The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, October 07, 1909, Image 8

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    Brief Local
Li ttle Items Concerning the Go
ing and Coming of People
You Know.
Miles Standish ami family visited the
county scat Wednesday.
L. J. Martin of Murray was in the
city on buiiness on Wednesd ly.
Miss Kiln Anderson succeeds Miss
Helen Spies as clerk in Herald's store.
Col. Sf.vbolt and a friend, Mr. Smitli
of Nchawa, were in the city Wednes
Silas Long and family visited Sunday
with the family of Mrs. Z. W. Cole at
Mynard. -
Mrs. C. C. Purmele is attending the
l E. 0. national conventing in Deal
Moines, Iowa.
James A. White of Palmyra was in
this city Wednesday, settling: his
father's estate.
Attorney William Delles Dernier of
Elm wood was in thia city Wednesday
transacting legal burliness.
The Board of County Dads have been
in session this week, a rcort of which
will be found in another column.
Kay Schinpacas3 went to Omaha
yesterday to take in the carnival sights
and to attend to business matters.
Biscuit, are more than mere, soda,
crackers. They are a distinct,
individual food article made from
special materials, by special
methods, in specially constructed
They are. sealed in a special
' way which gives them crispness,
cleanliness and freshness which
"crackers" from the paper bag
always lack. They are the Na
tion's accepted soda
William Ilirz and Nick Baumgait
went to Omaha yesterday to pay a vint
with Will hgenbergor at the hospital
Mrs. AMio Sheehau and son of Gales-
burg, 111. aro visiting the former's
parents, Postmaster and Mrs. C. H.
All roads lead toward Omaha this
week on account of the Ak-Sar-Ben
festivities which are holding forth in
that city.
"Will Adams was a passenger to South
Omaha Wednesday with a view of Dur-
chasing a few hundred sheep providing
the price was right.
Mrs. M. E. Barstow returned to her
homo in Omaha Wednesday, after at
tending the golden wedding of Mr. and
Mrs. Jacob J. Wendell.
Mrs R. W. Toogood secured the
three dollars at Wescott'a last Wed
nesday, iho number being 2-14-4G, the
iriock Btoppinp at 2-26-3.
These Helpful
Are Words
The trustees of the Methodist church
are offering to sell the parsonage, with
a view of building a now dwelling for
the minister and bis family.
Plattsmouth Citizen
His Experience.
J. D. Short, who runs on the Bur
lington ktween Ashland and Sioux
City, returnrd to his home in this city
Wednesday on account of illness.
Is your back lame and painful?
Does it ache especially after exer
tion? Is there a soreness in the kidney
These symptoms indicate weak kid-
Returned to Omaha.
J. W. Balson, of Omaha, who came
to this city Tuesday to acept the posi
tion of business solicitor and local
editor of the News-Herald, returned
to Omaha Wednesday morning having
received a very flattering offer from
Consumed by Firo.
The delling hoiue owned by A'.
Hiskcy and occupied by II. J. Matteson
and family was consumed by fire this
forenoon, also the household pood?.
: Mrs. MatUson and her chi.ld went to
' Omaha Tuesday to visit, the former's
his old firm to again enter their employ ; sistvr and there was no one at homo at
the time. The dwelling is located on
Dyke street, south of the Burlington
shops, the fire department could rot
reach the fire from the nearest hydrant
The building was insured, but none on
the household goods.
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Wayhright do- neys;
parted Wednesday, afternoon for Ash
land, where they will visit the former's
brother, Albert, and family over Sun
day. t3. D Wood worth, who repaved Main
street in this city, was in this city
Wednesday. He is now engaged in the
sand and gravel business at Cedar
There is danger in delay.
Weak kidneys fast get weaker.
Give your trouble prompt attention.
Doan's Kidney Pills act quickly.
They strengthen weak kidneys.
Read this Flattsmouth testimony.
Soren Anderson, 1322 Lincoln Ave.,
Plattsmouth, Neb., says: "Several
years s go we procured Doan's Kidney
in charge of their shipning department.
We regret very much to lose the ser
vices of Mr. Balson, but did not feel
like standing in the way of his accept
ance of terms that were as flattering
as those offered. We have secured the
services pf Mr. A. W. At wood to look
after the local writing until such time
as we can make other arrangements,
and we trust that the friends of the
News-Herald will accord to him every
courtesy possible and assist him to give
the public a newsy department.
