The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, October 21, 1909, Image 1

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    Nebraska State Hint S?
NEWS. Established Nov. 6. 1K! ) ... , . , ,
UfRAlJj. Established Aprillrt. 18C4 Consolidated Jn. J. 1395
Is Your Boy 14, 15
If so you can buy him a mighty good suit
here for a very little money. We have
atout 6 suits left in each of 4 QQ
above ages that will close at. . 4) ' .vv7.
Some of them all wool,
made. Some of them
In the face of the high price of cotton we are selling
a splendid soft shirt, collar attached in O A
Men's and Boys' at.
C. E. Wescotfs Sons
"Where Quality Counts."
Pleads Guilty
of Charge
Postmaster Smith Fined $1000
and is Discharged From
The following from the State Jour
nal explains fully the case in which
Postmaster Smith of this city was ac-
cuscd of appropriating funds in
w .
"Chester H. Smith, postmaster at
Plattsmouth, appeared before Judge T.
C. Mungcr in the United States dis
trict court and entered a plea of guilty
to an indictment charging him with
submitting a false and erroneous ac
count and voucher to the auditor of the j
postoflice department. He was fined !
$1000. The fine was paid before Mr. !
i: . : L. i l t .f i ...'I
ennui Him ins auorney leic me ouiiii
ing and Smith was discharged from
Mr. Smith had been postmaster of
I'lattsmouth for about twelve years.
The specific charge on which he was
indicted at the recent special session
of the federal grand jury at Lincoln
was of pretending to have paid to his
assistant postmaster, Mabel C. Truss
ler, the sum of $250 for the quarter
ending September 30, 190(5, securing
her receipt for that amount, when, in
fact, he paid her but $150. lhe legal
compensation for the assistant post
master was $250 for the quarter, and it
is alleged he reported the amount so
paid in his return to the auditor of the
postoflice department.
It appeared upon the investigation of
the case by the postoflice inspectors
that Postmaster Smith was indebted to
his assistant postmaster in the sum of
$1,31)5 for money so withheld during
previous quarters, but that in January,
1H0O, he had made over to Miss Truss
ler $1,400 of telephone stock in liquida
tion of her claim, before the case had
got to the federal courts.
The statute of limitations ran against
all the claims except that of the quar
ter ending September, 11)0(5, and Smith
was indicted only on that specific
Mr. Smith pleaded not guilty to the
first count of the indictment, which
charged him with embezzlement, but
pleaded guilty to the second count,
charging him with submitting a false
report and false voucher.
A coincidence in the case was that
Mr. Smith's attorney in the case was
J. B. Strode of Lincoln, who, as Con
gressman Strode, twelve years ago
was instrumental in securing Mr.
or 16 Years Old?
All of them well
3 and $4.
Smith's appointment as postmaster at ! I,rmisS much for the development of the commer
Plattsmouth. j cial activity of this section of the commonwealth. It is a known
hi8nci?,inktiSfralLa.for .cxtcnuation for fact thathas boen demonstrated upon countless occasions in count-
ma mem nir. ftiroue said: i vet i
The offense was but a technical one : ,ess d,"erent communities, that a good, strong commercial organ
arid Mr. Smith has alreadv suffered I ization amonff the business mpn nf a o itv fmvn
. -
voluntarily made the difference
i. If!..- T I
io miss irussicr Dciore the case was
taken hold of by the postoflice in
spectors." Judge Mungcr, in sentencing Mr.
Smith paid: "This is one of the sad.
dest things that falls to the province
of a ludce
criminal case, particularly on a man
standing so high as you have in your I
community for these many years. "
Sad Accident
At Murray
Former Plattsmouth Woman
Seriously Shot By Acci
dent Wednesday.
Mrs. Alexander Hunter of Murray !
accidentally thot herself last night
about 11 o'clock, the ball entering her '
body between the ribs on the left side. ;
Her husband said that they had been j The regular monthly meeting of the
sitting up and writing letters and he , , , L , , . .
mou JT5 . i tT 1 commercial club was he d ast even ng
was sitting on a trunk at the foot of i . , ,
the bed, when his picked up the rifle in Coates hal1' The PnnciPal business
at the foot of the bed and was going to of tne ses"s'on was the hearing of the
carry it to the head of the bed, where i final report of the committee. This re
it was usually kept, but in so doing it port was advertised to have been made
caught on a chair and was discharged. Lf .u i .u l
as above stated. Dr. Brendell anc his &t ,USt m0"th' but Win
Ron Ucro rnlli'il nrrl wimoi'nn.l ,..:iL 1,
- - " m iiunuiLu mull II ,
wounded woman the remainder of the i
night. She was brought to this city j
Thursday in a spring wagon, arriving
at 1 o'clock p. m. Dr. Brendell and her
mother accompanied Mrs. Hunter to
Omaha this afternoon to the Wise
Memorial hospital. Mr. Hunter and his
family, consisting of wife, Hazel, aged
5 years, Mary, 3 years, John. 3 months,
have resided on the Mrs. Gertrude M.
