The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, October 11, 1909, Image 7

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    "Renewal" Work Being Pressed.
Early in tbo spring thousands of
miles of new rail wero strum; on al
most every road In tbo country to
take care of the usual "renewal" work
It was expected that as noon as the
frost was out of the ground the work
of laylug this vast tonnage of steel
rails would begin. Orders were is
sued by nearly every road in the coun
try, however, to permit the rails to
lie by the side of tho trarks until
further orders. The result is that the
railroads are several months behind
In their renewal and betterment work.
Watering Down Drinks.
The American cocktail Is an abonv
luably unscientific drink, for the plain
and principal reason that tho alcohol
In It goes to the stomach in too con
centrated a form. Strongest sherry,
23 per cent alcohol, is about as far
as the boldest stomach should ever
venture In the way of strong stuff.
Tlrandy and whisky should be grogged,
that Is, watered down until it is about
a sherry strength, even much weaker.
Whisky is about 50 per cent alcohol
and should have at least three or four
times Its quantity of water mixed
with it. New York Sun
With a smooth iron and Defiance
fltarch, you can launder your shirt
waist Just sa well at home as ths
steam laundry can; it will have the
proper stiffness and finish, there will
be less wear end tear of the goods,
and It will be a positive pleasure to
use a Starch that does not stick to th
Railroad Service In Holland.
Of the railroads in Holland E. V.
Lucas writes: "Tho trains come in
to the minute and go out to the min
ute. The officials are Intelligent and
polite. The carriages are good. Every
station has its waiting room, where
you may sit and read and drink a cup
of coffee that Is not only hot and
fresh, but Is recognizably the product
of tho berry. It Is impossible to
travel in the wrong train."
Sheer white goods, in iuct, any fine
wash goods when new, owe much of
their attractiveness to tho way they
are laundered, this being done in a
manner to enhance their textile beau
ty. Home laundering would be equal
ly satisfactory If proper attention was
given to starching, the first essential
being good Starch, which has sufficient
strength to stiffen, without thickening
the goods. Try Defiance Starch and
you will be pleasantly surprised at tho
Improved appearance of your work.
Controlling Flower Colors.
Dy the use of chemicals, such ns po
tasslum hydrate, potassium carbonate,
potassium sulphate, alumlnus mil
pbate, calcium hydrate and lend
acetate, Prof. Henry Kraemer of
Philadelphia has produced a red color
in the petals of the white Kalserin
rose, and has caused hydrangeas nat
urally red-flowering, to produce blue
blossoms, says Youth's Companion.
The chemicals are fed to the plants
In the form of solutions, or added to
the soil in the solid form, solution
then taking place gradually In the
earth. The manner in which tha
chemicals act on the plants is not yet
fully understood.
Should ba Flttidby aspecialst
Don't trust your eyes to pedlars and
traveling grafters. Call on us and we
will eiamine your Eyes Krr. We are the Ur
rt otniiil tii.indfaclurrrs in Hip middle went.
Huteson Optical Co.. Ji3 joutn ietb steT
ciory on mb rrniiwi
Nebraska Directory
Mall orders
attention. All anpulifa fur tile Amateur mri.'llr
Trean. enn for PAtaiopiie anfl nniMiinff prtrea
n 1 1 at . a ki
dux nw viuana, nuu
IIILrHAIUIl European Plan
ttixinm from 11.00 un nlnk'le. 7 f ! up dimltl.
M t" H arm prim. . h or tlm
5, X. DienU. HnUt, rent ft,mill. Vfniilw
L T'po-n Writ b"bl rmroin Mat atid f!W
arntht beat; Inaliit on hatiug Ibem.
Aak your lin-al denier, or
tJ a. aA fV W A til amtkA 4a an ill la a4
krhara on receipt of II eta fa Ump. a IMrwb, for
A CO."Th Candy Mn"Council Bluffs, I.
Pay Fes When
Established in Omaha 27 years.
