The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, September 20, 1909, Image 5
V think that their ideas thould be givm the most consideration and that all cannot have thtir methods put into practice. When the people of Nebraska change j their methods and after electing a man j to conpress, resolve to stay by him and give him a chance to make good, then will Nebraska gaia a foothold in the halls of congress that will make her a power. We have just aa able men in Nebraska as they have in any state in the Union, but a good man who is new, stands no show with a bad man who is old at the tricks of the trade, and so Nebraska will continue to butt against the stone wall just so long as she continues the methods used dur ing the past few years. If Nebraska has little power in Washington, it is the people, not the men sent there who are responsible for that condition. Give a good man a chance and he will make a showing to be proud of, but give him to understand that two terms is all he can expect and he will not be able to meet your ex pectations. Use a little business judge ment in politics, the same horse sense you would use in your own business and Nebraska will forge to the front in a very short time. The executive committee of the re publican county committee, with sev eral of the candidates who were in at tendance at the Nehawka social fair last Saturday, held a meeting at that place and selected Saturday, October 2, 1909 as the time for holding the pre cinct caucus for the nomination of pre cinct officers. The meeting will be held at the usual voting places in the evening, the call for which will be made by the chairman as soon as it can be issued. Crimes Takes Vacation. Charles Grimes, the versatile local editor of the Journal, left the latter part of the week for Texas, where he will spend a vacation of a week or ' ten days renewing old acquaintances. Mr. Grimes was formerly employed by the Rock Island railroad at the Fort Worth offices ard anticipated a most pleasant trip. In his absence J. E. Douglass is attending to the local de partment of the Journal. S7.50 free. John Bauer's add in this issue. Called ta St. Joseph. Mr. and Mrs. William Baiidleft Sat urday evenirg for St. Joseph, Mo., in response to a telegram announcing the death of a very dear f riond and former neighbor. J. Fisher, a prominent farmer from the vicinity of Greenwood was attend ing to business at the court house Sat urday. Mr. Fisher states that the dry weather did considerable damage in his immediate vicinity. Acorn cigars 5 cents each. Smoke an 'Acorn" and be happy. The social which was to have been given at the residence of Mrs. Weten kamp at Mynard on the 18th inst. has Been postponed until the 25th, next j Saturday. All are cordially invited to attend. Tost card pictures of Merchants Car nival, Labor Day floats, parados, hose fight and other interesting events, now on sale 2 for 5c. Nemetz & Co. Ray Darkus who was recently mar ried and went to work in the round house will shortly return to this city, where he has been tendered a position in the coach shop in the local shops. Notice To Creditors. In the matter of the estate of llant.uh C. lllack, di'Ct-e.M'd. . Notice i hereby (riven thnt the creditor of raid dec eud will mift the Adminmtmuir of Knid es tate, before me. County Juihre uf Lara County, Nebraska, at the County Court room in I'lntta raid Coumv, on the tjth day of October. l'JW. and on the Uiti day of April, Mo, at t o clock A. M., each day. lor the purpoae of pre nentimr their clamia for examination, adjuatnient and allowance. Six months are allowed for the creditors of said deceased to in nent their claims and ono year for the Administrator to settle said estate, from the lit h flay of October. J'.i09. WitnefB my hand and seal of said County Court, at Flutixinouth, Nebraska, this Oth day of Sep tember. Kti). Allen J. Pehmon. 4'i8 Seal. County J udirc. : If you di), gi t one who has Experience, Ability, Judgement Telegraph or Write Robert Wilkinson, Dunbar, Nebr. ' Or call at the News-Herald office and we will save you trouble and expense in getting dates and terms. Good Service. Reasonable Rate. I THIS A1.W USISS OF IA1JSR In the home cannot be estimated. It can be usd to Wautify the otherwise ugly pantry cheWf t, to put under the carpets, in fatt it can be used all over the house and is a cheap means of sanitation. We have a limited number of old papers which we will sell for 5c per bunch. .... . The Nkwh-IIkkald. Post card pictures of Merchants Carnival, Labor Day floats, parades, hose fight and other interesting events, now on sale 2 for 5c. Nemetz & Co. H. E. Roush, manager of the West ern Newspaper Union of Omaha was looking after business matters in this city Saturday. He made this office a pleassnt call. V ? ? t ? ? t ? APPLES WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAH) FOR HAND PICKED AP PLES BY THE HUNDRED OR BY THE BARREL, DELIVERED AT HOUSE. NEXT DOOR TO EGEN BERGER'S GROCERY STORE. R. R RUNDLE & COMPANY, Plattsmouth Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t I Attention Farmers and Stock Raisers! Post card pictures of Merchants Car nival, Labor Day floats, parades, hose fight and other interesting events, now on sale 2 for 5c. Nemetz & Co. Attention is called to the advertise ment in this issue of Miss Myers, the milliner. The new fall goods are now on display and she invites your in spection. Paul Morgan left the latter part of the week for Champaign, 111., where he goes to attend the Illinois State University the coming year. Notice. I have for sale at my place in Rock Bluffs 22 head of mares, the big kind. 44-3t Perry Marsh. Post card pictures of Merchants Car nival, Labor Day floats, parades, hose fight and other interesting events, now on sale 2 for 5c. Nemetz &Co. Sepl 27 to Oct. 2. Big Majestic range sale and demonstration at Bauer's hardware store. Miss Helen Clark visited Saturday with friends in Lincoln. 