MACHINE TO BLOW v;.-.ioLi:j EASY FAMOUS DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION. Electrical Device Designed to Work by Means of Armature and Regu lated by Weight. This whistle blowing machine Is composed of a standard, a 73-pound weight, three geurs, a set of fans, a blowing lever, and the necessnry elec TO BUILD WIRELESS STATION trical installation to release the weight- I THE WW Navy Department to Construct Tower 600 Feet High Taller Than Washington Monument. The Vulted States navy department will soon let out bids for the erection of the tallest wireless telegraph sta tion hi the world. It will be located near Washington, and will be one of the most modern and powerful sta tions In the country. Shooting up into the air to a dis tance of 600 foet, 45 feet taller than the "Washington monument, It will be a marvel in construction and wireless communication. The tower will be of concrete with teel reinforcements. It will measure h t 1 A ?! Wireless Tower and Washington Monument. from 50 to CO feet at the base, and from 8 to 10 feet at the apex. At the apex will be a long, slender wooden pole, not unlike a flagpole. From the top of this pole, a wire or steel umbrella-shaped frame will be erected for the purpose of attaching wires which will run to the station on the ground floor of the tower. The most powerful wireless machin ery in the world will bo installed In the tower, says Popular Mechanics. When completed the navy department will be able to send a message from Washington to within a short distance of the shore of Africa, and to within a few miles of the Spanish and Eng lish coast. ELECTRICAL STATIC WONDER Machine Invented to Furnish Any Amount of Electricity Will Revolutionize Aviation. Llano A. Whyte, a machinist of Spo kane, Wash., claims to have perfected and patented a machine capable of furnishing any amount of electricity, which will revolutionize aviation and wireless telegraphy and telephony. Ho has been at work on the principle of static electricity since 1907 and claims to have invented an apparatus which, in transmitting static electricity to three motors, will generate 150 horse power. He Is now at work on an airship of 200 feet in length and capable of carrying a car of 200 pounds which, he announced, will be publicly demon strated in Spokane within 90 days. The motive power is to be furnished by the static machine. Whyte ia backed by a party of capitalists, who believe his invention has merit and that he will be able to make good on his claims. He has made a model of the big aerial craft to be constructed and with this he has been successful in all kinds of winds. Electricity and Bacteria. Among Interesting paper? read be fore the Royal Society in London re cently was one by C. Uuss upon the electrical reactions of certain bacteria as applied to the detection of tuberclo bacilli In urine by means of an elec tric current. Another by Prof. H. A. Wilson described his experiments to determine the effect of a magnetic field surrounding it upon the electrical conductivity of n Hume. Canadian Pacific Cable. According to the Times (London) the Canadian Pacific railway will grant use of its rl'it-of-way for a spe inl wire forniin:; the conrcrtlns link between the AlV.n'ic tied Pacltlc oabVs el" tlv MMp(i?ed ulMlrltlnli round-Hie .vo: M si t:i. 1 Electrically-Operated Whistle Blower. says Popular Mechanics. It will oper ate any whistle in any system, the length of the blast being determined by the speed of the gears, and being regulated by the fans. The gears are held in check by a re lease lever, the end of which rests ou the studs of an electric-magnet arma ture. It Is so arranged that the move ment of the armature away from the magnet when a closed circuit is used, or towards the magnet when an open circuit is used, releases the lever, al lowing the gears to start. The center gear, which engages with the end of the blowing lever, makes one blast of the whistle at every revolution. The weight Is used in preference to springs because It does not change its tension, and when once adjusted only requires to be occasionally rewound. CUTS OUT PAPER DESIGNS Electrical Perforator or Needle Do vice Designed for Following Wall paper Friezes and Patterns. An electric perforator or needle cut ting device has been designed for cut ting out wallpaper friezes, crowns and stencils, and perforating pounce pat terns. The needle fits into a tool which is attached to the motor by means of a flexible shaft. The motor can be at tached to any electric light socket. By uso of the apparatus the figures in ordinary commercial wallpaper can be made to appear like hand-painted decorations. The needle point has a speed of 5.000 oscillations per minute, Cuts Out Figures in Paper. says