HAD ONE GOOD P01MT 7 n 24 I I jHKKK comes (roni Iiostou the suggestion that l'io Free Masouu of the world shall subscribe to n fund for 1l:e rebuilding of Iho temple of Sol onion nt Jerusalem. With the suggestion amies Iho remark that the undertaking would be an enormous one, and that It. would cost a vast fum of money. This is obviously true, but it 1h highly Improbable that those with whom the tcheme originated have really counted the cost. That some idea of the magnitude of the pro posed work may be gained the comparatively few figures that can reasonably be given will be found below, together with many facts that (further inii.itnr.l.e the gigantic sum which it would be nee (esKiry to collect before the great building could be rebuilt. The Interest, of Free Masons In the temple is explained by the fad that they believe that, their order was founded Iby King Solomon, und that, he was the first grand master of the craft. There is not only the (mention of ways and weans to no considered. The site brlglnnlly occupied by the temple is now filled by the Wm M VlZmyi ' 1 IaI 1 1 H " '""""""""'"''""i J VI c ? 11 1 ra2a! If x 1 M i l Si?4!S5 1 -it $1 4 n felf i11 ' 1 T'llT'l . MODELQF TEMPLE AtlDITV SURRQUM,W S , ? II kA'ilMBB J!T QT SOL.Ot10rtS TmPLE M IT M TO- " SS5SM hTchSC BlllT BY)U OQCUPEO BY THE HAREM -gW&HEREEr J TH HOLY H0U5 OF dOLOWftiS TEMPLE Harem -EHli-Shereef, "the noble sanctu ry," which to the Moslems is only less eacred than Mecca find Medina, for It is believed to cover the rock that is re garded by them as the center of the earth, the place from which M a h o in e t plai ted when he vis ited heaven. There fore It la obvious that any attempt to Interfere with the present condition of things would in all probability bring about the greatest religious war the world has ever known. I Gathering the ' Workmen. ( Solomon asked Hiram, king of Tyre, to iiclp' Mm in tJio construction of tho temple, find desired him to send some of his subjects with his own to Mount Lebanon to cut down timbor, "for the Sidoniuns are more skillful fhan our people in cutting of wood." He also offered to pay tho woodcutters whatever price Hiram fixed. Hiram replied that lie would tie subservient to Solomon in all the things. And have many large trees of cedar and cy )roBB wood cut down, and would send them by eca in float to the place appointed for them io be delivered, bo that they might bo taken Jo Jorusaleui. In consideration of this servlco Solomon sent Hiram annually 20.000 corl of wheat, the sanio of barley, . and as mnny "baths" of oil and of wine. The quantity of wheat and barley was each equivalent to l.COO.000 gallons, or 200,000 bushels; while the quantity of oil nnd wine was each equivalent lo 160,000 gallons. The latter would therefore be equal to about 3,500 hogsheads. , Solomon raised a ievy of 30,000 men to cut Umber. They were divided Into three Bhtfts. .Ten thousand went to Mount Lebanon for one month and were two months at home. There were 70.000 men who carried the stones, mud there were 80,000 stone cutters in the mountains. These men had 3.300 foremen Btone cutlers quarried enormous blocks, sev eral cubits each way. for the foundations and fitted them together before they were taken to Jerusalem. In this work they were aided by workmen sent by Hiram. There is no special record of the men Hi ram furnished, unless they are Included in the above which "Solomon had in the mountains" (I Kings v. 15). H 18 not known bow many 'men were enguged In the actual building of the templo. There Is a tradition that Solomon was helped by "demons." fur which reason not a sound of building operations was beard In Jerusalem during the time that the con dtructlon of the temple lasted. Cott of the Labor. If the men of the king's levy hud an eight lour duy at 16 centB an hour, the weekly wage bill was approx imately $80,000. and the total for this class of workmen for three yearB was $12,500,0.00. There is no record of the other 70,000 and 80,000 be ing worked in shifts. At the same rate, the wage bill of the 70,000 bur denbearera was $5GO,000 a week and $G7,:iOO,000 for three years. Oiving the 80,000 hewers the same rate of wages, the weekly bill was $640,000, and for the three years $90,740, 0011. This does not include the wages of the under story was five cubits broad, the middle was six cubits, the top Reven cu bits. The height of each Btoryfrom floor to ceiling was five cubits (1 feet). The number of side chambers is not stated in Kings, but Ezekiel gives it at 30 (or 33) for each story. They were small, used for the storage of temple furniture, etc. The temple was surrounded by a court "the inner court." This was sur runded by a wall of three courses of hewn stone surmounted by a course of cedar beams. The entire citadel was inclosed by the great court. The building was CO cubits long, 20 cu bits wide nnd 30 cubits high. The temple was divided into two portions the main building, "the house of God," and the sub sidiary buildings by which it was sur rounded. The main building was rectangu lar in shape 60 cubits long, 20 cubits broad and 30 cubits high. Taking the cu bit at IS inches 90 feet, 30 feet and 43 feet respectively. The building lay cast nnd west, with entrance from east. The walls, according to K.ekiel, were six cu bits thick (nine feet to ten feet). On the second story they were 5',-i cubits, and on tlie third story live cubits, and above the upper story four cubits. The Holy House of the Temple. The accompanying photograph of the Explanation of Diagram Hrldse crossing Tyro poron valley. House of tho Forest of Lebanon. -(1 KIiirs, 7:2-20.) Poiible passage. Judgment hull In which was tho throno nf the kin;. Triple passage. King's palace. Outer templo porches, with the gates running round all shies and forming a siuiare. Outer court, or Court of the Gentiles. Twelve steps leading to- 10. Chel. Terrace with openings between the posts, uml inscriptions that no Ucntllu should puss them. 11. Itulldlng with three wings and three stor ies high. 9. Mlddlo court. 