Investigate our success, reliability, lion
ect and honorable dealing and office
where thesieh are treated "'"i cured
KftKK Symptom Blank, Kxaniinatiou
and Consultation All ailments, now
matter how aonnirod.
S. 14th St., Omaha, Nob, 52lr-
WELDING iilXM?.0.:
nartaof marlilnrrT madeKiHxl aknenr. Walda
caat I run. caul aleei, aluminum, r.ipier, biaaanr
anr other metal. Kttwrt automobile repairini;.
ERTSCHV MOTCR CO.. Council Bluffa.
i f 1 1 4 r n m
r UkU
one:- m
The Marriage Vow
A question arose as to what would
be the special luxury in which each
person present would Indulge had she
unlimited means. The unswers were
various, some baying travel, others en
tertaining, others numerous pictures.
books and brie a brae. One woman
who had said little during the con
troversy was at last addressed, and
replied by saying that bIio hud not
spoken before, ns she knew none of
those present would awee with her.
Tor," she said, iliishltiK shyly, "my
desire would be for a large family of
children whom 1 could have finely ed
ucated and to whom 1 could give all
the advantages I would want my boys
and Kills to huve."
Her remark was greeted with a
murmur of surprise and dissent.
"Do you really mean that?" asked
one woman, incredulously.
"Indeed I do," was the calm reply.
"To my way of thinking there is no
greater happiness than for u woman
to be surrounded by a number of chil
dren, with the means to do them jus
Ah, there's the rub. Surely 'tis a
pity that the dollar mark must shine
through everything as It does, an
ugly birth scar on the face of na
In many cases, however, it is not
the thought of the present expense
of children, or the thought of what
they will cost during the first few-
years of their life, that entires people
to wish to have smnll families. It
Is rather fho dread lest, when tho
young people are old enough to enter
college, there will not be the finances
necessary to tho completion of their
education. It would bo well for those
who nrgue thus to remember that in
this country of ours few people have,
during the first years of marriage,
the money that Is theirs 20 years
I would not have anyone imagine
that I advocate the bringing Into the
world of more little ones than one
can, at the time, feed and clothe. Hut
I do hold that, when parents are
abundantly able to provide for their
children during childhood, they make
a mistake, in insisting that at birth
there must bo on hand the money
with which to send their new-born
baby through college and set him
up in the business or profession he
may choose.
Let us look the matter plainly in
fTntil recently the vegetable product
which supported the largest amount
of human life was rice, but now it Is
probable that more people depend
upon wheat for their main staple of
nutriment than upon any other single
grain. The wheat crop of the world
for 1902, the largest then recorded,
was 3,124,422,000 bushels, of which
780,063,000 were produced In the Unit
ed States. We may therefore presume
that the loaf of bread which lies upon
the table of the average reader Is a
loaf of wheat bread, and so we will
consider it.
Wheat is no new discovery. It Is
found In the early tombs of Kgypt nnd
among the remains of the lake dwel
lers in Switzerland, where the charred
kernels had lain buried for several
thousand years before the Christian
era. From the fact that the word
for wheat Is common to most of the
Aryan languages, it is rightly inferred
that it was cultivated In central Asia
In prehistoric times, and was distrib
uted throughout the eastern conti
nent with the emigration which early
radiated from the home of the Aryau
races In western Turkestan. Hut It
did not reach America until after the
discovery by Columbus.
The varietin's of wheat are very nu
aieroiiH, thus adapting It to a wider
range of conditions than any other
cereal. It ripens equally well In Si
beria and Alaska and India and South
America. Some varieties arc sown
In autumn and others In the spring,
but If winter wheat is sown in the
spring or spring wheat sown in au
tumn, while very few plants will come
to maturity, a few will do so. There
fore, by snving theso few heads that
ripen one can transform at his pleas
ure a winter wheat into a spring
wheat, and vice versa. Great results
have likewise been produced by cross
ing varieties with each other in
which case there Is often a groat im
provement In both the quality and the
quantity of the product.
