RAM nAMjmt Nl . IMl I' 1 T iT .M': ll VMM w VI Hi. 1 i lT.r ' 11111:1 1 V !.! U )ll EDWARD B.CLARIC 3S ate 8 WW 2 fyri A WASHINGTON. At both nr fjiS ,ny "ml n:ivy l",a(1'1"ar' VkXZir llf b I hat 111'. Ill K IS a thing of the past, lioth at llio military and naval academics, despite a recent, outbreak iU West Point. Perhaps the officers are right, perhaps they arc wrong. Umo and the human nature, or the devil. If you will, that. Is in hoys may Minm day get working: nmiln and show Itself In an outbreak of the old hazing custom. Somo time ago there was a hazing ime at Annapolis and many cadets were Implicated. They were all placed In arrest and the number of bi arrested ones wan no great that officials thought that a record had lieeu broken, but such was not the cam. The officers bad forgotten, If they ercr knew it, that once upon a time the entire corps of cadets at the Vnitod States Military academy was placed in arrest and that it wan nee esfcary to break all army rules by drawing on the ranks of the culprits tt secure men for guard duty, a duty ordinarily considered too honorable to be discharged properly by any mau or body of tneu against whom rbarges of serious misconduct had hern laid. There was a riot at the I'nited States Military academy at midnight, December 31, IST't. The authorities "nut only ' called the proceedings a riot, but they said that it was rebel lious, in lis nature, and as the result of it Gen. John M. S( holleld, superin tendent of the academy, placed the :t00 cadets under arrest. The riotous demonstration at the neao'ciny on that night broke nil academy precedents. It was planned by n dozen daredevil cadets of the first class who were to gradunte the. following June and who wished to mark In a manner unprecedented the ushering in of their graduating year. About 20 cadets by a continued course of good conduct had succeed ed In securing have for two days at Christmas. When they returned from their short furlough they brought with them In valise and in trunk ev ery variety of fireworks known to the . .genuity of the manufacturer Roman candles, skyrockets, cannon crackers and other noise and tire making articles. They were carefully hidden away in the mattresses of the cadets all over the barracks. For nearly a week the boys slept on veri table mines of powder. - It was curious that the authorities nt the academy did not note and in quire into the fact that at least :io cadets "cut" supper , every night for a week prior to New Year's eve. It Is dark at supper time in Into Decent- tier, and tinder cover of the darkness the ca dets detailed for the purpose made trips to Trophy point and from there they brought to the barracks scores of round shot, pounds In , weight, which had been made years before for use in the old muzzle-loading Held and siege guns, The round shot were hidden In the "cock loft" of the barracks. ! The cadets who had acted as caisson cor porals at light artillery drill hud managed to shdrncl, unseen of the authorities, somo UO or 40 canvas bags of powder. These- were tdowed away In the chimneys which opened into the unustd tlreplaces In the cadets' quar tets. i Ten (irst ilassmcn fell out" from supper on New Year's eve. They stole under cover of darkness down to Mattery Knox ami there they Ic.ulcd the old smooth bore cannon which hurt Ikci frowning harmlessly over tlio Hud son Tor :i quarter of a century. From Hut I cry Knox the cadets went by way of Flirtation walk to the seacoast battery, and there they loaded the HO-ton smooth-bore, the biggest gun it that lime in the service. The smaller pieces of the .raceast batteries also were loaded doubly loaded were a better way to put It .and then the six 30-pound Parrutts of the siege .battery were fed with powder. Into the vnnt of every piece of the three batteries friction jrliners were Inserted and lanyards were at tached ready for the pulling. Then the cadets went back to barracks. The bell In tho tower of the old academic building tolled the first stroke of midnight. Mefoie the second strokiT came there was a roar. from the river front, followed by another roar, another and yet another. Then there came a shock' that shook the plateau nnd sent tho ecbofh rolling from Cro' Nest to Fort Put nam and tar away to the hill of Mad Anthony Wayne. The old 20-ton smooth-bore, doubly, If not trebly, charged, had spoken. Then camn the shatp reports of tho Parrotts and then the miappy bark of the field nieces. Simultaneously with the roars from tho river butteries thero came the hlssiiiK ami screaming of rockets, etc., lircd from every .' barrack window. The balls from Itoinnn candles broke through the 'branches of the trees edging the pa rade ground and dropped their sparks over the roadway. Cannon crackers fell and exploded nl ft,rt of ,uo passing enlisted men sentinels, and the din or the night was increased by the crushing of round shot as cadets rolled tl i down the iron bound stairs from cockloft to the basement throrph the echo-breeding halls of bariiicks. The cadets who had tired the great nuns of tho batteries made bettel than "double time" back to barracks v Mr .A GHOST OF THE POET DANTE Said to Object to Anyone Using Room in Florence. Italy, Where He Was Born. Florence. Italy. Kecent occurrences In the house In this town where the poet Dante was born probably will make, other people In the more pro saic walks chary of taking tip their abode under roofs which havo former ly sheltered more celebrated people er at least w ill mako them very care ful what trade they pursue when In habiting such famous homes. The one trado most to be avoided In such circumstances seems to be that of blacksmith, judging