The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, October 04, 1909, Image 1

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NTVVS. EUliliii Nov. 5. 1W1
Hi: KALI), fcsUblished April 16, 1SG4
Cor.solidatcd'Jan. 1. 1835
n ixi
-JL Hi
Where Quality Is,
That is the one good reason why this is a
good place to buy good clothes because it is
the place Where Quality Counts and the
place Where Quality Counts is bound to be
the Home of Satisfaction. We sell good
clothes nothing else. We sell nothing but
clothes and we sell no other kind of clothes
but the good kind. Your fall suit or over
coat if selected from our stock will be this
it will be good. It pays to buy the good kind.
Rev. Wilhite
Holds Court
An Enthuastic
Evangelist Discusses "Christ
Risen from the Dead" in a
Convincing Manner.
C. E. Wescotfs Sons
To Bridge
The Platte
Movement on
Local Capilatists with Good
Chance of Success.
To the Public.
We wish to present to the people of
Plattsmouth the proposed work of the
Gospel Army. We want it understood
! the work is to be interdenominational.
Foot Backed by ' persons becoming interested in the
worn win uc encouragi-ii tu lane mum-
A movement is now on foot having
for its object the building of a wagon
bridge across the Platte river at this
point, and the character of the inter
ests behind it would seem to indicate
that it will be pushed to a successful
finish. : A few local capitalists headed
by C. C. Parrr.ele and Ralph Duff of
Nebraska City are behind the move
ment. Bridge Contractor Seeley of
Omaha was here in consultation with
the promoters last week and he was
engaged to make a survey and an esti
mate of the cost. As soon as this is
completed an organization will at once
be effected and active work commenced.
It is estimated that such a bridge as
is desired will cost in the neighborhood
of from $10,000 to $12,000, and the pro
moters are confident that on this
amount the business which could be
done would pay handsome dividends.
Mr. Duff is the proprietor of an exten
sive automobile business in Nebraska
City, and last month purchased the
garage in this city of Mr. Parmele. As
soon as a suitable site can be secured
it is his purpose to commence the erec
tion of a building which will be of suf
ficient size to meet the requirments of
of his rapidly increasing business. Mr.
Dun" is very enthusiastic relative to the
benefits w hich would accrue to this city
in thft bridging of the Platte and will
lend his every aid to the project.
bership with the church of their choice.
The purpose of the Gospel Army i3 to
buy the German M. E. chapel, to be
used as a meeting place, and the pro
perty to be placed in the hands of a
board of trustees of reliable citizens,
who will have complete control of the
same, cmouia the worK ever cease tne
property would ba sold and the funds
derived therefrom divided among the
churches of the city, to be used as a
missionary money. The work of this
mission is to be along the lines of the
Y. M. C. A., working for the uplifting
of the community. Every citizen
should take an interest in this work,
which is only a labor of love.
Western Commander.
Last Sunday morning those who at
tended the meeting in the big tent
S back of the court house were favored
with one of the best and most convinc
ing arguments as to whether Christ
rose from the dead or not.ever deliver
ed from the platform.
I Evangelist Wilhite is not only a con-
vincing, but a pleasant and earnest
speaker and the subject was so well
handled that all could understand. He
proceeded to enlighten his audience
upon the Roman law regarding the
failure of a soldier to do his duty and
the penalty of which wa3 death. He
proceeded to show that while the sol
diers who were on guard at the tomb
where the body of Christ was laid,
testified that they had fallen asleep
and that the disciples had stolen the
body, that the penalty of death was
not inflicted upiJn th;m, and therefore
they must have been in collusion with
the authorities in their attempt to de
ceive the public into the belief that the
body of Christ had been removed by
the disciples.
The evangelist brought out his argu
ments in the nature of an attorney be
fore a court and questioned and cross-
questionea tne guards in a manner
which showed that if the evangelist
were not a preacher, he might have
been a very successful lawyer.