The great value of wheat as a food
wnslsts In its possession of a large
amount of albuminoid matter, which
forms the most important element In
the blood, and enters Into the produc
tion of the muscles and ligaments of
iiulmal bodies. In this respect It is
greatly superior to rice, which almost
entirely consists of storch. which
supplier) heat to the body, but fur
nishes nn insufficient amount of nour
ishment for the muscular nnd the ner
vous system. In wheat nenrly 13 per
cent, of the weight consists of albu
minoid mntter, though there is a vari
ation of three tir four per cent. In the
different varieties.
Under high cultivation wheat has
been known to yield M bushels per
the faeo and announce that parent'
have no more right to indulge in
numbers of children crowding Into
the nursery more money than the par
ents have, making tho payment of
just debts Impossible, and Bapping the
courage of tho father, and the
strength of tho mother than they
have to purchase houses and lands
for which they cannot pay. Hut.
when parents can buy luxuries that
are not necessities, and can ludulge
their personal wlilnis and wishes,
surely children have a right to be.
To bear und rear children Is one of
the chief alms of woman's existence,
and until sho lias borne a child sho
has not lived up to the purpose of
her being, and hers Is not a full, round
And the Ameiicr.n husband, noted
over the world for his consideration
for his wife's w ishes, declares thnt sho
shall have her own way iu this mat
ter. Viewed from a practical standpoint,
few other Investments pay as do ebll
dren. It Is also true that four children
are little more actual trouble than are
two, and that the additional trouble, is
compensated for in the pleasure they
bring by their coinpnnionship In tholr
childhood, and their protection as well
as companionship In the years to
come when tho parents begin to feel
that they need strong young arms
about them. If you wou'.d know what
a childless home means imagine the
Christmas seuson without tie littlo
ones. And look for Just one sad mo
ment at the hjme from which un only
child has been taken, nnd then ask if
ono child is more a blessing than
many. That one gone, what Is left
but years In which the arms must bo
empty and tho hearts must ache?
Yes, there is something worse in
finitely worse to those who know
what is really worth while, than
family of many llttlo ones and that
Is a family without any children. It
is not less pitiable because tho parents
are Ignorant of what they miss. When
old age and loneliness approach, they
will know. If God has denied them
offspring, may ho comfort them; if
they blindly deny themselves God's
greatest blessings may he still pity
them, for they know not what they
(Copyright, ly Joapph B. Bnwlos.)
LL.D., F. G. 8. A.
acre, each bushel weighing 60 pounds,
while the average yield may easily be
made 40 bushels to the acre. The low
average of the yield so general in the
I nlted States Is due to Imperfect cul
tivation and to an unskilful-use
fertilizers. The power of increase
a grain of wheat is astonishing, since
a large number of other stalks BDrln
out from the single shoot that first
conies out of the ground.
There is no doubt that wheat bread
with good butter on It more fullv sun
plies the wants of tho human system
than any other single article of food
does. Tho need of butter or some
other fat is occasioned bv the In
of that element so necessary to the
human system in most of the cereals,
though corn and oats contain it to
considerable extent. A good five-cent
loaf or bread contains as much nutri
ment as would be found In any of the
various breakfast foods now so popu
lar, costing three times as much. In
tho wheat loaf Itself wo have the
choice between that made from gra
ham flour, in which the whole wheat
kernel, bran and all, Is ground togeth
er; that from whole or mtWo wheat
flour, from which a considerable ior
tion of tho bran has been removed
nnd the flour ground a little finer, and
the standard patent flour. In which
the bran is all left out, and the germ
of the wheat Is removed so as to pre
vent the flour from becoming rancid.
Here Is a good recipe for white
Sift together 5 cups flour, one
tablespoon sugar, one teaspoon salt
Two cups milk scalded and cooled
Add one-balf cup yeast to the milk
Stir the liquid, temperature 73 de
grees, into the dry with n knife.
Knead until there are air bubbles Ht
the edge of the dough. Cover In a tem
perature or 75 degrees and let stand
3 Mi hours. It should be twice as largo
as at first. Pass a knife around the
dish and cut. down to get out the air
bubbles. Shape and allow to rise
again to twice the size.
