka. ca , . .
Cane County. SS- I" County Court
In the matter of the estnu) of Mary Miller, de
ceased. To all peraens interested:
You are hereby notified that a petition haa been
filed in thia court for the adminiatratinn of the
entata of Mary Miller, that David J. I'itman haa
been nominated an aurh ailniinintrator. and that a
hoarinir will be had uoon wild petition on the Ath
day of November A. D.. Ym, at eiuht o'clock A.
M.. at my ollice in the City of Pluttumouth. Ne
branka. before which hour all objoctiona thereto
muat be tiled. Hy the Court
IIvkon Cl.AHK and AtXKN J. Bkkhon.
W. A. Kohkrthon, County Judite.
Attorneys. (j.g
Notice of Election.
Before the Board of County Commissioner! of
the County of Cass, Nebraska.
In the matter of the organiaatlon of Liberty
Drainage. District,
To all whom it may concern:
Pursuant to the order of the Hoard of County
Commissioners of thecounty of Cass. Nebraska,
made and entered on the Imh day of October, A.
V., l'Juit. and by virtue of the authority vested in
me hy the Statutes of the State of Nebraska
hereinafter described, I, W. E. Knaencrans,
County Clerk of ('ana County, Nobraska, do
hereby Rive notice that on the KHth day of Octo
ber, A. D., 1HUH. A K. Taylor. H. O. Todd. J. E.
McCarroll. CI. W. Conanl. Luella R. Taylor. Jes
sie H. Todd, Barbara A. Taylor. M. G. McQuin.
U J. Hall, Cieorire N. LaKue and F. H. Mc
Carthy. Died in the ollice of the County Clerk of
Cass County their petition in writing- and also
their bond with surety thereon, all in manner and
form as by law required, and which bond and
surety thereon was on the 2ml day of November,
A. D 11HW, approved by me. The object and
prayer of said petition beinff for the organization
of Liberty Drainaice District; said petition being
tiled under the provisions of an act passed by
the Legislature of the Htate of Nebraska and
approved by the Governor thereof, March 27th,
mi. entitled:
"An Act to provide for drainage districts to
drain wet land; and land subject to overflow; and
any land which will be improved by drainage;
to build dykea and leveea; to construct, straight
en, widen, deepen, or alter any ditch, drain,
stream, or watercourse; to riprap or otherwise
protect the bank of any stream or ditch; to con
struct, enlarge, extend, improve or maintain any
drainage system; to construct, enlarge, extend.
improve or maintain any system of control of sur
face water or running water: and the righta.
obligations and powers of such corporations.
including the power of eminent domain, the crea
tion of debts, issuing of negotiable bonds, and the
levying of special assessmenta on su h real es
tate anil easements therein as may be benefited
by such public work, and defining the duties and
powers of public ofliriala. ' And amendment
That the boundaries of said Lilwrty Drainage
District aa fixed and determined by said County
Commissioners are as follows, to-wit:
Commencing at. the center of the Missouri River
where it intersects the east and went half sec
tion line of section twenty-eight CM, in town
ship (10), range fourteen (14). in the County of
Cass, Nebraxka, thence continuing due west on
said half section line through . sections twenty
nine and thirty 129 A SO), of said township and
range to range thirteen U.'l), thence continuing
due west through section twenty-five (2b) to sec
tion twenty-six (2ti). thence north eighty (NO)
rods, thence due west one hundred and sixty
(KiO! roils to the half section line, thence north
on the half section line to the northern boundary
of section twenty-three 1). thence due weat on
the north boundary line of raid section twenty
three (S3), with sections fifteen and sixteen (16 A
Mi) on the north and sections twenty-one and
twenty-two (21 A 22) on the south, to the north
west corner of section twenty-one (2l), thence
south one mile to the southwest corner of section
twenty-nne (21). thence due east on the section
line to the northeast corner of section twenty
seven (27)i thence on ami one-half miles to the
half section line between sections thirty-four and
thirty-five (M A .'tr, thence due east on the half
section line through said section thirty-fivo (:i6)
to the center of section thirty-six (M), thence
south eighty C-0) rods, thence east one hundred
and sixty 1 160) rods to the section and range
line, all in township ten HO), north, range thir
teen (13) thence south to the southwest corner
of section thirty one (III), and to' the Otoe
l-ounty line, thence east on the county line forty
(401 rods, thence south in Otoe County one hun
dred and sixty (1601 rod, thence east forty (40)
nxls to the center or sniil section six (ft), thence
south one hundred and sixty hi0) roils to the
sertion line, thence east on said section line to
the center of the channel of the Missouri Kiver,
thence up the center of the Missouri Kiver with
its meandnrings to the point of beginning. All
of said lands in Otoe County being in township
nine, north of range fourteen.
All land owners within the boundaries of said
pro; oi'd Liberty Draintige District and all others
concerned, are hereby notitWd tha an election
will be held on Tuesday, November 19, A.D., 1909
between the hours of eight o'clock A. M. and aix
o'clock P. M . at the ollice of the County Clerk of
the County of Cass, Nebraska, at Plattsmouth In
said county: that at said election the question of
the formation of said Liberty Drainage District
shall he determined and a Hoard of seven direc
tors i h til be elected, said boar S to take ollice
contingently on the fo-mntion of said district.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereinto aubscrib
ed my otlicial signature as County Clerk and
aff'xvd the seal of Cass county, Nebraska, at my
ollice in the court lioure in the city of Platts
mouth, i i said county, this 20th day of October.
A. D.. IWWt.
Byron ( i.ark and W. K. Horkncranh.
W. A. KoHKKTXON. County Clerk of Cass
Attorneys foi Petitioners County, Neb.
I Ska Li 56-3
At Lr.w
Rnntifl '1 r in I
On Bale every first and third
Tuesday in each mouth to every
part of the Southwest.
Hugh Norton, Agent.
i'rl II amaTM!H.ri ' TTlSaKLSai
At Lr.w