The meetings so far have been very
successful, over seventy having been
to the alter. They will close next Sat
urday night, and the people of Platts
mouth who have not attended have cer
tainly missed a very fine series of
meetings. Mr. Tuckerman, who has
charge of the singing is a very fine
soloist, having a rich tenor voice which
is very pleasant to hear. These meet
ings have been of a, great benefit , to
Plattsmouth from a moral and intellec
tual standpoint, and it is to be regret
ted that they come to a close go soon,
Lonsiaeraoie disappointment was oc
casioned in the afternoon on account of
the place of baptism being changed as
just at the time of leaving the tent it
was reported that the road to the Hill
was impassable.
Not Found Wailing.
There is a great variety of legal busi
ness comes before a county judge.
C,v. riftrtnl.. tl.i.lj- ... - . . 1 ....
v tac settling of estates constitutes
about all the work that official has to
do. Others use him to tie nuptial
knots. Put there are many cases of a
different nature that are left for him
to decide. It is because he has met
the requirements, has proven equal to
the demands of the office that the peo
ple of Cass county like County Judge
Bceson. They like him first because
he is the same genial man every day in
the year, then they think more of him
the more they have to do with him. He
has proved his fitness and is entitled to
a re-election, and. we believe the voters
sec it that way. Weeping Water Republican.
Mr Blunt is Shot at.
Considerable excitement was caused
on the streets Saturday by the report
by Jesse Blunt that someone had taken
a shot at him Friday night. Chief of
Police Amick investigated the matter
Saturday morning and is of the opinion
that a shot was fired at Mr. Blunt as
claimed, though he has been unsuccess
ful thus far in tracing the guilty
parties. Mr. Blunt states that he was
engaged in mending a hoop net in his
home in the southern part of the city,
his back to the door which was open
when someone fired at him from the
outside with a rifle, the bullet nar
rowly missing his head and inbedding
itself in the storm sash of the window.
Mr. Blunt has strong suspicions as to
the identity of the culprit and has ad
vised the police of his surmises in the
nope that tne miscreants may be ap
prehended and brought to justice.
A Long Record.
Hon. R. B. Windham was circulating
a petition last week praying for ap
pointment as notary public. Judge
Windham has now held a notarial com
mission for forty consecutive years
The News-Herald is not informed as
to the facts in the case, but it suspects
this to be the best record in the county,
and it trusts that he will be successful
in securing this appointment and sue
ceeding ones until he shall have served
in this capacity for forty more years.
Band Boys' Danca.
The members of the M. W. A. Brass
Band are making preparations for a
grand ball which they will give in
Coates hall on the evening ot October
23. By a great deal of very strenuous
work during the past few months the
boys have built up an organization
which is a credit to the town and it is
their desire to maintain the same. But
funds are needed and it is for this pur
pose that the dunce will be given. The
best of music has been secured and a
line time ii assured to all who attend.
Be a booster for a home organisation.
Don't miss it. What? Majestic
range exhibit at John Bauer's.
Recovery Complete.
C. L. Graves of Union was looking
after business matters in the county
seat Friday. Mr. Graves suffered the
fracture of an ankle during a ball game
a few week ago, and his many friends
will be glad to know that he is now en
tircly recovered and able to get around
with his accustomed agility, without
the aid of crutches.
Will love you if you supply
him with our radiant nut coal.
Nebraska Man Honored.
At the election of officers of the Na
tional Guard Association of the United
States at Los Angeles Tuesday, St
Louis was elected as the place for the
1910 convention, and Gen. J. A. Storch
of this state was named as treasurer of
the association.
epublicans Name City Ticket
in Livliest Assembly Held
in Years.
Republican enthusiasm knew no
bounds Saturday night at the conven
tion called to place in nomination can
didates to fill the various precinct
officers. The meeting was held in the
council chamber, and a temporary or
ganization was effected by the election
of H. A. Schneider as chairman and
A. L Tidd as secretary, which organ
ization was afterward made permanent.
Caucuses had previously been held in
the various wards and the following is
tho list of delegates certified to the
convention officers:
First ward-J. C. Linderman, C. F.
Guthman, II. J. Schluntz, James Rob
ertson, V. D. Messersmith, A. L.
Tidd, Peter Claus.
Second word William Weber, John
Parker, H. A. Schneider, J. E. Doug
lass, J. W. Hiekson, Roy Taylor, R. O.
