The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, September 27, 1909, Image 8
v, ..Air .wi&IIM- " z Fall Opening X Please call and see my line of HATS. Prices $2.50 tD 10. ) t ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Do Not Ex periment W 7 Miss Myers. X LITTLE LOCALS. (Ircatiat range in the world. The Majestic demonstrated at John Bauer's this week. J. W. Newell, the auditor for the Hurlington.was called to Chicago today on company business. Mise Cora Riggle, deputy postmis tress of Cedar Creek, wan a county .seat visitor SaturJay. G. P. Mciaingor, jr., of Eight Mile Grove, was shaking hands with I'latts .mouth friends Saturday. .Miss Gliidy.i Marshall left last week for Chicago, where she will make un extended visit with friends. Iiyron Clark and Tom Walling are installing a hot water heating plant in their business block on lower Main street. present to attend the funeral services of their father. Brad White who recently removed to Omaha was in the city Saturday re newing old acquaintances. Mrs. E. E. Goodwin has returned to her home in thin city after a visit at Ralnton with the family of Thayer I'ropst. , Julius I'itz was marketing grapes Saturday from his fine vineyard south of town. He reports an excellent yield Ahia season. Uuke Duller and wife of Omaha tipent Sunday in the city the guest of the latter'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Leonard. Mrs. Tuckerinan, wife of the singer Tcvivalist, left Friday for Montana in response to a telegram announcing the serious illness of her mother. Silas Long and family have returned from a seven weeks' trip touring Colo rado. They report a most pleasant trip. SALESMAN Wanted covering state of Neoraska, to carry the strongest, most complete Souvenir Post Card line, as side line. Holiday cards sell rapidly now. Chance to make big money. Address Gartner & Bender, Dept. S. Chicago. E. I. Hanna, plant chief of the Ne braska Telephone Co., with head quarters at Omaha, was a business vis itor in the city the latter part of the week. He states that an effort is soon to be made to greatly increase the company's business at this point. You Will Make No Mistake If You Follow This Plattsmouth Citizen's Advice. Never neglect your kidneys. If you have pain m your back, uri nary disorders, dizziness and nervous ness, it's time to act and no time to experiment. These are all symptoms of kidney trouble, and you should seek a remedy which is known to cure the kidneys. Doan's Kiddey Pill is the remedy to use. No need t) experiment. It has cured many stubborn cases in Platts mouth. Follow the advice of a Plattsmouth citizen and be cured yourself. Frank S. Brinkman, Eleventh Street, Plattsmouth, Neb., says: "I can vouch for Doan's Kidney Pills, knowing them to be a good kidney remedy. My back at times became so lame that the simplest movement was painful and I had frequent headaches and dizzy spells that caused me no end of annoyance. Mornings on getting up, I could hardly drag myself about and in spite of the many remedies I used, I found no re lief. Finally I began taking Doan's Kidney Pills, procured from Gering & Co. 's drug store. They made a prompt and permanent cure." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mi'.burn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agent3 for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. 46-4 Automobile Trip. Hon. and Mrs. C. E. Noyes and some friends made up an automobile party and visited in this city Friday. In con versation with the News-Herald Mr. Noyes stated that republican prospects looked bright in his section of the county, and that he is anticipating a rousing republican victory this fall. Notice of D ssolution. PUtUmouth. Neb . Sept. 22. 1909. Notice ia hereby given that the co-partnership of E. G. Dovey & Sun. heretofore composed of the igneni hereof, in by mutual consent this day dis solved. Oliver C. Dovey retiring therefrom. The business of said partnership will be conducted hereafter under the name of E. G. Dovey & Son by George E. Dovey and Horatio N tovey. who axsume all debts and liabilities of the former tirm and will pay the same Horatio N. Dovey. 47-8 Gkorck K. Dovey. Oliver C. Dovey O FWWFWFWFWFWFWFWFrFWFWFWrwFwrwwwrwrwFWFFWF'wF' Art Pictures Notice To Creditor. State of Nebraska. I c(! , . Cass County. $SS- In County Court In the matter of the estate of Hannah C. Black, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the Administrator of said es tate, before me. County Judge of Cos County. Nebraska, at the County Court room in l'latu said Countv. on the Uth day of October, 1WIH. and on the 12th day of April. 1910. at 9 o clock A. M.. each day, for the purposn of pre senting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for the creditors oC said deceased to present their claims and one year for the Administrator to settle said estate, from the 11th day of October. 1909. Witness my hand and seal of said County Court, at I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, this 9th duy of Sep tember. 1909. Allen J. Beehon. 43-8 Seal. County Judge y t t ? ? V t ? ? t V t T We have just received and have on display in our east window a handsome line of art pictures in oval steel frames. These goods are just as handsome as they can be and you will want one as soon as you see them. The prices range from 10c up to 50c astonishingly low values. An inspection is solicited. rawiggg'.ffMUUBsti.tfjtiwiwsmgi 53 Sam Hsckenberk and son Lonnie were in the city Saturday from their fine farm at Cedar Creek. While here they purchased a wagon from one of the local dealers, explaining that an ex ceptionally fine corn crop made this ac tion necessary. New Members Initiated. The weekly meeting ot the young ladies choir of the Methodist church was held Thursday evening at the resi dence of J. C. York on North Tenth street. The meeting was in the nature of a reorganization for the winter cam paign, five new members being taken in, and a most delightful evening was spent. A bonfire in the yard was a feature of the occasion. George Maun was host at a party given Thursday evening in his house jboat on the Missouri river. A splendid entertainment it reported by those present. Mrs. Don Yurk j3 substituting in the High school tins week for Miss Clee Applegate who is absent owing to the death of her father.the late Lee Apple gate of Union. Adam Stoehr, the prosperous farmer residing near Oreapohs was in the city .Saturday, driving anew span of mules which he recently purchased for use on his farm, the pric; being M50. At a meeting Friday in this city of the executive committee of the Cass county Sundjy school association, it was decided UImjIJ the annual conven tion in Ebr.wood dn October 2G and 27, C. H. Hocdeker of Murray left the first of the week for La3 Vegas, New Mexico, where he will purchase some more land. Mr. Hoedeker is already the owner of a half section of fine land in that vicinity and that he is buying more indicates that his faith in the fu ture of that country is very stong. Ray Pollard and wife of Nchawka were in the city a short time yesterday in their automobile, coming over to meet their brother, E. M., who had got stranded in Omaha and took this means of getting home without wait ing for the midnight train, coming down on the Burlington No. 2. E. M's. little son, Ernest, Jr. also accompanied the party. Adam FmnolT and son, Fritz were in the city Saturday from their farm near Cullum, looking after business matters, Mr. t orn on states that the corn crop in his immediate vicinity is very poor, Lgal Notice. State of Nebraska I , . County of Cass l"8 In County Court In the matter of the estate of Peter Ruuen, dt ccased. To all persons interested. You are hci .L,y notified that there has been filed in this court the petition of E. D. Cummins. J. B. Martin. C. L Murtin aud Wjllinm Wehrbein; alleging therein among other things that said Peter Kauen departed this life, intestate, on the ZInddavof March. 190S. at which time he was a resident and inhabitant of said countr. leaving both real and personal estate. The prater of said petition is that estate be administered and that J. P. falter be appointed administrate of said estate. You are further notified that a hearing will be had upon said petition before this court on the IB day of October. V'D. at 9 o clock a. m. an. that all objections, if any, must be filed on or before said dav and hour of hearing Witness my hand and the seal of said court this SS day of September, 1909 Seal J. Rekmin, 47-6 County Judge. J. W. LA aVTi. Aa, Aa. Aa, AA As. AAV Aa, AA, As. At, AA AA. AA. aa. asV Aa. j.a aa Afc AAjVja. "t ''wr "t t I Grocery Satisfaction The Suprise Club. About fifteen members of the Sur prise club called upon Mrs, Anna Hritt Thursday at about the noon hour, the occasion being the anniversary of that lady's birth. Each visitor was supplied with a basket generously laden with toothsome viands, and the occasion proved to be one which will be long re membered by the participants as a most happy one. Cheap Rates. Fall Festivities Kansas City, Mo,, Oct. 4th, $3.G0. One fare for the round trip via Missouri Pacific railway. Tickets on sale Oct. 4th to 8th inclus ive. Return limit Oct. 11th. II. G Norton, Agent. 