The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, October 25, 1909, Image 1
art WSHeR ALB. TWICE A WEEK NEWS. E.-tjib!ifh1 Nov. B. 1891 lr.iij..,i i. i ias HKRAU). KaUblkhed April 10. lf ( Cn1"i'lt"1 Jn- 1896 PLATTSMOUTH, NEHKASKA, MON DAY, OO TOIIEIt L3, liK)! VOL. XLVI NO. 55 We THE C. E. Wcscolfs Sons THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. Another Boost For Plattsmouth the Our Rustling Red Men land Grand Council for next Year. riattsmouth, Neb. Oct., 22, 1901). To Editor of Daily News: I beg leave through your paper to ' games and social conversations, afti r state that as a delegate to the Grand wniL'h a lfllc suppi'r was spread to Council of the Improved Order of Hed- i which all did ample justice. At a late men of the Reservation of Nebraska to ! hour thu Party left for home feeling state for the benefit of those who were j that Jt nml l,et-' B1,tl for tnc'm to be not there that it was one of the great- thcre antl wishing Miss Eva many more est gathering that I ever had the ! SUL-h ccasiona. pleasure of attending. We have men j In short the Ward's proved beyond a of all callings from barbers to United ; doubt to he roya entertainers. States Senators, U. S. Marshall, U. I " S. Judges, and Judges of the Distrst ! Brin the Girls Home. Court of the State with lawjers galore, i The attention of the public it called And I want to say that it v. a one of ; to the fact that the establishment of a the most prominent bodies of men that factory in this city by M. E. Smith & 1 have ever had the pleasure of meet-1 Vo., of Omaha will furnish nn oppor ing with. i tunity to bring back to the city many While at the Lyric Theatre where E'rls aiul 'ounK women who in the the degree was demonstrated, we were I search for employed have found it given the keys to the city of Omaha by Mayor Duhlman who told us to go where we pleased and what we pleased and if any one got in trouble to tele phone him and he would rescue us from all danger. The initiation was just splen didgienina way that was most im- equal, and these are urged to notify pressive on the minds of the many j tneir absent ones of the change in con hundreds of Pale faces. , ditions about to be inaugurated here, I want to kmv that ho uhnmincr I and assure them of the opportunity to old Plattsmouth was a great advertis ment for our town, for they were throwing boquets for Plattsmouth from the time we landed on the special the 19th and though the meeting of the Great Council on the 20th and even went so far as to Bay what ever Platts mouth wanted in the way of honors they could have. And now Brother Redmen and the citizens of Plattsmouth we think that we have given our town the best advertiseirg that it has had for many moons. We have also landed the next great council of the Improved Order of Redmen at Plattsmouth which will meet some time next October, so if you want to help us out get in on the ground floor take off your coat and help us boost our town. Respectfully, John C. York. District Court. In district court Thursday Judge H. D. Travis granted Mrs. Rose Norton the furniture and $20 per month alimony and the case was continued until next spring. Attorney W. A. Robertson appeared for the plaintiff and A. L. Sullivan for the defendant. id Some Mow Our trade like good clothes and like to be sure of always getting that kind. That's the reason our Quality Clothes have attained such a sale. Many people have learned the value of buying Qual ity Clothes and now insist upon that kind. The reason is they find our clothes fit just right when new and continue in shape and stylish looking to the very last. They out wear and outlast twice over the cheaper clothes. You'll enjoy look ing at the many new Fall models in the latest fabrics especially our exclusive patterns no two alike. Prices are $20 to $35. Others not o good but as good as others show $5 to $18. Surprise parly. Last Friday evening about fifty young people consisting of the Loyal Sons and Daughters of the Christian church con-1 gregated at Jesse Terry's barber shop chartered carry-alls and drove to the home of Thomas South, meeting others here, they wended their way to the home of Miss Eva Ward where the I jolly crowd gave her a most delightfull i surprise. j The evening wbs spent in music, necessary to scatter to