The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, October 11, 1909, Image 8

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    Brief Local
Little Items Concerning tho Go
ing and Coming of People
You Know.
Miss Miirio Douglas spent Saturday
in Omaha.
Mayor V. F. Gillispie of Mynard was
in this city Friday.
iMillard Kline and Miss Lena
visited the Ak-Sar-Bcn Friday.
Judge W. H. Newell was transacting
business in Om.iha Saturday.
itev. i.umer Aioore ana wile were
visiting friends in Omaha yesterday.
'CX C. Dovey and John Bauer, jr,
were transacting business in Omaha
B. A. McElwain is having his jewelry
store brightened with a new coat of
wall paper.
R. E. Sawyer and family departed
Saturday morning to upend Sunday at
Lake Manawa.
Mies Blanche Hell, a teacher in the
central building, will visit friends in
Elmwood Sunday.
fW. D. Wheeler, a prominent farmer
ratUtrne of the beat men in Cass county,
11 visitrt! the county seat Friday.
r Miss l.nnche Robertson, teacher in
ihe South .Omaha schools, came in last
avening fcn.a visit over Sunday.
II. P. Kcpircr, genera! inspector of
the Burlington linea west of the Mis
souri river, was tlic city Friday.
Master Bennie Chiezek, came down
Friday evening for an over Sunday vis
. it with James Robertson and family.
AliayrtleToisal departed Satur
day for Fairbury, where she has ac
cepted a position in the ofRce of an attorney.
"KIta. It. A. Osborn was a passenger
f td Gjuaha Saturday to meet her hus
i band's siiter, who will return home
with her.
"Will Sitzman wwt to Omaha Satur
.day to meet Wm wife. He was accom
panied ihyUiU brother Paul and the lat-t'.ter-3-AnLfe.
, .
vYt. and Mrs. Will Heath of Chadron,
who have been visiting at the home of
II. N. Dovey, departed Friday morning
Jfor Lincoln.
were in the city visiting friends and
paid the Nebraska Masonic home a
visit Friday.
Taint and oils. Weyrich & Iladraba.
Mrs. Frank Nichols, who has been
visiting her friend, Mrs. S. E. Mc
Elwain, departed Friday for her home
in Greenwood.
Chi-Namel for graining. Weyrich &
Lawrence II. Daft of Greenwood,
republican candidate for register of
deeds, is in'this city looking after his
poli tical fences.
Preemptions. Weyrich & Iladraba.
Miss Clee Applegate, a teacher in
the central building, departed Friday
evening to spend Sunday with her
mother in Union.
Patent medicines. Weyrich & Had-
B. L. Glenn, a prosperous farmer re
siding near Gothenburg, is visiting at
the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
T. W. Glenn, in this city.
141 1 1 h i i : 1 1 1 ; inn i. t ; . 1 1.
and supplies. Weyrich &
J. F. Tubbs, a prominent and pros
perous Cass county farmer, was in this
city Friday and called at this office and
renewed his subscription to the best
newspaper published in this county for
another year.
Toilet goods. Weyrich & Iladraba.
E. Wood and Charles Hopkins were
in this city this week in the interest of
the Omaha World-Herald, which',iiews
paper will contain a photo of Mr. and
Mrs. Wendell in the Sunday issue.
By Marie Robertson
There have been numerous tests this
Miss Myrtle Peterson '13 is reported
on the sick list.
Several of the Union students went
home Iabt evening for a vi.iit with home
folks over Sunday.
Miss Ona Pcndiirvij of Friend, Neb.,
was a visitor Friday morning, ' she is
the guest of Miss Ina Hatt, '10.
A large number of the students went
to Omaha Thursday to see the soldiers
parade and take in the sights of the
About ten girlcs have reported for
basket ball. So far no team has been
selected. Miss Leota Barton, formerly
on the Union Basket ball team ha-s
entered the I'lattsmouth High school
and makes a very valuable addition to
our team.
Miss Geo Applegate teacher in the
Sixth grade of the Central building
went down to Union last evening for a
visit over Sanday.
In the baseball game Friday between
the Central building team and the
Columbian building team the former
team won. Score 9 to 3. Richard
Poisal is captain of the Central team
and Robert Stanton enptain of the
Columbian team. Prof. Harrison um
pired tho game. There was some fine
playing during the game.
Frank Earl Roth and Miss Ruth
Prentiss were united in marriage in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Mil
ler Leonard in Lincoln, Rev. Lews
Gregory performed the ceremony. The
wedding gifts were very elaborate
representing both wealth and beauty.