from the uncom fortable not to say painful, experi ences which the smith now living in it . X' MM to-day ho is a seasoned. ' experi enced soldier, if the country holds one. . Col. Kennon Is an example or the class of men who develop gravity and solidity of character after they have expended a fund of mischief and animal spirits greater several times than that which Is allotted to the average boy. It Is doubtful if one of this staid soldier's subordinates could to-day, by tho wildest flight of his Imagination, picture to himself his commanding officer holding on like grim death with six other cadets to the edge of a blanket while from Its center a "plehe" was soaring Bkyward. Yet for this of fense Kennon was once suspended from the military academy. Somewhere out in tho northwest is Ma, John D. McDonald, whose service has brought him fame nnd who looks as though ho couldn't break a military rule with a sledge hammer. Not long ago MaJ. Mc Donald was serving In the Philip pines as a near neighbor to Col. E. J. McClernand, who was mili tary governor of one of tho prov inces. Probably McDonald never went across the Philippine fields to call upon McClernand without think ing of the six months' confinement he underwent as a cadet, because he had an Idea that he could hood wink the man who rose to the po sition of an oflker presiding over a Filipino province. Wkh McDonald were several other cadets who thought that they could, outdo previous academy deeds of dar ing. Some of them got caught, and some of them didn't. Among those who were will- 3 taxi 3 nnd entered by the oue door which had been left unbarred. The cadets In barracks had fastened every other door and every window on tho ground floor, effectually barring the olllcers from entering. Within three minutes of the first crash from Mattery Knox olllcers began to swarm out of their quarters to head for the nrea of barracks, where they found the officer of the day dodging the fiery balls of a fcoro of Roman candles. (len. Scholleld, roused from his slumbers, hastily dressed nnd trotted across the parade ground In the wake of his Juniors. Tho gen eral howled nn order at the ofucer In charge: "Hound the long roll." The officer In charge replied: "Can't do It; they've stolen the drums." All this while the night wns full of noise and the air was full of fire. Finally every thing burnable was burned tip and the cadets had tired of the task of carrying round shot up the stairs only to roll them down again. The enlisted drummer boys found their In struments nnd It may do no harm at this late day to say that they had known where they were all the time. Long roll was sounded, the barracks doors were thrown opeu nnd the cadets fell Into line and answered to their names. Every privilege was taken away from the cadets for three months, but not one was dis missed, for if the guilty had been punished ' not a boy would have been left to the service of the corps of cadets. MaJ. Lyman Watson Vere Kennon it the inrantry, who Is the man who built the Den guet road In the Philippine Islands, one of tho most remarkablo examples of engineering skill nnd of quick construction performance of recent times. Col. Kennon (he is a major of regulars, but was a colonel In the volunteer forces) went to tho Philippines early In the war game, and he did not leave until he had played his hand for six years, and there are few olllcers of the I'nited States army who have a like record to their credit. Kennon was an aid on Gen. Crook's staff in all his western campaigns, and intr to make the at- tempt wore one Hewitt of New oik. one John Urockenrldge. a junior member of that famous family, one Fairfax Montague, whose nmne savors of Virginia, nnd one other cadet, whom modesty requires shall be nameless. The penalty at West Point for going "off limits" is dismissal, and the same dose Is giv en to tho unlucky cadet who Is found to be absent from his quarters for more than ..0 minutes between taps and reveille. A young woman living in New burgh, one of West loints "summ.r girls," knowing these rules and pen alties, jocosely asked several first classmen to be present at a party to be given nt her home, 12 miles up the river, on Thanksgiving evening. Thev resolved to accept. They suc ceeded in getting hold of some money and in bribing a stenm launch captain to agree to take them to Xewburgh after taps, when there wa- an inspection, ami to get them back in time for revcilh) roll call. Many a cadet from the period of Lee had been to P.enny Havens', a mile away from the post, time after time, but such a trip as the one proposed was daring beyond all prece dent. Tho chief danger lay in the possibil ity of a dark-lantern inspection of quarters while the runaways were absent. There had not been such an inspection for some little time, and this fnct made the plotters bold. ' McDonald finally evolved a brilliant scheme. H was to get certain other cadets to sleep in the absentees' bunks and to pass for them in the necessarily hurried lantern In spection. This plan would, of course. Involve the substitutes being found absent from their own quarters, but It was arranged, through means unnecessary to state, to have them awakened at once In case an Inspection took place, and hurried back to their bunks. When a cadet Is found absent he Is inspected for every 13 minutes until he returns. Vnder tho arrangement mnde, of course, the runaways would be supposed to bo Bound asleep and their substitutes absent, and It was for the latter that tho later inspection would bo ina-io. It was figured out by tho I. conspirators that nothing worse could happen to the substitutes than being