The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, September 06, 1909, Image 1

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Nebraska State Hint So
NEWS. KstM.lii.hod Nov. 5. 1K91
HERALD. Kbtablished April lt. 1864
J Consolidated' Jan. 1. 1S95
1 1
Cass County Boys
Making Good
Dorald C. Despain and Lowell
Stoner Enprage in the Ease
Ball Business.
It is always a pleasure for the peo
ple of any community to knew that the
boys who have gone out from among
them are making good in the line of
business whiee they have chosen.
Donald C. Despain, a Plattsmouth
boy, and Russell Stoner, a Weeping
Water young man, left this county
some time ago, the former to accept a
position of honor and trust under a
Nebraska governor and the latter to
take up work with the Burlington rail;
Some time ago they began a partner
ship in business in the city of Lincoln
in which they have been doing well. A
few weeks ago they became convinced
that as a business venture the posses
sion of the franchise of the Lincoln
base ball club would be a successful
one. It was true that for some weeks
the club had not been going well and
all the season had been at the bottom
of the percentage column in the west
ern league. It had not been drawing
good crowds at thw home park, and in
reality was decidedly on the down
To take hold of a business proposition
of this kind requires a great deal of
nerve and the outlay of a good deal ef
cash m the way of the purchase of
players. At the time they took posses
sion of the team it was that part of the
season where it is the hardest to get
good players, but notwithstanding this
they made an offer for the franchise
and it was acccpeted.
They at once began a campaign for
good players and in order to build up
the team they decided to dispose of the
manager, one of the mo9t popular play
ers in professional ball and a man. who
hud hundreds of warm friends in Lin
coln, but when the Omaha manage
ment offered Despain & Stoner $1,500
for this popular playsr the offer was
accepted. As was to be expected this
move on the part of the Lincoln men
raised a howl of protest that would in
most cases have caused men in like
circumstances to have jigged back, but
there was no taking back on tluj part
of the owners of the Lincoln team and
the deal was concluded and the transfer
made to Omaha. The outcome has
shown the wisdom of the new owners.
This left the Lincoln team without a
manager and the wires were kept hot
for several (lavs in an effort to find the
JXEaSQO0- at". . . O . O
Dutchess Guessing Contest.
The buttons in the Dutchess jar will be counted by
a committee next Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. A
pair of Dutchess $3.30 pants will be awarded to the
person whose guess is the nearest. Anyone can guess
during the week.
C. E. WcscotTs Sons
"Where Quality Counts.
right man, a large sum being offered
for several first class men. Final
ly as an experiment they put the team
in charge of one of the catchers, Jini
mie Sullivan, and at once the team
came to life and has been playing a
brand of ball that would purely won
them the pennant if they had started
right at the beginning of the season.
Messrs Despain & Stoner have made
good in the face of the hardest kind of
discouraging circumstances. They
have built up the Lincoln base ball
team in spite of the most persistent
knocking a base ball management ever
faced, but the outcome has shown that
the nerve required to win out was pos
essed by these young men, and Cass
county people will be glad to know that
they are on the road to success.
Four new players have been pur
chased and the team is now considered
one of the strongest in the Western
League. The team will be playing in
Lincoln every day except Sundays till
September 20. and any Cass county
citizen who is in Lincoln during that
time ought to go and see the game and
the fast aggregation that Despain &
Stoner have got together.
Meeting is
Republican County Central Com
mittee Holds Session and
Discnsses Campaign.
Last Friday the republican county
central committee met at the court
house and was called to order by the
chairman, Willard Clapp, of Elmwood.
In the absence of the secretary, II. G.
Welk nsick, who was present later in
the meeting, L. A. Tyson was selected
to act in that capacity. Reports and
suggestions were made by Beveral
members of the committee, and ad
dresses were made by several others
who were m attendance. . ' :
It wtrn one "f the most, and we can
really say, the most enthusiastic meet
ing of this kind we ever attended, and
speaks well for the future success of
the republican party in Cass county.
