The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, October 11, 1909, Image 5

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    i V
Sequoia Forests and Other Places of
interest About the Yosemite Art
Visited Monarcha of the Forest
Are Inspected.
El Portal, Cal., Oct"' 8. In the
wildness of the western slope of the
Sierras, away from the crowds and
the necessity of speech-making, Presi
dent Taft is traveling by stage coach
toward the wonderful Mariposa Grove
of Dig Trees.
Respite from the great crowds, the
bracing mountain air, breathed amid
a scenic environment declared one of
the most beautiful in the world, and
a simple diet of mountain trout, chick
en, bacon and eggs, is expected to
render the president fit for the re
mainder of his trip.
Three Days In the Wilderness.
He has three days of sightseeing
and restful traveling before him in
and around the Yosemite, end there 1b
not a speech of any sort In sight un
til Fresno is reached next Sunday aft
ernoon. Despite the many suggestion from
the White House at Washington,
which have been telegraphed ahead,
the hospitable cities of the west con
tinue to vie with each other In pre
paring elaborate bills of fare for the
presidential banquets. Mr. Taft has
almost given up the Idea of getting
simple food at any public function,
but he takes the situation philosophic
ally. The president, after visiting the big
trees to-day, will proceed Into the val
ley. He will probably spend to-night
at Glacier Point or at Sentinel hotel.
On Saturday he will return to El
Portal to spend the night, and early
on Sunday morning wiU resume his
Journey toward Los Angeles, arriving
there Monday morning.
Famous Giants of the Forest.
The big sequoia trees which the
president will see are known to all
the world. The more Imposing are
known by name, the most famous be
ing the Grizzly Giant. This monster
measures more than 100 feet In cir
cumference at Its base.
The Fallen Monarch, which lies
prone in the forest and upon which a
stage coach and team of six horses
can be driven, is another.
But probably the most interesting
la Wawona, a living monster of the
woodland world, said to be 3,000 to
6,000 years old, through which a drive
way ten feet high has been cut in
" ordeK'fhat the stage "cOaeti may pass
While in Yosemite park the presi
dent will not be entirely cut off from
, communication with the outside
world. A telephone wire. eaulDned
1th telegraphic instruments, is in
easy reach.
John Mulr, the noted naturalist, is
a momber of the president's party.
ASK $20,000,000 TO FIX RIVER
Upper Mississippi Improvement Asso
ciation Urges Congress to Adopt
Tawney's Bill.
Winona, Minn., Oct. 8. The Upper
Mississippi River Improvement asso
ciation took important action in adopt
ing resolutions urgently asking con
gress to adopt the bill now before it,
Introduced by Congressman Tawney,
to apporpriate 120,000,000 for the es
tablishment of a six-foot channel in
the Mississippi river from Minneapo
lis to St. Louis, the work to be com
pleted In ten years.
Indorsement was given to the work
of the national rivers and harbors
The establishment of public land
ings along the Mississippi river was
urged. . The creation of a waterway
commission in each state along the
Mississippi river was recommended.
The association re-elected its old
a officers as follows:
President Thomas Wilkinson, Bur
lington,' la. '
Secretary L. B. Boswell, ' Qulncy,
Treasurer John P. Eckart, Gutten-berg.
Avlstor Steals March on St. L6uls
Crowd and Very Few See
His Flight.
St. Louis, Oct. 8. Scores of thou
sands of spectators thronged the nat
ural amphitheater near Art hill In
Forest park to see what were sched
uled to be the first aeroplane flights
west of Dayton, O. But the first
flight had already been made long be
fore the crowd reached the park,
Glenn Curtlss having stolen a march
on the centennial officials, newspaper
'men and bis fellow aviators by mak
ing two short test flights shortly after
daybreak. Not a dozen persons saw
these performances, which lasted only
a few moments each.
Curtis drove a bi plane of the snrae
-type which he used at Rheims, except
vthat It carried an. engine of 25 horse
iower as against one of 50 horse
j power in the foreign contest.
Confesses to Murder of Girl.
Woodland, Cal., Oct. 8. Wilbur
Benjamin, a fullblooded Indian, con
fessed to the murder of Violet Gil
more, a 15 year-old schoolgirl, whose
body was found near Runsey. Threats
of lynching are freely made.
Returning Exile Declares Revolution
Is Not Only Possible, but Neces
sary and Easy.
Paris, Oct. 8. The Spanish ambas
sador to France, the Marquis del
Muni, has again formally assured
Foreign Minister Pichon that Spain
has no intention of departing from her
original program regarding Morocco
as communicated to the powers.
