The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, September 13, 1909, Image 3

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    Exploding Carries vith
irv . A Equal Force in
Oynamite All Directions
YXAMITE explodes with
" I is in response to a query by
in iiiuiwuotiu, an uiu oil uuici juiina ui auivi, ill uiu
direction of least resistance. As Mr. Barnard says, "the pop
ular belief is that it explodes with greater force downward."
Like most popular beliefs, it is founded on experience wrongly
interpreted. By an explosion we mean, speaking physically,
the rapid transformation of a comparatively small mass of
liquid or solid into an enormous mass of gas. A cubic
inch of gunpowder, when ignited, is changed into many
cubic yards of gas; a cubic inch of dynamite, when vibrated or given a
shock (such as comes from a detonating cap) is transformed into a tre
mendous volume of gas. Dynamite placed on top of a slab of rock and
then exploded will blast the rock; gunpowder similarly placed (untamped)
will have little if any effect on the rock. The reason lies in the difference
in time necessary to effect tho change from the solid (or liquid) form to
tho gaseous. Tho elements in gunpowder (whose combination causes tho
changn of state from solid to gaseous) come from different molecules in
the mass and therefore require a comparatively long time to cause the
"explosion." In dynamite (or nitroglycerin) the combining elements
carbon and hydrogen are in the same molecule, hence tho suddenness
and violence of the explosion. '
The reason the slab is shattered by dynamite and not by gunpowder
is that the slab offers less resistance to the sudden explosive force than
does the air above the slab. When we stop to consider tho weight of the
atmosphere at ordinary altitudes wo can see that the exploding dynamite
must do one of two things either lift with almost instantaneous sud
denness the whole of the air pressure above it or else break the slab. It
does tho latter. With gunpowder the comparative slowness of combustion
make3 it an easier task to push, as it were, the atmosphero away than to
break tho rock. The principle involved can be illustrated by attempting
to lift very suddenly a palmleaf fan in a direction at
right angles to the plane of the leaf, i. e., lift it "fiat
wise." The handle of the fan will snap, duo to the
resistance offered by the air. The same fan can be
lifted more Blowly, however, without injuring it.
This explains why the force of dynamite is "ex
erted downward." In scientific parlance, the iner
tia of the atmosphere is greater than the cohesiveness
of the rock.
Are Given
No Mercy
these men was formerly in the United
States government service, but had lost his position and, forming the
acquaintance of a westerner who was an expert cheater, the pair journeyed
to Europe for the express purpose of preying upon people who were in
quest of such excitement as high play at poker and bridge confers.
The ex-government employe was of an exceedingly winning person
ality. Affable and entertaining, he could rattle off capital yarns, and
every one who met him voted him delightful company. It was no trouble
for him to introduce his friend (a
and u did not take the precious pair
The bogus cattle baron did tlie actual
roping. But their greed to make a big
robbing a young blood from Chicago
with the result that shortly after the
occupying prison cells.
In this country it is an easy matter to get out 0 jail if the accused
has some cash, but it is different in Europe. Nobody came forward in
behalf of tho Bharpers, and though they offered all sorts of cash bond the
authorities would not accord them liberty. They stayed in prison a year
before they were liberated and were warned if ever they came back to
Naples they would bo taught what real punishment was. Broken in
health and spirits, the former employe of the government (who was of a
fine southern family) got back to his old homo eventually, only to take
to his room, from whence ho never stirred till ho was conveyed to the
Ollilim I 6tantly
in my
making regular trips to New Orleans for months, it is easy to see how
many thousands of dollars had been cleaned up by the promoters of the
game. A Chinese sailor gets very low wages, but if he can hide a few
tins of tho poppy product and dispose of it in the first American bwn
he reaches he will soon amass a fortune. After the stuff gets into the
hands of a local dealer he finds a ready sulo for it.