Biscuit should be baked Id an oven
that will brown a spoonful of flour la
two minutes, bread In five minutes.
Biscuit baks in 15 to 20 minutes.
Bread bakes In 35 to 40 minutes.
(Copyright, by Joeepli B. Ilowli.)
Monkey Was Orchard Thief.
Wllkesbnrre, Pa. Jacob Smith ol
this city thought all along that some
of the neighbors wero robbing his
apple trees, as tho fruit was disappear
ing rapidly. Ho kept wntch on the
trees, nnd saw a monkey owned by an
Italian organ grinder or the vicinity,
at the top of the tree helping himself
Land for 50c an acre Is offered by
the State of Colorado iu the Little i
Sn.ike Kiver Valley, lloutt Comity, Col- i
onnlo, under tho Carey Land Act. The j
perpetual water right to Irrigate tho
land is sold under State authority for
under annual assessments ex
tending over ten years.
Tills Is pronounced one of the most
fertile ValK'ys in Colorado and crops
of all grains, grass, roots and hardier
varieties of fruit are now being ruh-u-d
The land now under cultivation un
der this canal system pays an aver-
,e profit of $20.00 per acre.
Until the Moffat Koiul and the 1'nion
Paelllc are building Into the district
ami spending large amounts of money
In developing the country.
The Koutt County Colonization Com
pany, 1734 Welton Street, Denvt r, Col
orado, Is sole agent for the snle of tho
lard and water. There will be no
drawing for this land; those desiring
to select may make application and
select In the order In which they apply.
"Yes. Freddy, I'm a sick man!"
"Wot's der matter?"
"Why, I'm gettin' that restless an'
wakeful, dat I can't Kleep, only ut
Would Find Use for It.
After a day and a night spent in an
swering telephone calls from people
who wanted the latest news from
Peary and Dr. Cook, the secretary of
one of tho arctic clubs had retired
for a well-earned rest, when tho per
sistent 'phone boll rang again. A voice
at tho other end said:
"Do you want the ambulance sent
right over?"
"What ambulance?" roared the irate
"Why, ilio one you sent for."
"1 sent fur no ambulance."
"You lie!"
The secretary gasped, then he
screamed into the 'phone:
"Send It ns soon ns possible, and
you come over, too, and I'll send you
buck iu It!"
Exercise Recommended.
Weary Walker What! Don't look
like a sailor? Why, I've been follow
ing the sea for 30 years.
Farmer Haycrop Well, you keep
following it for 30 years more and per
haps you'll catch up with It. Life.
By following the directions, which
are plainly printed on each puckuge of
Defiance Starch, Men's Collars and
Cuffs can be made just as stiff as de
sired, with either gloss or domestic
finish. Try it, 16 oz. for 10c, sold by
all good grocers.
A Distinction.
Tommy What Is the difference be
tween vision and sight?
Tommy's Pop Well, my son, you
can flatter a girl by calling her a
vision, but don't call her a sight.
Hcoriuthly rarkii jour tivNlfiii nnd mar run Into
nimi.thiiiK MtriotiH. Allfn l.tmn MuInuii will rlitM-k
nquickl anil prrmnni-nily. Kur n.ili'ainliaruniiiMi.
The man who is not trying to make
tho world better Is casting his vote to
inuke it worse.
Lewis' Single Binder mnde of extra qual
ity lobar"), cosIh more than oilier 5c
iigur. Tell the dealer you wiint tliem.
Gossip has a thousand tongues and
ibey all work overtime.
Mm. IVIimlow'K Kootliliiir Syrup.
Vorotillilrfn tcrtlilng, fl,n Uic ti"n., rwiuret In
l!jnmUou.ll)puln,ciiru wluilcullu. fecabottls.
Some men never do anything on
lime except quit work.
CnritlTailfin cause and ftcrlnunlr nrumvnt
tunny iUk-ii-. It !t I Imnitiithly rnrt-il hr Jir.
ri"n-t'b rulWiH. Tiny RuiMr-'o:tti-1 tfrnnuli'n.
