The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, September 30, 1909, Image 1
The NewsHerald TWICE A WEEK 0 NtfWS, Fablished Nov. 5. 1C91 PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY SEPTEMliEIi .J0, 11)0!) XLTI NO. IS II ICR ALU, Established April ltf. 1864 f Consolidated 'J an. 1. 1S05 then you'll be glad to, get one of our "Quality Suits"-ezsy fitting, perfect fitting, made by hand, without a pucker or a mis-stitch anywhere. These suits are guaranteed to give you satisfaction and pleasure. Prices $20 to $35, other good ones $5 to $18. Another good bargain in C. E. Wescott's Sons THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. "Where Quality Counts. Rev. Baum gartner Resigns 111 Health Cause of Popular Mur dock Pastor's Re tirement. Last Sunday, Sept. 2Gth, at the Lu theran church north of town occurred a most memorable farewell reception which will alwajs be a pleasant and cheering page on lift's book. Owing to cot tinued ill health the beloved pastor Rev. J. E. Baumgprtner was unable lor.ger to minister to his congregation in the able manner ho desired and as he also wished to leave his charge in splen did condition, he thought it best to re sign his pastorate at this time, while the church was prospering and he still retained his mental faculties. A meeting of the church members was held Sunday afternoon, at which time a Rev. Meiers of Arapahoe.Nebr., was tendered a call to fill the vacancy caused by Rev. Baumgartners resigna tion. Mr. Meiers was strongly recom mended by those present who knew of his ability and the call was made by a unanimous vote and should he decide to accept of this call we bid him a hearty welcome. After the business of the da was disposed of, Rev. Heart man made a fine address to the con gregation present in which he went ovlt the record of the past 17 years during which time Rev. Baumgartner was pastor of this flock, certainly the Lord has dealt kindly with the good people of the congregation, a3 they have prospered in every way beyond what was their, due. The ladies of the church next very cordially invited all present to partake of refreshments which had been prepared in a bountiful marncr; and it was a real pleasure to drop a coin into the basket which was passed to show our appreciation of the ,. good works of the retiring minister, and which was only a slight testimonial of the love and affection in which he was held by his admiring llo;k. Seven teen years ago it was that Rev. Bsum gartner took up the local church work, coming here from RulTulo county; and during this period of time he has suc ceeded in buildh g up a very strong congregation which worships in a beau tiful church, surrounded by groves, viryeards and orchards which bespeak his handiwork as a first class horticul turalist. In this beauty spot are also located the parsonage and school, as well as the cemetery. Rev. Baumgartner and family will YOUR 'ENGINEER Will love you if you supply him with our radiant nut coal. BAYLOR COAL 2,000 Pinched If you have ever been & pinched under the arms by . . a . mm a poor htting suit, or it your pocketbook has ever been "pinched" by paying too much for too little returns, shirts at. 39c. leave for Lincoln this week sometime to take up their future residence, as he has purchased a fine home in the Capi tal city located at 1610 So. 21th street, where he will be glad to greet all of his old friends. We regret his departure from our midst and can only wish him a full measure of the good things in store for all those who have lived a true christian life in this world. Subscriptions Are Slow. Major W. R. Flemke returned last evening from Avoca where he had been Sunday to deliver a lecture and a cou ple of sermons. Ilia- organization has recently sent out hundreds of letters appealing to the community for funds with which, to purchase a place lor worship and the major desires to im preis upon the people the need for re sponding promptly. He states that so far but two responses have been re ceived, one from this city and one from Murdock, and as the season is rapidly advancing when it will no longer be possible to hold street meetings he is very anxious to get his funds in and se cure possession of a place of worship. Prospects are Cood. Judge Beeson left last eveningon the Schuyler for South Bend where he goes to do a little campaigning. From there he will make the Rock Island towns in the west part of the county and return to this city via the Missouri Pacific. The judge is meeting with a most hearty reception in his canvas for re election, the assurances being received from all parts of the county being of a character to indicate that a sweeping republican victory may be expected this fall. Feeder Condition Unsatisfactory. feeders or both cattle and sheep in this section are experiencing much trouble in securing suitable stock, or stock at a suitable price. The South Omaha markets continue to soaramong the clouds, and while of course they may hold up indefinitely.the local feed ers are slow in getting in their stock, as at the present prices of both feed and feeders the element of chance is so great as to warrant making haste slowly. Stood Operation Nicely. His many friends will be glad to learn that Will Egenberger.who was operated upon Monday at Clarkson hospital for appendicitis, stood the shock nicely and is now getting along as well as could be asked. Don't miss it. What? Majestic range exhibit at John Bauer's. MAN. Des Moines "Wins Pennant One of the Closest Fights Ever Seen in the Western League Race. The base ball season in the Western League closed last Tuesday after one of the hottest contests ever seen in the west. Up to one month ago four teams, Sioux City, Des Moines, Omaha and Denver were making a fight for the top position with chances that either might win. A few day later saw Denver take a slump which nut her out of the race for the flag, while three