A. A. A. READY TO FIGHT. The big man with the (lory look on his dice had b en struggling with tlio ear window for 20 minutes. Suddenly it came down on him uud helJ hliu a prisoner. With much (liming and wriggling he finally released himself. "Confound that blasU-d window!" he thundered, almost exploding with rage. "1 feel like I could chew It up in bits, glass and all." It was then that the humorous llttlo man in the next seat touched him on the arm. "My friend," he said, with a merry twinkle in his eyes, "rfon't be so an Kry with the window. Why, that win dow likes you. In fact, it is really affectionate." "What! Are you Joshing me? The window affectionate?" "Certainly, sir. Didn't It fall on your neck?" And then the humorous littlu man vanished toward the smoker. IT DIDN'T GO. Percy Did you bet on the baseball game, Harold? Harold Why, I was going to, but when I offered to bet a husky fellow two ice cream sodas to a box of cara mels he Just gave me a rude stare. Hit Finish. When lie suited: "Is thin hot enough for you?" lie was in a happy trim. Hnt If he went wher they pent him to, "fwould be fur too hot for lilm. Roasted. one young Turk, Abdul Hamid's Abdul the "I wonder," said "why they Bpared ..lite." ...... , .1 .. 1 1 necause, unswereu uir uuier, u is forbidden to speak ill of the de parted, and in his case we couldn't af ford any such obligation." Imperfect Equipment. "I wonder if hunters had any kind of equipment in Xlmrod's day!" mused the sallow student. "Of course not," said the up-to-date youth. "They hadn't Invented cam eras and press agents in those days." Only Too Glad. Mrs. Hutton We are organizing a friano club, Mr. Flatleigh. Will you join us? Mr. Klatleieh With pleasure. Mrs. Hutton. What pianist do you propose to club first? Hi Profession. "Dickinson is a good sailor. Do you know that he can extract enjoyment twin the very teeth of a gale?" "Out. then, you know, he's a dentist." "GOOD, KIND DOCTOR." PUZZLED. Oh. l'fe, lif.-, Ilf.-. Your iluyn f Kun n:i1 rain, Sn iincetly tili'mllnt; Miilli'g uud teurs Ami li.ii4ni us anil pain. Smiii-tlim s It Hi't-iMij V" ouK'ht to laugh, Just when want to cry And nmnt'fliiK when we IiuikIi the moBt We ttup to hi'uve u rlRh. Oh, lif.-. llf.', life. 8' i.:ra:mely bttler-swret. your victories the few may win. Your heiirtnehe unit defeat. Sn much Ih K'kkI, bo much h' had, We fi ml It hard to say, If you'i-H a weary round of cure, Or Just a holiday. Nothing New. "Here is where some college fessor believes that vegetables see and hear while growing in pro can the remarked the scientific. garden,' boarder. "That bo?" commented the laconic comedian boarder, as he speared a baked apple. "Sure tiling! Not only that, he be lieves that In ages hence they may be able to converse with one an other." "Oh. that's old." "What's old?" "Vegetables conversing. I've often heard 'Jack and the ltoaus-ta!!:.' " Indefinite. "I think the statement of the press agent of those performing aviators would bear a little more detail as to why their last ascent was unsuc cessful." "Why eo?" "When asked about the failure he merely said the aeronauts had a fall ing out." Faith. "Pa, what Is sublime faith?" "When a man who weighs 250 pounds sits down beside a lady whose weight is 235 pounds and the ham mock In which they are seated is held up by a rope a quarter of an inch thick, it seems to me that they give an exhibition of sublime faith that would hardly need an explanation." Feminine Wisdom. Said He There are a few things that a woman doesn't know about her self. Said She Yes, and those are the very things her dearest "friend" takes pleasure In telling her. JUNGLE DISCIPLINE. ! Mr, Jones Her husband Is dead. Miss Brown Well, I'm not aur Brined to Lear It His doctor told me he thought he could straighten him out. STRATEGY. The peddler paused at the door of the wayiide cottage. "Lady," he said, tipping his hat. "could I sell you a self-revolving roll ing pin?" "No!" snapped the ar.fj.iiar we:iian In the blue sunbonnot, "1 wouldn't take It if you gave it to i.ie." "How about an educated rat trap?" "Don't want it at any price." "Well, I guiss I'd better be guin', ma'am." "Hold on n minute. What ih that you have i:i the package?" "Why, that's the Uem celebrated wrinkle remover." "Huh! Wonder you didn't ask me to buy that?" ' Oh, no, ma'am. 1 know a lady with, such an exquisite complexion as you have would never ucod a wrin kle remover." "Tocher-! You men lire awful. I guess I'll buy that wrinkle remover as a souvenir of a perfect gentleman, and let's see you might give ine the rat trap and the rolling pin, too." OLD MAN WILLING. "I asked your father's consent by telephone." "What did he say?" "He said. "I don't know are, but it's all right.' " who you His Bug. Some one with knuwItilK" that's