Wiley farm, three miles southeast of
Murray for about three months and he
was working for Mw. Wiley. They
formerly resided in this city and he
worked for Mr. McMaken for more
than a year. Mrs. Hunter is a daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hiner of this
city and all are well known here. At
this time it is impossible to tell just
how serious the wound may prove to be.
Charles L. Graves of Union was
visiting friends in the county sent
A Potent Power in
Industrial Affairs
Good, Live Commercial Club Exerts Influence
Almost Beyond Calculation.
Wig Event Was a Success From a Financial Standpoint
Club Now Reaching Out For New Business.
! The one good bet at this time for the denizens of this old burg-
the one bet which may be made with a groundhog cinch of win-;ning-is
that Plattsmouth's Commercial Club is one of the liveliest
organizations of the kind in this or any other state. It is just
possible that the bunch has been a little slow in getting started,
, which, however, may be charged to our citizenship generally
rather than to the organization, but a momentum has now been
" wnw vi iuuim.iy liUlU
I more for the upbuilding and development of that community than
' any otner single lorce, and Plattsmouth is to be congratulated
upon her organization. There have been times within the past
year, since the residence of the writer in this city, that while the
efforts of the ollicers and executive committee have not been re
laxed in the least, the feeling has obtruded itself that it was an
uphill fight and that perhaps after all the game might not be worth
the candle. In the selection of officials, however, the club named
a bunch of Indians whose intrepidity' was as boundless as the
starry heavens and whose stick-to-it-ive-ness was of the brand
guaranteed to give satisfaction or money cheerfully refunded, and
while the "success bird" has sometimes seemed as elusive as a
cottontail in a patch of hazel brush, their splended persistence is
beginning to bear fruit, and the Daily News takes this opportunity
of congratulating the city upon
most excellent organization -the
It is a live wire with every pulsating wave of enenrv a notential
possibility of a kilowatt of power for the development of our
latent resources
Gentlemen our
to me inclemency or the weather no
meetinE was held and the matter was
carried over until last night. Herewith
a given the detailed report of Secre-
tary E. H. Wescott, who was also
secretary of the carnival committee:
Mr. H. A. Schneider,
Chairman Carnival Committee,
riattsmouth Commercial Club.
Dear Sin
Herewith please find detailed report
of the expenditures of your committee
incident to the merchants carnival
which was given in this city from Sep
tember Ith to (5th inclusive:
Committee on Agriculture and
Live Stock $258 01
Pioneer Committee 23 00
Games and Sports -13 00
Labor Day GO 00
Advertising i.jij 77
Executive Committee
Five balloon ascensions and four
free attractions daily for five
the existence in its midst of this
Plattsmouth Commercial Club
hat is off.
la's 300 00
M. W. A. Band, 20 pieces for
five days .... 250 00
Nebraska Lighting Co., illumin-
a,ion 138 00
Kent of Lumber 23 00
Sam Smith, use of barn 25 25
Entertainment of 200 men from
Omaha 24 40
Sundries 69 89
j Making a total expenditure of . . . 13(51 35
UHieeted in pledges 1510 00
Leaving a balance in the treas-
U1-y of 148 65
E. H. Wescott, Secy.
Upon motion the report was accepted
and made a part of the minutes.
It may be stated in this connection
that all orders drawn upon the treas
urer, in addition to bearing the signa
tures of the president and secretary of
the carnival committee, also bore the
signature of the chairman of the com
mittee expending the money, thus giv
ing a double check on the funds, and
the membership of the club generally
feel that the report is a most excellent
President Falter reported that ac
cording to the terms of the contract
with M. E. Smith & Co., of Omaha, it
will be necessary for the club to raise
funds to pay their rent for two years,
amounting at $25 per month, to $600,
and that owing to the indisposition of
the owner of the building to make the
necessary alterations to put it shape
for the occupancy of the factory peo
ple, an amount estimated at $500 will,
have to be advanced by the club, which,
however, will later be deducted from
the rent. For the iturnose of rnisinir
r i
these funds he recommended the ap-1
pointment of of a soliciting committee.