Everybody was feeling good over the
situation and everybody reported a
healthy condition of affairs in their lo
cality. Another meeting of the committee
will be held a little later when more
definite plans regarding the campaign
will be discussed.
Miss Winnie Swenson of Omaha is
viiting in this city, the guest of her
friend, Miss Hannah Berggren.
If you knew how cheap we
are selling good school suits
for boys, you'd waste no time
in getting here for them.
3 Special Prices
A good substantial suit of
clothes (not all wool) but only
a few of them left g
A strong line of gray mix
brown and fancy weave, most
ly all wool 1 03
Here's a line of handsome all
m . ii uuu umbo in fiujo, mi j iv no
kJV aad blues, extra well made,
r.nmatohahlp If ft Mf
For the purpose of increasing the circulation of the News
Herald and also of reaching every home in Cass county,
preparatory to making a better paper, we make the following
offer to new subscribers.
The News-Herald from now till after Election lOo
The News-Herald from now till January 1, 1910 25o
Any New Subscriber paying for one year in advance at the
regular subscription price of $1.50 can have the News-Herald
sent free till January, 1910. '
This barely pays for the papcf it is printed on and no re
publican in Cass county can afford to be without his party paper
at this price. In fact a democrat will gain a whole lot of useful
knowledge he would not otherwise bbtain by taking advantage
of this offer.
We have a few of those nice Clocks left which we will give
to any new subscriber who pays oiie year's subscription in ad
vance and 50 cents extra, as long al they last.
In addition to every year's sublcription in advance we will
give one of those "Don't Break Your Back" Dust Pans, a few
of which we have left.
Then we have a lot of Silver Spoons which are warranted
to be just as good as silver anywayt and will give half a dozen
of these as long as they last to any subscriber who pays a year
in advance with 15 cents extra.
Then there are a few dozen scissors left which we want to
get out of the way and will give a pair of these to any subscri
ber who pays one year in advance arid 10 cents extra.
This offer does not any where hear cover the cost of this
stuff at the wholesale price, but they are hec in the office and
we want to get them out of the way, and we propose to give
new subscribes the benefit.
The News-Herald.
T. Afc J&A. AA AA. Jfc
'r afr 9
Death Ot
Frank Svoboda
Young Man Succumbs to Dreaded
White Plague-Funeral
Frank M. Svobjftda, a prominent young
man of the city, died Friday at the res
idence of his parents, of tuberculosis.
The funeral services were held Satur
day at 11 o'clock a. m., from the Holy
Rosary church, Father Shine officiating.
Frank Svoboda was born in this city
on May 6, 1884, and was at the time of
his death 25 years, 3 months and 27 days
old. He was a most exemplary young
man, and by his quiet, unassuming ways
had endeared himself to a large num
ber of acquaintances who v? ill sincerely
regret his untimely demise. He was a
sufferer from the dreaded white plague,
tuberculosis, and while everything was
done in an effort to stay its ravages all
material remedies failed, with the above
He loaves surviving him besides his
father, John Svoboda, sr., three sisters,
Mrs. John W. Bookmeyer, Mrs. George
Kochnkc of Creighton and Mrs. Frank
Jandii, jr., and two brothers, .John J.,
jr., and Thomas. Interment was had
nt Oak Hill cemetery.
Mr. Svoboda was a member of the M.
W. A. and the Sokol society, carrying
insurance in hoth, besides a policy with
the Bankers' Life of Lincoln.
Talented Visitors.
Misses Lillian Lloyd and Uluh Ren
ner of Omaha left for their home last
evening after a few day's visit in the
city with the family of E. K. Hilton
and other friends.
The former is a talented musician
and the latter an elocutionist of rare
ability and at a small gathering of
friends yesterday afternoon they gave
a short program which greatly delight
ed foittunate enough to hear it.