Walters, M. L. Friedrich.
Third ward-A. N. Sullivan, F. Shopp
. D. Quinton.Oliver Hudson, Ed. Lutz
William McCauley, J. II. Busche, E.
Richey, C. Troop.
Fourth ward -II. Barthold, H.Wil
cox, I. Hyde, A. I. barncs, Lee
Cotner, Jack Denson
Fifth ward-R. II. Patton, Frank
Toman, James Higley, Perry Coffrnan.
After these formalities the conven
tion immediately got down to business,
and the unanimity and dispatch with
which things were handled speaks vol
umes for the determination with which
the republicans are going into the
present campaign. All present seemed
thoroughly imbuded with the idea that
the practice of electing democrats to
office is a most reprehensible one and
that this year a new policy will be
adopted which will place none but re
publicans on guard.
Ft.'.-Ity assessor, J. C. Linderman
was the unanimous choice of the con
vention, and Dr. A. P. Barnes was
named as district assessor. The nomi
nations for constables went to J. R
Denson and James Higley, while for
justices of the peace, J. C. York and
A. N. Sullivan were named All nom
inations were made unanimous, the sec
retary being instructed to cast the en
tire vote of the convention.
This concluded the business of the
convention, but before adjournment
short speeches were made by J. C.
Linderman, Dr. A. P. Barnes, Guy
McMaken, Val Burkcl, J. R. Denson
and others, and the keynote of all
seemed to be "Let's elect only republi
Next Saturday night in the court
house will occur the regular weekly
meeting or the county central com
mittee, to which republicans generally
are invited to attend. This will be the
firs', big executive meeting of the cam
paign and will be attended by all the
candidates, and all who attend may be
assured of taking on a bunch of repub
lican enthusiasm guaranteed to be pure
and of a lasting quality. Reports from
all over the county are of a character
to indicate that the rank and file of
the party are awake to the fact that
with a normal working majority it is
the acme of nonsense to be continually
electing democrats, and some of the
most conservative observers of political
events are freely making the prediction i
that a sweeping republican victory may
be expected this fall.
Railroad Improvement.
The Mo. Pacific is making great im
provement at this place as well as all
along the line. The steel gang and
construction crew, with Geo. Taylor
and D. W. West as foremen, have been
rushing the work, having about 40 men
and the laying of the new heavy rails
has now reached a point about three
miles north of here. The laborers are
principally Italians and Greeks, and
the boarding cars located here make
quite a colony.
The need of additional tracks at this
point has been evident for a long time,
and last week the company's civil en
gineer, Mr. Sullivan, was here and
started the work. The grading is now
Hearing completion, Foreman Fred
Clugey rushing the work with 15 teams
and 20 men. The Lincoln branch track
will be extended further south, and on
the west side of it there will be two
new tracks extending from Main street
crossing to a point about one-fourth
mile south, thus affording five tracks
for handling the trains at this place.
An engineer was here yesterday morn
ing making calculations for other im
provements, among which we are told
will bo larger and more convenient coal
chutes in place of tho old one. Union
Fine Piece ol Work.
The News-Herald has just com
pleted printing a brief for the Supreme
Court for Attorney A. L. Tidd in the
case of Mrs. Stella Ilenton vs. Sover
eign Camp W. O. W. The brief shows
an exhaustive research in the law of
fraternal insurance societies. Hon.
Matthew Gering and Mr. Arthur II.
Burnett are the counsel opposed to
Mr. Tidd. The brief is an extensive
one and we are proud of the mechani
cal workmanship. As a piece of legal
literature it clearly shows the profound
legal learning of the writer.
Feeding Stock
Very High
Farmers Hesitate to Invest thetc
Money at Present
More New Mexico Land.
Charles Boedecker has returned fiom
a trip through New Mexico, where he
was so well pleased with condition
that he made an additional purchase
of something like 800 acres of' .laud,
making altogether over 1,000 acres
purchased within the last year. Mr.
Boedecker is much pleased with the
prospects for the development of that
section of the country, as is amply at
tested by his extensive purchases.