the four winds of heaven. Numerous families here have girls employed at various points I throughout the state, many of whom I i would doubtless perfer being at home, j ' opportunities for employment being i secure (steady, remunerative employ- ment. Crandpa Conrad Schlater. Conrad Schlater visited friends in the Nebraska Masonic Home today and favored his old friends with some of music, both vocal and instrumental. Grandpa Schlater presided at the firtt organ during the services in the Meth odist Episcopal church in this city and says he enjoyed the meetings very much, both the Sunday School and the divine services Last Sad Rights. Dr. John J. Baird conducted the funeral services of II. K. Dunbar in the Hotel Riley this afternoon at 2 o'clock, after which time the body was then taken to Ashland for burial. The services were quite largely attended, many friends from Ashland and other towns being present. The relatives have the sympathy of the community in the loss of a kind and loving husband and father. Miss Lucy Arnold Omaha Monday. visited friends in $m$m$m$mJm$ We Carry the Load THIS IS THE WAY YOUR COAL BIN WILL FEEL IE YOU WILL LET US SUPPLY YOUH NEEDS. 2000 BAYLOR coal man He Shot His Friend Chas. Steele of Avoca While In , toxicated Shoots His Friend Charles Martin- j Chas. Steele is in jail and Chas. Mar tin, his friend, is in the hospital at Om aha with a bullet in his hip, all the re sult of too much booze. The men had ' gone to Jens Rasmussen's place, a mile and a htlf west of Avoca, Sunday i afternoon, where they proceeded to fill up and as a result became quarrelsome. I About six o'clock as Steele was stand ing inside of the building Martin is said to have thrown rocks at him and re ; fused to desist when told to do so. j Steele, it is alleged, thereupon seized a rille and fired upon Martin, the bullet entering his hip and lodging. Steele j immediately went to Avoca and sur ! rended to Constable Bogard who in ; turn notified Sheriff Quinton and the latter left at once for Avoca and rej ! turned with his prisoner who is now in jail. The rille used in the shooting was a 22, the property of Rasmussen. Dr. Brendel, who was summoned to Martin's aid was unable to find the bullet and had the wounded man taken j to a hospital at Omaha Monday morn ing. It is said that Steele and Martin were old time friends, coming to Ne- j braska from North Carolina five years ago and so far as could be learned no former trouble existed between the j men. "Martin will not prosecute me," said Steele, when talking about his j rasn act with the sheriff. Whether or not Martin will feel like forgiving the IlUb J11U1 bill TT 111 IVVI IVfllllll man who shot him remains to be seen. In the meantime Steele will remain a guest of the county for some time. To the Public. I wish to thank the public for the liberal patronage, which greeted the opening nigh: of the Majestic theatre, under my management. My desire is to make the Majestic a home theatre, and the money paid out for its main tenance will remain right here in Platts mouth with the exception of that por tion paid for film rental, the motion pictures will be of the very best possi ble to secure. My pianist and violinist are Plattsmouth girls (the Misses Mild red and Amy Cook,) and render music well worth hearing. The stage is being enlarged suffici ently to admit of properly putting on song productions, sketches, ect., and these will be produced with home talent as far as possible. Prof. Austin. For Sale. I have a first class 80 of Cass county land for sale at $100 per acre, for cash or half cash and balance to suit. GO acres under cultivation; 20 acres pas ture with some natural timber, and good spring. Good house and large barn and other buildings, well and cis tern, 8 miles from Plattsmouth and 4 1-2 miles from Murray. The way land is advancing this 80 will be worth $110 before spring. John M. Leyda, 6t D & SW. Plattsmouth, Neb. Public Reception. There will be a public reception given to Rev. W. L. Austin, the new pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal church, and his family in Coates hall next Friday afternoon, October 29, from 6 to 10 o'clock to which the pub lic is cordially invited. Hearing in County Court. In county court a final hearing was had in the estate of August