The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, October 04, 1909, Image 6

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P. A. BAKUOWS, Editor and Manager
L. Frank Baum
(Copyright, ty
(Coiiyrlttlil by i
the llobtm-Merrlll Co.)
Frank liauni & W. V.
Dorothy lived In Kenans with Aunt Km
end Unci Henry. A cyclone lifted their
home Into the sir, Iorothy falling; nHleep
mlddt the excitement. A crash awakened
her. The tiouae had landed In a country
of marrelom beauty. Groupe of queer
little people greeted her to the Land of
Munchklne. The house had killed their
enemy, the wicked witch of Kaat. Dor
othy took the wltch't silver ihoes. 6he
tarred for the Emerald City to flnl the
iSVUard of Oi. who. ah waa prc.tilaed.
Vnlfht find ft way to eend her back to
Kaniaa. Dorothy released a scarecrow,
living- him life. Ho waa dislrous of ac
quiring brains and started with her to
the wliard to set them. The arareorow
told lila lililnrv. Thev met a tin wood-
tnan, who lunred for a heart. He bIko
Joined them. They came upon a terrible
CHAPTER VI. Continued.
Little Toto, now that tie had an
enemy to face, ran barking toward the
'Lion, and the great beast had opened
;WB mouth to bite the doK, when Doro
thy, fearing Toto would bo killed, and
heedless of danger, rushed forward
and slapped tho Lion upon his nose as
hard as the could, whllo she cried out:
"Don't you dare to bite Toto! You
ought to be ashamod of yourself, a big
least like you, to bite a poor little
as Ronn as they hear nic mar they ml
try to get away from me, and of
eourso I let tbein go."
'Hut that Isn't rlht. The King of
Beast shouldn't be a coward," tsulil
the Scarecrow.
'I know It," returned - the Lion,
wiping a tear from his eye with the
tip of his tail; "It Is my great sorrow,
and makes my life very unhappy. But
whenever there Is danger my heart
begins to beat fast."
"Perhaps you have heart disease,"
said the Tin Woodman.
"It may be," said the Lion.
"If you have," continued tho Tin
Woodman, "you ought to be glad, for
It proves you have a heart. For my
part, I have no heart; so I cannot
have heart disease."
"Perhaps," said, the Lion, thought
fully, "it I had no heart I should not
be a coward."
"Have you brains?" asked the Scarecrow.
"I suppose so. I've never looked to
see," replied tho Lion.
"I am going to the great Oz to ask
him to give me some," remarked the
Scarecrow, "for my head Is stuffed
with straw."
"And I am going to ask him to give
me a heart," said the Woodman.
And I am going to ask him to send
Toto and me back to Kansas," added
"Do you think Oz could give me
courage?" asked Ihe Cowardly Lion
"Just as easily as he could give me
brains," said tho Scarecrow.
"Or give mo a'heart,'' Buld the Tin
"Or send me back to Kansas," said
Dorothy. ,
"Then, If you don't mind, I'll go with
you," said the Lion, "for my life Is
simply unbearable without a bit of
You will be very welcome," an
swered Dorothy, "for you will help to
keep away the other wild beasts. It
seems to mo they must bo moro cow
ardly than you are It they allow you
to scare them so easily."
"They really are," said the Lion;
"but that doesn't make me any braver,
and as long ns I know myself to be
a coward I shall be unhappy."
So once more the little company set
off upon the Journey, tho Lion walk
ing with stately strides at Dorothy's
side. Toto did not approve this new
comrade at first, for he could not for
get how nearly he bad been crushed
between the Lion's great jaws; but
splendid fire that warmed her and
made her feci less lonely. She and
Toto ate the last of their bread, and
now she did not know what they
would do for breakfast.
"If you wish." suid the Lion, "I will
go Into the forest and kill a deer for
you. You can roust It by the fire,
since your tastfs are so peculiar that
you prefer cooked food, and then you
w ill have a very good breakfast."
