11 World's Smallest Railroad. Eaut Frisiu can certainly boast of the smallest railroad in tho wortd. Its entire length is but five miles and the breadth only two and one-half feet. tl employs the huge staff of one guard, one engine driver, one ilrenian and only one platelayer; $23 in wages Is paid every week. It has two engines, three carriages, four trucks and a couple of vans. The engine and tender together only neigh seven tons. The fares are In proportion to the size of the company and average seven cents. Goblets Made of Ice. Goblets made of ice for use In hot weather originated In Holland, where) they are widely used. This novelty has been introduced In the United States and is used at a number of soda fountains In the larger cities la the eastern states. Should be Fittsd by a spacia'.lsl Don't trust your eyes to pedlars ami traveling grafters. Call on us ami we will examine your Eye Fr-. WVaro thul.tr (ii'st opiicul m.mnf.u turiTR In the niiilille wi-st, Hutcson Optical Co., 213 souid isib stree. t'avlury on thu rratultira Nebraska Directory STAFFS DEBTAL ROOKS 1517 Douglas St., EMU, KB. Reliable Dontiitrjr at Moderate Price MARSEILLES GRAIN ELEVATORS are the beat; insist on having tlieui. Ask your local dealer, or JOHN DEERC PLOW CO. OMAHA TYPEWRITERS MAKES M toHMtr'eprlca. I'mitt or time par. menta. llentad, rent apnlleft. Weiljip anywhere (or free iii, dilation. Nou M.H Writ, tar fctfbtrtftia U.I and olto t f.tHM U.,411 4uUillaitk Tho Roof with tho Lap AU Nail H,aJ, ProtocUj CAREY'S ROOFING Hail and Firt Rttitting Aak your dealer or SUNDERLAND ROOFING k SUPPLY CO. Omaha, t I t t I Nebraika. SteelWoolSole RUBBERS Boots and Arctics Hade IP Sams Tub! MM Atk your Dealer for Good with this brand American Hand-Sewed Shoe Go. OMAHA Writs '"r 'u11 informs, ItlllG H.nonVICTOR M'CHINES AN D HECOKUS, Ind.-slrci. ci.tblr Cylinder Krcnrda, Iji.uio I'lHyera Civilian J lano 1'lavem. Pimer anil Piano Mum. Easy 1'ayiiiem WholeM la .iiid Kerall. Mil. p flNn p oYCR pn 20 8- 'oihst. on innv bn I bll UUl loiion stor Omaha RUPTURE of all varieties perman e n 1 1 y cured In a few ays without a surgical operation or detention from business. No pay will bo accepted until the patient Is com pletely satisfied. Write or call on FRANTZ H. VRAY, M. D. Room 306 Bee BlJg. Omaha, Neb. 'PIIKmany thou sand of peo ple cured by us. mako u the rmt ex perirncrd sneciallata In thewext in all di eases and allmrnu of men anil women no matter bow acquired, KD HI fff WHEW CUTB. me;i and WOMEN Established In Oraahi 25 Tears A Letter to us, or a rlii at our oflice will nroTe it. tmn Earnlnatlon rlCu andConatilta ' vw tion, Write for Symption blank. l4th&DouglasSts.,Dept.A,0MAHA FURS G. E. SHUKERT 401-3 8. 15th St., Omaha, Neb. Cetab.1883. Mall orders filled. IF YOU want J"r hnnia llirh'eil by electricity. I'ump Wale , mil L'rram heiiarator, Wm mg kiv aUilne. Hnwlnir Machine, Kead Uriudar, Etc, wltb aama tjewer. eliraply, rlta the ALAMO ENQ. & SUPPLY CO. 1113 Farnom St. - Omaha, Neb. $20,000.00 rnrr IN PIANOS ORGANS rflLL Art) jflti (rolfiK to buy PUnn or Oiyant V no, buy from The limn tt Cuntpinv. (rinaliaV (Tit lnrt l-eultr- dC r.u tud Orv-.ii- In nod h-i-.. your SCHOOL, CHURCH, L0D6E or SOCIETY T FREE 520,000 WORTH If PIANOS. ORGANS and Ptatirvn.yr- ftMii ttwotuUIr fr by Th Htnn-tl t m ny. Wnu mow for iriiPulTM m.A it lntftrit1 wOurw on if thvir vrMl H ino Jm bonki tliowttif Mrly liw iffrnt Hidoi and Or- Id on pvsntnta. The Bennett Gompany,malia V CaLilVIIV V3 lliitrl.ri.Dalltinkea ipitrla ol mni'lilnerr tnaile itoihJ n'ni'w, Wddl caat Irnn.raat aleel. aluminum, roptiar.braaa of ay other mt:il. Eprt aiitomoblle repitrlnf. KRT8CHV MOTCR CO.. Council Bluff. DOCTORS Searles & Searles Specialists 'or PUBLIC LAND DRAWING! "Lamar, Colo. The price fixed by the Colorado State Hoard of Land Commissioners for land and water rights, under the Two Iluttes Carey act project. Southeast of Lamar which will be allotted by public drawing Oc tober 21st, Is $35.60 per acre. Only $5.25 per acre has to be paid at time of making entry. The settlers being permitted eleven years' time to com plete the payments. Any adult citi zen of the United States may tile on 40, 80, 120, or 100 acres. Final proof may be made at the end of 30 days' residence. The soil on this tract Is a sandy loam of great depth and fertil ity. The altitude is 4,100 feet. The growing season 150 to ISO days, and the climate ideal. A new townsito has been established and a town lot sale will be held on October twenty-second, lloth the land drawing ami the town lot sale will be held at the new townsito of Two Huttes, which is