13. Fifteen steps to the High gate (14): on the steps "The I'salm of Degrees" (Psalms 1J0 i:U) was chanted. 14. The High gate. 15. The Inner court, di vided Into the Court of tho Israelites and the Court of the Priests. 16. Tho two pillars Jachln nnd lionz (1 Kings, 7:15) in front of the porch. 17. The templo proper. 18. Middle Tower. 19. The House of Mlllo. (2 Kings, 22:20.) 20. Part of the palace. 21. Stables, as conjectured by Homo authorities, or more probably stalls for beasts to be used for burnt offerings. 3,300 foremen or the salary of Adoniram, who was over the king's levy of 30,000 men. As suming each foreman to receive $10 a week, the bill was $33,000 a week for three years, $1,715,000. The total wages for all workmen included in the above list for three years would be $201,825,000. The bearers of burdens would be required to haul the materials to Jerusalem during the building. If the whole 70,000 were employed during the four years the cost would be $119, 630,000. If the 80,000 hewers were likewise em ployed the cost would be $133,120,000. If the 30,000 men were employed as before in 10,000 men shifts the cost would be $16,640, 000, making a grand total for labor of $226, 240,000. This takes no account of the carvers, gild ers, artists, workers In precious stones, mak ers of priestly garments, or cost of materials. As there was not tho slightest data on which to base nny calculations, it would bo useless to attempt to guess at the money needed for these Items. The Site of the Temple. King Solomon's temple was built on the site prepared for It by David, the threshing floor of the Jebuslte Oman, on Mount Moriah. The ana Inclosed by tho outer walls covered about 25 acres of ground. After Solomon's temple wns destroyed Zcrubbubel'8 was built on its Bite. Later, Herod erected his temple on the same Bite, but enlarged the boundaries. After the destruction of this, Hadrian built the temple of Jupiter on tho same site and later Justinian built his church on the spot. The site la now occupied by the Grent Mosque. Solomon's temple was begun In the fourth year of the king's reign, 592 years after the exodus from F.gypt, 3,102 yearg from the crea tion of Adam. It was Mulshed In the eleventh year of Solomon's reign. On the three Bides, north, west nnd south, the temple was surrounded by a side building In three stories containing Bide chambers. The holy house of king Solomon's temple, which is from a model made by Mr. J. M. Tenz, rep resents the exterior of the porch of the temple with the two great pillars, Jachin and Uoaz. the former on the right and the latter on the left side of the doorway. The meaning of Ja chln Is "to establish" and that of Hoaz "in strength." The porch Itself, according to the description in 2 Chronicles 3:3 and 4, was 20 cubits broad and 120 cubits high, while the height of the two brass pillars with their chapiters was 23 cubits, so that the porch was rather more than five times the height of the pillars. This proportion, It will be observed, has not been maintained In the model, which makes the height of the porch only about four times that of the pillars. In the court, which, from its name, was reserved for the priests, may bo seen the great altar of brass, which was 20 cubits long, 20 cubits broad and 10 cubits high, with steps leading to it. On the left hand side of the court Is the molten sea. which was "set on the right side, of the east over against the south" and stood on 12 brazen oxen. It was probably furnished with water by an elaborate system of pipes, which, how ever, are not mentioned In the Ilible. In the court, too, will be seen the 10 lavers. each of which stood on a brass base, elaborately orna mented and furnished with wheels, by means of which it could easily be taken to nny pari of tho court In order that tho water might bo used for washing "such things as they offered, for tho burnt offering." The water In the lavers was also, probably, used for the pur pose of washing down tho altar after tho sacrl ilces had been offered, the bodies of tho ani mals for which aro observed on the right-hand Bide of the photograph, where, too, may be seen the tables on which the various portions of tho animals were laid in order to be cut up. In the court of the priests, too, will be noticed the priests concerned in the musical part of the service. The musical Instruments used for the singing of hymns were called "nablae uid cinyrao" (psalteries and harps), and were made, according to Josephus, of "electruin," Toung Cuest It seems to me that you don't object to the mosquitoes tinging in your room. Old Guest