Popular Mechanics. It runs with out vibration and it is as easy to fol low a pattern with it as if tracing with a pencil. Sound from Electric Lamp. Experiments In electricity by stu dents of the Texas university engln eerlng department have resulted in the production of articulate sound from a common arc lamp, the feeding wire of which Is connected with a tel ephone. Dr. A. C. Scott has Interested him self in the experiment and says the result is due to the fact that the vi brations in the carbon of the lamp correspond exactly to those of an or dlnary telephone receiver. The talk ing lamp is located in a room soma distance from the phone in the en gineering building, and students standing directly under it are able to hear conversations over the phone with perfect distinctness. Noises or conversations in the phone room cannot be heard at that distance when communication with the phone is cut off. Overcome Electric Welding. A patent recently granted to Mr. F. Rletzel is expected to overcome the difficulty often encountered in electric welding due to the arc Jumping at the nearest points or two not quit smooth surfaces, and tho exnet posi Hon of the weld not being easily con trolled. Raised portions on both sheets to be welded are placed In con tact with each other, and the welding temperature reached only at tho points desired, with a result slmtl ar to riveting, a saving of electrical en ergy and elimination of burning metal resulting. of Long Distance In Europe. A Ion;; distance telephone service with four linos is expected to bo opened next year ' between london, Paris, Madrid, Parccluua und Sua Se LujUua, CM7TAJJ WOULD you give millions for a chateau besieged by royal ghosts, vainly haunting the scenes of i their old love and ' crimes? I The ghosts are dread French kings, j from Francis 1. to Charles IX., with beautiful but cruel Diane de Poitiers and Catherine de Medici, the terrible queen-mother. Even the unhappy Mary Stuart knew the lovely scene. The scene is outside wondrous Chenonceau, said to be again for sale unless already sold In the division of the Terry estate. If you can pay the millions, take the ghosts as an extra attraction. They cannot harm plain Americans. Here is a mystery. The ghosts cannot en ter the chateau so long as plain, un titled folks live In it. The potent in fluence of its builder an untitled business woman of the renaissance will keep the royal robbers out in the park! Go back a century. Claude Dupln, plain tax-farmer, purchased Chenon ceau In great dilapidation for 300,000 francs In 1733 and spent 100,000 francB in restorations. Here the Duplns held a brilliant literary court, with Huffon, Voltaire and Rousseau; and the chateau went peacefully to their de scendants from whom Wilson's daughter bought It. For the strong business woman of old days, who built the unique pal ace: Catherine Hrlconnet descended from a small shopkeeper's family of Tours, fostered to greatness like so many other "little people" Barthe- lots, Pouchers Bohiers by democrat ic Louis XI. Behold Catherine Brlcon net, daughter of a banker who died archbishop, married to Thomas Bo nier, a farmer general, and rich enough to buy the marques' fief. While Thomas financed tho armies of two kings Catherine left at home, built Chenoneau. Catherine's husband, Bohler, died In the rout of the French army in Italy. Catherine died a year later. Francis I., finding his treasury emptied by Italian wars, brought suit against all tho crown's financiers. The ob ject was not to judge, but to grind money. In five years the rich family of Bohler was ruined and Catherine's son, Antolne, was glad to humbly of fer Francis I. his chateau of Chenon ceau at a valuation of 90,000 livres as a quit claim. (It had cost his fa ther C0.000 livres, or $120,000 in our money. Some 40,000 livres remained of the king's claim. The Bohiers were sucked dry. Francis visited Chenonceau twice, an ill, melancholy man, and died a nasty death. But Diane de Poitiers had seen and liked the chateau of the waters. Diane de Poitiers, celebrated In French history for her beauty, grace, crookedness, wickedness and unlimit ed influence over King Henri II., was married at 15 years to the hunch backed Louis de Brezy, grand senes chal of Normandy, who was GO. Two years later her father, implicated in a plot, was being led off to the Place do Greve, Paris, to have his head cut off. but youthful Diane was talking with the dauphin. The father was re prieved at the last moment, and Diane became a political figure. On the death of Francis I., her first act was to have the dauphin become king, dispossess her old rival, Duch ess d'Etampes, of all her property. Finally, by letters patent, Diane ob tained "our chateau of Chenonceau." Here is one of