Many n true word has been spoken
regardless of grammar.
Afraid of Ghosts
Many people arc afraid of ghosts. Few people
are afraid of germs. Yet the ghost it a fancy and
the germ is fact. If the germ could be magnified
(0 aize equal to its terrors it would appear more
terrible than any fire-breathing dragon. Germs
can't be avoided. They are in tho sir we breathe,
the water we drink.
The germ can only prosper when the condition
of the system gives it free scope to establish it
self and develop. When there is deficiency of
vital force, languor, restlessness, a sallow cheek,
hollow eye, when the appetite is poor and the
sleep is broken, it is time to guard sgainst the germ. You can
fortify the body against all germa by the use of Dr. Pierce's Cold
en Medical Discovery. It increases the vital power, cleanses the
system of dogging impurities, enriches the blood, puts the stom
oh and organs of digestion arid nutrition in working condition, so
that the germ finds no wesk or tainted spot in which to breed.
'Golden Msdical Discovery" contains no alcohol, whisky or
habit-forming drugs. All its Ingredients printed on its outside
wrapper. It is not secret nostrum hut s medicine or known
composition and with a record of 40 ytart of turn. Accept no
substitute there is nothing "just as good." Ask your neighbors.
iOn h
jr rare? t-Ht.i.V''-w
6POHN MEDICAL CO.lUtiiuiivWioiWa, Coehn, lndnU.8.iU
Color morn snorts briaMr and latter colon Ihsn an olhsr drs. On 10c oackaot cnlart all flbers. Thc dr In cold slir borlnr than anj olhrr drs. You can dis
ni sarmsnl without ripping span. Writs lor lr ftovUtt-Ho. to t, Bleach and Mi Colors. MONROE DRUQ CO., Qulnoy, llllnoln.
Rakincr Powder
Story in
Adulteration Cheap
Imnurity Baking
Unnealthfulncss ) Powde?
Hio'li Price I Trust
IntllrTcrciit Leavening; Baking
Residue of Rochelle Salts ) Powder
Most Leavening Power J CALUMET
Purest Inrrrcdient3 BAKING
Moderate Price
Received High put Award
World' Pure Food Expoiitioo
Chicago, VJQ7,
The Way of It.
"But I don't love you," objected the
young woman.
"Then why," howled the Indignant
youth, referring hastily to divers mem
oranda In his pocket diary, "did you
cut up a total of .") boxes of chocolates
I bought you during the past year If
you didn't love me?"
"Because." she said, with a rapt ex
pression on her lovely features, "I do
love chocolate."
Sheer white goods, In fact, any fine
wash goods when new, owe much of
their attractiveness to tho way they
Rre laundered, this being done in a
manner to enhance their textile beau
ty. Home laundering would be equal
ly satisfactory If proper attention was
given to starching, the first essential
being good Starch, which has sufficient
strength to stiffen, without thickening
the goods. Try Defiance Starch and
you will bo pleasantly surprised nt the
Improved appearance of your work.
Of borne Benefit.
Barber-Did the bottle of hair re
storer 1 sold you do any good?
Customer Yes, indeed; it kept me
from wasting my money on any more.
Though we hhould examine the
whole world we shall not find one
man so happy ns to have nothing left
to wish for. Oliver (loldsmlth.
No nmttrr how Innn your neck mny be
or how Hiire your throat, li.mditi Wujiil
Oil will cure it surely and quickly. It
driven out all norcniv nnd iiill.iiiinmtiou.
When a woman iias occasion to loaf,
she calls It cither chopping, vhiltlng or
I'KHUV O W1S' r.1NKIt.l.VK
tanrtpen um.i In nmny fitmllli-N Inr H p-nt-mllnnA,
It I r-'lli-tl niMn for coWW, ni'uniLitm. m-IuUu,
itraltlH, bumi, ur Drnlwd. :tuc, MM a UiUli'.
The dog In tho innnger la the one
that does the most growling.