320 ACRE FREE HOMESTEAD Wyoming, Colorado and Montana: The Mondell Homestead law makes provisions for 320 acre homesteads in certain localities, instead of the usual 1G0 acre tracts. The requirements of the law are practically the same regarding residence, improvements and cultivation. These lands are going fast; if you want a homestead close to the railroad, you should act now. Crops and Rain Fall: Visitors to the Omaha Corn Show will remember the mannificent display of farm products from Western County, Wyoming, grown on exactly the same kind of land that can now be taken in 350 acre homesteads. The Mondell Act in cludes lands that receive from 16 to 21 inches of rain fall annually and vou only need to see the crops grown by the already located there, to be convinced. These homesteads can be taken along the Burlinerton's new line now building in Wyoming. I personally conduct excursions the first and third Tuesdays of each month to these lands, and am employed by the Burlington to answer all inuuiries. and to assist you in evers possible way to lo cate along the Burlington Line. Write for new folder and map of these lands. D. CLEM DEAVER, General Agent, Land Seekers Information Bureau, Omana, Neb 1004 Farnum St., Omaha, Neb. i lite . Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Hoj Salvet or medi cated Salt is the best remedy for all kinds of stock to make them tat well and aid digestion and also a blood builder. If not satisfied with re sults money refunded. Sold at the feed store of J. V. EG&NBERGER PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. HiinM.Miiinii ll,li,,,,,i..n,,,,,,,,,,,nMH4 t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Ring Contest Closing Sale TEN BIG BARGAIN DAYS SEPT. 20TH TO SEPT. 30TH A cash register check with each purchase cash 5c rep resents one vote in our Big Diamond Ring Contest, which closes September 30th. Call and see the big bargains in everything we handle, delicious Orangeade served free to ladies eath day of sale from 2 to 3 p. m. You get the benefit of extra low prices-your favbrite contestant gets the benefit of your votes. List of con testants at the store. NEMETZ & CO. Candymakers. Next to P. O. , M 11 JL. AM MOTH SALE OF AN 9 Having just unloaded a full car load of forty GREAT MAJESTIC RANGES, the largest purchase of first class ranges ever made by any firm in the history of Cass county, we have arranged for a special sale on same for one week, September 27 to October 2nd, during which we will have a special representative 'from the factory to show you the merits of the GREAT MAJESTIC Special Inducements For This Week Only rilWwl 'trn "Vi'' MAJESTIC NlEvEIl-Bl!RN COOKER. STEAM UK, CILLIAUKK AND DKAI.MEK The Perforated Cooker,-1 I Iff III iJW.W-" ihown in center, ha umall fort which admit water at the buttum. Nothing can burn. Food enn be lifted out illll :':':WC ?73LjLJTF?5?j5!5?rl ' m"'n V,,!WI (howD on left), at the ame tims draining oil all the water. The Steamer or Cullender shown on ilflll SKi-iM " " I I ( .' ' '. . 1 . 1 Yl right can be used ai an ordinary Cullender. It also til on top of main veuel, and i uted aa a iteainer. IP j ) l fSL J wiLLOivt ? YnrtY- TI,r: MAJESTIC Extra TII3 MAJESTIC U-ot. All THE M4JESTIC ll-oi. All X; AOuboilin ujSi Ti'W Heavy Stamped Iron Marble Copper Mckol-plateil Tea Copper Mckel-pluted 4'offea Xkl I, V 1551 l J ss?A JL I Izrd Kfllle, complete with cover Uettle, Handsonmly nickeled on I'ot. llanilsoinelv nickelnl on S' j j , : end handle that holdi on co"er. outi'de. tinned on iuiide. outside and tinned on innide. THE GREAT and GRAND MAJESTIC RflNQE THE RflN'S'mi"? REPUTATION THE body of a Range is practically the life of a Range A The life of a range depends on the material from which it is made. Charcoal Iron by actual test has been proven to resist rust, heat and crystalization 300 per cent greater than steel. Majestic Range bodies are all m?de of charcoal iron. No other range in thejvorld is made of this material. It costs considerably. more than steel, but the Majestic never stands backefor-cost when it can im prove its range. By comparing the' life of old time iron nails with the steel. nails of today or old style iron stove pipe and tinware with that of today, gives you an idea of the lasting qualities of the Majestic over a sleel range. This feature alone adds 300 per cent to the life of a Ma jestic. During the last seven years we have sold over $15,000 worth of Majestic ranges and in the same length of time we have only sold $108 worth of repairs for Ma jesties. When you consider these ranges have been sold in Plattsmouth for 16 years it will give yow some idea of their lasting qualities. Based on our sales it means that the repairs averaged less than 10 cents per range per year during this time, a record which no other range has ever equaled- THE M4l'.STir Marhte. l.eil Enameled I'mlillnc I'"". Made tperiully lu.e It the Mujcitic THE MAJESTIC IMIen NfM'r-hurn V trail Dripping I'an. Size of pnu Hljin. x -'tin. Millie nwrinlly fur the Mnjuit n' Set. TWO MAJi:sTi!C I'utcnt Never-l'ura Wired nrlpplrcj fmin. Mie id iii:i U in. x I'.' it . Mudemiocmlly fni tl.o Mnjeatit i-vt. 3 JOHN BAUER 504-506 Main street Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Y Y t Y X Y Y Y Y t f 3C X