reported for 1 minutes' absence, which meant nothing more than a few demerit marks. Silence and sleep reigned through the old stone quarters. Far away up the Hudson r.pceded the steam launch bearing the pleas' lire-seeking cadets, In whoso bunks, with their heads well covered with blankets, lay their self-sacrificing comrades. There was an In spection that night. It was made by three officers Leverett M. Walker, Ucnjauiin Ran ilolph and E. J. McClernand. Randolph and Walker found two empty bunks and ordered the officer of the day to Inspect for the ab sentees every 13 minutes. Ho did this duty nnd found tho empty bunks filled. Two of the cadets dancing way up where the Newburgh lights twinkled were safe. .McClernand found In his division of bar racks one empty bunk. It was that of Fair fax Montague. McClernand knew a thing or two nnd was a disciplinarian. After finding Montague absent he turned every cadet over in his bunk, threw the light of the lantern full in his face and then looked at the name over the alcove to see if face and name coincided. McDonald and Montague-.McDonald on the printed alcove slip and Montague in the bunk did not agree. The Virginian was ordered hack to his quarters hi arrest, and McDonald, wnlt.lng awny all unconscious under the shadow of the flag pole at Washington's headquarters, was inspected for every 15 minutes until he reached his quarters six hours later. He was saved from the' extreme penalty for his of fense, but he had six months' confinement In barracks In which to think over his part In an escapade that brought about nightly In spection of barracks for years thereafter. Pos sibly McClernand when In tho Philippines and meeting McDonald was glad that for once military discipline miscarried. Curfew for Adults. As soon as the ordinance Is signed by the nmvor and the required publication Is made, tt will be unlawful for any adult to bo In the streets of Paragould between tho hours of midnight and 4 a. m punishable with a One If a eood excuse Is not given. A curfew law for children already Is In effect, the youngsters Bcamperlng homo with tho ringing of tho nino odock boll. The law for adults, however, Is an Innovation. Para gould currusmjndeuce Arkausas Gazette. House Where Dante Lived. Dante's house, whose shop once formed the bedroom of the poet, has ust had. Besides most mysterious noises which were heard all over the house. sufficiently disquieting to all ' good Florentines, and uncanny "carryings- on ' by his Implements, whlcn ac quired the uncomfortable habit of ris ing from where they had been laid and placing themselves safely out of reach, causing some very explicit re marks by the blacksmith and his at tendants, the most alarming manifes tation of the presence of a ghostly visitor made itself felt literally the other day. A big hammer started mysteriously from the bench and' dealt the blacksmith a heavy blow on the head. History doesn't record his remarks on this occasion, but ev erybody will sympathize with him, whatever he said. After a few days of exciting epl- ?odes, of which the above are a few examples, tho inhabitants of the house thought they had had enough and tho two assistants of the blacksmith, who are believed to bo powerful mediums and the Innocent causes of these phe nomena, decided to hold a seance. They therefore summoned two other mediums and sat down to discover the wishes of the spirit, which was evi dently as much disturbed bb them selves. The spirit obligingly com plied with their wishes and on being summoned in tho usual way revealed himself as the ghost of the poet Dante and handed over to them a piece of parchment covered with writing. An examination of this document disclosed tho fact that tho spirit had distinct objections to any ono occupy ing tho room In which ho was born; furthermore, he desired that two as sistants, who were mediums, should' bo dismissed. Needless to say, these commands were attended to with alac rity by the good blacksmith, who had no desire to feel his heaviest hammer descending on his head again. All Florence has been agog over the affair and tho blacksmith became the most sought-after man at the tavern where he was wont to take his even ing glass. His advice to every one Is, first, never to take a house in which any celebrated person has chanced to live, nnd, secondly, if you must, above all, don't bo a blacksmith in it. Mrs. Howe's Old Age. To me has been granted a some what unusual experience In life. Nine ty full years have been measured off to me, their lessons and opportunities unabridged by wasting disease or gnaw-. Ing poverty. I havo enjoyed general good health, comfortable circum stances, excellent company and tho incitements to personal effort which civilized society offers its members., For this II fo and its gifts. I am, I hope, devoutly thankful. 1 came into this world a helpless and ignorant bit of humanity. I have found In it many helps towards the attainment of my full human stature, material, mental, moral. In this slow process of attain ment, many features have proved transient. Visions have come and gone. Seasons have blossomed and closed, passions have flamed and faded., Something has never left me. My re-i latlon to it has suffered many chang ei but it still remains, the foundation of my life, light In darkness, consolation In ill-fortune, guide In uncertainty. Julia Ward Howe, In Harper's Bazar, Main Light with Him. "They are still talkln' about the sua's light dying out," some one said to Mrother Williams, and his comment wan brief nnd expressive. "Put ain't worryin' me at all. Db main question with me Is when Is my own light gwino out?" Atlanta Constitution.