weeks ago Omaha lost out as a contender and the race narrowed down to Sioux City and Des Moines. These two teams see-sawed backward and forward for several days, first one at the top and then the other till about a week before the season closed when it looked as if Sioux City had the flag practically won, caused by the Lincoln team taking a double header from Des Moines, Sioux City at the same time holding her own with Omaha. How ever Lincoln took two out of three from the Sioux a day or so later and Des Moines won a double header from Omaha and the fight again took on n interesting condition. Des Moines and Sioux City later got together the former winning the full series of three games, thus putting her in the running again, with a percentage of .601 to Sioux City .617. With only three days of the season left Sioux City went to Omaha to play three games and Des Moines enter tained Lincoln on the Des Moines grounds. The first game between Om aha and Sioux City on Sunday was a tie 2 to 2, the second was won by Sioux City on Monday 12 to 1. Des Moines won from Lincoln both days and when the final contest came on Tuesday it was necessary for Sioux City and Om aha to play on" the tie game to settle the pennant, for if Des Moines woni from Lincoln, anil Omaha won the first game of the double header it would take the second game to decide whether Des Moines or Sioux City would win the pennant of 1909. Omaha won the first game from Sioux City by the score of 6 to 2 and when the news came that Des Moines had won from Lincoln the excitement at the Omaha grounds was intense. Men went wild and the women waived their Merry Widow bonnets in the air and shouted themselves hoarse. At the time the result was announced, the second game of the Sioux City-Omaha double header was about half over and Omaha was one run to the good. Sioux City tied it up the next inning, but the strain under which they had played for the past week seemed too much for them and in the last half of that inning they went to pieces and Omaha got around for two more. The next inning both sides scored once but it wasn't enough for Sioux City and so the game was over and a pennant lost for a team that at one time seemed to have the flag won without a doubt. But that is one of the things in base ball which makes the game so popular and gives it a standing as the great national game. The game is never won for sure until it is over, and in this case as in the case this year in the other leagues the pennant is not won till the season is practically closed. Following in the standing of the teams at the close of the season. It will be noted that Des Moines is only one point to the good: P. W. L. Des Moines ... 152 93 59 Sioux City 154 91 60 Omaha 152 84 68 Topeka 149 76 73 Wichita 153 71 82 Denver 151 69 82 Lincoln 150 61 89 Pueblo 151 58 93 Pet .612 .611 .553 .510 .464 .45 .407 .384 The Majestic Exhibit. The great Majesitic range exhibit which is being made this weeek at John Bauer's hardware store is attracting : considerable attention, among the I farming community as well as in the j city. Mr. Smith, a representative of I the factory at St. Louis, is making the demonstrations and of course he would ! not be holding down the job if he was ; not an artist in his line. Hot collVe ! and biscuit have been served every day. I Mr. Bauer reports an excellent sale during the week and he is altogether sausncu wun uiu uemonsmuion. Acorn cigars 5 cents each. Smoke an Acorn" and be happy. Nehawka News Notes Special Correspondence Relative to the Doings in a s Busy Burg. Mrl. Elbe Dodson has been on the sick list for some time. Violet St. John was a passenger to Nebraska City Saturday Miss Margaret Bergcr will spend the year at the Peru Normal. Mr. John Erby and family have mov ed out to Mr. Wolpha farm. Albert Hall left Monday to resume his studies at the state university. Jess Dodson moved to the country Saturday. City life was too strenous for him. Forest Cunningham is putting a new engine in his automobile, and expects to soon be on the road again. Miss Chive Tanner has been on the sick list for some time, and is visiting at Peter Opp's trying to recuperate. Mrs. Lattie KimbalJ of Los Angeles, Cal., came in Monday for a short visit with her father.Wm. Carroll.and other relatives. Mrs. Laura Wilson of Rodondo Reach Cal, in here for a few weeks' visit with her mother, Mrs. Inwgcrscn, and other relatives. Mrs. Wm. Newman was in town Monday making her last call on friends before returning to her home in Fron tier county. Miss Florence Todd is another of our university students that left last week to adjust herself in new quarters before school opens. Our school teachers have arranged for a lecture course of five numbers this school term. The first number will be Oct. 10th. Rev. Kinkel, the Methodist minister here for the past year goes to Stifla He will be suceeded by a man named Farr from Texas. Miss Ruth Murdock left Monday to resume her duties at the Cook county Training hospital, at Chicago. Ruth's two weeks vacation was all too short Clayton Rost visited his former pupils and a lot of old friends the last of the week, before taking up his studies at the state university. He was welcomed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Behrna went visiting the other day and when they returned they found two nice fish on the door step. It is supposed they set the hooks ami the fish crawled upon the doorstep and got on the hooks themselves. Mrs. Geo. Holmes left Thursday for her home in Chariton, la., after a visit of a couple of weeks here. Her sister- in-law, Mrs. James Bird of Riverside, Cal., accompanied her. Otto Carwell drove them to Plattsmouth to take the Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. Wolph and two of the children left Thursday for a protracted visit in east Washington and Oregon among relatives, thence to the Seattle exposition, and down through