Alejandro Le Roux, member of the
Spanish chamber of deputies and lead
er of the Barcelona republicans, who
Is now returning to Spain for the
opening of the Cortes after two years
spent in exile because of his bitter
denunciation of the government, de
clared in an interview in Paris that
all the liberal elements in Spain were
concentrating and that a revolution
was not only possible but necessary
and easy. He said that although Fer
rer was not directly responsible for
the rioting in Barcelona last July he
was convinced he would be con
demned to be shot, as was Garcia, be
cause the clerical reaction has the
upper hand and Is determined to put
an end to lay education. Le Roux is
of the opinion that King Alfonso is
weak and without prestige except with
Ihe army, and that the monarchy is
irretrievably doomed, and he said that
the only way to save Ferrer is
through international agitation in fa
vor of a public trial.
.The French socialists are calling
meetings throughout the republic to
protest against the Spanish repression.
London, Oot. 8. The reports cur
rent on the continent that Great Brit
ain Is supporting Spuln in any scheme
of aggrandizement at the expense of
Morocco were declared at the foreign
dfllce to be without foundation. For
eign office officials say they had no
reason to believe that the Spanish
government contemplated the occupa
tion of Tetuan or any other consider
able portion of Moorish territory, or
of otherwise acting contrary to treaty
interrupts River Navigation and
Causes Street Car Collisions
Boy Killed.
Dotroit, Mich., Oct. 8. A dense fog
that interrupted river navigation and
caused several street car collisions
resulted In the death of an unidenti
fied boy about eight years old, who
was run over by an automobile.
Nearly a dozen poeple were cut and
bruised In street car collisions. None
of them was fatally hurt
The steumer Frank fc!. Klrby was
eompelled to anchor in the lower De
troit river all night vith a score of
passengers from Put-In-Bay and the
steamer ,Tioufcsta of., the. Anchor, line
arrived 12 hours late after a cautious
passuge across Lake Erie from Buf
Prisoner Holds Fellow Prisoners at
Bay While Confederate Saws
the Bars.
Denver, Col., Oct. 8. Oscar E. Ar
thur Dryer, alias Oscar E. Droege,
wanted at Raybrook, N. Y., 'on a
charge of embezzling $10,000 of the
funds of New York State hospital,
made a sensational escape from the
city Jail here and is still at large.
While a confederate was sawing
bars in two, Droege held three fellow
prisoners under control with a revol
ver his confederate had given him.
Droege's escape was not discovered
until he had been at liberty several
Ask That Missicslppl Railroad Com
mission Be Enjoined from
Enforcing Rates.
Jackson, Miss., Oct. 8. On applica
tion of the Yazoo & Mississippi Val
ley railroad Judge Henry C. Mies of
the federal court granted a temporary
injunction restraining the state rail
road commission from enforcing new
freight rates on uncompressed cot
ton. The injunction will be heard
here November 4. All other railroads
in the state will join in the proceed
ings. The new rates are alleged to be
in violation of the federal constitution
and to regulate interstate commerce.
Looks Like Murder.
Benton Harbor, Mich., Oct. 8. The
body of an unldenrnled man, thought
to have been a commission merchant
from Milwaukee, was found in the
railroad yards here with a bullet
wound through the heart. It is be
lieved that the man was murdered.
Ohio Town Hit Hard.
Van Wert, O., Oct. 8. The depart
ment store of Bonnewltz & Co. and
the hardware store of Jones & Tudor
were totally destroyed by fire. The
loss is $300,000; Insurance, $175,000.
Faithful Service Rewarded.
New York, Oct. 9. The reward to
Mary Keegan for remaining with the
family of Thomas Barber Kerr as a
domestic for 30 years is a bequest of
$10,000 in his will. Mr. Kerr also left
$1,000 each to all servants who had
been with the family for mors than
ten years, and $500 each for those em
ployed more than five years.
Killed by Dynamite Explosion. .
Paoll, Ind., Oct 9. Kerr Case of
French Lick was killed and O. P.
Turley of Orleans, a well-known con
tractor, seriously Injured as the re
sult of an accidental explosion of
dynamite near this city.
Want Column
FOR RENT Five acre farm one mile
south of town, east side of old fair
grounds. Inquire of L. J. Martin,
Murray. 50-2
FOR SALE. -Scott Bluffs irrigated
lands. A $2,000,000 beet suarar fac
tory nearly finished. Send for liter
ature. Windham Investment Com
pany, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. 51-4
FOR SALE. -250 improved farms in
Nebraska. See us before buying.
Windham Investment Co., Platts
mouth, Neb. 51-4
WANTED Young men and women to
fill positions paying $900 to $2000 per
annum. Big demand for stenograph
ers in the Government service, as
well as in private business life. Our
new method of teaching shorthand
by mail insures as- thorough and
practical a training at your own home
as is obtainable by personal attend
ance at any business college in the
country, t Wo guarantee success.