"Don't! please doa't," begged the
Tin Woodman. "I should certainly
weep If you killed a poor deer, and
then my Jaws would rust again."
But the Lion went away Into the
forest and found his own supper, and
no one ever knew what It was, for he
didn't mention It. And the Scarecrow
found a tree full of nuts and filled
Dorothy's basket with them, so that
she would not be hungry for a long
time. She thought this was very kind
and thoughtful of the Scarecrow, but
she laughed heartily at the awkward
way In which the poor creature picked
up tho nut 8. His padded hands were
so clumsy and the nuts were so small
that he dropped almost as many as he
put In tho basket. But tho Scare
crow did not mind how long It took
blm to fill ths basket, for It enabled
him to keep away from the fire, as he
feared a spark might get Into his
straw and burn him up. So he kept
a good distance away from the flames,
and only came near to cover Dorothy
with dry leaves when she lay down
to sleep. These kept her very snug
and warm and she slept soundly until
When it was daylight the girl
bathed her face In a little rippling
brook and soon after they all started
toward the Emerald City.
This was to be an eventful day for
the travelers. They had hardly been
walking an hour when they saw be-
"I didn't bite Mm," said the Lion, as
he rubbed his nose with his paw where aft a t ho b m more Bt'eaB0
A 1 1 L 1 1 fx I '
Dorothy had hit It.
"No, but you tried to," she retorted
"You aro nothing but a big coward."
"I know It," said the Lion, hanging
his head In shame; "I've always
known It. But how can I help It?"
"I don't know, I'm suro. To think
The Cowardly Lion.
of your striking a stuffed man like the
poor Scarecrow!"
"Is he stuffed?" asked the Lion, In
surprise, as he watched her pick up
the Scarecrow and set him upon his
feet, while she patted him into shape
"Of course he's stuffed," replied
Dorothy, who was still angry.
"That's why he went over so east
ly," remarked tho Lion. "It astonished
roe to see him whirl around so. Is the
other one stuffed, also?"
"No," said Dorothy, "he's made of
tn." And she helped tho Woodman
up ngaln.
"mats why lie nearly blunted niv
claws," said the Lion. "When they
ecratcneu against tno tin it made a
cold shiver run down my hack. What
is that little animal you are so ten
Hot of?"
"Ho Is my dog, Toto," answered
Is he made of tin, or stuffed?"
asked tho Lion.
"Neither. He s a a a meat dog,"
Eald the girl.
"Oh. He's a curious animal, and
aeenis remarkably small, now that 1
look at him. No one would think of
biting such a little thing except a
coward like me," continued the Lion,
"What makes you a coward?" asked
Dorothy, looking at the great beast
In wonder, for he was at big as a
mall horse.
"H'i..a mystery," replied (he Lion
"1 suppose I was born that way. All
(tie other animals In the forest natur
Uly eipect me to be brave, for the
Lion li everywhere thought to be the
King of Beasts. 1 learned that If I
roared very loudly every living thing
was frightened and got out of my way
Whenever I've met a man I've been
awfully scared; but I Just roared at
him, and he hss always run away as
fast as he could go. If the elephants
and the tigers and tho bears had ever
tried to fight me, I should have run
myself I'm such a coward; but Jus;
and presently Toto and tho Cowardly
Lion had grown to bo good friends.
During tho rest of that day there
was no other adventure to mar tho
peace of their Journey. Once, Indeed,
tne 'im woodman' stepped upon a
beetle that was crawling along the
road, and killed the poor llttlo thing.
This made tho Tin Woodman very un
happy, for ho was always careful not
to hurt any living creature; and as he
walked along he wept several tears of
sorrow and regret. These tears ran
slowly down his face and over the
hlngs of his Jaw, and there they
rusted. When Dorothy presently asked
him a question the Tin Woodman
could not open his mouth, for his Jaws
were tightly rusted together. Ho be
came greatly frightened at this and
made many motions to Dorothy to re
lieve blm, but slio could not under
stand. The Lion was also puzzled to
know what was wrong. But tho
Scarecrow seized the oil can from Dor
othy's basket and oiled the Wood
man's Jaws, so that after a few mo
ments he could talk as well as before.