The users buy it in the form
moke at a cost of 25 cents. Opium
these cards a day when they have
crime in tho calendar to get the wherewith for the indulgence of a con-
eumjfig passion.
equal force in all directions. This
E. B. Barnard. That force, how-
Bccent dispatches from Paris told of
the arrest of a quartet of American card
sharps who were accused of swindling rich
tourists from their own country at Euro
pean watering places. It is a sad day for
the Yankee crook whcTgets caught fleecing
people by means of cheating at cards on
tho other side of the Atlantic. I was in
Italy some three or four years ago when
the police of Xaplcs bagged a couple of
American gamblers who had robbed well-
and unsuspecting countrymen of
of large sums of money. One of
wealthy cattle baron from Montana),
of rascals long to get the money
cheating; the other merely did the
haul was their undoing and after
of $40,000 he informed on them,
complaint was lodged they were
Although the United States govern
has a forco of shrewd agents con-
on 11,0 watc'1 or opium smugglers
I nt nriontnl nnria no u'oll on Jn ln,..;.n
- l " " w iu AlllHillUU
cities, the wily Chinks 'are forever bringing
the drug into the United States without
paying a cent of the tremendous duty
about 100 per cent imposed on it by our
pair of Chfneso sailors were caught
town the other day who had 6evcra
dollars' worth of smuggled opium
they had brought over in a freight
from Canton. As this boat had
of cards that contain enough for one
fiends will consume four or five o
the price, and tfiey will commit any
w ... .
. -.,. . i - a -
If the troubles that beset Spain on
the Mediterranean coast of Morocco
were not of her own making, there
would be a feeling of considerable
sympathy with a country almost the
last of whose foreign possessions Is
bo seriously threatened. Unfortu
nately, Spain has brought the trou
ble upon her own head, or, to be more
accurate, the Ultramontane cabinet
that misgoverns the country has In
flicted them upon her. Most people
outside the Spanish cabinet do not re
quire to be told that the Rlfflans who
Inhabit the Moroccan highlands over
looking the Mediterranean are a
fierce, Intractable, unconquered peo
ple. Even Muza's Arabs could not re
duce thorn to submission, and the
troops of Cardinal Clsncros were
equally unsuccessful. It may be said
that the writ of the sultan himself
does not run far Into the Riff coun
try, where the people follow the life
that was theirs before civilization vis
ited western Europe, having their own
code of honor, their blood-feuds and
their internecine strife. Great pi
rates In times past, they have long
given up piracy as a profession, and
practice Is now merely as a pastime.
Hut they have never ceased to exer
cise themselves In the profession of
arms, and for many years the little
wealth they have acquired by their
labors on the land and in the field,
and by the sale of the herds and
flocks they rear, has been devoted to
the purchase of guns.
Guns and guns, and still more guns,
some coming from England, France,
or Germany, many coming from Del
glum, large quantities from Spain, and
not a few from the sultan's own
troops; for It Is no secret that when
a Moor Is tired of serving In the army
In return for pay that Is always In
arrears, he deserts, carrying his be
loved gun with him, and sells it to
the nearest tribe that does not ac
knowledge the sultan's authority.
Even on the coast beyond Tangier Lnd
round Ce.uta, Tetuan and Melllla, gun-
running has been carried on openly,
more than once within view of the
writer. The guards on the beach have
been squared or tricked, and convoys
have been waiting within a mile of the
landing-place to carry the precious
weapons into the mountains. So It
happens that the Rlfflans are well
armed, and they are fighting because
their territory has been violated. In
deed, if they had white skins and a
code of western morality, they would
be in Berious danger of being called
patriots instead of rebels.
The position in which Spain finds
herself Is one of extreme difficulty.
Senor Maura, the premier, is an obsti
nate reactionary. The country Is in
censed against the war party. Span
ish finances are in their chronic state
of weakness. The cost of tfubdulng
the Riffs in money alone, to say noth
ing of blood, will be enormous. It the
government does not fall, It eastern
Spain can be pacified, if 50,000 troops
can be sent to Melllla and the other
presidios of Spain in Morocco, if the
Riffs can be driven off and their moun
tain strongholds can be destroyed, it
is hard too see what Spain can hope
to gain beyond a measure of glory and
a bill, that bear the sanre relation to
one another as the bread to the sack
in Falstaff's famous tavern account.
There is not enough money In all the
country of the Riffs to pay the bill
that Spain has Incurred already, and
though some attempt may be made
to saddle the sultan with responsibil
ity, it is well known that Mulal el
Hafld is no better able than Gen.
Marina to control the tribesmen. Nor
Is the country of the Riffs calculated
to tempt sane men to conquer It. It
is wild, rugged, Inhospitable, and can
scarcely yield a living even to those
who have been brought up In it It
could only be kept at the point of the
bayonet, for even If Spain bad a sur
plus population, there would be no
temptation for emigrants to settle in
such a wild and unproductive land.
Spain has no colonists, she needs
more population, and consequently
there is absolutely no room for an
Imperial policy In Africa.
If Senor Maura were less obstinate
and the rulers of Spain less proud,
one and all would see the advlBabll
Hy of retiring at once from an unten
able position before the wounds In
fllcted upon the nation by the Cuban
troubles and the American war broke
out afresh. Nobody doubts the bravery
of the Spanish troops; they have, and
deserve a splendid reputation. Dut
niero bravery will do very little In
a campaign carried on under condl
uom wun wiuca we Spaniards art
v i
wholly unfamiliar. The veteraus of
the Cuban campaign, who have been
sent to Melllla because the govern
ment Is desirous of keeping Its most
effective forces at home to deal with
popular discontent, have not fought
BRalnst mountain tribes. The season,
too, Is against them; the Riff country
Is passing through the hottest time of
the year, and though the Spaniard Is
well inured to heat, he can hardly be
expected to carry on an active cam
paign under the intolerable glare of
the African sun In August. To make
matters worse there are rumors that
tho equipment of the soldiers Is not as
good as it should be, and that the
preparations for a foreign campaign
aro Inadequate. The suspension of
constitutional guarantees throughout
tho country and the suppression of
news from the seat of war are clear
signs of Senor Maura's Intention to
rely upon bayonets at home and
abroad. It Is In vain that those who
wish him well remind him publicly
and privately that he Is "Jugando con
el fuego" (playing with fire). He Is
playing a gambler's game. If' the"
Spanish forces succeed In Morocco be
will be able to crush the republican
and labor parties In such a fashion
that they will not be able to lift thelr
heads while be remains In office.- He
knows now, if he did not know before,
who and where are the most deter
mined enemies of jls absolutism. If,
on the other band, the Spanish arms
meet with further severe reverses and
there Is an Insurrection in Spain, he
will have lost nothing by holding out
to the last. The whole tragedy of the
business lies In the fact that the Rlf
flans did not wish to fight and the
Spaniards did not want to fight; but
the central government in Madrid has
Ignored the wishes of everybody, and
has plunged the country Into the ad
venture that may result In a disas
ter of the first magnitude.
Continual Warfare Waged by Inhab
itants of Cheniere au
u. m. rosier ana i. a. Dees re
turned home from Cheniere au Tlgre,
an island south of Abbeville, a Hous
ton rosis L.aKe unaries (La.) corre
spondent says. Great myriads of large
mosquitoes caused the party to return
home at once. Mr. Foster Is authority
for the statement that many head of
cattle are being killed by the pests
and that the people of the Island would
suffer a like fate if they ventured out
uay ana nignt tne innabltants are
compelled to fight constantly against
the little pests and what small farm
work Is done on the Island has been
sadly neglected.
Mr. Foster says that the cattle on
the Island can usually be found In
herds of about 100 each, but the mos
quitoes have caused the animals to
flock together for protection, and he
saw one big herd with fully 10,000 ani
mals bunched and bellowing with
pain. The cattle, he says, keep mov
ing to the windward to keep tho pests
off as much as possible. Occasionally
one will become exhausted and fall be
hind, or a cow will stop to help Its
calf, only to meet a hasty death. Some
animals Mr. Foster saw have actually
been smothered to death by the great
swarms of mosquitoes.