reached via Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe U. H. to Lamar. Colorado, from which point transportation will bo provided at reasonable rates." LATER REALIZATION "I don't see why you make such a fuss over every little bill I run up. Be fore we were married you told me you were well off." "So I was. But I didn't know it!" TOTAL LOSS OF HAIR. Seemed Imminent Scalp Was Very Scaly and Hair Came Out by Hand, fult Scalp Now Clear and New Hair Grown by Cutlcura. "About two years ago I was troubled with my bead being scaly. Shortly after that I had an attack of typhoid fever and I was out of the hospital possibly two months when I first no ticed tho loss of hair, my scalp being still scaly. I started to use dandruff cures to no effect whatever. I had actually lost hope of saving any hair at all. I could brush It off my coat by the handful. I was afraid to comb it. But after using two cakes of Cutl cura Soap and nearly a box of Cutl cura Ointment, the change was sur prising. My scalp 13 now clear and healthy as could be and my hair thick er than ever, whereas I had my mind made up to be bald. W. F. Steese, C812 Eroad St., Pittsburg, Penn., May 7 and 21, 1908." Potter Drag A Chem. Corp., Sola Props., Bostoa. Poverty and Consumption. That poverty is a friend to consump tion Is demonstrated by some recent German statistics, which show that of 10,000 well-to-do persons 40 annually die of consumption; of the same num ber only moderately well-to-do, CC; of the same number of really poor, 77; and of paupers, 97. According to John Burns, the famous English labor lead er, 90 per cent of the consumptives In London receive charitable relief in their homes. Sheer white goods, in fact, any fine wash goods when new, owe much of their attractiveness to the way they are laundered, this being done In a manner to enhance their textile beau ty. Home laundering would be equal ly satisfactory if proper attention was given to starching, tho first essential being good Starch, which has sufficient strength to stiffen, without thickening the goods. Try Defiance Starch and you will be pleasantly surmised at the improved appearance of your work. The American Cat-Tall. The cat-tail of the American swamps Is hi most exactly the same plant as the Egyptian bulrush. It is no longer used for making piper, as tt once was, but from its root is pre pared an astringent medicine, while its stems, wLen prepared dry, are ex cellent for the manufacture of mats, chair-bottoms and the like. How's This? W offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for an? ease ot catarra Uwl cannot be cured by Halls UUrrb Cure. F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, O. We. the underpinned, hsvo Known K. J. Cheney for the last 15 yearn and believe him perfectly hon orable In all bualiieaa trntimioUmn and financially able to carry out any ohllrntinni m.-ule hy bis una. Walui.no, Kinnan A Mahvin. W hoieMle Unit-Bint, Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ot the litem. Testimonials sent tree. IT Ice 71 centa pat kottle. Bold by all IiruirclAts. Take llall i Family Tills for constipation. Against Pretenses. Away with all those vain pretenses of making ourselves happy within our selves, of feasting on our own thoughts, of being satisfied with the consciousness of well-doing, and of de spising nil assistance and all supplies from external objects. This is the voice of pride, not of nature. Hume. A Rare Good Thing. "Am uslni? Alton's Foot-Easo, and can truly any I would not have been without It ao lone, bad I known the rellft It would Klve my arhlnir foot. I think It a rnra Rood thin for nnynnc linvlnx aoro or llroil foot. Mrs. Mutlhla Holtwi-rt, Providence), K, L" Sold by all Drueuhua, 2&c. Ask to-day. Appropriate. First Milliner You have designed the north pole hnt? Second Milliner Yos, It will be a matter of dispute between the pur chaser and her husband. Drug Store Color. GeraMIne My face Is my fortune. Gerald I can see the color of your money, The Marriage Vow INTELLECT BY LILLIE DEVEREAUX BLAKE (Authoress and Lecturer, President National Legislative League.) "My son," said the -mission priest to the Spanish child, "define matri mony." "Matrimony," replied the boy, "is a atato of torment to be endured in the blessed hope of purifying the soul for heaven." "No, no!" gasped the horrified catechist. "You have given the defini tion of purgatory." "Hush, brother!" counseled the fa ther superior. "Perchance the child Is right." There may or may not be a modi cum of truth In the lad's blundering assertion and in tho father's doubting indorsement. At any