Complete course for small cash pay
ment; balance to be paid when you
secure a position. Trial lesson free.
Central Business Institute, Central
Building, Washington, D. C.
AT ONCE, reliable representatives in
this vicinity to look after renewals
and new subscriptions, part or whole
time, for the fastest growing maga
zine in America. . Liberal salary and
commissions. Live men and women
make $35 to $150 a month. Appoint
ments now being made. Write im
mediately to Director of Circulation,
Hampton's Magazine, G6 West 35th.
St. New York City. 49-6-x
WANTED-Experienced whip sales
men for our line on either commis
sion or salary. Salary men must have
established trade. No attention to
applications unless first-class refer-
, ence accompanies same. Peck &
Whipple Co., Westfield. Mass. 51-1
tlttlt Awilwe fll;-0rK Dmtlitm. RttlH
(bit Prlcn. But -KiulpM Dutsl Of
fice h tit Midils West.
M floor Ptiton Blk , Klh, OMAHA, NEB.
f References:
Bank of Eagle, Eagle.
Nchawka Bank, Nehawka.
Bank of Murdock, Murdock.
First Nat'l bank, (ireenwood.
State bank of Murray, Murray.
First Nat'l bank, Plattsmouth.
!,;,.;, ,, ,;, ,;;, ,;, ,;, ,;, ,; ,;, ,;,,,,;,,;, ,, ,;,
These Are
Helpful "Words
A Plattsmouth Citizen Gives
His Experience.
Is your back lame and painful?
Does it ache especially after exer
tion? Is there a soreness in the kidney
These symptoms indicate weak kid
neys; There is danger in delay.
Weak kidneys fast get weaker.
Give your trouble prompt attention.
Doan's Kidney Pills act quickly.
They strengthen weak kidneys.
Read this Plattsmouth testimony. '
Soren Anderson, 1322 Lincoln Ave.,
Plattsmouth, Neb., says: "Several
ears Ego we procured Doan's Kidney
Pills at Gering & Co.'s drug store and
used them for kidney disorders. The
results was gratifying and there has
been no return of the difficulty since.
We publicly recommend Doan's Kidney
Pills in 1906 and at the present time, I
take pleasure in confirming every word
of that statement."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. FoBter-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name-Doan's and
take no other. 50-4
Correspondent. Nolle.
All correspondents sending items to
this paper will please sign their names
to same. This is done, not for publica
tion, but to enable us to keep a record
of each one without danger of getting
the record mixed.
I'lll In Krd ami Uold mcuilhW
!". nr. ith lllira RlliUis. V
TL l k- II... -0 - l
Acorn cigars 5 cents each. Smoke an
'Acorn" and be happy. j
Notice of D ssolutio
riatiwionlh. Nb . S. it. 22. 1!09
Notice i hrrvby given that th ro-artnrmhii:
of E. U. Iluvry & Son. heretofore comstl uf the
siRntrs hi-roof. in hv mutual consent this duy dis
solved. Oliver l lHivcy rvtinnK thrrefivni. Th
business of Haiti partnership will tw comlurtl
hereafter under the name of E. O. lVivey & Son
by Cieorne E. Dovey and Horatio N- lkivey. who
auumo all debt and liabilities of the former
Hrra and will pay the same
Horatio N. Dovey.
47-8 Chum.E K. Duvkiv.
Uuvkh C. Dovky
Notlos To Creditor.
KuMy3.r"k"-SS- I" Co"t Court
In the matter of the estate of Hannah C. Black,
Notice in hereby flven that the creditor of said
deceamd will nwt the Administrator of. said es
tate, befure me, Couaty Judge of Cass County,
Nebraska, at the County Court room in J'latta said County, on the Uth day of October.
1S09. and on the 12th day of April. MO, at
o'clock A. M.. each day. forth purpose of pre
senting their claims for examination, adjustment
and allowance.
Six months are allowed for the creditor of said
deceased to present their claims and one year for
the Administrator to settle said estate, from the
11th day of October, litOH.
Witness my hand and Real of said County Court,
at I'laltKmouth, Nebraska, thia tflh duy of Sep
tember, nxia.
Allen J. Reeson,
County Judge.
43-8 SeauI
Legal Notice.
S,"confv';.U '"County Court
In the mutter of the estate of Peter Iiauen, de
ceased. To all persons interested.
