The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, September 16, 1909, Image 5

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    cratic candidates for the supreme j
court, but do they expect to vote for
republicans for the same positions?
Not as anybody ever heard tell of. A
democrat is a democrat all the time.
He is always loyal to his party when
it comes to state and national issues,
and there is no reciprosity on his part.
The game is played "heads I win, tails
you loose" to the end.
A Subscription Campaign.
We wish to call the attention of our
readers to the ad in another part of the
paper in which we are making a special
rate both for the campaign and for the
balance of the year. This rate will
just about pay for the paper it is print
ed on, but we propose to make a cam
paign for subscribers between now and
the first of the year and make this rate
so that all can give the paper a trial.
At this rate you of our regular sub
scribers who wish to have your friends
take a good paper can send it to them,
making them a present for the balance
of the year. All subscriptions will stop
after the time subscribed for, or with
in a reasonable time aftei, unless a re
newal is received at the regular rate.
Therefore, no one need to refuse the
paper on the grounds that the subscrip
tion will be allowed to accumulate
against them. If you receive the pa
per you will know some friend is send
ing it to you as a present, and that you
will not be required to pay for it up to
the time it is paid for.
Finds His Horse.
George Shrader who reported the
theft of a fine horse from his premises
northeast of Murray, for the return of
which together with the conviction of
the thief rewards aggregating $100
were offered.reports the recovery of his
steed and the withdrawal of the reward
offers. It seems that he has an aban
doned cave on his premises and in
meandering around the yard after the
evening meal her horseship wandered
into in and was unable to find her way
out again. Mr, Shrader is, very glad to
recover his property and the neighbor
hood has regained its normal tempera
ture which was sent scurrying skyward
bv the report that horsethieves were
abroad in the land.
Wescott's Creep Dollars.
Henry Hesse was the lucky man in
gathering in Wescott's three green dol
lars in yesterday's clock stopping event
his ticket indicating the hour of 10 50
02 and the clock stopping at '10-45-29,
Three dollars will be given away every
Wednesday from now until the 15th of
December, and all sale tickets are
good for $ach week, bu.t yp,ur, tickets
must be at the store each Wednesday at
three o'clock sharp in order to be con
sidered. If you cannot come yourself,
send them with your neighbor.
Som Fine Potatoes.
The Weeping Water Republican re
ports that H. P. Christensen of that
city harvested 1000 bushels of potatoes
from five acres. Mr. Chnstensen states
that the dry weather seemingly did not
curtail his yield in the least. Compar
ing this yield with the present price of
potatoes and the prices of the various
grains and alfalfa it would seem that
the Irish potato is well qualified to take
care of itself. Stand up for Nebraska.
In Old Missouri.
John Richardson and wife returned
yesterday from a visit of several days
at Langdon, Mo. Mrs. Richardson
went down about a week ago to be
present at the birthday anniversary of
her mother and Mr. Richardson went
down later and accompanied her home.
Mr. Richardson brought back with him
a basket of pawpaws which he was al
lowing his friends to sample.
Will T. Adams is making arrange
ments to feed a few sheep on his farm
south of the city this winter. He fed
one car last winter, and the experi
mcnt proving profitable he will increase
the number this season if he can sue
ceed in buying right.
The attachment suits brought by
Don C. Rhoden and Chas. L. Martin
against A. A. Hatfield and Frank Pur-
cell, instituted in the county court for
the recovery of livery hire, have been
dissolved, the difficulty being settled
out of court.
ruui nu" v i ui'suuy
by Chief Amick and given a night's
i at trip pvnpnao rf
v..i.niii mnrninc hpfnru T,..i..
1 ---o w . i. vuilgc
Archer they pleaded guilty to u charge
c ..anrnnrv and were civpn on I.
oi "fc ' - mii nuur
in which to get out of the city.
Charles Guthman of this city and
i ,...;. Knitzpl of Murdnrk
home today or tomorrow' from a trip
of several weeks spent on the Pacific
. ..Lit tntkn Cc.ItU : I .
COHBl, a moii. w mv ut-avtic mir ueing
included in the itinerary.
P. A. Barrows, editor of the News-
'JIiirald, left last evening for a busi
ness trip to Lincoln. On his return he
will stop over at Nehawka and take in
the fair which will occur there tomor
row and Saturday.
Post card pictures of Merchants Car
nival, Labor Day floats, parades, hose
tight and other Interesting events, now
on sale 2 for 5c. Nemetz & Co.
Lad lot Auk
I'llla la ltr
bom. mini
1 ike other. Ilay
' ar o
,jlW IIHAAU riU., fur WH
ynrt known u hat. Stint, Aluiyl Keilatla
Legal Notice.
In the County Court of Can County. Nebraska.
In the matter of the guardianship of Oniric O.
Eaton and JoaeDh 8 Katon. minora.
To Cedric O. Eaton and Joseph S. Katon:
You and each of you are hereby notified that on
the 4th day of September. A. U.. 1H09. Elizabeth
C. Gamble, your duly appointed Kuardian filed
her application in thil court asking that an ap
proval of her final account with you as such Kuar
dian. which account is on file with such applica
tion, and for her final discharge together with her
release and the release of her bondxman from any
and all further liability to you on account of such
You are hereby notified that a hearing will be
had upon said application at the office of the
county judge of Cass county, Nebraska, on the
20th day of September, 1H09. at the hour of W
o'clock a m. of said day, and if you fail to appear
at said time and place to enter objection thereto,
said application will be approve! and allowed and
said discharge granted.
Witness my hand and seal of said County Court
this 4th day of September, 1U09.
Allen J. Bkeson.
43-2 Seal.l County Judge.
Notice To Creditors.