rate there can be no doubt that on two points hang all tho differeiu'o between married happiness and married purgatory. These two requisites to happy con jugal life are mutual affection and un selfishness. The former of course in cludes sympathy In tastes, and with this it is my intention to deal. A great source of misery is tho drawing together through a brief at trr -tlon of two people who have noth ing In common on which to build a re gard and respect which shall endure when the igni3 fatuus of mere Infatua tion shall have burned Itself out. In enses of this sort, if there nre no children, it may bo eminently proper that the husband nnd wife sep arate when the marriage bonls gall unbearably, but where there are chil dren this condition changes and for bearance must be practiced. The household must not be broken up. liet ter live on together In mutual misery than to rob your children of the home ties that are inalienably theirs. Unhapplness in married life is most often duo to lack of community of In terest between man and wife. The man of literary tastes cannot find an enduring companion In the mindless butterfly of fashion. The woman who keeps abreast of the times cannot long be Interested in the society of the husband who shares none of her Interests and amusements. And this brings mo to the oft-vexed, never-quite-solved problem: ' "Does a man prefer a pretty wife or an Intellectual one?" While the two qualities are by no means Incompatible, I maintain that the chances of the Intellectual woman far outclass those of her prettier but shallower sister. "Long Live BY G. F. WRIGHT, There is a widespread but false pre judice against all pies, on the score of Indigestibillty. But it is related that nt one time, when Emerson and Car iyle met, they fell into a discussion concerning the reasons for their dif ferences in temperament. Whereas Carlyle was always morose and gloomy Emerson was always plncid, serene and happy. Carlyle could see no reason why Emerson should not be of like temperament with himself. Hut Emerson thought he saw the reason In their diet. "Why," he said, "Car Jyle, you eat nothing but horrid oat meal, while I keep serene on pie three times a day." One cannot realize the goodness of Providence until he sets out to enu merate the great variety of things, not only which satisfy his hunger, but which appeal to his taste, and make the table the chief center of social life. What is better than a thick apple pie, with rich, tender crusts above and below, filled with tart, crisp appleB, well cooked, seasoned with sugar and cinnamon? There Is noth ing better, except it be a turnover, which as about half the size of a small pie, with the crust turned over, as Its name signifies, upon an sides, bo as to keep nil the richness In, and to be eaten without being cut. What schoolboy In the country does not re member his mother's turnover that he carried with him for his lunch. In this case, as In so many others, familiarity Is in danger of breeding contempt. The applo fails to be ap preciated, because It is so common and so widespread. Its history is ob scure, but interesting. There are enumerated no less than 2.000 varie ties, and their number Is still Increas ing, under cultivation. In Its wild state It Is the crab apple, which is found growing in the fields throughout Europe nnd western Asia, seeming as much nt home in northern Norway and In Siberia as anywhere. Hut the crab apple Is small, hard and "crab bed," nnd Is only utilized where noth ing better Is obtained. The best varieties of apples grow In the temperate zones, where the summer Is hot nnd not too short, late frosts In the spring being peculiarly destructive of tho fruit. How theso varieties originated Is one of tho mys teries of science, for no one can tell when he plants tho seed of an apple what the fruit will be. The great variety of apples, there fore, on all occasions has been ob tained by selecting out of a great many apple seeds that were planted, some trees which produce good frrtlt, Those are preserved In all cases by IN A WIFE Common sense is a strong factor in married happiness, and the Intellectu al woman knows best when and how to yield In matters of real Importance and does not magnify trivialities. Men nre always attracted by a pret ty f;'re, but the wiser among them do not want to marry a woman who will be too attractive to other men. "Vim admire Miss ," 1 once said to a man of the world. "Why don't you marry her?" ".My dear Mrs. lUuke." he laughed, "she is far too handsome. A diamond Is tine to look on, but one would flm far more safety and real companion