"This will serve me a lesson," said
he, "to look where I step. For If I
should kill another bug or beetle I
should surely cry again, and crying
rusts my Jaw so that I cannot speak."
Thereafter he walked very careful
ly, with his eyes on. the road, and
when he saw a tiny ant tolling by he
would step over It, so as not to harm
It. The Tin Woodman knew very well
he had no heart, and therefore he took
great care never to be cruel or unkind
to anything.
"You people with hearts," he said,
"have something to guide you, and
need never go wrong; but I have no
heart, and so I must bo very careful.
When Oz gives me a heart of course I
needn't mind so much.'-
It Affects
Every Person
in United States
X MY TJtAVKLS 1 have read with great interest the many
nrlicloH appearing in the different newspapers and other pub
lications on the use of more daylight, mid have locn pleased
to pee that the press has not only been liberal in the Fpaee
devoted to this subject but that the vast majority of the pub
lications are favorable. However, quite a few fall into the
common error of thinking that the sune thing could bo
accomplished without complications by changing the hour
of work and that. the advocates of securing more daylight bv
changing the clocks during the summer time fool themselves.
They overlook the fact that suburban trains are run to-day in accord
ance with the present schedule of hours in the commercial world. Mail
trains are regulated to a large e.teut along the same lines and the office
force as a rule time their arrival with the first mail. Therefore if the
hours of beginning the day's work were advanced an hour everything
would be out of line. 1 f it became an established custom to advance the
hands of the clock May I one hour, allowing them to remain until Octo
ber 1, when they would be changed back to the present standard of time,
it would not be necessary for the railroads to change their time tables and
ull schedules would be kept by the clock, the same as to-day, and the
change would be forgot I en almost immediately. In the summer at least
those sections of the country that were robbed of a good portion of an
hour by the establishing of standard time would have this time restored
and every one given an additional hour during the summer time to devote
to rest or recreation, as they may elect.
It must not be overlooked that as this proposed
reform contains no politics or religion and is not of
profit it is everybody's business and therefore nobody's
business. Yet it is unique, inasmuch as it injures no
one -and does not call for the expenditure of Uncle
Sam's money. So every one should do what he can
to aid it. It affects every man, woman and child in the
United Stales and it is a subject worthy of strenuous
activity on the part of politicians, the press and all
who act for the good of humanity.
More-daylight associr. ions should be formed in
every section of the country, as it is only concerted
action that changes which are not of profit can be
brought about.
The Joirrve1
They were obliged to camp out that
nlnht under a largo tree in the forest
for thero w ere no houses . near. The
tree made u pood, thick covering to
protect them from ilew, and the Tin
Woodman chopped a great pile of
wood with his ax and Dorothy built a
"I Didn't Bite Him."
fore them a great ditch that crossed
tho road and divided the forest as far
as they could see on cither side. It
was a very wide ditch, and when they
crept up to the edge and looked Into
It they could see it was also very
deep, and there were many big, Jagged
rocks at the bottom. The sides were
so steep that none of them could
climb down, and for a moment It
seemed that their Journey must end.
"What shall we do?" asked Doro
thy, despairingly.
"I haven't the faintest Idea," said
the Tin Woodman; and the Lion
shook his shnggy mnne and looked
thoughtful. But the Scarecrow said:
"We cannot fly, that is certain;
neither can we climb down Into this
Rieat ditch. Therefore, If we cannot
Jump over It, we must stop where we
"I think I could Jump over It," said
the Cowardly Lion, after measuring
the distance carefully In his mind.
"Then we are all right," answered
the Scarecrow, "for you can carry us
all over on your back, one at a time."
"Well. I'll try It," said the Lion.
"Who will go first?"
"I will," declared the Scarecrow;
"for, If you found that you could not
Jump over the gulf, Dorothy would be
killed, or tho Tin Woodman badly
dented on the rocks below. Hut If I
nm on your back it will not matter so
much, for the fall would not hurt me
at all."