the crimes of Che nonceau. A young gentleman. La Chateigneraie, knew too much about Diane. Another Do Jarnac, married tho sister of her old rival, Duchess d'Etampes. "Ask De Jarnac how he dresses so well?" said Diane to La Chateigneraie. "My mother-in-law helps mo out," explained tho unsuspecting De Jarnac. On which Diane caused tho hateful whisper to go round: "Do you know what Iji Chateign eraie says about Do Jarnac and his mother-in-law?" They fought with swords and dag gers In the presence of the court, l.tke Iapo, "Which one kills the other, I care nothing," thought Diane; but she felt safer when, to everybody's surprise, De Jarnac suddenly seemed to slip, fell to one knee, and ham strung his superior adversary with a ifiiiii Wiiiii QVrJTA?S ' hack pull of bis sword. La Chat eigneraie bled to death. Today a "coup De Jarnac" means almost, a foul; but the maneuver was perfectly regular, If new. Here Is another crime of Chenon ceau. Diane, having finished tho bridge-wing at a cost of 9,000 livres ($18,000 to-day), built Italian gardens in the style of Passelodo Mercogllano. The archbishop of Tours lent her a remarkable young gardener, Mcquet, to train up her fruit walks. Nlcquet was handsome, distinguished, seduc tive, Innocent; the court was at Blols; there was a passing escapade of a summer's afternoon or two; and then the handsome young gardener died of alleged cholera. Of all Diane's crimes, this one stuck most. The victim was a servant; and the vengeful clan whispered the tale to their masters far and wide. Later, when Henri II. lay dying It became the pretext on which Tavannes offered the queen to go and cut off Diane's nose. Instead, the philosophical Cath erine Do Medicls offered to spare the fallen beauty's mutilation on condi tion that Diane should give her Che nonceau. Catherine do Medici got Diane's clear title to Chenoncenu by the os tensible trade of mortgaged Chau mont. (An American woman, Esther Alexander, legal French wife of Rob ert de Broglle, Is, with him, coheir apparent to the latter historic chateau at this moment.) Her first great fete at Chenonceau was a triumphal entry for the new king, her son, Francis II. and his young wife, Mary Stuart. Arches, obelisks, columns, statues, fountains antique altars, fireworks, music and 300 cannons made a wonderful effect. TheBe were tho happiest days of Mary Stuart. They say, indeed, that her ghost !b the only one that has been seen inside the chateau in the time of the Terrys. She appears as an elderly woman (as of the time of her death) In a black gown and white ruff, an elderly worn an who walks through tho bridge wing, melancholy, surprised, content, as returning late to empty scenes of bygone happiness! Chenonceau, In the hands of the Vendome-Mercoeur family, went through a long period of abandon ment. The court had quit Touralne Young Louis XIII. passed the door without entering. Vendome and Mazarin were reconciled at Chenon ceau; Louis XIV., 14 years old, came with his mother to the fete; and from that dates the splendid glided furni ture which the Terrys retain to-day in the middle salon. It was the last royal visit to Chenonceau. A dowager duchess of Vendome dy ing without children in 1718 "killed," says Salnt-Slmon, "by abuse of strong liquors" long abandoned and neglect ed Chenonceau passed by Inheritances to the Prince de Conde, who sold It to the plain, untitled business man, Du pin. A business man, an untitled middle class man, at last again owned the fairy chateau of tho water for which kings, queens and favorites com mltted crimes. The ghosts of Chenonceau fled the Interior. Voltaire, visiting Dupln, saw Diane de Poitiers kissed by Ijti Chateigneraie In armor, In a thicket by the river. Jean-Jaques Rousseau, visiting Du pln, saw the same love scene, while a nun mourned and a jealous woman smiled. Georges Sand, a descendant of Du pln, saw tho end of the wicked festival where three young noblemen and two young noble girls were stabbed to death. Grevy, president of the republic, visiting the sister of his son-in-law, sat lu tho park at midnight watching. He beheld a rabble of pale shades be sieging the chateau. They could not enter. STERLING 1 1 El LIU. Mrs. Hcnpeck Did you ever hear of anything worse than a man who who smokes in tho house? Mr. Henpeck Yes. A smoking lamp. Ask me another! Origin of Word "Bible." The word bible Is derived from the Latin name biblia, which was treated as a singular although it comes from the Greek neuter plural, meaning "lit tlo books." This Greek diminutive was derixeu from byblus, or papyrus, the famous material on which ancient books were written. Tho title "Bible" was 1'i'Kt used about the middle of the second Christian century In the so- called second epistle of Clement