47-4 BAILEY & MAGH THE DENTISTS UttSt oisCf mj-Of ID-Orntl t r tWtrrli". Hri- ii'ilutM-il lenial Of fice li ID Middle West. ?tCl DISCOUNT O TO CITV VlSJITOS. Id Floor in ton Ink . Itk ft s srnstn, OMAHA, MM. L. TIDD LAWYER References: Bank of Eagle, Eagle. Nehawka Hank, Nehawka. Hank of Murdock, Murdock. First Nat'l bank, Greenwood. State bank of Murray, Murray. First Nat'l bank, Plattsmouth. t K"H"I "l1 WI',"!-M"tM--I":!"HHi-r Some Fine Corn. S. L. Cotner and wife and children, accompanied by Mrs. Cotner's sister, visited yesterday with their brother-in law, George Lloyd, residing about four miles southwest of Murray. Mr. Lloyd has 120 acres of tome of the finest corn that was ever raised in Cass county, it being estimated that it will yield from r0 to 5j bushels to the acre. Mr. Lloyd sent to Illinois for the seed, and th? ears will average, over ten inches in length, while the cob is small and the grains long and deep. This is the best field of corn we have heard of this year and Mr. Lloyd is certainly to be congratulated. Uev. 1 A. Chapman of Elmwood was in the city the latter part of the week attending a committee meeting of church and Sunday School workers Mrs. Mary J. Morgan, aged 07 years, died Saturday evening at the Nebraska Masonic Hon e in this city. The body was tak en to Palmyra yesterday for burial, the former home of the deceas ed. Mrs. J. H. Thrasher left Friday for Persia, Iowa, where &he will visit for a time with a sii.iter and attend the wed ding of her nephew, Robert Davis. She expects to he alu.ent two or three weeks. Notice the ad of C. W. Uaylor, the coal man, in this issue. Mr. Raylor expects to conduct a vigorour advertis ing campaign this fall and winter and it will pay to keep tab on his announcements. S. L. Thoni.H has a force of men at work remodeling the barn on bis old liome place out toward Oreapolis. That bustling young farmer, Adolph Hrown has rented these pi emises for a term of five yecrs. Nick Halmes was in Saturday his farm west of the city. from Acorn cigars 5 cents each. Smoke an 'Acorn" and be happy. Not Always. He that telleth tlipe that thou art always wrong may be deceived; but he that saith that thou art always rlpht Is surely a liar. Jainshyd (H. C). U will pay you to carefully read every advertisement appearing in these columns. Plattsmouth merchants are offering bargains in all lines as you will very soon tli ioovcr by comparing prices quoted with the goods themselves. t W. A. Taylor pf Union conducts the funeral serviced of Lee Applegate this afternoon in bin late residence three miles west of Union. Three of hiu sons Icing on the Pacific coast could not be Goes to Hospital. William Fgenberger, son of the late J. V. Fgenberger and since his death in I O.I 1 1 J I cnarge oi me coai ana iceci business t.till conducted under his name, was taken very ill Saturday, and upon ex amination Dr. T. P. Ligingston pro nounml the trouble appendicitis, and ordered the patient removed to the Chirkson hospital for an operation, where he was taken this morning. His many friends are filled with apprehen sion, but trust that the promptness with which the case has been handled will result in a speedy and permanent recovery. Runaway Accident. Mrs. Dan Rice, residing on Winter- steen bill, Saturday started to drive down below the city to visit with her daughter, Mrs, John Gouchcnour, ac companied by her little son. After getting a short distance below town her horse took freight at something, and becoming unmanageable, ran away. The buggy was overturned and Mfs. Rice and the boy thrown violently to the ground. Fears were entertained for awhile that Mrs. Rice was seriously injured, but her friends will be glad to learn that she now feels that she will be all right in a day or so. Nature's Peculiarity. Not the least remarkable thins In tills world In which we grope and have our being Is the amazing differ elit es that can ovist in the children of the same parents. Ingratitude. ' "lnfiratlttulo," said Uncle Khen, "Is a word inns' frequently used by folk dat has had mo' dan dclr share of favors an' had delr expectations on reasonably stimulated." 