"No one who has not witnessed
conditions on the Island Is able to
form any Idea of what the people and
stock have suffered, concluded Mr.
Outing for Convicts.
A new use for convicts has been
found In Missouri, where a number
were taken out of the penitentiary
at Jefferson City and put to work on
the Calloway bottoms helping the
farmers save their wheat from the
advancing waters of the Missouri riv
er. Tho prisoners worked well. en-
Joyed their outlpg and would welcome
another chance to get outside tf
walla. . . .. J
"Well Tainted is value added wheth
er the house be built for one thousand
dollars or ten thousand. Well painted
means higher selling value, and high
er occupying value for there's an
additional pleasuro in living In the
house that Is well dressed.
National Lead Company assist In
making the right use of the right
paint by sending free upon request to
all who ak for it, their "Houseown
ers' Palntl.ig Outfit No. 49." This
outfit Includes a book of color schemes
for either exterior or Interior paint
ing, a book of specifications and an
Instrument for detecting adulteration
In paint materials. Address National
Lead Company, 1902 Trinity Build
ing. New York City, and the outfit
will be promptly sent to you.
Ho I'd kiss you if I daed.
She Well, dont you dare to
that's the way you feel about It
Union Pacific Passenger Depart
ment announces that Colonist Fares
will be In effect from Sept. 15 to Oct.
15, 1909, to all points In the West and
This year the West looks more
promising than ever. Now Is the time
to secure land at low prices, and, at
the same time, to visit the many Inter
esting points In the West and North
west, at which liberal stopover ar
rangements may be made.
A better estimate of raw lands can
be made now than formerly, because
these lands are in proximity to new
farms that are producing wonderful
For descriptive literature, write
to E. L. Lomax. O. P. A., U. P. R. R.,
Omaha. Neb.
It Was His Way.
A Kansas farmer was telling recent
ly about the eavesdropping that goes
on along the farmers' telephone line
be is on. He said that whenever ho
talked he could hear the "click, click"
of different receivers coming down.
"And you can bet," he amended.
"that they never hear my receiver
coming down. No, sir; I always hold
on to the thing and let It down so
easy that it doesn't click!" Kansas
City Journal.
The extraordinary popularity of fine
I -white goods this summer makes the
choice of Starch a matter of great im
portance. Defiance Starch, being free
from all Injurious chemicals, is the
only one which Is safo to use on fine
fabrics. It great strength as a stiffen
er makes half the usual quantity of
Starch necessary, with the result of
perfect finish, equal to that when tho
goods were new.
A Suspicious Silence.
Howard was only 20 months older
than tho baby. He had somehow
come to realize that Elwood, who
was creeping, was more likely to be
In mischief when quiet. One day he
called to his mother with a great deal
of anxiety In his little voice: "Mam
ma, I hear Elwood keeping still."
The Delineator.
Brooklyn Flag Factory.
One of the biggest official flag fac
tories In the world Is In the Brooklyn
navy yard. Between eighty and one
hundred women work there all the
year round making flags for the use
of Uncle Sam's fighting ships. They
use up 120,000 yards of bunting a year
and fashion 418 different kinds of offi
cial flags. The flags cost $30,000 a
What Did She Mean?
He was reading to Miss Bragg his
poem on "Love," as printed in the
Boomtown Bugler.
She said: "Oh, cut it out!" Judge.
Do your feet rer M tired, achy und
anre at night! Rub thorn with a little
Hamlina Wizard Oil. They'll be glad in
the morning and bo will you.
Speaking of literature, many a
man's love letters have made a de
cided hit with a Jury.
There' a rich, satisfying quality in
Lewis' Single Hinder that is found in no
other 5c cigar.