A motion was made to this effect, in
support of which R. B. Windham re
lated that while in conversation with a
business man from Omaha yesterday,
the Omaha man made tho statement
that notftnly M.E.Smith&Co.,butother
manufacturers, owing to tbo continued
rise of the price of available sites, the
high rentals demanded and the insta
bility of the class of labor required,
were manifesting a disposition to get
outside of Omaha, and under favorable
conditions, Plattsmouth from her prox
imity and excellent transportation fa
cilities was in a position to outbid al
most any other point. He stated it to
be his belief that when the proposition
was rightly presented to the community
no trouble would be encountered in
raising the necessary amount within
twenty-four hours. The motion was
carried and the president named E. A.
Wurl, Ray Patterson and A. L. Tidd to
act in this capacity.
A vote of thanks was extended to
Mr. D. P. Jackson for his ready ac
quiescence in the plan of the club to
move his store to another location in
order that the building occupied by him
might be remodeled to meet the re
quirements of M. E. Smith & Co., and
a vote of thanks was also extended to
the mayor and city council for the
prompt action taken in the matter of
the controversy with the lighting com
pany, thus making possible the con
summation of a such desired end.
Another important piece of business
disposed of by the club was the ap
pointment of a committee consisting of
H. A. Schneider, George Falter and
John Hatt, jr., whose business it will
be to Holicit a larger membership for
tho club. It is felt that as the work of
the club has now commenced to hear
fruit every business man in the city
should enroll himself under its banner
and by his moral and financial support
lend every assistance possible. A build
ing committee consisting of J. P. Fal
ter, C. C. Parmele and E. H. Wescott
was also appointed to have in charge
the proposed changes to bo made in the
building to be occupied by the Omaha
company, and a committee consisting
of C. W. Baylor, John Nemetz and II.
A. Schneider was named to arrange for
a club banquet which will be pulled off
in the near future, the object being to
Continued to Sthjpage .
Cepytif hi iw by Hrt Scbiffnet tc U.vt
Manley Bank
Burglars Blow Building to Pieces
With Dynamite and Make
Their Escape.
About three o'clock this morning the
Manley State Bank at Manley, a small
town between Louisville and Weeping
Water was burglarized. The safe was
blown open and the building completely
demolished. Residents of the town
close by tho bank heard nine distinct
blasts of what was supposed to bo
dynamite. W. J. Rau, the cashier of
the bank was called by telephone by a
News reporter this morning, but was
out in the country in his automoble in
search of the robbers and no inside
particulars could bo learned.
No money is missing as far as could
be discovered as it was believed that
the men were frightened away before
they could complete the burglary. It
is thought that they had been working
on the scheme for some time and that
possibly for some nights' hid been
working in the cellar of the bank after
everything was quite.
About a years ago the cashier of the
bank was held up in the bank robbed
of two or three thousand dollars and
the perpetrators were never caught. It
is expected that there will be develop
ments today which will lead to the ap
prehension of the men who blew the
Chang View on Baptism.
From Captain Isaac Wiles, who has
just returned home with his wife from
Pittsburg, Pa., where they attended
the International Centennial convention
of the Disciples of Christ (Christain
church) it is learned that during one
of the sessions the first wedge of a
broad interpretation of the baptismal
ceremony was driven, and it is possible
that within a short time candidates for
entrance into the Christain church
will be allowed to choose the form of
baptism which their own consciences
In a century the Christain church
has obtained 1,300,000 communicants,
11,711 churches, 8,752 Bible schools and
6,861 ministers. Nearly 1,000,000 stu
dents are enrolled in the Bible schools
and the total church valuation is $2!),
742,211. Scores of addresses were delivered by
senators, congressmen and prominent
business men of the country, while the
crowning climax was reached last Sun
day when 25,(X0 persons gathered in
the base ball park and partook of the
Lord's supper, which, it is said, was
the most marvelous communion service
ever attempted.
Luke Wiles and his wife returned
Thursday morning.
You're going to
buy a suit this Fall.
If you're as wise as
you think you are,
It will be a Hart SchafTner &
Marx suit.
You can't buy better
clothes because they're not
made. You'll get none but
all wool fabrics, produced by
the greatest style makers in
the country. Double guran
teed by the makers than by us.
We want you to see our
large assortment of these
good clothes. The new rough
weaves in grays, greens and
blues are swell.
Tho prices on these
good Clothes
$18.00 to $.30.00
We have other guaran
teed values
$10.00 to $16.0
Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes.
M.inlcitlnH '.'.