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About The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1909)
A Potent Power in Industrial World ! Continued from 1st page, bring the business men of the city into closer relations in a social way as well as otherwise. Another important matter was the apM)intment of a committee consisting of Kert Pollock, Phil Thierolf and R. U. Windham to take up with the county commissioners and the city council the matter of putting in good repair what is Kr.own as me terry road, it was pointedout that the commissioners now havelbn hand what in known as the commissioners District tuna a sum 01 between $MH) ana V00 which is available for use by the city or by the county, and it is believed that the two bodies may be brought together and the amount or a itortion of it used for this purpose, greatly to the benefit of the city. Addresses were made by a number of the members touching some of the proposed work of the organization, the general tone of all indicating a deter mination to go alter all in sight in the way of new and improved industries for Plattsmouth. At Uie close of the session Secretary Wescott introduced Mr. P. A. Barrows, the new editor and manager of the Daily News, who in a few well chosen words expressed his pleasure in identifying himself with an organization of this character and con gratulated the club upon the business alreaily accomplished. The next regu lar meeting will occur on November 1(5. The County Board. Plattsmouth, Neb., Oct. 19 1909. Hoard of County commissioners met in regular session with all members present, minutes of previous meeting read and approved, where upon the fol lowing business was transacted in regular form: . OKNEItAI. KUNOiS j. lRainey, livery $jll00 W. M. Welch, Mfg. Co., sup-lu- Aws . .7. .'. 12 00 A. U. Morse & Co.rmdsc Ytf 50 il. Gruber, livery 1 1 50 C- L. iStull.steer killed in county g?B bridge "V. 12 50 II. M. Soon ich?, mdse to poor 22 15 Stone Mercantile Co, mdse to poor 4 00 Hammond & Stephens, supplies. I 10 Geo. Sheesley, livery 3 25 M. L. Fricdrich, saly. and exp.. 19 HO C. U. Jordan, same 2;l 00 L. D. Switzer, same 32 (5 Klopp & Iiurtlett, supplies 39S.- (5, allowed 173 15 C. 15. Nagelman, 3rd Qr saly. physician dist no. 1 10 00 Harry Johnson, labor at court house (!((! A. J. Bceson, Costs state vs. Dean Kamni 19 (5 C. D. Quinton, saly. and board ing county prisoners ... 2G2 55 C. D. Quinton, boarding city prisoners 16 i0 C. H. Smith, postal supplies. . . . 3(5 M5 S. C. Marquardt, tndse to poor. 11 20 W. C. Ramsey, expense acct. . . 42 11 -V i? has actually been changed and cultivated by Uneeda Biscuit. No longer are people satisfied with crackers taken from the grocer's box or barrel exposed to dust, moisture, handling. They have learned that the only crackers that are crisp, tender, always fresh and really good are those protected by a moisture proof package. These are the kind they get as if just from the oven when they ask for 19 0) 9 NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Coal to court house to J. V. Egcn berger. No further business meeting adjour ned to meet November 4th, 1909. W. E. Ro.SKNCKANS, County Clerk. HO AD FUND R. R. freight on cul- C. B. & Q vert 0 21 MT t-"4l. I. .1! 1, ti iii. iM-iin, rouu worn uisi n.. a zi) A. J. Box, same 14 37 00 ent times for Judge Jessen. The judge departed for Nebraska City. Nehawka i News Notes i ; The German Presbyterian Ladies Aid 1 society will meet with Mrs. Fred Ohm Special Correspondence Relative Thursday afternoon. to the Doings in a i - Judge Cood Here. I Lew Miller of Pilfer cune in last i District Judge B, F. Good of Wahoo, i evening for a short visit with the home a candidate for supreme judge, visited )"C3 south of town. Upon his return friends in this city Tuesday. He has he will take home with him his father-! been judge of the district court in '"-law, Tom Brian, the old soldier who ! Saunders county for ten years and held ; was recently thought to be unbalanced i district court in this city several dilTer- mentally. KfcSSB WICK DOVEY BLOCK Among those visiting in Omaha Tues day were the M'sses T. M. Patterson, . J. I'etzer, J. W. Crabill, V. E. Perry, Charles Troop, Robert Young, Mis Kittie Cummins and Mr. and Mrs. James Archer. Busy Burp;. Mrs. Martin is recovering from an attack of typhoid fever. Ray Pollard shipped a car load of calves to South Omaha Tuesday. Mrs. Flick of Omaha visited with Mrs. Ed Maguey the first of the week. Mrs. Kirkpatrick was in Lincoln Monday and Tuesday attending the ! state W. C. T. U. Our Methodist friends are much re- j lieved, as their pastor, Rev. Farr has ! arrived from Texas. It was thought I for a while he was lost Guy Rood is expected home every train. He has given up a station on the Missouri Pacific in Kansas to take third trick in Weeping Water. O. Schlichtcmeir has just arrived from Canada, where he has land. He says crops are immense there, but, "I'll never leave Cass county, because its best all