S. A. S. Program. Program forThuralay evening to be given at the home; of F. M. Richey, under the ajipic; of thej Lsiies Aid society of tha Presbyterian church. Piano Faataiy Leybanh M'jtClaire'Djvcy. Reading Money Musk Misj Fern Long. Song Selected lia II ward. A pair of L 1 latics, Mil l-o I. U a-uim ! Jjhi Faltir. 1 Piano.... Tai St inn Fron Wilheh Tell .vlri. Filter. Reading Ths ;Fan I. Ann i SiyJer. Song Mil Cip Margeny Fr.'l Njrt-vt ail Mrj Austin. Reading ....When Aunt JaneI'Iayed .. Miii itarneae Newell. Reading ... " ...Selected Miss Pauline Oldham. Song Selected Mrs. Wescott. ReadiiTg The Puidding Miss Josephine Hall. Pi ano Selected Mis Verna Cole. o o Rad M in Spaoial Maeling. Their will beat a apodal meeting Sundiy aftjraoon at 2'o'clock, Oct 17, 1903, at Coitei' h:Ul for thejbenefit of those palefaces that, have not, been obligated jet. , Any persondeairirtgjto join the class that is going to Omaha ;Oct. 19, 1909, can see any of Jthefollowing represent atives, John Corry.J. C. York.Thomas Walling, Fred Egoiiberger, Anton H. Koubek, John Nemetz, IIarry2Kuhney Clans Speck, or anyjother member be fore Sund tv; and they.ill;explainto you the special rates that the RedJMeti are offering. A special train will take them up to Omaha Oct. 19, at 7j o'clock Jin the evening. So Mr. Paleface thi i is your last chance to bo one of the 1,001) class, so make up your mind before Sunday, Oct. 17, and 'enter their wigwam. Craiy Drunk. While No. 2 was at the depot Satur day evening E. S. Lucas stepped from the train. Chief of Police D. L. Amick saw him 'staggering, and fearing he would step between the cars and go under the train took hold of his arm to prevent such an accident. Lucas said: "Don't get gay I can whip you," and caught Amick by the neck. Pete Lind say came to tho admittance of Amick and the large and powerful man was placed in the county jail. Mr. Lucus ' nobered up and appeared before Judge Archer this morning paid his fine of $10 and costs and apologized to the court and to the chief of police for his actions while under the influence of intoxicat ing liquor. Lucus resides south of Malvern, It. If there is anything that makes a fellow nervous it is to have a dog go after him with shining teeth. There is a certain dog in town which persists in the idea that he loves calves, and ours seem to be his particular kind. If some night that dog comes home carrying four broken legs, a toothless jaw, both ears chewed oft", its eyes gorged out, a broken tail and a long mournful howl, the owner will know that the editor's doe has been protecting her master and taKen hand in the controversy. Hunger makes me think of you ; Thought of you makes me hungry; Between the thought and sight of you, Indeed I'm always hungry But with appetite awaiting a nickle in hand zxxiryoU) in store who could wish for anything more? . & & NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY; WinterlWeather. The; first Bnow of the .'season 'visited this city and vicinity Monday. Tuesday morning mercury registered 22 degrees above zero, regular winter weather. The citizens were unprepared for the sudden change and the stove dealers are very busyjtoday putting up heating stoves. Ice formed on water exposed to the elements to more than one-half an inch in thickness. Parmele in Auto Rac. Pollock Parmele in his Overland auto, aeVompanied by his father, Charles C. Parmele, entered the contest with eighteen other 'machines to try to win the two fine silver cups. Pollock made the trip to Fulls City and return in six hqurs, a distance of 112 miles. Miss Dora Glenn was a passengei to Omaha Tuesday morning. Farewell Reception. The members of the order of Knights and Ladies of Security tendered a re ception to Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Way bright, who are to depart for their home in LosAngeles, Cal., Thursday, iu the home of County Judge Beeson Saturday evening. Refreshment were served and a delightful and social even ing enjoyed. The editor of this paper has taken rooms at the'residence of Mr. Wise in the north west part of the city. We don't know the street nor the number, but we notice it is a nice looking part of town, and if the people up there will leave their coal boxes unlocked, their chicken houses open and will tie up the dog on dark nights, we are quite sure that we will be able to get along nicely. J. W. Larkin was in Omaha Tuesday purchasing new goods for his store. More Eloction Oflicerfc. J. M. Robertson, clerk of the dis trict court, has