Harry Todd, the up-to-date farmer
residing in the vicinity of Murray, waa
in the city a few hours Thursday night
on his return from the South Omaha,
markets, where he had been in an at
tempt to purchase a few stock and
feeding cattle. The prices were so
high, however, that he returned with
out buying.
In conversation with the News-Her-
alp, Mr. Todd stated that he always
likes to feed a little stock when he can
buy it so as to make even a little money
for his extra labor, as in this way only
can he get the crop-producing proper
tics of grains back into tho soil. Mr.
Todd figures that if he can feed enough
cattle to consume his own crop and
realize enough above the market price
to pay him for his extra labor and the
spreading of the manure, he will still
be a considerable winner, and the
productiveness of his land amply testi
fies to the correctness, of his reasoning.
Feeding stock this year is very high.
Several feeders of this vicinity, among
whom may be mentioned A. S. Will
and Will T. Adams, have been on the
market for more than a month past
and still have not bought. Not only is
this true of cattle, but hogs and sheep
as well, and at the prices of feed, tho
farmers are strongly tempted to haul
it to market rather than feed it into
stock the price of which is so high a3
to render and after-feeding profit
Contest Winner.
In the cash register ticket contest
for votes for a diamond ring and
a silver tea service, Miss Alice Tuey
secured the former aid Miss Olga
Sattlcr the latter. Both premiums
were very desirable and as many con
testants were in the race, the winners
are to be congratulated upon the show
ing made in securing votes.
Mike Cavey For Office.
A letter from Mike Cavey, whom,
many of the people of Cass county
know, was received at this office last
week enclosing a check for a yeais
subscription to the News-Herald.
Mr. Cavey seems to have a large num
ber of friends in Cass county who are
exceeding pleased to know that he was
successful at the primaries and is now
the regular nominee of the republicans
of Boone county for county commis
sioner. They all say that he will make
a first class commissioner and one that
can't be worked into doing what he be
lieves is wrong. We are glad to know
he has so many friends here for it
speaks well for a man. In our short
acquaintance with Mr. Cavey we have
been impressed with the Idea that he
would make a good public officer. He
r .'sides at St. Edward, Nebraska, and
is doing well.
Coming Home.
Miss Juliette Atwood, who has been
studing music and French in Paris and
also visited Italy and other foreign
countries, sailed from Southampton
last Friday via Victoria for New York
160 Aere Farm For Sale.
A 1G0 acre farm 5 miles west of Mur
ray for sale. Good improvements.
Price reasonable. Inquire of A. L.
1 Tidd, First National Bank Building,
S Plattsmouth, Neb. 40-4.
Cheap Rates.
Fall Festivities Kansas City, Mo..
: Oct. 4th, l'.MJ, $:i.G0. One faro for the
' round trip via Missouri Pa:ifin railway.
Tickets on sale Oct. 4th to 8th inclus
1 ivc. Return limit Oct. 11th. H. G.
Buys Another Farm.
Judgp H. D. Travis has just com
pleted a deal whereby he comes into
possession of another Kansas farm,
this one also being located near Wau
keeney in Trago county. The judge
leaves this afternoon on his annual va
cation and during his absence will in
spect his new purchase and make ar
rangements for a tenant to take charge
for the coming year.
I Norton, Agent.
At St. Luke's Church.
Harvest Home will be celebrated
n'-'xt Sunday morning.
During this week the St. Mary's
Guild will have committees out solicit
ing for the annual offering to the
Bishop Clarkson Memorial hospital in
Omaha. It is hoped that your response
to this appeal will be generous.
Sol Adamson is making some exten
sive improvements in his residence
property at the lower end of Washing
ton avenue, by the laying of cement 1
sidewalks, etc., all of which greatly
adds to it3 general good appearance. !
Don't wait un
til you have husk
ed that corn crop
before you drop
to see our large
line of new Fall
clothes for men
and young men.
They're mighty
attractive clothes,
and the best ones
arc bound to go
first. We want
you to get the
Suits and Overcoats
CvprriU fun Situttncr & Mil - -
J $10 to
The Home of Hart SchaiTner & Marx clothes
Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats