The Marriage Vow i'Jhite St earners Use lerosono FAINT HEART AND FAIR LADY Chances Good That the Ancient Adage Once More Proved Wisdom of Man Who Uttered It. He was afraid to tell her right out nd out that he loved her, bo lie began In a roundabout way, hoping she would catch his drift, then betray, by her confusion, her own feelings. He didn't dream but that she loved him, but thought that she, like himself, was afraid to demonstrate it. "Heart trouble?" she repeated. "Are you sure you've heart trouble, Alfred? You know Indigestion is very like it at times." "Oh, I know I've got heart trouble all right. I can't you see it your self?" "Why, how silly, Alfred; no one can see heart trouble; they have to feel it. Have you taken anything for it?" "No, not yet, but 1 I want to, don't you know." "Then why don't you?" "I I would; that Is, if I could get It." "fcan't you get it, Alfred?" "I I don't know." "Have you tried?" "No, not yet." (Silence for two provoking min utes.) "Alfred !" (coldly.) "Y-yes?" "Let have a game of checkers." A Question of Grammar, t--fi.y'g uncle, who was a school teac . met her on the street one beaut. V May day and asked her if she wa, going out with the Maying party. "No, I ain't going." "Oh, my little dear," said her uncle, "you must not say 'I ain't going "and he proceeded to give her a little lesson In grammar. "You are not going. Ho Is not going. We are not going. You are not going. They are not going. Now, can you say all that, Hetty?" "Sure I can," she replied, making a courtesy. "There ain't nobody going." Lutheran. MATCHES AND MATCHMAKERS BY VIRGINIA VAN DE WATER. The .matchmaker rushes in where angels fear to tread. And yet she is no fool. And lur lot is not nil easy one. She is suspected by the world- wise, tolerated by the young and unin itiated, and frequently ashamed of herself. Still she exists and continues to make matches. In one of the Gypsy Hrenton books, dear to the childish heart of a quarter- century agone, the small boy Bays Uiat God made matches, but that "He used the burning brimstone from the bad place to put on the tips." Later a well-known autlior makes her hero ine remark: "Matches may bo made In heaven, but thvey sometimes serve to light the fires of well the other place, very effectually." The fact that the two characters mentioned referred to different kinds f matches does not alter the truth that may be drawn from botli remarks. This truth is ap plicable to the match with which we have to do more thnn to the innocent little wood and brimstone article of commerce. condone the error for the motive that actuates it. We cannot say as much of the mar ried woman who sees a possible en gagement and marriage in every couple that she, or chance, has thrown together. One Is almost tempted to wonder If there is a matchmaking microbe that attacks such matrons. Since, as has been said above, the perfection of bliss is to be found in a happy union, the converse is also true. No greater misery Is known than that brought about by an un happy marriage. To be tied for life (unless one rushes with an eagernesp worthy of a better cause Into the di vorce court) to an uncongenial mate, to live under the same roof, to eat at the same table, to share the same In come, to consider the tastes and dis tastes, to receive the reproaches, to obey the behest of such an one, to humor his or her whims is a fore taste of that locality from which the small boy declared the tips of match es were made. 3 And All with Company There "Now, children," said the mother, as a whole roomful of company had come In, "suppose you run off and pit by yourselves." "All right, mother," replied Edith. "Can we go up and play Hamlet and Ophelia?" "Certainly," smiled the mother, while her guests looked on at the tableau. "Goody!" replied Edith; then, turn log to her sister, she said: "Now. Maude, you run up to mamma's room and get all her false hair that you can find." Judge. "Chickens a Nuisance." "Chickens a nuisance," declares the Charleston News and Courier. What, fried? Baltimore Sun. Chickens a nuisance? Yes, when all they leave of your garden ia a reminiscence; yes, when the young cock, full of the Joy of life, rouses you In the early dawn; yes, when some low-browed, vulgar fowl whips the very lifo out of your blooded pet; yes, when the pip or other ailment worries the amateur breeder. But vhen fried? Never! It is not difficult to. understand why the devoted mother attempts to have a hand in the settling of her daugh ter's marriage. She takes it for granted that she will marry most women do and no woman knows true happiness until she is a beloved and loving wife and a joyful mother. Is it strange, then, that the elderly woman In whose power the happiness or un happiness of her child cannot always rest longs to play destiny for her darling and establish her in life as she thinks will bo most conducive to her future welfare? To this end she wants her girls to marry a gentleman, and here the is the rock upon which many a mother and child spilt a man with enough money to support his family in comfort. Love must be the keynote of a hap py marriage, but the keynote alone does not make a "grand, sweet song." This Is not pessimlslm; it is truth. The mother knows it is truth, and frowns upon penniless John's suit, knowing that if he is accepted the pretty girlish hands must wash dishes, perhaps make fires. . At best. there must be the turning and twist lng of ways and means, the counting of every five-cent car fare, the making over of last year's dresses, the lying awake far into the night wondering now the forthcoming bills of doctor and nurse are to be paid. ' - we may, therefore, pardon the mother who tries to make a "good match" for her child. If she some times sets aside the child's wishes, in cites her to a cold, practical consid eration of marriage that is to be de plored, we must remember that her over-zeal Is due to a great love, and Sheer white goods, In fact, any fine vash goods when new, owe much of their attractiveness to the way they are laundered, thin bolng done In a manner to enhance their textile beau ty. Home laundering would be equal ly satisfactory if proper attention was alven to starching, the first essential ibelng good Starch, which has sufficient strength to stiffen, without thickening the goods. Try Defiance Starch and you will be pleasantly surprised at the unproved appearance of your wont. Naturally. Magistrate (to witness) I under stand that you overheard the quarrel lbetwen the defendant and his wife? Witness Yes, sir. Magistrate Tell the court, If you ctn, what he seemed to be doing. Wituess He seemed to be doin' the iliitenla'. Pearson's Weekly. With a smooth Iron and Defiance Btarch, you can launder your shirt waist just as well at homo as the team laundry can; It will have the proper stiffness and finish, there will 'ibe less wear and tear of the goods, nnd It will be a positive pleasure to use a Starch that does not stick to the iron. Her Practice. "What on earth is she fussing and tfumlng about so?" "She's fretting for fear she won't ;et In time to the meeting of the Don't Worry' club." Nebraska Directory TUCDAVTnM Hotel inLrflAIU.1 European Plan I. 70 PC1IIH lip limiOIP. REASONABLE Hooma from H ut till ulngl. 75 pciiIh up ilmibl. CAFE PRICES KODAK FINISHING attention. Alleuppuea lor tin: Auiuteurntrirtlj Trenh. Henfl Mr ruinioRno una HiiHiiinir price. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO. Box Omaha, Neb. TYPEWRITERS ALL M1KF. Mfuiw. iioiiHii, rvin imipv. wo ill inTwhr fur fro nnilutlon. Mod Wrtl. fcr M( hvitll ll.l ttiil niter t lUMl. ,ltl Wn4au HM..0ataa. MARSEILLES GRAIN ELEVATORS M-e the beat ; Inula! un liavlug thein. Aek your locul dealer, or JOHN DtERl PLOW CO. OMAHA r,A .Fine uanoios old br tb 8m1 pMlon. W will md4 to puptli tat MttnoarvMlplof Usta.ln lUmpi, IHnoh, bard MpK.bruiKly4.lrul. JOHN Q. WOODWARD e CO.ilTnCnJ Mtn"Counollluff, It, Knowing all this, our matchmaker continues upon her way, playing prov idence or fate to many a young couplo who were better left apart. Or, if not better apart, they will seldom appre ciate the fact that they were brought together by a well-meaning friend, and if she calls their attention to her efforts in their behalf they will resent her suggestion. The idea! Were they not meant from all eternity for each other? Could she, or any one else, be Instrumental In bringing together two persons whose affinity was a foregone conclusion? Verily, she has her re ward! If, on the other hand, the marriage Is an unhappy one, both parties to the unpleasant contract will rcmembe witli disagreeable distinctness her in strumentality in bringing about the lamentable result. The wife will bit terly regret the intimacy that was woman-made, not the result of the leadings of providence; the man, while saying little, will Inwardly consign the ofilclous meddler to the match-tipping locality. All these things being true, It is strange that the matchmaker exists It Is to some of us incomprehensible If she is happy herself, let her thank heaven and take courage to live out her own happy life, letting the power that shaped her destiny shape others If she Is wretched, let her hesitate a long time before pointing out to oth ers a pathway In which many fall softie stumble and few run. She may receive the appreciation and thanks she seeks in a better world than this; she seldom receives them here. (Copyright, by Joseph B. Bowleg.) MARITAL WOES OF RICH BY GERTRUDE ATHERTON. I am not prepared to say, as an unqualified assertion, that there is more marital infelicity among the rich than in other classes of society. Hut there are many reasons which might go toward bearing out the claim. For one thing, people who are very rich are often prominent socially. When such couples fall out the newspapers, eager for gossip and knowing the interest the world at large takes in the wealthy, stir up the dissension. Foremost, however, among the rea sons for eRpecial matrimonial unhap plness among the rich (If such unhap- plness really exists to a greater de gree than among the poor) is the "marriage of convenience." Among people composing the wealthy set in our large cities marriages are oftener matters of policy and desirability than the mere outcome of mutual affection. There is, In many cases of this sort, no real love from the very outset. Women marry men of great wealth and social position because their fam ilies are ambitious and desire to see them well placed in the world. It is but natural under such circum stances that more or less jar and lack of congeniality should ensue. Noth ing but an unusual degree of tact can avert such friction. Such people are, after all, but hu man, and a woman, who Is forced by her family's ambition to marry a man for whom she has no natural inclina tion or affection, is not unlikely later to meet a man with whom she falls seriously in love. This 13 a condition which might perhaps have been wholly avoided had she been born In a less exalted financial sphere and allowed to choose a husband for her self. Family fortunes are thus main tained or raised, sometimes at a cost far greater than mere money Involves. 0000000000 TI1E WHITE STEAMER WIIICII MADE A SUCCESSFUL PUBLIC DEMONSTRATION OF HEROSE.E AS FUEL ON THE RECENT 2630-MILE GLIDDEN TOUR, . The most Interesting announce ment ever made in connection with the automobile industry was un doubtedly that made a month or two ago to tho effect that the new models of the White Steam Cars could bo run on kerosene, or coal oil, instead of gasoline. Everyone at once recog nized that the use of tho new fuel would add materially to the advan tages which the White already pos sessed over other types of cars. There were some people, however, who were sceptical as to whether or not tho new fuel could be used with complete success, and, therefore, tho makers of the White Car, tho White Company, of Cleveland, Ohio, deter mined to make a public demonstra tion of the new fuel in the 1909 (Hid den Tour. From the standpoint of the public, no test more satisfactory could have been selected. First of all, the dis tance covered on the Glldden Tour, from Detroit to Denver and thence to Kansas City, was 2650 miles. This was certainly more than sufficient to bring out any weaknesses, if such had existed. Still more important was the fact that the car was at all times while on the road under the supcrvl slon of observers, named by those who entered othef contesting cars, Therefore, it would have been lmpos elble for tho driver of the White to have even tightened a bolt without the fact being noted and a penalty in Dieted. At night the cars were guarded by Plnkerton detectives and The completo success of the new 1 fuel while on tho 2650-mile public test aud tho advantages galaed through its use were well described in the following dispatch which the correspondent of the New York Sun sent to hla paper at the conclusion of the tour: "A feature of the tour which was watched with special Interest was that the White Steamer used kero sene, or 'coal oil,' as fuel Instead of gasoline. The new fuel worked splendidly throughout the 2650-mlio journey, end all claims made In lis behalf were fully proven. First of all, as regards cheapness, the White driver secured kerosene all along the route from G cents to 10 cents cheap er per gallon than was paid for gaso line. Secondly, the new fuel was handled without any precautions, and it was not unusual to see kerosene being poured into the fuel tank while the crew of the car and an Interested crowd stood by with lighted cigars and cigarettes. At the finish of the tour, the White was tho only car per mitted by the authorities to enter Convention Hall, where the technical examination took place, without draining Its fuel tank. Thirdly, tho new fuel proved to be absolutely without smoke or smell. Fourthly, kerosene could be purchased at what ever part of the route was most con venient, and not once during the trip through the ten States of tho Mlddlo West was there found a grocery store where kerosene was not readily and could not be approached by any one. cheaply obtainable. Finally, the amount of fuel used on tho trip' showed that kerosene Is at least fifteen per cent, more efficient, gallon for gallon, than gasoline. Tho car In other respects made a most creditable' - showing, nnd thcro was the usual riv alry among tho observers to bo as signed to tho White so that they could ride with tho maximum of com fort. The c-ly adjustments or re pairs charges against tho car during the long trip were tightening a lubri cator pipe and wiring a damaged mud guard. These ponaltles were not in flicted until more than 2000 miles had been completed with an absolute ly perfect score." A particularly lntercMng feature- of the new White Steamer is that either keroscno or gasoline may be used as fuel. Tho necessary adjust ments so that the fuel may bo changed. from kerosene to gasoline, or vice versa, may be made In a couple oF minutes; but so completely successful has kerosene proved to bo, that it Is not believed that any purchasers wilt care to uso gasoline. The White Company report that the demand for their new steam cars both the 12000-modcl and the tlOOO-model exceed their moat Ban gulne expectations. It Is evident that the combination of steam the pow er which everyono understands and has confidence In with kerosene the fuel which everyone has on hand and can handle without any danger Is thoroughly appreciated br up-to-date purchasers of automobiles. The World's Best Graham Crackers Another cause is tho manner of life led by so many of tho very rich. They have little of real interest to occupy their attention. Their lives become Idle and vapid. There Is too much leisure. Where a poorer woman would be too busily occupied with her homo and family the woman whose home cares are reduced to a minimum by money has time to become bored by her husband or to yearn for other Interests. I have an oldfaBhIoned belief that a husbnnd and wife should be real helpmeets; that a husband's business cares and perplexities should be un derstood and shared by his wife; that his business losses should be her losses and his triumphs her triumphs. Often among the rich this is not the case. The wife, brought up to wealth and luxury, cares not in what way the riches that surround her are gained. She knows little and cares less about her husband's business affairs. She has no real sympathy with him in his hardships and trains, and in consequence he is sometimes apt to go elsewhere for appreciation and ad vice. Should his fortune be swent away his wife, who knows nothing of Ills frantic efforts to keep that fortune together for her sake, blames him for careless management. If her own money is also involved in the crash she has still less sympathy for the man to whom she attributes the misfor tune. All Bhe realizes fs that the one attraction which made him bearable has been removed. And she looks elsewhere for the happiness she