George Lushinaky left yesterday on I
a trip through the county overland
which he makes in the interest of his
Back From Alberta.
Geo. L. Farley returned Tuesday
morning from Aiberta, Canada, where
Pills at Gering & Co. 'a drug store and I ho went some two weeks ago with a
used them for kidney disorders,
; - - -
The party of prospective land buyers. He
results was gratifying and there has
been no return of the difficulty since.
candidary for the position of county We publicly recommend Doan's Kidney
Washington Smith departed Wednes
day for Omaha, .where he will spend a
few days before returning to his home
in Central City. Mrs. Smith will visit Mew York, solo agents for the United
Pills in 1906 and at the present time, I
take pleasure in confirming every word
of that statement."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-N'.i burn Co., Buffalo,
friends in this city for a few days.
Captain Isaac Wiles returned home
Wednesday, after spending three weeks
an his ranch near Minatarc, Neb. He
reports having met Tom Patterson
there, and said the country looked fine.
Remember the
take no other.
-Doan's and
Mr. and Mrs. Minford and child and
V.c, and Mrs. Baker and child came
over from Murray by auto last Tues
day evenug and partook of oyster
To the Public.
We wish to present to the people of
Plattsmouth the proposed work of the
Gofsnel Armv. We want it unders
the work is to be
reports conditions excellent in mat
country and is very enthusiastic regard
in? the future of the great northwest.
Many Cass county people now own land
in that vicinity and on this trip Will
Stokes of Mynard bought hi1) acres,
John Spagler of Murray got a half
section and George Thomas of this city
another half section. C. E. and E. H.
Wcscott who accompanied the party
have not yet returned though they are
expected to arrive in a day or two.
Call For Bids.
Sealed bids will be received at the
office of the county clerk up to noon,
October IS, 1903, for furnishing the
following to Cass county:
Soft coal to paupers to the city, de
livered. Hard coal to jail, delivered. N
Soft coal to poor farm, delivered.
Soft coal for poor farm, at sheds.
Soft coal to court house, delivrrcd.
By order of the county commihsion.
50 2 County Clerk.
Read the Advertising
The News-Herald wishes to impress
upon its readers the fact that a close
reading of its advertising columns will
prove profitable. It is proud of the
patronage accorded it by the business
of the city and from a comparison with
the announcements of similar houses in
our exchanges, is convinced that as
good bargains may be obtained in
Plattsmouth as any city of the state.
The lime spent in reading our ads will
be wcli spent.
Cheap Rates.
Fall Festivities Kansas City, Mo.,
Oct. 4i h, 1909, ?3.60. One fare for the
round trip via Missouri Fa:ifte railway.
Tickets on sale Oct. 4th to Sth inclus
ive. Return limit Oct. 11th. II. G.
Norton, Agent. 47-4
etcw at the Barnes restaurant before bership with the church of their choice
returning home. The purpose of the Gospel Army is to
buy the German M. L. chapel,
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob S. Wendell, who used as a meeting place, and the pro
Death of Pioneer.
Mrs. Lavcnia R. Hunter paiscd away
at her home in Weeping Water last
stood Tuesday. She was 7a years old and
lnterjcnominationui. , . . ' , , i
. ,. . . . , , . iL CC lf't'U Was UU ll iHi:uuni itmi vuiuv i
AM iwo-irxa hninmitiiT intrrn;riifi in Ihi "
"'.. " 7 to this country in early life
innkr mil tin .nioiifniTini in tuw mim ,
Large Apple Crop.
Ca?s county never grew a larger or
better crop of apples than has been
raised this year. L. C. W. Murray re
ports that he has about 1,000 bushels.
J. C. Peterson will market about about
$400 worth. Isaac Pollard & Sons have
shipped several carloads of apples and
three cars of cider and two cars of
vinegar of their own make. They have
not gathered their Ben Davis, Wine
saps, etc., they being winter apples.
Notice the ad of C. W. Baylor, the
coal man, in this issue. Mr. Baylor
expects to conduct a vigorour advertis
ing campaign thi3 fall and winter and
it will pay to keep tab on his announcements.
If you need a range let us show you
the Majestic at John Bauer's this
160 Air j Farm For Sale.
A 1G0 acre farm 5 mile3 west of Mur
ray for sale. Good improvements.
Price reasonable. Inquire of A. L.
Tidd, First National Bank Building,
Plattsmouth, Neb. 43-4.
Still Coming.