ship ith a collie dog." Similarity of tastes and pursuits Is the lirmest foundation for that pre carious structure known as a matri monial alliance. Self-control, too, is a dominant factor in household pence, and this is found to a much greater degree among intellectual and highly educated people than among those of a lower order of mind. An intellectual couple defer to and valuo each other's opinions The happiest unions are found where both husband und wife have In tellect. Man and wife, by constantly living together, huvo such a strong ef fect each on the formation of the other's character that it Is surprising this point of view Is not oftener con sidered before alliances are entered upon. Kach modifies the other's char acteristics and personality. After a few years this change In personality Is often apparent to everyone. For instance, the man who marries a fool usually becomes lowered In Ideals and mentality. The woman who marries a boor sinks to his level or else raises htm nearer to hers. The question of marriage growB yearly more complex. Society's double standard of ethics for man nnd for woman are cruelly hard upon the lat ter. Were the same code made ap plicable to both the aspect of marital life would undergo a vast transforma tion for the better. In tho meantime choice of helpmeets, guided by com munity of tastes, tho uplifting of one's husband or wife, and constant refer ence to the good old maxim, "Hear and forbear," will do much to save countless married couples a lifetime of misery. (Copyright, by Joseph n. Bowleg.) Apple Pie" LL.D., F. G. S. A. grafting or budding. And JiiBt here Is one of the greatest mysteries In the universe. One has but to insert a bud from a good apple tree underneath the br'ik of a crab treo and the branch that grows from that bud will trans form the Juices poured into it from the main stem and exert a controlling influence over the fruit that Is pro duced. The bud from the branch of the pippin will transform the Juice of a crab apple into a large, highly cul tivated and luscious pippin, as differ ent from tho natural fruit as a cul tured Caucasian is from the aborigines of Australia. How it is done no mnn knows. Hut we eat of the fruit and acknowledge that tho chemistry of nature is Infinitely superior to that of man. Apples have been cultivated from the very earliest times, the remains of them having been found in the ruins of the prehistoric lake dwellings of Switzerland, while, if we give the or dinary interpretation to the word, there was an applo treo In the Garden of Kden. Hut It Is difficult to tell the ex.u t meaning of the words applied to objects which existed In prehistoric times. Many commentators suppose that, In early times, the word "apple" was a designation of any fruit that emitted fragrant odors. Hut from all we know of the earliest varieties of ripples, they would scarcely have been a temptation to Eve, for even as late as the times of Pliny, tho only applo known was a crab, "a wilding," upon which many a foul and shrewd curse was poured on account of its sour ness. The apple is a most valuable food, because of Its abundance, Its digesti bility when cooked, Its variety of Ila vors, and the readiness with which it can be preserved throughout the win ter season. Certain varieties of apples can be kept In cool cellars until spring, some of them, Indeed, scnrcely being good to eat until nearly the dose of the season. In former. generations dried apples were an essential element In every well stocked larder. No social gath ering was more Interesting In former times than the apple bee, when both the old folks and the young gathered to spend an evening In pnrlng, quar tering, coring and stringing apples, thi so being tho preliminary stages In those days to tho process of drying. (Copyright, hy Joseph II, Howies.) Night Baseball Won't Do. Il.isebiill nt night Is being tried In Cincinnati. It will be a failure. The r.'ii s would have to sit up till nwrn in if playing the game over. RECEIVED (HIGHEST Grand At the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition AGAINST ALL COMPETITORS ON PtCKLfS-nilVES-CONDIMrNTS-CALIFORNIA iSPARCUS- PtMtWVf S-Jr--LIK-kALAO DRS&ilNC-CONDENSIO MILK EVAPORATED MILK CALIFORNIA FRUITS CANNED MEATS C0RKI3 DEEF-SLICTD DRIED BEEF-OX TONOUE VIAL LOAF HAM LOAF - VIENNA SAUSAGE WHERE QUALITY COUNTS WE LEAD Your Grocer Has Them Insist on Getting Libby's LIBBY, McNEILL. & LIDE3Y Insure Your Future Money invested in the profit-paying farm land of the west is safer than in a savings bank. It earns bij dividends on steady rising value alone. In Butte