so vital It striken iim us nlmoxt uncanny Says the Wrights are from Iowa; But Wells will mutter; "liidlanny!" -Ah, Mother Ostrich Children, my curl ing iron is missing. Confess now! Which one of you swallowed it? Misunderstanding. Thf horseman told the furmer, "Grass to my steed, I pray." Hut yelled: "No, no"' when th farmer Who waa deaf, kept asking: "Hey?" As She Interpreted It. The young woman was entertaining a gentleman caller in the parlor. Her little brother was also present. "Sis," he queried, looking up from his book, "what is the 'rule of three?' "Three is a crowd, dear," replied his sister. "Now run along and play." Future Invitations. Cogger Howdy, old man? When you are down my way In your auto mobile drop In some time. Hardwood Oh, 1 travel in an aero plane these days. Cogger That so? Well, drop out i sometime. Still with Us. Mrs. Slubbs (reminlscently) for the good old days, John! Mr. Stubbs What old days, Maria? Mrs. Stubb Why, the days of our grandparents, when there were so many brass knockers. Mr. Stubhs H'm! Maria, there are plenty of knockers around now and all of them seem to have an abun dance of brass. Heard on the Ocean Waves. It was one of those modern ocean giants equipped with elevators and eight decks. "Going up!" called" the elevator boy as be started to close the door of the cage. "No," responded the pale man with a wan smile. "Coming up." And then be moved over toward the rail. Appropriate Melody. "What is that woman trying sing?" "Rocked in the Cradle of Deep.' " "Humph! That accounts for squalls." to the the SOMETHING WRONG. His Excuse. Kind Lady Hut, my poor man, why do you like to scrap so much? The Tramp 1 can't help It, mum. You see, I was born in Philadelphia and raised on dat town's famous dish of scrapple. Another Version. Woodman, hew that tree, Expunge It from th scene : In youth my jnlsery . Came from Its apple green. An Over-Rating. "Over and above the merits of the cose. I can't see how they could have Dtrustd Keddy with such a mission." "Why not?" "Because he Is too overbearing for any undertaking." The Ideal "1.. see where a St. Louis woman wants a divorce from her husband be canse he wouldn't let her sit In his lap." "Foolish woman! Does she think she married a Morris chair?" One on Father. "Mother, tell me a fairy story." "Go to your father," was the reply, In slightly acid tones. "Your father is the Hans Christian Andersen ot this household." Limitations. "This Is a preserved lake. They limit you to 20 fish In this lake." "Sounds good to me." "Hut, mind you, they don't guaran ' lee the 20 fish." y Mean Thing. IH) my pnoiograpns rcscmnic me cicely?" "Yes. they do. I suppose you will try another photographer?" Not the Road to Ruin. "Where are you going?" "To the bow-wows." "You must be joking." "Not at all. I'm just going to a dog show." down At the Show. "That saving of the child by the dog, and the mother's delight, is a very touching sight." "Of course; these are all moving pictures." Ella Isn't Normal. " see where Kiln Wheeler Wilcox In discussing 'The Normal Woman. "What does she know about the nor mal womnn?" Hunting Scene. "HaU a queer dream last night." "What was It about?" "I dreamed a bologna sausage chasing n Welsh rabbit." was A Quick Spender. "Say, that money's tainted." "I won't keep It long enough to be come Infected." . . .... li'aat Column FOR SALE. FOK SALE A pood team of work horse?, harness and wagon for $12."if taktn at once. Inquire at this ollii-e. FOR SALE-Two story brick house 7 rooms, good well and cistern with 12 lots situated in t-outh part of city. All kinds of fruit, flood barn and out buildings. Et. quire of John J, Toman. IW- WANTED. WANTED YounK men and women to fill positions paying $i00 to $2000 per annum. Uig demand for stenograph ers in the Government service, as well as in private business life. Our new method of teaching shorthand by mail insures as thorough and practical a training at your own home as is obtainable by personal attend ance at any business college in the country. We guarantee success. Complete course for small cash pay ment; balance to be paid when you secure a position. Trial lesson free. Central Business Institute, Central Building, Washington, D. C. X f f f f f f Ring Contest Closing Sale TEN BIG BARGAIN DAYS SEPT. 20TH TO SEPT. 30TH A cash reuUtT check with "each purchase cash fie rep resents one vote iii our Kig Diamond King Contest, which clones September ll'fh. ('all and see the big bargains in everything we handle, delicious Orangeade ferved free to ladies each day of sale from 2 to 3 p. m. lou get the benefit of extra low prirei your favorite. contestant gets the benefit testa nts at the store. of your votes, List of con- NEMETZ & CO. Candymakers. Next to P. O. f f f Y t Y f BOYS! GIRLS! COLUMBIA