California. Mr. Wolph has a brotherinlaw who is a professor in Leland Stanford Univer sity, where they will make an extended visit. Friday night a converted Mohamedan prince lectured at the United Brothern j church. He is trying to get money to secure and education so that he may return home and convert his people to the true religion. He was also adver tising a show of magic and ledgerde main which he will brirg here at some future date. King 1). Clark has moved his stock of goods to Weeping Water as Mr. Stelfens who owned the building wunted to occupy it himself with a stock of general merchandise. Mr. Clark is a good business man and a line gentle man and we commend him to the peo- i pie ot Weeping Water as a man whom they can trust Henry Gruber who has been ailing for some time went to Omaha last wetk for a medical examination. The doctors pronounced his case so serious that F. P. Sheldon took Henry's father ami sister up immediately in his auto mobile. They found him better, and he has been gainirg ever since, and can now eat a little solid food. This community was .shocked hut i:ot surprised to hear that Lee Applegati: was dead, Saturday morning. Mr. , ;pipegato hus been a great sufferer f(1. ycars fron, w complication of dsi- eascs. In fact he has never been en tirely free from pain for many yeais, and but for his grit and determination would have passed on long ago. At the last meeting of the W. C. T. U. held at Mrs. Lena Pollards' the following officers were elected for the coming year. Mrs. Olla Kirkpatrick, President; Mrs. Lena Pollard, Sec; Mrs. Katie West, Tress. It was de cided to take up the following lines of work for the coming year, Flower Mis sion, Literature, Mothers meetings and Evangelistic work. Fine Millinery Opening The Greatest Display of Millin ery Ever Opened in Plattsmouth. M. Fanger will open and have on display on next Thursday, Friday and Saturday the largest, finest and most up-to-date display of millinery goods ever shown to the ladies of Cass county. Mr. Fanger has always used great efforts to please his lady patrons in stylish millinery goods, and every one who has visited his store k how's that each succeeding season he ht more than held good in this respect. This line of millinery goods has been select ed with only one idea in view, and that is to please his former patrons and all those who desire the latest and moBt up-to-date styles in hats and bonnets, and all other lines of millinery goods. The fact is, Mr. Fanger's stock of such goods is very large, and in his buying he purchases for two establishments, one here and at Omaha, and he has the advantage over other small concerns of getting his goods cheaper from the wholesale houses than the others, be cause he buys in greater quantities. This is easy enough to understand why Mr. Fanger has the confidence of the ladies of Plattsmouth and vicinity and why his goods prove the best in their line. Faneer's department store is known all over Cass county, and the ladies especially know that when he advertises a fine display, the goods will be there in great variety. Remember the dates of this great display-Thurs day, Friday and Saturday, September 30, Octoler 1 and 2. Don't fail to be there on one of those dates and order what you want. There will be a great rush, and milliners will have to have time to trim what you order. And we want to say that Mr. Fanger has em ployed as head milliner an expert, and one right up-to-date with her work. If you need a range let us show you the Majestic at John Bauer's this week. We've been making great preparations the last two months, Co:: i...' ..Li :irr ..:: The Home of Hart SchalTner & Marx clothes Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats Brief Local Happenings Little Items Concerning the Go ing and Coming of People You Know. O. II. Dovey was in Omaha the first of the week. Col. McMacken was an itor Tuesday. Omaha via- G. W. Gregg made a business trip to Omaha yesterday. George E. Dovey was looking after business matters in Omaha Tuesday. Attorney A. L. Tidd was looking af ter legal matters in Lincoln Tuesday. Attorney P. II. Dwyer was looking after legal business in Omaha the first of the week. G. F. S. Burton will leave Sunday on a business trip to California and other western points. County Superintendent Mary Foster was looking after business matters in Omaha Tuesday. W. L. Pickett, the general Burling, ton agent, was looking after business matters in Omaha yesterday afternoon. Many apples continue to come into the local market, impressing the obser ver that this is a much greater apple country than it is generally given cred it for. M. L. Williams of Louisville, pro prietor of the grain and commission business in this city bearing his name, was in the city the first of the week looking after business matters. II. C. Tabbert of Middlewater, Tex., s in the city. Mr. Tabbert is immi gration agent of the Ben I. Tanner Land Co. of Cedar Rapids, la., and his business here is the talking up of a Texas land proposition. W. A. Chambers of Anderson, Iowa, was in the city yesterday looking after business matters. He is figuring on a deal whereby he expects to come into possession of the Wetenkamp block in this city at a valuation of $10,000. J. F. Burk returned to his home in Spokane, Wash., Tuesday after spend ing a month visiting with friends and relatives in this vicinity. Mr. Burk ia connected with the Great Northern railroad and is much pleased with, that section of the country. for these October days that are now before us. We have confidence in what we're going to do this Fall. We bought heavy in all lines. Everything is new and all lines arc full. Especially strong are we in Hart Schaf fner & Marx suits, cravenettes and over coats. They're war ranted all wool. They'll hold their shape and color as long as you care to wear them. We'll be pleased to show you. Suits all Wool to $30