"I am terribly afraid of falling my
self," said the Cowardly Lion, "but I
suppose there is nothing to do but
try it So get on my back and we will
mako tho attempt."
Tho Scarecrow sat upon the Lion
hack, and the big beast walked to tho
edge of the gulf and crouched down.
"Why don't you run and Jump?''
asked tho Scarecrow.
"lleeause that Isn't the way we
Lions do theso things," he replied.
Then giving a great spring, ho shot
through tho air and landed safely on
the other side. They wero all greatly
pleased to seo how easily he did It,
and after tho Scarecrow had got down
from his back the Lion sprang across
tho ditch again.
Myrtle And yon never tire of push
lng my board walk chair?
Jerome No, Indeed. On the con
trary, I feel like I aai carrying every
thing before me.
Myrtle Why, I am not everything.
Jerome Uut you are everything to
A writer speaks of the low nature of
many vocal solos rendered during bands
concerts and asks if we lack composers of
more inspiring songs.
it is not so niucli tlie lack oi composers
as it is of the people who appreciate higher
class songs. The modem public desires
melodies of this nature; in fact, the ma
jority would not understand anyjuiior. If
the songs that were popular two score
or more years ago were produced to-day
they would, no doubt, be jeered at and
ridiculed. Surely the admirers of most of
the modern songs could not comprehend
the beauty and uplifting character of such as ''Drink to Me Only with
Thine Eyes," "Silver Threads Among the Gold"' and ''Mary of Argylo."
In order to cater to the degraded tastes of the majority of the people of
to-dav the maudlin songs are coninoscd.
Nevertheless, those who have charge of these concerts should give to
the public a series of numbers that have nothing of the debasing charac
ter in them, but which will have an elevating influence on the minds of
those who appreciate them, regardless of the likes and dislikes of the
Eczema on Hand, Arms, Legs and
hace It Was Something Terrible.
Complete Cure by Cuticura.
"About, fifteen or eighteen years
ago eczema developed on top of my
hand. It burned and Itched so much
that I was compelled to show it to m
doctor. He pronounced It ringworm.
After trying his different remedies the
disease increased and went up my
arms and to my legs and finally on my
face. The burning was something
terrible. I went to another doctor who
had the reputation of being the lrcst
in town. He told mo it was eczema.
Ills medicine checked the advance of
the disease, but no further. I finally
concluded to try tho Cuticura Reme
dies and found relief In the first trial.
I continued until I waa completely
cured from the disease, and I have
not been troubled since. C. Burkhart,
236 W. Market St., Chamber3t ur, Pa..
Sept. 19, 1908."
Potior Drug 4 Chem. Corp., Sols Projiti Boitoa.
Mars the Next Field.
There are many who will part from
the north pole -with regret. All their
lives It has seemed the one unconquer
able salient.' of nature's fortress, the
very synonym of the Impossible goal
of human endeavor. With the pole
itself succumbing, the world Is no
longer the same, and everything seems
within the realm of mortal achieve
ment. We must now think of talk
ing with Mars with more respect
The professor's mirrors may pive
any day a reality.
Shake Into Your Shoes
Allen's Foot-Ease, tho antiseptic powder.
It makes tight or new shoes foci easy. It
la a certain cure for sweating, callous sn
hot, tired, aching feet. Always use It to
Hreak In now shoes. Sold by all Druggists.
iic. Trial package irmiiou roe. Aimrese
Allen 8. Olmsted, Leiioy. Mew turn.
When a man is sick he has great
trouble with his wife as to how much
he should eat.
What Is
Use of
Married s
What is the use of getting married?''
asks a correspondent. I'll tell you. It is
to have n happy, comfortable home. That
statement looks selfish, too, doesn't it?
ISut look farther. To have that kind of a
home there nnir-t be love, and that takes
unselfish regard for each other. To make
a homo comfortable it must be comfortable
for your husband or wife. That takes
more tinsel lislmess on your part. (hil-
greatest blessings that can
I no i , 1 1
iioine. i ney laKe still more
You must care for them,
Swifter Than the Pigeon
Swallow Easily Outdistances Compan
ions In Flight Between Com
piegnt and Antwerp,
A citizen of Antwerp has put to a
test the celerity and homing Instinct
of the swallow1- as compared with
pigeons, a Londoni correspondent of
the New York Sun says. He caught
a swallow in its nest under his root at
Antwerp, made a red mark on its
feathers and sent the bird with a con
signment of 250 carrier pigeons by
train to Compiegne, In northern
France, a distance of 147 miles.
The birds were released there sim
ultaneously at 7:15 the next morning
The swallow w ithout the slightest hes
itation made for t he i north and dls-
pearcd like a flash. The pigeons cir
cled laboriously around before decid
ing which direction they should take.
The swallow reached its nest In
Antwerp in 67 minutes, while the
pigeons took four hours and seven
minutes to cover the distance. In
other words, the messenger of spring
flew at the rate of nearly 13! miles an
hour, while the speed of the pigeons
only slightly exceeded S&H miles an
"That Turneth Away Wrath."
Mrs. Sharp "So you told Mr. Jones
you wished you were single once more,
did you?" Sharp (with quick wit)
"Only that I might have the happiness
of marrying y;u over again, darling."
dren are th
come into a
tinsel fislmess.
love them, watch over them, peek to make
them happy, and teach them to love Hie home. I hey wont, love home
unless home is made attractive for them. .Neither hulmnd nor wife alone
can make home happy and comfortable.
ilf you will Iry to make yi.ur home as happy and comfortable for the
other inmates of it you will do a great deal toward making it. happy and
om fori able for voiir-elf. Then if the others will do (lie sameand you
must., get lb' in to ou will no longer
married ?"
ak "What is the use of getting
Pain Is
pain is essen
Prof. Foster's theory
tial and niressiry for the higher develop
ment of- the human being is not tenable
There ate isolated cases where great
work5 have been accomplished by persons
who were suffering mentally and phvsic
ally, but the best work of the world has
been done in the main by persons who
were physically and mentally healthy an
happy. It is not likely that troubles made
the work of Washington or Lincoln more
elTeclive, and I'oo probably sought the flow
ing bowl for the express purpose of obtain
ing that ecstatic menial condition which
enabled him to produte hiit ho sought to produce, rather than for the
drowning of his sorrows. ' '
A chilcl that, knows naii'Mii oi griei or pain is anoiii uie Happiest and
best product of the phinct, mid the idea that such a' life must be "irk
in the crucible" to aitain its' highest' measure U arrant notei! ..;.
Positively cared by
these Little Pills.
Tber 1m relIfT Dit
trow from Dyitpepdin, I ra
il Igebtlon andTx Hearty
Eating. A perfect rem
edy for Dirtiness, Nau
v, DrowglneAfi, Bad
Tont Id the Mouth, Cunt
ed Tonjwe, Paiu In tin
Tbey regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
j PILj
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Simile Signature
Townsite Opening
Krw town or tv J Ml ttjcn, Colorado, will be
opened October Si, OiSJ. Priority of KPlecilon
deo-milin-d by drawing. Town Hiirrouiidrd by
naren of lrrl)?nll t'arey Act end Stai
lamia, besldfeVBsinrenof tl nest grazing land
In Colorado. (iron ml lloor opportunity foi
evry kind retail nicronuule buslin-HH. Full
Infnrmntlonon application. THE TWO BUTTE'
Ckom ud tmntUiM U. htlft
PromoM loiumut nnvth.
NjTr to IiMton Orn
T to Its TcmUiful ColorT
Cum alp dimat half Iiinut
'Thompson's EysWator
I A DOSE Of"" 1
m list wrau m (guus)
I it at safe u it n effective. Guar- I
I anteed to contain no opiates. It u 1
I very palatable loo children He iL I
1 AUDruB0t. 25 Cents I