Mrs. Harrison of Osceola, la., has
rented the Brad White residence on
High school hill and will occupy it at
o:ice, as her household goods arrived
Have you had coffee and biscuit this
weak at John Bauer's. If not, why not?
Don't miss it. What? Majestic
range exhibit at John Bauer's.
Your Printing
It should be a fit. representative of your
business, which means the high grade, ar
tistic kind, That,! the kind we do.
These represent our facilities for doing
the kind of printing that will please yon.
The prices are right, and prompt delivery
(he invariable rule at this office.
Building New Barn.
W. II. Smith of Carson, Iowa,
recently purchased the Thomas
awarded a
united in marrage to Lewis D. Hunter
in Shullsburg, Wis.,
celcbra ted their golden wedding last
Tuesday evening wish to thank their
friends who assisted them in the cele
bration and remembered them with the
fine presents.
Mrs. Erastus Moore, mother of Rev.
Luther Moore, died at her home in
Belmont county, O., this week aged 73
years. Rev. Moore was preaching the
funeral sermon of Mrs. Christian Mil
ler in Murray at the same hour his
mother was buried.
perty to be placed in the hands of a
board of trustees of reliable citizens,
who will have complete control of the
same. Should the work ever cease the
property would ba sold and the funds
derived therefrom divided among the
churches of the city, to be used as a
missionary money. The work of this
mission is to be along the lines of the
Y. M. C. A., working for the uplifting
of the community. Every citizen
should take an interest in this work,
which is only a labor of love.
Western Commander.
. . . . i I... i.. ior- M.
to be aml eame 10 ieuiasMl ill ioji. .ma.
Hunter is survived oy seven ennuren,
her husband having died in ISM. The
funeral services were held in the Con
gregational church in Weeping Water
thH afternoon, by Rev. J. H. Andress,
the pastor.
.it juni. mob v m- vivj
HUB , . t. . , ,, T
contract to Li. u. luisum ii his vuh
.ivnMinn nfi fitin horn nn the nrem ises.
a . .1 loril DWUCHVMliii ... .. - ,
AUKUSl H, iJVM I ..... . , , ... ,, -1,1
The Parmele as usual, is entertain
Inrr Its audiences with a (food show thia
week. Last week it was tho Ohlson Correspondents. Notice
sisters which brought out the people All correspondents Bending items to
and this week it is Prof. Austin and this paper will please sign their names
Mrs. Austin with their son, Milton, in to same. Thia is done, not for publica-
a comedy sketch "A Devil of a Mixup." tion, but to enable us to keep r record
It is very amusing and should be seen of each one without danger of getting
to be appreciated. the record mixed.
Now Cut ol Debt.
C. C. Wescott, treasurer of the local
M. E. church, Monday evening of this
week paid the last $;0 of the debt of
that organization, the balance due on
the parsonage. A meeting of the
trustees has been called for tomorrow
night at which time the necessary ar
rangements will be taken to properly
celebrate the event.
More Improvements.
The Plattsmouth Water company has
just installed a new 150-horse power
boiler, which cost the sum of $2,000.
This needed improvement is much ap
preciated by all.
! It will be remembered that the old
I barn was destroyed by fire a while
since. Mr. Smith expects to move his
family here in the spring and take
possession of his new farm.
Mrs. Jennie Gebhart and children of
College View are visiting the former's
daughter, Mrs. Agnes Herring, near
the Burlington shops. Gerald, the four-
year-old son of Mrs. Gebhart, passed
away Monday evening, and the funeral
services were conducted Wednesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock by Elder An
drews, assisted by Evangelist Wilhite.
Burial was in the Horning cemetery.
Something over a thousand people
took advantage of the excursion train
Wednesday evening and went to see
the electrical parade at Omaha. The
crowd on the streets was largo and
though constantly colliding with each
other, were good natured, as is usually
the case with the avcrago carnival
Going to Paint?
men use
The Sherwin-Williams Paiht
and you'll get satisfaction.
It's the best nrotection F-fefe.
.v xv.
you can give yournousc.i
It's made from pure white
lead, pure zinc white, nnd pure i
linseed oil.
It does not powder, flake off
or crack.
It forms a tough, durable film
that wears and looks well for the
longest time.
It's colors are clear, bright and
It costs less by the job than any
other paint made. , ,
' The full color card shows 48
handsome shades. S.. W. P. i3
put up full measure, always.
Druggists and Paint Dealers.
Expert Pill Mixers.