The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, September 20, 1909, Image 8
J" Fall Opening $ I I Want Column I it i h f Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y v t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y X X Y X X X X X X Y X X X X X X X Y X X X Y Y Y Y Y Y v t Y t v Y t X t s: ATI t T J , Please call and see my line of HATS. U J f ? ? ? Y Y ? f i Y ? Miss Myers. $ POPES PIPES Get one of our fine - French briar pises that we have just received. Straight stemmed. Make a fine cool smoke. Beats a cob pipe all hollow. Having a large line we are. going to dispose of them at Y Y ? ? Y Y Y ? ? ? ? Y ? ? ? Y ? Y Y XJ T ? Y Y Y ? ? t ? ? ? ? I A. 1 Soehnichsen ' s I mm you me $1.50. 25 Cents. 10 Cents. For the purpose of increasing the circulation of the News Herald and alBO of reaching every home in Cass county, preparatory to making a better paper, we make the following offer to new subscribers. The News-Herald from now till after Election 10? OR , The News-Herald from now till January 1, 1910 25c -OR- Any New Subscriber, paying, for one . year; in advance, at.the regular subscription price of $1.50 can have the News-Herald sent free till January, 1910. This barely pays for the paper it is printed on and no re publican in Cass county can afford to be without his party paper at this price. In fact a democrat will gain a whole lot of useful knowledge he would not otherwise obtain by taking advantage of this offer. We have a few of those nice Clocks left which we will give to any new subscriber who pays one year's subscription in ad vance and GO cents extra, as long as they last. In addition to every year's subscription in advance we will give one of those "Don't Break Your Back" Dust Tans, a few of which we have left. Then we have a lot of Silver Spoons which are warranted to be just as good as silver anyway, and will give half a dozen of these as long as they last to any subscriber who pays a year . in advance with 15 cents extra. Then there are a few dozen scissors left which we want to get out of the way and will give a pair of these to any subscri ber who pays one year in advance and It) cents extra. This offer does not any where near cover the cost of this stuff at the wholesale price, but .they are here in .the office and ' -we want to get them out of the way, and we propose to give new subscribers the benefit. The News -Herald. A. Y ? t Y ? Y ? f ? ? Y ? Y Y X ? Y Y Y Y Y ? ? ? ? ? Y ? f Y Y Y ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Y Y Y FOR SALE. Sell your junk to Wave Allen and get the highest market price. 3IM0. FOR SALE A good team of work horses, harness and wagon for $125 if taken at once. Inquire at this office. FOR SALE-Two story brick house 7 rooms, good well and cistern with 12 lots situated in south part of city. All kinds of fruit. Good barn and out buildings. Enquire of John J. Toman. 39- WANTED. WANTED Young men and women to fill positions paying $900 to $2000 per annum. Big demand for stenograph ers in the Government service, as well as in private business life. Our new method of teaching shorthand by mail insures as thorough and practical a training at your own home as is obtainable by personal attend ance at any business college in the country. We guarantee success. Complete course for small cash pay ment; balance to be paid when you secure a position. Trial lesson free. Central Business Institute, Central Building, Washington, D. C. LAND AGENT WANTED-For a special one day sale of irrigated land in the Rocky Ford District. Large commission all paid in cash on con summation of sales. Write at once for particulars of extraordinary offer. La Junta Land Co., La Junta, Colo. ,43-6 SALEMEN WANTED-To sell Floor shine to Paint, Hardware, Drug and Department Store trade. Salary $125 monthly and expenses. Exper ience unnecessary. Write for parti culars. Floorshine Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo. . BAILEY & MAGI1 THE DENTISTS lltlll IUfce. Ilj-0rj4i Owthtry. Ititt llrrl(i. BfM-fqlpfDfltl Of fice litkt NidJlt Wetl. M floor Ptiton Rlk., Iltb rrnm, OMAHA, NEI. t,,, ;,,;, i, ;,i!t.,1,.i,.ii1,li,.,iit,. A. L. HDD LAWYER References: Bank of Eagle. Eagle. , Nehawka Bank, Nwiawka. . Bank of Murdock. Murdock. First Nat'I bank, Greenwood. State bank of Murray, Murray. 4 First Nat'I bank, Flattsmouth. J f,,.,.,.,ji.,;M,H,...i,.;.,n..i..;...,t,.i,.;.f H...,l.,n,4.,i.,iin..i..t..i..i.,i.,t,.i..s.,t....i.4. Smoke an ACORN And be Happy -H-H-H-S W I' M..i..M"M"H"i..l"M ATCHISON LEAVENWORTH KANSAS CITY ST. LOUIS Are Best Reached by the K !Q I) If en Reduced rates via. Missouri Tacificto Chicago, St Louis, Kan sas City and St . Joe. Dates of sale August 28th to Sept. 8th and September 11th to 19th. See agent for rates, limits, and etc. Hugh Norton, Agents For a Really Good Investment 'i If you want a really good investment, an in vest ment that will pay you a handsome percentage on the money invested, you should invest in CASE machinery. CASE machinery represents a lifetime in the thresh ing business. The thing that the manufacturers have striven for is simplicity and durability, these have been their guiding stars, and the results of their labors in this direction are shown in the simplicity of their machinery, its adaptability to all sections of the coun try and all kinds of work, its ability to withstand rough usage, audits output. CASE engines are wonderful hill climbers, consuming the minimum of fuel with the maximum of power. These engines will give you more power for the rated horsepower than any other en gine of the same size. CASE Separators thresh more grain and does it better than any other separator on the market rated the same. If you don't believe this ask some of the men who have had their grain threshed with the CASE. I will furnish names ol owners of CASE machinery upon application. If you are interested . write me, , and I , will send catalogues and particulars. M . E. Manspeaker