txlv., 2). Laundry work at homo would be much more satisfactory if the right Starch were used. In order to get the desired stiffness, it is usually neces sary to use so much starch that tho beauty and fineness of the fabric is hidden behind a paste of varying thickness, which not only destroys the appearance, but also affects the wear ing quality of the goods. This trou ble can be entirely overcome by using Defiance Starch, as it can be applied much more thinly because of its great er strength than other makes. Secret of Happiness. I have iived to know that the great secret of human happiness is this: N;ver suffer your energies to stag nate. The old ndago of "too many irons in the fire" conveys an untruth you cannot have too many poker, tongs und all keep them going. Adam Clark. iiavk voir run iii.a in? If no. ynn win wHniiuk IWry liil' l'iilhklltr with ItHAtNiUilnunnfl houhniiefTi'ct. KminllviiiKNl forrhfu- ualluu.luiubuKuor IrualbiU'n. lu itM. 3ic, due IkiIUk. Smith So tho will was read? Jones Yes; but the air was blue. Many who used in smoke lOr cigari are now KiiioLin I-owis' Single Hinder Hlrailit Sc. Tho only way to get something for nothing Is to start a fight about It . Tr. Plorrp'i 1'lmwnt Pillet rxfiilatu and Inrtc- oruto Htoiiiiirh, llvpr unit hnilii. buiiar-ouaUM, tiny Krouulus, uau to take as tiuuuv. After breaking a $5 bill the pieces are soon lost We know of no other medicine which has been so sue" ccssful in relieving the suffering of women, or secured so many genuine testimonials, as nas Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. In almost every community you will find women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. Finkham's Veg etable Compound. Almost every woman you meet has cither been benefited by it, or knows some one who has. In the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., are files con taining over one million one hundred thousand letters from women seeking health, in which many openly state over their own signatures that they have regained their health by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has saved many women from surgical operations. Lydia E. Pinkham' Vegetable Compound is made ex clusively from roots and herbs, and is perfectly harmless. The reason whv it is so successful is because it contains ingredients which act directly upon the female organism, restoring it to healthy and normal activity. Thousands of unsolicited and genuine testimonials such as the following prove the efficiency of this simple remedy. Minneapolis, Minn. ! I Tvns a gTcat sufferer from femal troubles which caused a weakness and broken down condition, of tho system. I read bo much of what Lydia 12. lMnkhani's Vegetable Compound had done for other suffering 'women, I felt nuro it would help me, and I must say it did liclpine wonder fully. Within three months I was a perfectly well woman. MI want this letter made nubile to show the benefits to be derived from Lydia K. IMnkham's Vegetable Compound." Mrs. JohnO.Moldan,21l5 Second StXorth, Miuncapolis,Minn. Women who are suffering from those distressing ills peculiar to their sex should not lose sight of these facts or doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to restore their health. FOR PINK EY1 kVV i .'(, , i urn mm por SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by these Little Pills. Thejr lit o rrllcva Die trwwfrom Iy nnepfcln,, In UlKrxt Ion and Tuo Uf arty I'.ialnir. A pixfeot rrm ny tor Dlizlnena, Nau Hn, Drowaliirsii, Bad Taut In the Ifcmth, Coat ! Tontnie, Pain In ths Hide, TOIiril) LIVER. Ilu-jr rctfuUto Uie Dowel. Purely Vetfetabla. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear Fac-Similc Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. PROOF In the RlorningF We tell you about how pood you'll foel after tukinff a CASCARKT that millions of people buy, uso and recommend them But that's talk you buy a box now take as directed to-nuiht and get the proof in tho morning After you know CASUAUET3 you'll never bs without them. 1 nt CASCARRT9 loc bos for week's treatment, all dniRKlits. Iliggeat teller , ia Uie world. Million boxc. a mouth. PATENTS Wntaaa R.raimaa,Waih InKUm, ll.C lluukalre.. Hlb mi nlwcuota, liaai nauiaa W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 42-1909. DISTEMPER CATARRHAL FEVER I AND ALL NOSE AND THROAT DISEASES Ml CARTERS OlTTLE tflVER I PILLS. Awl sViMfcufch.isfJ in CARTERS Withe TflVER JIPILLS. Cure, the alek and act aa a preTrntlT for others. Liquid clren on the tuntfiie. Hae for linxvl niarrx and all other. HeHt kltlnev remedy : M centu und 11 00 a bottle ; K.ou and tlU.UU tho doien. Hold tiy all drueelata ud horn good. houMn, or aeut expreaa paid, b.v the. niuuufacturwa. SPOHN MEDICAL CO, ChemUt., COSHEN, INDIANA