Stohlman. County Judge Beeson appointed Hiram F. Kunz administrator of the estate of Louis Gustin, Monday. Mrs. R. E. Shcehan and son, Master Chester, who have been visiting with the former's parents, Postmaster and Mrs. C. H. Smith, departed Thursday for their home in Galesburg, 111. V The Good Work Has Begun Work on Street Lighting System is Doing Pushed as Vigor ously as Possible. Work began on the street lighting system this morning and in all prob ably in ten days some of the lights will be in operation. Main street and the boulevand will bo lighted with 45 candle power gas lamps, while the residence portion will receive the benefit of sixty Tungston electric lights of 40 candle power each. Efforts will be made on the part of the comoany to have the system com pleted and all lights in service by Christmas. It seems that things have livened up around these diggings and at the rate Plattsmouth has been moving the past two weeks it will be a question of hut a short time when there will be some thing doing in this berg all the time. Laid to Rest Mrs. Alexander Hunter, who acci dent ly shot herself with a rifle Wednes day night, passed away Sunday morn ing in Clarkson Memorial hospital in Omaha. The body was brought to this city Sunday evening and taken to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hiner on Day street, between 8th and 9lh., where the funeral services were conducted Monday afternoon by Cannon II. B. Burgess. The pall bear ers were her four brothers. William. Bert, Henry, Frank and her brothers-in-law, Claus Boetel and Harry Ship ley of South Omaha. The deceased is survived by her husband and three children, Hazel, aged 5 years; Mary 3 years, and John, 3 months old. In terment was in Oak Hill cemetery be side one son. Birthday Party. Yesterday being Mrs. Menervia Johnson's 71st birthday anniversary qu;te a number of her friends called to help her celebrate the occasion. They laughed and talked about olden times and afterwards returned to the dinning room where a" table was laden with as m:iny good things as tho heart could wish, and they did ample justice, and at u late hour they returned home wishing Mrs. Johnson many more happy birthday anniversaries, and leav ing her many nice paesents. Those who attended were: Mrs. Michael Hild, Mrs. John Busche, Mrs. J. M. Young, Mrs. H. Steinhauer, Miss Sophia Hild, Miss Gladys Steinhauer and Mrs. John son. Injured In Runaway. Word was received in this Sunday that H. W. Lloyd, a prosperous farmer residing southwest of Union, was severely injured in a runaway Satur day evening. In company with Maplon Applegate he was driving a team, which became frightened at an auto. The team ran for some diutance and in turning a corner the wagon was upset, throwing both out. Mr. Applegate, who is well known in this city, received a broken hip and was badly bruised and Mr. Lloyd received a painful injury in his arm. First Organ in Cass County. E. H. Wescott and George Hall car ried the first organ that came to Platts mouth more than fifty years ago to the l oung Men s Bible class room in the basement of tho First Methodist Epis copal church Saturday afternoon. The organ was presided over for several years by Conrad Schlater, both at the Sunday school and divine services. J. Coleman, who owned it for many years, gave it to the young men, just before his departure for his future home in Kansas City. Voluntarily Increase Wages. Brief mention was made in the Daily News, exclusively, last Saturday of an increase in wages from employees of the Burlington shops. The increase was one cent per hour, and dates back, "s niomt'ned in the former item, to September 1st. In round figures the men receive m the aggregate aoout $10 per day increase. The advance was not demanded by the men. but was t : made voluntarily by the company and j was in me nature oi a welcome sup- prise to the beneficiaries. 