hns lost. There are, of course, countless ex ceptions to this rule. There are mnny happy marriages among the rich, many luxurious homes where as true affection reigns as In less splendid dwellings. Still another cause of uncongenial Ity among the rich Is the absence of family life. In ordinary homes the husband, wife and children meet dally at table nnd elsewhere and the sweet oldfashioned home relations main tain. In many rich families, however, the children are put out of sight, in a nursery with a governess or at some fashionable boarding school, arid are thus deprived of any knowledge of what home life in its truest sense really Is. A multitude of social en gagements, too, rob the husband aud wife of much of each other's society. How can home exist In such circum stances? The wife is absorbed In the duties that throng the path of a wom an of fashion. The husband's time nnd thought are taken up by his busi ness or his club. Absorbed In dia metrically different Interests, they naturally drift apart. I think there will In time bo a re action from this sort of empty, ldle-j vain existence. People will tire of It, will see how little it amounts to, and will return to tho home Idea. (Copyright, ty Joseph ll, Bowks.) "Sunshine" Grahams are the most delicious ever created. There are no others that compare with them. We make them in the "Sunshine" bakeries the finest bakeries the world knows from the best whole wheat graham flour. , The baking rooms in this model bakery are on the top floor. The ovens are of white tile. Sun shine and pure air surround the whole place. Each "Sunshine" package is thrice sealed, so all the goodness is retained. On each end is the "Sunshine" Seal, so you can easily tell you have the genuine. Ask your grocer for "Sunshine" Grahams he has them in 10c sealed packages. Try them once and you will never be content with any others. tsisiine UH)9E-JlLB3 biscuit co. I- v;-". 1 v.. s."i.'.. :,-,a;-.s,.vi.vj'.-',-i IS-- -ril '..-.7 4;'.......KV..L V" wt. ji . .:;.v-. .V-.-,-iV.-.-- v-' VI Adjustable. Aunt Anne, an old family darky, was Bitting with knees crossed In tho kitchen, when the young daughter of the house entered nnd, impressed with the hugeness of the old woman's feet, asked what size shoe she wore. "Well, honey," replied Aunt Anne, "I kin wear eights; I glnerally wear nines; but deso yer l'so got on am twelves, an' de good Lawd knows dey hu'ts me!" Everybody's Magazine. Important to Mothers. Examlno carefully every bottle or CASTOKIA a Bafe and sure remedy for infants and children, pud seo that It Ttanra ITia .ww rrr, . Signature ofT In Use For Over .'JO Years. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought What Did He Know About It? "Jinx says there's nothing In this strenuous life." "How long has he been married?" Tt. Pluroo'a Prllnli, amall. tiur-rold. uif to take M cndr, rtvnlaln na lutlgumui tiuuiacU, Urarftud bowtli. IiuuoVgrlt. It's too much to expect cross bred dogt to bt amiable. SHINGLES can't be bcut for rooiinir. Trc- C pared rooting requires frequent dressing and when it docs sprlnff a leak, lis ail pono. iioou slitnglcs need no attention after tliey are laid. This mark shows At... 1 1 1 n I? limn iiilkAW 4 li A n f init i I 13 1 1 11 It III f i 1 i 1 nic mum-. day itfr.u to. iu:u cisdau f ol dm pptr de. KCdClCTS i'ilo.kur invthinf drer. tited ia i column should intiA upon hiving what they stk lot, relating U ubfiilute Of iauUtioo. Sticky Sweating Palms after taking salts or cathartin waters did you over notice that weary all qnt fooling tho palms of your hands sweat and rotten tasto In your mouth Cathartics only move bv sweating your bowels Do a lot of hurt Try a CASCA RET and see how much easier the job Is dono how much better you fuel. net CASCARKTS loc boit for Wffk'i trtatmtnt, all dnmiiinti. KiKRt teller la Hit wwtlj. Mullua boxc tuoatb. GOUD PATENTS rZZ'.. We tevure and promote pateuti. Uureaeul It nukiiulm'lurlss Arm looking; for Imnrore ntota. Bl'tbiCO., Patent Attornere, liOust., WiaiuUM, V. O, Me etltewe fee. a.olee tree.' Live Stock and Miscellaneous Electrotypes In great variety for site at the lowest prices by WESTERN NEWSPAPER I'MON 11 W. Adamt St., CHICAGO W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 37-1909.