Owing to the social prominence of the
bride and the popularity of the groom,
society was very much interested in the
nuptial celebration. The bride was
graduated from Ferry Hall, LckeFor
est, III., and Miss Sommer's school,
Washington, D. C. Later the attended
the University of Nebraska and is a
member of the Delta Gamma society.
The groom attended the Btate univer
sity and is a member of the Beta
Theta Pi fraternity, and is now secre
tary and treasurer of the Gsoch Mil
ling company, and frequently visit this
city, where he is well known. Mrs. T.
E. Parmele of this city was among the
large number of out of town guests.
Old Papers For Sale at This Offico
All Kectai Diseases cured without a surgically
operation. No Chloroform, Ether or other gen-At
eral aneasthetic used. CURE GUARANTEED
to last a LIFE-TIME. Reexamination prbi.
OR. E. R. TARRY, S24 Bta Bullrtln, Omaha, Nebraska
Fine box candies,
Weyrich & Had-
Miss Helen Chapmun visited her
brother, John, in Immanuel hospital in
Omaha Saturday. The attending phy
sician experts to perform a surgical
operation on John soon and then hope
for his speedy recovery.
Alabastine. Weyrich & Iladraba.
Robert A. Bates, publisher of the
Plattsmouth Journal, returned home
from Kansas City for a few days, but
will return this evening. Bates is look
ing fine and his friends hope for his
speedy entire recovery, and also that
of his wife.
"Mr. and Mrs. Paine of Albion, Neb.,
Judge J. E. Douglass was absent
from this city Friday, but it is not
known that ho went to Lincoln to se
cure the appointment of postmaster in
the Plattsmouth office. M. S. Briggs
wrote the locals for the Journal during
his absence.
Cool Weather
Our Coal is the best cool weather comfort
' that you will be able to find in town. These
fchilly fall winds will soon turn into winter
and you will need the comfort that our coal
will give you. Better order early to avoid
disappointments when an extra
chilly day comes.
1 w o
I! J. V. Egenberger j
Postoffice Inspector.
F. Frazier of Kansas City, a govern
ment postoffice inspector, was in this
city Friday. It is not definitely known
what his official business here at this
particular time was, but it is intimated
that lie came to visit the assistant post
mistress. It i3 also rumored that he ex
perienced considerable difficulty in com
ing from Pacific Junction to this city,
as the Burlington bridge watchman re
fused to allow him to walk across the
bridge and that ho had to go back and
cross the big muddy on the boat.
After a Due Consideration
M i Th5n use lew I
Tfi?$hrmi,v-W!LLbws tor HI I
L f oc to mint uiuxnas wit otiTiiot n ihtioc Jr lyttjf I m
V jj and you'll satisfaction. 1
8 It's the bz.t protection jON-fcW TP 8
A ym cm fcivc pur house. JlT f I
J n li'u mi'i.lo fror.i r.-jire whit; ifr (y fi t
U j1' P"r0 zhc white and pureY up j
j It docs r.ot powder, flake 0l'fV I
I P li forms a tough, durable film I fi 4 B
j J that weirs ard looks well for the ItJ--"' I
! I . It's colors are dear, bright and 1 j 8
15 It costi le:;s by the job than anj 1 fill S
n ' The full color card shows 48 I I I II I
Jff handsome shades. S.. W. P., J3 1 L I
The "Big Six" Convention.
An unu?ual convent ion is that to be
held at Elmwood Tuesday and Wednes
day. Oct. 26 and 27. It is called the
"Big Six" convention because there
are 8ix big subjects which will be con
sidered by six big men in Sunday school
work Teacher Training, Missionary,
Temperance, Elementary, Intermediate
nnd Adults departments, and will be
discussed by such men as J.W. Kersey.
pastor of the first church in Omaha,
and State Superintendent of Teacher
Training; Dr. F. W. Sission, pastor !
the first church in Nebraska City; J.
N. Merrill, one of the officers of the
state association; Byron Beal, the
whirlwind of Lincoln; Chas II. Lewis,
the new state secretary; Miss Margaret
Brown of Grand Island, state superin
tendent of elementary grades Such an
array of expert talent as this is seldom
realized outside of a state convention,
and all these are to be brought to Cass
county of Oct. 2G and 27, besides these
tho best local talent in the county will
bo on tho program and the bone and
sinew of Cass county Sunday school
work will be in attendance. Thi3 is the
ninth annual meeting of the associa
tion, and if all signs do not fail will be
the largest and most enthusiastic in its
historv. Tho neonle or Llmwood are
making extensive preparations to take
care of thi3 convention in good shape.