appointed the following named persons to fill vucancies as judges and clerks of election. Arthur L. Anderson, Plaltsmouth, Fourth ward; W. P. Hutcheson, Rock P. luff, Second district; Peter Anderson, Mt. Pleasant precinct; Walter Nerval, Weeping Water precinct. Mrs. reter l arison was a passenger to Havelock Tuesday to visit a son. I Socil Evtnt. Mrs. II. N. Dovey verv pleasantly entertained a number of friends to one o'clock dinner Monday afternoon in honor of Mrs. C. A. Raw!, who is soon to depart from this city. Those who enjoyed Mrs. Dov v'h hospitality were the Mesdarnes C. E. and E. II. West- j cott, T. II. Pollock. D. C. Morgan, CampDell and C. A. Rawls. Paul Morgan tpenf the day in Omaha Tuesday. f? Ill Q J - I I I 'It Gol ng to Paint? Then u:.e Thz SHCRwiN-Wiiiim Paint tuoc to rr.i.n BuuDmiio with oumot and ititiot and you'll get satisfaction, It's tho best protection you can give your house It's made from nure white lead, pure zinc white, and pure linseed oil. It docs not powder, flake off or crack. It forms a tough, durable film that wears and looks well for the longest time. It's colors are clear, bright and lasting. It costs less by the job than any other paint made. The-full color card shows 48 handsone . shades. S.. W. P. h put up ;.' m insure, a.'ways. ft S S SMST. I i mm V3. i b a v v I I x s i a I I I Coal Lasts 40 Hours Longer When fire is burning at a cherry red heat it means econ omy of fuel. For coal then lasts 48 hours. W hen your fire is kept at a white hot combustion as it is in a base burner, there Is a big waste, for coal lasts only six to eight hours at the outside. But in Cole's Kadiant Hard Coal Stove you can keep your fire at an economizing, slow, cherry red heat, yet get as much heat as you can from hre at a white hot coranustion, as is necessary In a fuel-wasting base burner. This is due to the tight construction, giving perfect control over the fire, aud to the large sheet metal radiating surface, which is more sensitive to heut than cast iron in a h.ise burner. You can always maintain a slow f're day end nisht. Figure the saving in one winter. It would pay you to throw out the heavy, clumsy fuel-wasting base burner and set up in Its stead tho emuzinj;, fuel-saving Cole's Kadiant Hard Coal Stove. And you can burn crushed cul:e, too, at $1 to $5 a ton. Then before the cold weather stts in and for spring heat tho magazine can be easily removed and you have a front door feed for wcod, cobs and other hunt fuel. No base burner at twice the cost will permit that. Two new appliances are a rart of thl9 won derful stove without extra cost. '1 he gas burning device utilizes the waste gas.es. The anti-putling druft prevents the escape of these gases into tlio room. Make it a special point to see and examine this remarkable hard coal stove. It will solve your stove problems for all time. w TIM MASY USi:s OF 1AIBR In the home cannot be estimated. It can he u:(-d to beautify the otherwise ugly pantry shelves, to put under the carpels, in fact it can be used all over the house and is u cheap means of sanitation. We have a limited number of old papers which we will sell for 5c per bunch. The News-IIekai.d. After a Doe Consideration COLE'S RADIANT Tor Hard Coal and Crushed Coke For Sale by JOHN BAUER Plattsmoulh We have taken the agency for the Ladies' Home Jour nal Patterns. To say we are pleased puts it mildly we are now selling more patterns in one week than formerly in one month." Agents for Ladies Home Journal and Patterns. F. G. FRICKE & CO. Expert Pill Mixerf. Cool Weather Comlorts Our Coal is the best cool weather comfort that you will be able to find in town. These chilly fall winds will soon turn into winter and you will need the comfort that our coal will give you. Better order early to avoid disappointment when an extra chilly day comes. New Neckwear and Ladies Furnishings We have made arrangements with a large wholesale house to send us a shipment of the new things as they are put on the market each month. We shall make a showing of these new things as often as possible. When looking for something new just give us a chance. You will also be surprised at our large and fine selected stock this sea son, have almost double the stock we had last year. Outing Iflannel- This is the time of year when people think about heavy Gowns; when you think that'way come and look at wl,aatwe.a:e.shng 8c, 10c, 12'sc a I Druggists and Paint Dealers. "' ; AT THE ii J. V. Egenberger I A. WURL. REX ALL TORE. Mi,M,ii,.,MH,Miilt,lHMH".