The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, September 09, 1909, Image 8

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I Want Column
FOil SALE-20 bend of largo-boned
Poland China stock hogs, sixteen
same age and will average from 150
to 200 pounds. First come first
served. Call on J. W. Thomas at B.
& M. bridge east of the city. 42-2
Soil your junk to Wave Allen and get
tho highest market price. 3(5-10.
TO RENT A farm, 1GD
Post office box 322.
39 4
FOR SALE-Two story brick house 7
roomfl, good well and cistern with
12 lots situated in Bouth part of
city. All kinds of fruit. Good barn
and out buildings. Enquire of John
J. Toman. 39-
WANTED-Young men and women to
fill positions paying $!W0 to $2000 per
annum. Big demaud for stenograph
ers in the Government service, as
wdl as in private business life. Our
new method of teaching shorthand
il insures as thorough and
practical a training at your own home
as ia obtainable by personal attend
ance at any business college in the
country. We guarantee success
rVmnlcte course for small cash pay
ment; balance to be paid when you
secure a position, lnal lessan iree.
Central Business Institute, Central
iBuilding, Washington, V. O.
aoecial one day sale of irrigated land
in the Rocky Ford District. Large
commission all cash Qn consummation
of sales. Write at once for particu
lan of extra ardinary offer. La Junta
Land Co., La Junta, Colo. 42-2
I'lattsmouth, Neb.. Sept. 7, 1909.
Board met in regular session with nil
members present. Minutes of previous
meeting read and approved, whereupon
the following business was transacted
in regular form:
County Treasurer was ordered to
transfer the sum of $300.00 per month.
Tom S. Svoboda was this day ap
pointed janitor of the court house until
Jan. 1, 1910 at a salary of $00.00 per
Bids were received for improvement
of public highway in Nehawka prect.
from E. D. Van Court, Robert Viall and
James Miller.
Contract awarded James Miller at
$75.00 for concrete work.
Liveryman at Eagle, Team to
Commr $ 1 50
C. R. Jordan, Saly. and Exp. . 17 15
Katharine Minor, Labor in
Recorders office 10 50
M. L. Friedrich, Livery paid
for Commr 1 50
M. L. Friedrich, Saly. and
Exp 17 20
Mary E. Foster, Salary 125 00
F. M. Svoboda, Salary and
laundry 62 SO
L. D. Switzer. Saly. and Exp. . 26 50
E. E. Hilton, Salary 48 00
W. E. Roaencrans, Saly. and
Exp 208 46
Nels Anderson, Room for elec
tion, $5.00, allowed 4 00
C. H. Smith, Postal supplies. . . 27 24
Neb. Lighting Co., Gas, 7 92
E. Ratnour Co., Burial of Er
nest Cole 22 35
J. V. Egenberger, Coal to pau
pers 7 50
Robert Sherwood, Mdse. to
farm 6 25
News-Herald, printing, 8 41
riattsmouth Tel. Co.. Rent
and tolU
W. C. Ramsey, Suly. and Exp.
Fi. II. Shumakir, Repairs to
pump t farr.i
24 45
118 f6
6 ro
11 20
13 22
C, 45
35 50
112 00
7 25
3 75
qailey t r;
Utat wU'ictt aijU-GrJd Omtl.try
tlfcfrltft. brtl-tqulpprtfnrMilOf-flee
li Ikt Middle Wert.
tCIItt ltCOOT TO CITT ViaiTOftt.
M floor r.iton Hlk , leiii A r.rn.m, OMAHA, NEB.
9 65
3 00
3 00
3 00
5 00
T References:
Bank of Eagle, r.agle.
Nehawka Bank, Nehawka.
Hank of Murdock. Murdock.
First Nafl bank, Greenwood.
State bank of Murray, Murray.
First Nafl bank, Plattsmouth.
1 1 H 1 1 il J n..M.M'4"M"MHH:
S 1 .
smone an
And be Happy
A. J. Klepscr.Ticket to pauper
Hammond & Stephens, Sup
M. E. Manspeaker, Livery to
John Kopia, Mdse. to poor ....