Valley California prices are moderate. And the soil is the richest climate the finest railroad facilities the best that can be found in the United States. Round-Trip Homeseekers' Fares are on sale the first and third Tuesdays of every month to October 31, via Union Pacific Southern Pacific "The Safe Road to Travel" Electric block signals dustless roadbed. , For litei ature and information call on or address E. L. LOMAX, G. P. A. Union Pacific R. R., Omaha, Neb. Will Seek the South Pole. A. Henry Suvnge Landor, the Eng Huh explorer, who will soon make on attempt to reach the south pole, Is of the opinion that Lieut. Shackleton failed through havliiK a cumbersome and unnecessarily large expedition. Mr. Landor'a theory Is that a small caravan of trusted and hardy men, lightly equipped as In his expeditions through Asia and Africa, Is best. Mr. Landor's activity in aeronautic Inves tigations gives color to the rumor that an airship will be used by him in his expedition. Death from Sting of Poisonous Files. Three persons died recently at Marseilles after having been stung by poisonous 1H9S. Several streets are Infested by the Insects, which are Bald to have been brought to Mar Bellies In a cargo of South American wool. Echo do Paris. Conclusive. Mother Tom my, why don't you play with Frank any more? I thought you were such good chums. Tommy We was, but he's a molly coddle! He paid to get luter thcr ball grounds. Instant Relief for All Eyes, that are irritiitod from dnt, heat, aim or wind. I'KiTIT'S KYF- HAI.VK. 2:c. All iiuniints or Howard llroii., Bullulo, N. Y. There Is no better way of hiding your light under a bushel than by keeping your church letter in your trunk. Mr a. Wlnatnw' Rnothlnq Ryrnp. Pnrrhllilrro taetlilna, anf trna the iriinn, rmlucea to Oamuauuu, allaya palu, caret wind cullu. iiSc a UilUe. Young man, beware of the peach who Is the apple ot your eye. She may prove to be a lemon. hk ji st to Toritsrt.p nfl kap wi-ll If isllili. ll"c k ihul rnnrh wltb Mm tmriult'M ami ctllrlont rt'tnflv, Alli'ii'ii Lung Balaam. All druitnlma. iM. Cue und 1 OU IxiUlwa. Some people assume that hearing Is lust as good as seeing. LewiV Sinnle Hinder, the famous itraiglil 5c ciir uunual Kalu 9,000,UOO. The dour of success Is marked: PuKh." When You Think Of the pain which many women experience with every month it makes the gentleness and kindness always associ ted with womanhood teem to be almost a miracle. While in general no woman rebels ogaintt what she re gards as natural necessity thcro is no woman who would not gladly be free from this recurring period of pain. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription makes weak women nrronrj and sick Homes well, and &lves them freedom from pain, it establishes regularity, mubduea Inflam nation, heals ulceration and cures to male weakness. Sick women are Invited to consult Dr. Ticce by letter, frit. All correspondence strictly private and aacrcdlv confidential. Write without leor and without Ice to W orld's Dispensary Med ical Association. It. V. I'icrce, M. D President. Buffalo. N. Y. If you want book that tells bll about woman'a diseases, and how to eur them at home, send 21 one-cent stomps to Dr. Tierce to pay cost of mailing enly, and ho will send you a fret copy ol bis great thousand-page illustrated Common Sense Medical Adviser revised, up-to-date edition, in paper covers. In handsome cloth-binding, 31 stamps. Food Products THE ONLY Prbz AWARDS) Quaker Oats is the perfectly balanced human food China for jour table In the Family 61 You Can Shave Yourself With NO STROPPING NO HONING KNOWN THE WORLD OVER PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM . mm ClttllMlf ftod bFaUltifiM th hob. Promotaf A loiuriinl rruwth. W ; J I ' Falla u - I Hair to Ita V K '1 i I Cium Kalp diwai to J0or UTtXJ Youthful Color. ! hair tallica U afflicted with i Thompson's Eye Water auioaraa.ui AnrVTSt-lF T KNEW YOril NAMF, I wnul.l m-diI you iiurtl.lv Htuiplfioutm In-o Una ivry mliiui. Let utn aturt ynu In a pmtltublo huHlnna. You do nut ntMNl iiiih rent tf rupltul. Kxnrienc nnnrrpftNity. Ant. pnitlt. rn'illt given. I'nroiiunih rn'lKhi punt. ('lmnriiwlnl.Jiulniiolilira. Kvi-rr ptfin nnti wnrntm nbuul'l wrtin m for fne otiitlu lit BUI It, haMHl, UO aanrij bUMI, UmUm. laaa. WEAR THE BEST WAISTS MADE Kiclunlve Nrw Turk Htylaa a araion a heart, fold direct fntiu maker to you. Coat half what yoa lnuuMj ijkt for Hie Interior, out-nf-data Und. Baaj Uxlay or tree nalaloguaand laruplaa. SOCIETY QUEEN CO., Dept. 6, 8t.Louli.Xla. Bale Tiss For Hay and Straw Gil Houiu Bala Til Ca., Ilk ind Vina Sli. Oil Momai. Im