1 y t y y y t y y y y y y t X y y t y y y y y y y y t y y y y Do you want an In the highest sense is found at our store. Our aim has been to have the best grocery store in town and to give our custo mers the best that the market affords. Besides having good goods we have plenty of them, giving our customers the ad vantage of having a large and extensive line to choose from. We have the little things that go to make up delicious little luncheons. Just try us on that next grocery order and see what a fine line we have. Soennichsetx's AUCTIONEER? If you do, get one who has' Experience, Ability, Judgement Telegraph or Write Robert Wilkinson, Dunbar, Nebr. Or call at the News-Herald office and we will save you trouble and expense in getting dates and terms. Good Service. Reasonable Rate An Olden Jest. "Notice the footnote at the bottom Of the page," laughed the court fool, ns the royal attendant's shoes emitted a squeak. .lack O'Lnntcrn. House Wanted. The editor of the News-Herald would like to rent a small house. Must be in good shape, and not too far out. Call at the office or phono 83. No chil dren and only three in family. What have you got. Obey God's Call. Nothing is really lost by a life of sacrifice; everything is lost by a fail ure to obey (Sod's call. H. P. I.lddon. Art's Reality. Ituskin: Great art is nothing else than the type of strons and noble 'life. Czar the Largest Landowner. The czar of Russia, with 90,000,000, acres is the biggest landowner In tb world. "Seeing Is Believing." Herodotus: We are less convinced by what we hear than by what wt see. ATCHISON LEAVENWORTH. KANSAS CITY ST. LOUIS Arc Best Reached by the I Not Long to Be Cast Down. A brave man's spirit Its vigor soon regains. Homer, Try It. We can reduce our wants to havluss. Dinah Maria Muloch. 0111 Reduced rates via. Missouri Tacificto Chicago, St Louis.Kan sas City and St Joe. Dates of sale August 2th to Sept. Sth and September 11th to 19th. See agent for rates, limits, and etc. Hugh Norton, Agent. x X X X 1 X X t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y t y t y y y y y y HERE YOU 25 Cents. 10 Cents. S1.50. For the purpose of increasing the circulation of the News Herald and also of reaching every home in Cas;s county, preparatory to making- a better paper, we make the following offer to new subscribers. The News-Herald from now till after Election 1 0c -OR- The News-Herald from now till January 1, 1910 25c -OR- Any New Subscriber paying for one year in advance at the regular subscription price of $1.50 can have the News-Herald sent free till January, 1910. This barely pays for the paper it is printed on and no re publican in Cass rounty can afTord to be without his party paper at this price. In fact a democrat will gain n whole lot of useful knowledge he would not otherwise obtain by taking advantage of this olTer. We have a few of those nice Clocks left which we will give to any new subscriber who pays one year's subscription in ad vance and 50 cents extra, as long as they last. In addition to every year's subscription in advance we will give one of those "Don't Break Your Back" Dust Pans, a few of which we have left. Then we have a lot of Silver Spoons which are warranted to be just as good as silver anyway, and will give half a dozen of these as long as they last to any subscriber who pays a year in advance with 15 cents extra. Then there are a few dozen scissors left which we want to get out of the way and will give a pair of these to any subscri ber who pays one year in advance and 10 cents extra. This offer does not any where near cover the cost of this stuff at the wholesale price, but they are here in the office and we want to get them out of the way, and we propose to give new subscribers the benefit. irmimmfflhT The News-Herald I I nnr ou i j ID y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y t T y y y y y y y y y y y A.A.