Henry Bord, Room for election
Henry Perry, Labor at court
B. C. Marquardt, Mdse. and
nursing sick 22 50
John Baur, Mdse 3 46
Klopp & Barrett, Supplies, ... 138 50
John Waterman, Lumber 3 00
T. S. C. Dabb, Labor at cout
Dr. E. W. Cook, Insane case
Ed. Zimmerman,
D. O. Dwyer, same
James Robertson, same
C. D. Quinton, same
Dr. Geo. II. Gilmore, same....
W. H. Shoemaker, same
D. C. Shoden, same 3 00
Streight & Streight, Mdse 20 75
J. II. Tarns, Salary 7o oo
C. Mockenhaupt, Brick 3 75
3 00
8 00
3 00
8 20
17 12
7 80
3 70
Aso;nis.icn & Llinger, Mdse,,..
Nehawka Register, Printing
Inhcrtiance notice,
Lewis Johnson, Road work R.
D. No. 7
J. A. Wilson, tame 7
Frank Rouse, fame 5,
Jacob Meisinger, same 2,
Frank Wilscn, same 7
W. A. Cole, same 11 168 90
J. E. Bates, same 13 136 10 1
Joe Vicker, same 16 5 25
S. G. Wolfe, same 6, 5 25
C. R. Joadan, same 16, 6 00
John Elliott, same 16 11 50
Herman Toedter, same 6, 27 00
C. T. Richarys, same 4, 33 00
II. P. Wilson, same 6 6 25
Chris Brunhoeber, same 4, . . . . 4 00
Dave Campbell, same 4 -24 00
D. A. Hursh, sams 16 18 50
Wm. Ketch, same 12 46 25
Chris. Bomemeier, same 6 101 95
Aug. Kleme, same 6, 11 75
Marvin Bushnell, same 4 4 60
Hans Kemp, same 1 19 50
Ben Landis, same 6, 7 00
Gus. Sallsburg, same 2, 1 50
Will Keil, same 2, 8 25
ClaTence Mi isinger.sair e 2, . . . 16 50
John Bauer, same 2, . 18 75
Balz Meisinger, same 2, 17 25
Elmer Meisinger.same 2, 10 50
Emil Meisinger, same 2 . 1 50
G. A, B. Hicks, same 2 93 80
Wm. Stohlman, same 8, 146 87
Ben Beckman, same 10, 138 15
J. M. Hoover, same 3, 20 85
C. B. & Q. R. R. Freight R.
D. No. 1 r..
Sheldon & Sheldon, Lumber,8..
Sheldon & Seeldon, Lumber,14.
Sheldon & Sheldon, Lumber,9..
M. Dalby, Lumber, 5 57 25
Lee Arnett, Culvert, 1, 3115
Lee Arnett, Repair to grader
Beach Mfg. Co., Culvert, 1,. . .
Cedar Creek Lumber Co. Lum
ber, 1,
Platts Gravel Co., Gravel, 2...
J. h Wolff, Mdse. 2,
Neb. Constn. Co., Bridge work 1997 00
Neb. Consts. Co.. Bridge work. 648 00
M. Dalby, Bridge lumber
John Waterman, same
Sheldon & Sheldon, same, ... .
Sheldon & Sneldon, same, ....
M. Dalby, same
Cedar Creek Lumber Co ,
Claim allowed on Commissioners
Fund. W. C. Bartlett, Road
work 102 00
Board adjourned to meet Sept. 21st
5 02
11 97
132 97
50 95
4 00
24 64
16 00
11 10
7 70
16 55
4 10
27 35
9 85
21 64
69 40
W. E.
County Clerk.
Are Best Readied by the
A Subacrlpflan Campaign.
We wish to call the attention of our
readers to the ad in another part of the
paper in which we are making a special
rate both for the campaign and for the
balance of the year. This la'.e will
just about pay for tke paper it is print
ed on, but we propose to make a cam
paign for subscribers between now and
the first of the year aad make this rate
so that all can give the paper a trial.
At this rate you of nur regular sub
scribers who wish to have your friends
take a good paper can send it to thorn,
making them a preseat for the balance
of the year. All subsoriptioas will stop
after the time subscribed for, or with
in a reasonable time aftej, unless a re
newal is received at the regular rate.