State of Nebraska. 1 gg , County
Cass County. )
In the matter of the estate of Hannah C. Black,
Nutiic is horeby given that the creditors of said
deceased will meet the Administrator of said es
tate, before me. County Judge of Cass County,
Nebraska, at the County Court room in I'latts said Countv. on the 1 1th day of October.
MOtf. and en the l'Jth day of April. 1U10. at 9
o clock A. M., each day, tor the purpose of pre
senting their claims for examination, adjustment
und allowance.
Six months are allowed for the creditors of said
deceased to present their claims and one year tor
the Administrator to settle said estate, from tho
11th day of October. 1119.
Witness my hand and seal of said County Court,
at Flttttsmouth. Nebrosku, this Uth duy of Sep
lembcr. WW).
Ali.f.N J. Bef.son,
41-8 Seal. County Judge.
Sheriff1 Sale.
fly virtue of an order of sale issued by Jamea
Robertson, clerk of the district court, within and
for Cass county. Nebraska, and to me directed. I
will on the 24th day of September. A. I). lHiril, at
10 o'clock A. M. of said day at the south door of
the court bouse In said county, sell at public auc
tion to the highest biddor for cash the following
real estate to-wit: The Northwest (N. W. ")
Uuartcr and the Northwest Fourth of the South
west (N. W. H of the 8. W. ) Quarter of Sec
tion Thirty (.30). in Township Twelve (12. North
Kange Thirteen (13). in the county of Cass. Ne
braska. The same being levied upon and taken
as the property of Leonard C. W. Murray, Re
becca A. Murray. Joseph M. Roberta, cashier, and
the I'lattsmouth State Hank of TlatUmouth. Ne
braska, Defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said
court recovered by Amelia U. Huldeman, rUiintiff
airainst said Defendants,
Tuttsmouth. Neb.. August 19. A. D. 1009.
3C.0 Sheriff Cass County. Nebraska.
Legal Notice.
State of Nebraska. ' 8S jn CoUnty Court.
County o! Cass. I
In the matter of the estate of Gustava Keune.
dAsi Zrth.1909. Upon reading and filing the
duly vcritlcd petition of Klir-abeth Keune alleging
among other things that Ku,n. " :
habitant of said county died, ntesuue. in said
county on the )th day of August, I'm, sei.ed of
personal and real property situated m said coun
y.l of said real and personal property being
exempt from levy and sale on attachment execu
tion or other mesne process, and praying that
general administration of said estate be dispensed
with1 It Is therefore ordered that hearing bo
had upon said petition at the county court room,
in I'lattsmouth. Cbbs county. Nebraska ontheJtth
day of September A. D . 1. at 1U o clock a.m.
and that notices thereof be given by publication
of this order for not less than three successive
weeks prior to such hearing, in the NKWa-HKgALO
a semi-weekly newspaper published and circula
ted In said cniinty, and due proof of publication
be made and filed In thil oflice.
By the Court, Ali.icn J. Beeaon.
County Judge.
your lruirUl r a
Diamond IlrandV
nl Void ninalllAV
ith llliia Rllitxui. V
ar vobp
ffl Uneeda Biscuit
flf materials obtainable
Mjy . That Makes them an ideal
vv vv are sealed in a moisture proof package
L ' That Keeps them ffijgJl
In the home cannot be estimated. It can be used to beautify the
otherwise ugly pantry shelves, to put under the carpets, in fact it
can be used all over the house and is a cheap means of sanitation.
We have a limited number of old papers which we will sell for
5c per bunch. The News-Herald.
av AA. -aav .jtk -aVV Aav AaV -aA .aaV AaV .aVA. SaV AaV
New Millinery I
We are increasing our millinery
line for this season, and the new
goods are now arriving all the
latest styles and creations. Excep
tional prices will be made to cash
Mrs. Julia Dwycr
Opposite Postoffice.
The two go hand in hand. Don't you think
that if you knew mow about your work you
would be more valuable to your employer?
of course you do.
of Scranton, Penn., have been raising sal
aries for 17 years, and they will raise vours
if you let them. See the window display at
Asemissen & Klinger's rext Thursday and
all next week. Representatives will be in
attendance ard they will
furnish you any information Leafll PlOfC
(Uneeda Biscuit
are baked in surroundings where cleanliness
and precision are supreme-1-
That Makes them
(Uneeda Biscuit
fare touched only once by human hands
Iwhen the pretty girls pack them
That Makes them
(Uneeda Biscuit
AaV AaV AaVaV AfaaVaV .aVaV AaV-aaV aV JA. J.
X Carnival Is Over $
t All Interest now centers in the big Diamond RinK Con- ' J
" ' test. We give you the best of every thinp; in onr Irrte-at -
f lowest prices and a vote with each fie purchase. The stantl-
f ing contestaats at present are aa follows: t
Jk Alice Tuey ...2287 Marie Donnelly 4fi I
Y OlgaSattler 2111 Marie SpieB 16 V
S Laura Tower 688 Rebecca Haines 11
Winifred Par mele 627 Doris Nielsen 8
Y Janet Brantner 565 Jennie Johnson 5 V
Pearl O'Neill 294 Anna Hassler &
.X. Laura Moore ..220 Gladys Duke 1 JL
Y Janet Hunter 71 Helen Gass 1 V
X Remember when buying cigars, fruit, candy, stationery, t
Y post cards, soda or ice cream, you can get one or more V '
4 votes in the contest.
Jt. Candymakers. Next to P. O. VV
f ?
Get one of our fine French v
t briar piues that we have just
received. Straight stemmed.
t Make a fine cool smoke. Beats X
a cob pipe all hollow. Having
a larpe line we are going-to
dispose of them at J
v ?
f T
? t
f Y
T t
i Soennichsen's