BICY CLE FREE! Greatest offer out. Get your friends to subscribe to our magazine and we will make you a present of a $40.00 Columbia Bicycle the best made. Ask for particulars, free outfit, and circular telling "How to Start." Address, "The Bicycle Man," 20-31 East 22nd Street, New York City, N. Y. 46-3-x LAND AGENT WANTED-For a special one day sale of irrigated land in the Rocky Ford District. Large commission all paid in cash on con summation of sales. Write at once for particulars of extraordinary offer. La Junta Land Co., La Junta, Colo. 43-6 WANTED-Success Magazine wants an energetic and responsible man or woman in Plattsmouth to collect for renewals and solicit new subscriptions during full or spare time. Expei i- ence unnecessary. Any one can start among friends and acquaintances and build up a paying and permanent busi ness without capital. Complete outfit and instructions FREE. Address, "VON," Success Magazine, Rocm 103, Success Magazine Building, New York City, N. Y. 4S-3-x Low Rates for Autumn To the Northwcst:-Cheap one-way Colonist fares to the North west, Piifret Sound and California, September 15th to October 15th; daily through trains to the Northwest via the Great Northern, also via the Northern Pacific. To California, daily through tourist sleepers via Denver, Scenic Colorado and Salt Lake City. Round Trip to Pacific Coast: Very low Seattle and California round trip excursion tickets on sale during September. This, is the last chance to obtain these cheap rates for the greatest railroad journey in the World. Eastbound: Special round trip rates to Chicago, Kansas City, Lincoln, Omaha, St. Joseph, St. Louis, August 28th to September 5th and from September 11th to September 19th. Daily low thirty day round trip rates from Chicago to Atlantic cities and resorts. September Is the last month for the special vacation rates to Colorado. Homeseekers' excursions September 7th and 21st Consult nearest ticket agent; he has latest advice of special rates. W. L. PICKETT.Ticket Agent, Plattsmouth, Neb.. L. W. Wakely, G. P. A.,' Omaha. liiifipi lite ' l mm How's Your Time Smoke an ACORN And be Happy Attention is called to the advertise ment in this issue of Miss Myers, the milliner. The new fall goods are now on display and she invites your in spection. Y f f f t Y Y Y T Y Y Y Y Y 1: Our business is to make correct, time. You can always depend upon having ab solutely the correct time if you carry one of our watches. We have an exceptionally large stock and you are pretty sure to find exactly what you are looking for-and don't forget everything leaving our store is absolutely guaranteed. $1 Ingersols, Elgin and Waltham watches.dust proof cases, $5.25 up Ladies' Elgin and Waltham watches, gold filled cases guaranteed for twenty years, $12.50 and up. Y Y Y Y T Y Y Y Y Y T Y Y Y Y T Y t T T John W. Crabill f Red Tag Reduction Sale . '.'She always treats her servanta her equals." "And don't they resent It?" as Woman'a Curiosity. 'Come, fly wltli me,' lie whlKptrfd low; "H mine, min while life endures!" 'But first." ltr said, "I want to know What makr of aeroplane Is yours?" Heard at tht Minstrel Show. Tambo Can yo' all tell me.de dif ference 'iwixt egg an' a cabbage, Mia tan Bones? Hones Ah shore can, Mistah Tam bo, Ah ain't done bin on de stage 14 yeahs for uotbln'. Wherein They Differ. Jack Widows are wiser than maids In one respect, at least. Tow What's the answer? Jack They never let a good chance eo by, thinking that a better one will come their way. What He Mlsced. Miss Feaehley Do you believe in coeducation, Mr. Hupglns? Mr. Hupfins Indeed 1 do. I shall never forgive myself for neglecting to take a postgraduate course at Vassar. A Fellow Feeling. "If you only knew how nervous I was whin I proposed to you!" "And 11 you only knew bow nerv ous I wan tU yon imposed to me!" Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t IY if if if if Our reduction sale has been a drawing card ever since we started it, the first of September. And now that heating stove season is on it certainly will pay you to call and look over our line of heaters. Every one has a red tag and above the tag but the price that's on the tag will interest you most. Following are a few prices. The well-known Hound Oak 14 inch fire pot ; $JjaQQ The Radiant soft coal burner formerly $17.00 C flfl now VlWaUU The Radiant home "base burner No. 5 $ 3 7 5 0 The Radiant home base burner No. 6 $41.50 The Radiant home base burner No. 7 $45i50 at We have a great variety of stoues and at various prices. Every one at a bar gain. The object of sale is to clear out all stoves and to get in cash. It is the cash we need and for that reason we make these big reduction. Cut prices are for cash only. ASEMISSEN S KLINGL f f f f f f f f f f f f t