You bet I don't Why. when the mosquitoes are singing I can't hear the glee club practicing oa the piazza. When to Send Children to Europe. Some people wait bo long before ending their children to Europe tb.it the little ones are humiliated by others who have already been there. Every eelf-respecting parent will be careful not to Bubject hia children to this evt-j dent injustice; at the same time all1 unseemly hurry is to be avoided. Some people argue that as soon as child can walk well and speak a few necessary French words, he should be placed in a stateroom, next to a private bath, and sent to Paris. Oth ers feel that be must naturally lose much at this age, and that tho proper time is be -eon five and six, when as an American he has reached bis maturity. Probably the ideal age Is about four. At four a child can easily do England, France and Italy, and get home in time for the first night at the opera. Judge's Library. the finest brass. Josephus gives the number of these as 40,000; but he also gives the num ber of trumpets, which may also bo seen being blown by priests, as 200,000. One of tho great est modern authorities gives it as his opinion that theso numbers were grossly exaggerated by Josephus, who, in his view, exaggerated the number of all the appurtenances of the temple where there Is no biblical authority from which he could not get away and by which ho was tied down rigorously. Golden Ornaments and Vessels. The golden ornaments Included the great candlestick with seven lights, symbols of the divine presence, seven being the number of perfection. Ten reduced copies of this candle stick were made and ranged on each side of the altar of incense. Hestdes these there were the nrk to hold the tables of the law, the table for the shewbread, candlesticks, censers, tongs, snuffers, knives, extinguishers, trays, vases nnd other utensils for trimming and making the lights and fires, in numbers unknown; also basins, spoons, censers, entry for the house, inner doors of the most holy place, and the doors of the house of the temple. The molten sea was so named on account of Its size. It stood In the southeast angle of the court of the temple, was 10 cubits In dlam ettr (15 feet), five cubits ("Mi feet) high and 30 cubits (15 feet) In circumference. It was said to have been capable of containing 2,000 "baths," or 16,010 gallons. It was made of brass or copper captured by David from Tib hath nnd Chun, cities of Hadarezar, king of Zobah. There wero 10 lnvers, quadrangular in shape, supported on wagons four cubits long four wldo nnd three high. Kach wagon stood on four wheels, Hi cubits In diameter. Tho lavers were used for the water with which tho entrails of the beasts used for burnt offerings were cleaned, and uIbo their feet. The lavers on the wagons came nearly up to the level of the great brazen ultnr. The extraordinary popularity of fine white goods this summer matas the choice of Starch a matter of great im portance. Defiance Starch, being free from all Injurious chemicals, is the only one which is safe to use en fin fabrics. Its great strength as a stiffen er makes half the usual quantity of Starch necessary, with the result of perfect finish, equal to that when the goods were new. Reaching Life's Goal. If you want to be somebody in this world you must assert your individ uality and assert it In the right direc tion, so that it may lead to a goal of honor for yourself and be an example for others. Find out what you ought to do, say to yourself: "I must do it," then begin right away with "I will do it," and keep at it until it is done. Don't abuse the rich; we can't all be paupers. lip IIP Children Like CURE It is to pleasant to take stops the cough so quickly. Absolutely safe too and contains no opiates. All Drag gitti, 20 cent. Jf Cost of Railroads. Last year $56,000,000 was spent by the railroads of the United States for cross ties. The average price of the ties was CO cents. Forty-three per cent of the ties were of oak and 19 per cent of yellow pine. Owing to the growing scarcity of suitable tim ber, other woods are being used after treatment with various preservatives, and it has been found that these treated outlast the more expensive untreated oak ties. The Fox Who Had oLts His Tall. A, fox caught in a trap escaped with the loss of his brush. Thereafter feel ing his life a burden through the rldt cult to which he was exposed, ha schemed to bring all other foexs into like condition with himself, that in the common loss he might better con ceal his own deprivations. He as sembled a good many foxes and pub licly advised them to cut off their tails, Baying they would not only look much better without them, but would get rid of the weight of the brflsh, which was a very great inconvenience. Rut one of them,' Interrupting him, said: "If you had not yourself lost your tall, my friend, you would not thus counsel us." Aesops' Fables. Seek to Thwart Cupid With Money. A young New Mexican wants to marry a girl with money enough to help him pay for a ranch. A Los) Angeles aviator watns to marry a girl with money enough to set him up in flying machines. Both of these men mean well, but there never was a bigger fool in the world than tho fool who speculates in matrimony. Marry tho girl for the girl's own sake and tor no other reason under the sun.