You are hereby not tiled that there lias been
filed in this court the petition of K. I). Cummins,
J. B. Murtin. C. L Martin aud William Wehrbein;
Ueifinif therein amonir other things that said
Peter Kauen departed thia life, intestate, on the
22nd day of March. 1WW, at which time he was a
resident and inhabitant of said county, leaving
both reul and personal estate. The prayer of said
petition is that estate be administered and that
J. P. Falter be appointed administrator of said
You are further notified that a hearing will be
had upon said petition before this ourt on the 16
day of October. It, at 9 o'clock a. m. and that all
objections, if any, must be tiled on or before said
day and hour of hearing.
Witness my hand and the seal of said court
this 25 day of September, 1909
Ulal Allen J. Bkeson,
47-6 County Judge.
M. E- Manspeakor vs. L. R. Carroll.
Notice is hereby given that on the 8th day of
Novemlier. A. D. at ten o'clock a m. of said
day at M. E. Manspeaker'a livery barn in the city
of Plattsmouth. ('ass county, Nebraska, there
will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder
for cash, one sorrel mare colt past two years of
age, the same being levied upon and taken aa the
property of one L. R. Carroll, tint name un
known, to satisfy an agister's lien in favor of M.
E. Manapeaker against said I,. K. Carroll, first
name unknown, filed in the office of the county
clerk of Cass county. Nebraska. October 7, 1WW.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, October 7, A. D.. 1W.
M, E. Manhi-eakkr.
Byson Clark and W. A. Robertson,
Attorneys. 50-6
Smoke an
And be Happy
Do you want an
If you do. get one who has
Experience, Ability, Judgement
Telegraph or Write
Robert Wilkinson,
Dunbar, Nebr.
Or call at the News-Herald office and
we will save you trouble and expense
in getting' dates and terms.
Good Service. Reasonable Rate.
Are Best Reached by the
Reduced rates via. Missouri
Pacific to Chicago, St Louis, Kan
Baa City and St Joe. Dates of
sale August 28th to Sept. 8th
and September 11th to 19th. See
agent for rates, limits, and etc.
Hugk Norton, Agent.
The Mondell Homestead Lands
Wo are receiving thousands of inquiries about the 320-acre
free homestead lands available for settlers under the Mondell Act
These lands arc located in eastern Colorado and in Wyoming along
the Burlington. The great advantage of this new homestead law
is that the settler is permitted to take up free, 320 acres instead of
1G0 acres, the larger tract being required urder the new dry farm
ing methods; northwestern Wyoming: has from 1G to 21 inches of
moisture, and has produced some of the finest crops of small grains
ever seen in the west.
I personally conduct excursions on the first and third Tues
days of each month to these lands. Write me for special descrip
tive folders, literature, etc. , '
government irrigated lands are being fast taken up by settlers
who realize the coming value of the Big Horn Kasin lands in view
of the railroad development in central Wyoming.
The United States Land and Irrigation Exposltien at Chicago.
XT nml j- a. i .tit .... .. .
imov. zutn io uec. 4tn, win De ot
For the purpose of increasing the circulation of the News
Herald and also of reaching every home in Cass county,
preparatory to making a better paper, we make the following
offer to new subscribers.
The News-Herald from now till after Election loo
The News-Herald from now till January 1, 1910 25o
Any New Subscriber paying for one year in advance at the
regular subscription price of $1.50 can have the News-Herald
sent free till January, 1910.
This barely pays for the paper it is printed on and no re
publican in Cass county can afford to be without his party paper
at this price. In fact a democrat'will gain a whole tot of useful
knowledge he would not otherwise obtain by taking advantage
of this offer.
We have a few of those nice Clocks left which we will give
to any new subscriber who pays one year's subscription in ad
vance and 50 cents extra, as long as they last.
In addition to every year's subscription in advance we will
give one of those "Don't Break Your Back" Dust Pans, a few
of which we have left.
Then we have a lot of Silver Spoons which are warranted
to be just as good as silver anyway, and will give half a dozen
of these as long as they last to any subscriber who pays a year
in advance with 15 cents extra.
Then there ore a' few' dozen scissors left which we want to
get out of the way and will give a pair of these to any subscri
ber who pays one year in advance and 10 cents extra.
This offer does not any where near cover the cost of thia
stuff at the wholesale price, but they are here in the office and
we want to get them out of the way, and we propose to give
new subscribers the benefit.
The News-Herald.
I A Kettle FREE I
If you want a good enameled
kettle free and all you need to do
is to buy four pounds of coffee at
25c per pound making $1 alto
gether. These kettles are good
blue enameled ware, and if you
see them we know you will want
them. Come in early before they
are all gone as we have a limited
Soennichsen ' s
vital interest to the larmer.
D. CLEM DEAVER, General Agent,
Land Seekers Information Bureau, Omana, Neb.
1004 Farnum St.,
IL mm-iiajiiiLS.-.,,. mi ji as
25 Cents. 10 Cents.
X r