5 . Mrs. J. II. Teegarden, who has been visiting her parents, Postmaster and Mrs. C. H. Smith, departed today for her home in Brock, Neb., where her husband is station agent for the Burlington,' National W. C.T. U. The National Women's Christian Temperance Union convention is in full blast in Omaha. Among those from here who attended and. heard Mrs. Mary Harris Armor of Eastman, Ga., preach the annual convention sermon in the auditorium Sunday afternoon were, Mesdames B. C. Kerr, L. A. Moore and Lura Meredith. Mrs. Armor has the reputation of speaking "like a house agre." Her stylo is that of the exhorter and her speed that of the lightning express. She spoke in this city about one year ago. Several times she swept her audience into applause at some telling shot against the liquor traffic, or elicited occasional laughter by a uniquo illustration or curious character ization. Mrs. Armour styled the picture she drew of states falling one after another before the ribbon a vision given her by God, not a dream. She saw the first beginning in Nebraska, going from here to Missouri, then to New York and so on, one by one to the various states, finally ending in Washington with action by congress. New Insurance Company. A well attended meeting was held in the real estate office of J. E. Barwick Friday night. The object of tho meet ing was to interest Plattsmouth peoplo in the organization of the Common wealth Life Insurance Company of Ne braska. The meeting was addressed by Mr. Arthur Vernon, of Omaha, who talked insurance intelligently for an hour or more, creating a good impres sion in the minds of those present. The Commonwealth Insurance Company was chartered August 23, 1900, and the par value of the stock is placed at $20 per share. Mr. Vernon, assisted by Mr. Barwick, is meeting with good success, having placed a number of shares here. A Social Event. A pleasant social event occurred in the home of Mrs. J. W. Peters, occa sion being in honor of her birthday an niversary. The time was most delight fully spent in music, games and social conversation. Those who enjoyed Mr?. Peter's hospitality were the Mesdames Charles Bell, Ward Clark, Mathew Joy, Soloman Adamson, George Born, B. G. Wurl, J. W. Bookmcyer, John Busche. SS3 YOU'LL be able to take your choice this Fall from a very large variety of styles in Hart Schaffher & Marx clothes we have brought together for you. You needn't wear the pat tern or style that others wear if you don't want to; we have plenty of good things to show you; new grays, blues, olives, worsteds, cheviots, serges, tweeds; all the high-colored, smart weaves; in all the best and most fashionable models. , You can't buy better clothes than these; thare are none better made All-wool, best tailoring, correct fit. H. S. & M. Suits.. Overcoats The Homo of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats Falter & Thierolf Value Ghiny Clothiers. Newsy Wabash Correspondence Ed. Dorr went to Omaha Sautrday morning. A. W. Waltz drove to Lincoln with a load of apples Monday. Miss Grace Lowton is home front Peru on account of sickness. Mrs. Jacob Witt enjoyed a visit from, her father and Uncle Sunday. Mrs. Myrtle Wilson aud mother, Mrs. Squires was Weeping Water visitors Thursday. Mrs. Emma Clapp, who has been having a siege of recumatism, is abla to be out again. Mr. Lyndal and wife of Missouri, have been visiting the Reese, Lane and Johnson families, the ladies all be ing Bisters. II. C. Richard has returned from his visit to tho Seattlo Imposition, he says that he seen a number of people that used to live here. There was a moving picture show at the hall Saturday night, they carried their own electric plant with them and had a wagon fitted up supposed to cost 15 hundred dollars. Shirley Barrett and Gordon formerly of this vicinity, but now of Kansas just returned from Alberta, Canada all bought land and will move up thero in the spring. Mr. Gordon stopped off at Wabash for a few hours to visit with relatives. Exit Drinking Cups. One of the new things which may bo seen in all the public school buildings in South Omaha is an automatic drink ing fountain for the use of students. The fountain is so arranged that it will be impossible for one child to pass contagion from lip to lip as in the case of the old drinking cup. The cups carried in the children's desks arc quite as apt to become unsanitary as the drinking cup used by all. Tho authorities arc more than usually vigilent owing to the prevalence of diphtheria and the dangers of anterior polemio mylitis. We are delighted to say that the automatic drinking fountains have been placed in the Plattsmouth public school buildings. '""I'T'lirM 1 h imn itvuii utr a. nari t $18 to $30. 310 to $30.