Therefore, no one need to refuse the
papor an the grounds that the subscrip
tion will be allowed ki accumulate
against them. If you recaive the pa
per you will know some friend is send
ing it to you as a present, and that you
will not be required to pay for it up to
the time it is paid for.
Perfumes, Weyrieh & Iladraba.
Card of Thanks.
Mrj. G. W. Osborn and family desire
to express their sincere thanks to the
neighbors and friends who so kindly
I assisted them during the illness and
; after the death of their husband and
' father. Especially do they wish to
thank the members of McConihic Post
: for their many acts of kindness.
Marathon In Uganda.
Fever for long distance races hat
spread all over the world. Recently
they held one to far-off Uganda. It
was from Entebbe to Kampula. No
one around bei-ft may know ntieb
about Entebbe and Kampula, but they
are 26 miles apart.
Although the staple diet ef the
natives consists ef bananas and pota
toes, the men often show great stay'
Inz power over loHg distances when
carrying letters, and It was hoped tbat
the Olympic time might be beaten,
This was not so, lwwever. as the wta
ner took three hours and three min
utes over the course, behig closely fol
lowed home by the second and third
men. When, however, it Is considered
that they were untrained, that Vhey
finished fresh enough to leap and run
about, that the cycltets merely patrolled
the road and did not pace the runners,
that the race took placo in the hottest
part of the day and was partry over a
road wet with recent shower, no ona
will deny the men's ability. It la
amusing to note that three of the
runners carried umbrellas and that
(he winner on finishing danced about
salying that bo was a very fine felloVf
and knew how to run well.
ine only Alternative.
Mother (to her daughter) What Is
your father making such a row about
In the other room? Hither tho doctor
has forbidden him to smoke or he 1ft
now asking him for your hand .--File
gende Ulaettcr.
ZlwJuced rates via. Missouri
fvrilc to Chicago, St Louis,Kan
istotatyand St .toe. Dates of
Mtie August 2Kth to Sept. 8th
asi September 1 1 th to 19th. See
jtjgnt for rates, limits, and etc.
Hugh Norton, Agent.
Candy and gum, Weyrieh & Iladraba.
Have Pleasant Outing.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Johnson returned
Tuesday from a vacation of several
weeks' duration in which thy visited
various points in the Black Hills coun
try and also at Davenport, low. They
report a most pleasant outing and feel
greatly rested and invigorated from
their trip.
Labor Day -next Saturday.
A Consistent Deceiver.
"What are you going to do with all
that counterfeit money?" asked Sap.
phlra. "My dear," answered Ananias,
"I am going to pay my dues In tho dis
tinguished club that bears my name."
The big Labor Day program has been
postponed until next Saturday.
Tooth brushes, Weyrieh & Iladraba,
All roads will Wad to Plattsmouth
next Saturday for the big Labor Day
Cloth Brushes. Weyrieh & Iladraba.
Camera supplies.Weyrich & Iladraba
Acorn cigars 5 cents each. Smoke an
'Acorn" and be happy.
Toilet articles, Weyrieh & Iladraba.
l.nllrl A.k yiHir I'rtivf Ll a
I M-rhMMrr'. Diamond TlttimlY
I'lll. In It. 4 in I .ld nimlluAV
hor, iralr.1 ilh HI... KlhU.n. V
TbLh Ha lllfp. Iliiv nf n,i V
a Lvery
You will find in CASE machinery that simplicity,
efficiency and durability have been the guiding stars
in their construction. By rejecting always the com
plicated for the simple has resulted in the building of
an engine that is remarkable for its extreme simplicity
and correct scientific construction its ease of opera
tion its low fuel consumption and its adaptability to
all uses.
iHn known ft llrt. Saf.t. Alv, Ki-H.H
You will also find that in the CASE steel separator
you have a separator that threshes all the grain leaves
it in perfect condition thoroughly cleaned and ready
for the market, giving the grain grower a positive
knowledge that when his grain has been threshed by a
CASE separator he has received his entire crop un
broken,and in the best possible condition. And this is a
good business, it offers great opportunities, needs but
a comparatively small capital, is easily conducted and
pays a handsome percentage on the investment. See
or write me for particulars.
tit h