Free entertainment will be provided
for all delegates. Convention will be
gin on Tuesday noon and close with the
evening session of Wednesday. This
is an interdenominational meeting and
every Sunday school in the county will
he nrivilecred to send delegates. Send
names to L. A. Chapman, Elmwood.
Remember the dates -Oct. 26 and 27
if you miss it, you'll miss it.
Call For Bids.
Sealed bids will be received at the
office of the county clerk up to noon,
October 18, 1909, for furnishing the
following to Cas3 county:
Soft coal to paupers to the city, de
Hard coal to jail, delivered.
Soft coal to poor farm, delivered.
Soft coal for poor farm, at sheds.
Soft coal to court house, delivered.
Bv order of the county commission.
50-2 County Clerk
Rev. R. M. Dungan.
Rev. R. M. Dungan and wife of
Marrill, Scotts Bluff county, but for
merly pastor of the Christian church
in this city, have been visiting friends
here for several days, departed Friday
for Des Moines, la., where they will
visit the former's father for a tew
days, then they take a special train for
Pittsburg, Pa., where they will attend
the centennial convention of th, Chris
tian church. He reports good crops in
his county and is delighted with the
Enjoying Vacation.
Rev. C. A. Falk and son, John A .
nf Stroinsburg, formerly paster r the
Swedish Mission church here are visit
ing friend3 in this city. The former
preached an able discourse Thursday
evening in the church of which he was
formerly pastor. From here they go
fo Exeter, la., to visit friends.
Window glass. Weyrich St Iladraba.
Hi W
We have taken the
agency for the
Ladies' Home Jour
nal Patterns. To say
we are pleased puts
it mildly we are now
selling more patterns
in one week than
formerly in one
month. Agents for
Ladies Home Journal
and Patterns.
New Neckwear and Ladies Furnishings
Vv'e have made arrangements with a large wholesale
house to send us a shipment of the new things as they are
put 011 the market each month. We shall make a showing
of these new things as often a3 possible. When looking
for something new just give; us a chance. You will also
be surprised at our lare and fine selected stock this sea
son, have almost double the stock we had last year.
Ontinir Flannel
This is the time of year when people think about
heavy Gowns; when you think that way come and look at
what we are showing
80, 10c,
I Let Steam Do Your Work I
Druggists and Paint Oeilert.
Expert Pill Mixers
Lost Man Found.
Chief of Police Amick found Louis
Worrborn. the man with an unsound
mind, who wandered away from the
county poor farm last Sunday night, on
lower Main street Thursday. The un
fortunate man is about 50 years of age
and said he had been in this country
twenty years. He was placed in the
county jail by Deputy Sheriff Man
speaker to await the arrival of Super
intendent J. II. Tarns.
Will Not Attend.
Bv a maioritv vote tho teachers in
the Plattsmouth city schools decided
that they did not desire to attend the
Nebraska teachers' association, which
is to be held in Lincoln during the first
week in November. The teachers in
the high school voted to go, but the
grade teach?rs, or a majority of them,
voted "no."
Sunday School Convention.
Tho ninth annual Cass county Sunday
school convention will be held in Elm
wood October 26-27. Among the enter
tainers will be Rev. F. M. Sisson of
Nebraska City; Rev. W. L. Austin,
pastor of the Methodist Episcopal
church In this city; Miss Margarette
Brown and Chailes M. Lewis, state
And you can have your work done a
whole lot easier and faster than if you
had horse power. Let steam saw your
wood, pull stumps, do heavy hauling,
plowing and overland freighting. One of
the most important requirements of a
traction engine is a safe strong boiler of
suitable proportions well made and thor
oughly tested before leaving the factory.
You find in the CASE engine the best
there" is in engines. You will be able to
get more power out of this engine than
any other rated the same. The CASE
engine is built alons: lines that give it the
greatest tractive quality of any engine
on the market. Its large wheel base,
boiler mounting, double gears, more
equal distribution of weight on front and
rear axles and their great power make
the CASE the premier puller up hill or on
the level and over all conditions of roads.
In order to find out more about this won
derful machine write me for catalogues
and particulars.
BaaapwuiiLia-w MiBJuuL.'ajimri