around place in the world to live." Miss Foster was in town hot foot Stands Like a Stone Turns Cilile, Horses, Hsgs Is Practically hdssircsflbio Wall 1 1 REAL ESTATE. Town residence from $J."0 to $3,000. Don't pay rent any longer. You can own your own dwelling cheaper. Let me show yim some good chances to acquire farms in Ne braska. South and North Dakota, Missouri or Texas. FIRE INSURANCE written in six of the best companies. SURETY BODS. Get vour honds from the American Surety Co. ACCIDENT INSURANCE. The risk of personal injury is 40 times as great as that of losing your property by (ire. Secure a policy of the London Gurantee and Accident Company and be sure of ::n income whil vm are oiable to work. Independent phone 454. X John W aterman, same, 1 II till John Waterman, same, 1 19 95 A. Sutton, same, 16 1(5 25 Henry Snoke, same, 1G til 94 Chas Sutton, same, 1G 25 90 Geo Hall, same, 1G, (R) Hans Kemp, same, 1 G9 00 C. F. Vullery, same, 1 12 00 J. II. Henegar, same, 9 1G3 20 Wm Stohlman, same, 8 210 45 Geo A. B. Hicks, same, 2 14 56 Geo Horn, same, 2 2 15 Ben Beckman, same, 10 213 70 j Tuesday. She heard that principal Stroemer Lumber Co., lumber, Collins had said that she was an infidel, dist 16 39 41 j but he denied the charge, and said he A. N. Speer, lumber, 8 St 00 Jil1 not knw such to be a fact. So an- Plattsmouth city treas. 17, 500 00 1 otnt-'r campaign yarn is nailed and peace Beach mfg. Co. culvert, 1 99 SS j 'cigns between the principal of the Ne- Beach mfg. Co. culvert, 2 . . .. 10 21 j awka soliools and the county super Edmunds & Brown, lumber. 10. V i'.'i intendent. Claims allowed on commissioners I Copies of the Maldins Register have road fund. j been received here. It is O'Days new ' W. C. Bartlett, road work, dist I venture out in Washington. It reads r.o. 15 i;jg 70 just like Jetf and there is no getting II. C. McMacken & Son, same, ! awr.y from the personality behind it. 17 15 75 ; Tlu' "'lvertising patronage is good, and C. D. Quinton filed with the County I WL" nre hPK our old friend has struck i Board a request that they check up il Jucky. He says he "will fight any his books immediately and board re- i tmnK at '9 Mt right whether it is , fused to grant the request until the j democrat, republican, or Methodist. j last of the year, at which time the board will check the books of all the county officers as the law provides. 1 T q'ffr'ffWnt'ITi,W?FlMKWrTOfi1Jl f 1 : i 1 I ill ppRnqj:f jjjl Alter a Due Consideration - r i rr i"H i r 1 T J Z f""" - ' t ' "Z ' t 'fib Get the big, bcavy wires, tne liinire ioint. the cimh! calvaniimr. the cxactlv proportKmed tinalii ty tf steel We can show you this fence in our stock and explain its merits and super- Lome aim sec us ana get our prices. Buy your new fence for years to conic. e loint.the good calvanim that is not too hard nor too soft. We can show vou this fence iority, not only in the roll but in the field. FOR SALE BY JOHN BAUER Last chance to buy American fence at present prices. Fence has advanced 15 per cent since we purchased our last car and our present 'price is only good as long as our present supply lasts. Employees Wanted. All girls over sixteen years of age, : and women who desire employment in the new M. E. Smith factory, will please leave their names AT once with ! E. II. Wescott secretary of the Com-j mercial club. In the matter of the organization of Liberty Drainage district, order for an election was issumt Sheriff filed his reports for 2nd and 3rd Quarters 1903 and same were ap- pvc'(11, j D. P. Jackson has rented the room Coal contracts were awurJed as fol-! three doors east of his present one, as loW8' j the one he occupies, owned by I. Pearl- Coal to poor and to poor farm to j man, has been leased to the Smith com . W. Baylor. pHny of Omaha. 1 Cool Weather Comforts Our Coal is the best cool weather comfort that you will be able to find in town. These chilly fall winds will soon turn into winter and you will need the comfort that our coal will give you. Better order early to avoid disappointments when an extra chilly day comes. We have taken agency tor the the Ladies' Home Jour nal Patterns. To say we are pleased puts it mildly we are now selling more patterns in one week than formerly in one month. Agents for Ladies Home Journal and Patterns. I J. V. Egenberger ! E. A. WURL. New Neckwear and Ladies Furnishings We have made arrangements with a large wholesale house to send us a shipment of the new things as they are put on the market each month. We shall make a showing of these new things as often as possible. When looking for something new just give us a chance. You will also be surprised at our large and fine selected stock this sea son, have almost double the stock we had last year. Outing Flannel This is the time of year when people think about heavy Gowns; when you think that way come and look at what we are showing oi nr -ri at OaCjlOc, 12laC. H.iIhHmH t....j..i... j j ; i,,nl .. ... . ..---H i..;M"M 'M"(.'l"H"H-H v t ? ? V t 7