Many a well developed woman
cr modiste to thank for it
No Man is Stronger
Than His Stomach
A itrond man Is itrong" all over. No man can be
stronf who it iufTerinj from weak ttomach with its
consequent indigestion, or Irom some other disease
of the stomach and itt associated organs, which Im
pairs digestion and nutrition. For when the stomach
ia weak or diseased there is a lost ol the nutrition
contained in food, which ia the aource ol all physical '
strength. When a man "doesn't feel just right,";
when he doesn't sleep well, hot an unoomfortablo w ,
feeling ia the stomach after eating, is languid, nervous, Irritable and despond.
nt, ha is losing tho nutrition needed to make strength. ,
Such m man ahould ase Dr. Pierce' m Golden Medical
Dlaeorery. It eurta disease ot the stomach and other
organs ot digestion end nutrition, it enriches the blood,
Inrliorates tha liver, strengthens the kidneys, nourishes
Yon can't afford to accept tttrtt nostrum as substitute lor this non-
looholio medicine or known composition, not even though the urgent dealer!,
may thereby make a little bigger profit. Ingredients printed on wrapper. '
Many Women Think They Are Doomed
to Backache.
It Is not right for women to be L
ways ailing with backache, urlnar
ills, headache and oth
er symptoms of kid
ney disease. There la
a wp to end thes
troubles quickly. Mrs.
.'ohn H. Wright, G0
last First St., Mitch
ell. 8. D., says: "1
suffered ten yean
with kidney complaint
and a doctor told mo I would never
get more than temporary relief. A
dragging pain and lameness in my
back almost disabled me, Dizzy
spells como and went and tho kidney
secretions wero irregular. Doan's
Kidney rills rid me of these troubles
and I feel better than for years paBt"
Sold by all denlers. 60c. a box.
Fostcr-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
If you sit down and wait for your
ship to come In don't bo surprised it
nothing but a wreck drifts In with tho
For children tlliluir. (oftimt tb hmi, rsf.uc.i
twi, rsflu
tsfluc.i Sb
uotbottil., tllyiptla.curiwUidauUu. 20tbotU
Her string Is soon worn out If a girl
has too many beaux.
LydiaE. Pink ham's Vegeta
ble Compound Cured Her.
Willlmantlc, Cona "For five years
I suffered untold BRony from female
troubles, causing backache, irregulari
ties, dizziness ana nervous prostra
tion. It was impossible for mo to
walk upstairs
without stopping
on the way. j
tried three differ;
ent doctors and
each told me some
thing different. I
received no benefit
from any of them,
but seemed to suf
fer moro. The last
doctor said noth
lng would restore
my health. Ibeiran
taking Lydia E. llnkham's Vegetable
uompouna 10 see wnac it wouiu go.
and I am restored to my natural
health." Mrs. Etta Donovan, Box
200, wimmantic. conn.
The success of Lydia E. rinkham's
TTirrna Kin 1-mriiinw1 mn In f mm fAnti
and herbs, is unparalleled. It may be
used with perfect commence by women
who suffer from displacements, inflam
mation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, ir
regularities, periodic pains, backache,
bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indi
gestion, dizziness, or nervous prostra
tion. For thirtyyears Lydia E. rinkham's
Vegetable Compound has been the
standard remedy for female ills, and
suffering women owe it to themselves
to at least give this medicine a trial.
Troof is abundant that it has cured
thousand of others, and why should 16
not cure you?
Positively cured by
theaa Little Pllla.
Thry kino rtllcT Dl
trtinfrom Djripepsia,In
d Igcitlou and Too Uf arty
Ealing- A perfect rem
edy (or DUilneM, Nan
Ma, Drownlneu, Ba4
Taiite In the Mouth, Coat
ed Tonirne, Pain In tha
Tbey regulate the Dowela. Purely Vegetable.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Simile Signature
lis Trade-mark
Eliminates All
in the purchase of
paint material.
It it an absolute
guarantee ot pur
ity and quality.
For your own
protection, tee
it i on the tide of
ry keg of white lead
Trinity lullfllfif, Tort
II riLkOe
Ik Tl
rVJL2f .
1 vrf