Lewi' Siiutle Binder Htrnifjlit So Many
unokers prefer them to 1'Je cigars.
Many a man's honesty has saved
him from bocoming a politician.
Townsite Opening
Ni-w town of TWO lll'TTKS. folormlo, will Iw
oiH'tinl Di-lolwr Si. r0. I'rlorlt.v of hHim'Uou
deleriiilnril hjr ilruWinjr. Town HtirnmnuV.I liy
tl,.VO ikti'n of irrlKitlt-d t urey Act anil Hlulr
IhipIh. IjfHlrtfM TiiHl iiroaof llroHl ifriiltijr land
In Colormlo. (iroiiinl 11. m .r opportunity for
fvrry kind rPlail mm-untile IuiiIio'mk, Kull
Information on iipplli-itiioii. THE TWO RUTTES
IKRIGAII0N a RESERV0IH CO., Lintar, Colorado
htmllnl m malrf. Tha lrk are m ml. and til other In
Lr turn hP'HNU l.igi lli iihtmii'M( tl liK. oi. m.
tti uiniroo, nr In fiwil. A-t nn tlm Mood and inli Remit of
U' uniinio.tir In fnwt A in nn .tin Mood ml riptrln frtrin of
" 'nr,ni nl,M'M,,,r. IVnt rnittvly per known for nutm In ftwU
? ,fi ntftnufsMMurfrii. ('tit Dhow how lo iHitilthf If in ia
ltl'ifiTlrrtvfrtliiiir, tMvil svr"iti wkuUkL lr
Mill liV
rthftUi. ur fn-e
aUsTlffWt t.llU(
a nut-shelL
Interchange of Opinions.
Said WilllaniH Wife William can
make money; but he will never be
able to save any.
Said William's Mother That Is just
what I warned my t.on when be want
ed to marry you. Baltimore Amer
ican. We desire to be .ustf)cd according
to our exceptional virtues; we aro upt
to chtsslly our neighbor according to
his exceptional faults. Henry Baton
Dlmo'id. acres of irrigated Government Land
in Arkansas Valley, Colorado, will bo
thrown open for settlement Octolivr at, iO,oj,
under the Carey Act. Opporliini'y to get
an irrigated farm at low cost on easy pay
ments. Only short residence required,
bend for Uxk giving full information.
Two Buttos Irrigation and Reservoir Company
Lamar, Colorado
Positively cured by
these Little PlILs.
Tliey also ri'llero Dl
lris f roin PjHppnin,Iit
llir n Ion and Too lli'urty
tinting. A prfi-i:t rem-t-ily
or Dlr.iliieKM, N.iu-hi-a,
Drowiimmii, Dad
Taxte hi UieMmilh, Corn
ell 'I'oueiie, I'ttln In ths
Hide, TOllI'lD LIVKlt.
Thrj ri'tculnte the Uowclx. Furely Vegctubls.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Simile Signature
on the market, none more care
fully nmiiufartiired. They are'
just tho kind to put on the sides
us well as the roof, (lood any
where you use. them. He fuse tho
"jiiht 1h good" nnd iDMHt on
having this brand.
,,A4Ci,.A7U-.'VASi V
Work While ;
You Sleep
Millions of people have CAS
CARETS do Health work for
them. If you have never tried
this great health maker Get a 10c
box and yoa vrill never use any
other towel medicine. mj
CAWTARRTS ioc a tx for a wwlc s
treatmi-m. nil clritf .risis Cifgest wlkr
iu the Militva fonts icouUl
I'A W. Admit St., Cbfcaga
J of Iriit paper de-
anvlitinfl sdvei -
limt in i: column ilioutJ innA tiwn
having whet tliey adt lor, refuting alf
uwli'.ulfj of imitations.
r I Pli I 4 nu.n. in:, liook'ir. lliKli-
mnii i Vol
W. N. U., OMAHA. NO. 41-1909.
pome mm
E pills.
i isv.. vJjJjilli.J ..i: Hi
I. A