Will Attend High School.
Harry G. Tcdd of Murray, a promi
nent farmer nd stock raiser, was in
the city during carnival week, He had
a span of ycarjipg Fercheron colts on
exhibition at the stock show, one of
which was successful in carrying off
second prize. While here Mr. Todd
secured a boarding place for his son
who will attend high school here this
25 Cents. 10 Cents.
Ak jik Jk jftfc Jfc JsV Jifc jifc Jfc jflifc iiifc Sfc jlifa
Dedicate Their
New Hall
Imposing Ceremonies Mark Com
pletion of Bohemian Catholic
Society's New Home.
Yesterday was a red letter day with
the Katolicky Sokol, the Bohemian
Catholic turner society, as it matked
the dedication of their new hall, an
event long looked forward to with the
brightest of anticipations. The struc
ture is located just south of the Ma
sonic home and there is much rejoicing
among the local members of the society
that their efforts looking to the owning
of their own home have finally culmin
ated in success.
A special train yesterday mining
brought large delegations from Omaha
and South Omaha. These were met
at the depot by the local society head
ed by bhe band and escorted to the
church of the noly Rosary wh(e High
Mass was celebrated at 11 o'clock, fol
by a scrmoi in the Bokemian language
by R3V. Father Chundelak of South
Omaha. After the dinner hour the
celebrants again congregated, at the
new hall, and proceded with the cere
monies wkCch consisted of speeches,
music, etc., including an address by
Rev. Father Shine of the local Catholic
oiiurrh. The event was a most happy
one and one whit?h will long be remem
bered by those present.
Franek's band, an org;nization of
high musical ability, accompanied the
South Omaha contingent, and its num
bers added much to the enjoyment of
the occasion.
Laid to Rest.
Ricliurd Joseph, tho one year old son
of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Egan, died
Saturday after a short illness of stom
ach trouble. The funeral services were
held at the home this morning at nine
o'clock, being conducted by Rev. Father
Shine. The grief stricken parents have
the sympathy of the community in their
deep affliction.
E. II. Oilell, republican candidate
for superintendent of public instruc
tion, is in the city today taking in the
carnival sights and incidentally doing a
little work on his political fences. He
reports that his prospects for election
look very bright.
Lecture at Optra House.
One of the post carnival events, and
one which is being looked forward to
with considerable interest, will be the
Christian Science lecture by Mr. Frank
II. Leonard, of Brooklyn, New York,
which is advertised to take place at the
opera house on Friday evening of this
week. Mr. Leonard is a member of
the Christian Science Board of Lecture
ship, and in addition to being one of
the best posted men in the country in
matters pertaining to the Scientific in
terpretation of the Bible, is a most
pleasing pnd convincing speaker, and
the people of riattsmouth and vicinity
will doubtless avail themselves of this
opportunity of hearing discussed by a
master mind or.e of the foremost sub
jects before the world today.
Mr. Leonard cornea to the city under
the auspices of the Second Church of
Christ, Scientist. The lecture will be
free, and the public is cordially invited
to hear him.
Reduced rates to Lincoln, Neb., and
return on Aug. 28th to Sept. 15th and
and on Sept. 11th to 19th inclusive via.
the Misouri Pacific. H. Norton,Agent.
Death of
G. W. Osborn
Long Time Resident of Platts
mouth Passes to His
George W. Osborn, for many years a
resident of this city where he has al
ways been prominently identified with
the development of the country, died at
his residence last Friday after a linger
ing illness extending over many weeks.
The funeral services were held from
his late residence Sunday afternoon at
2:30 o'clock, being conducted by Rev.
J. T. Baird of the Presbyterian hurch
for many years the pastor of the de
ceased, and interment occurred at Oak
Hill cemetery. ,.
Mr. Osborn was born in Fulton, Mo.,
on January 14, 1816. When twelve
years old he removed with hip parents
to Eureka, III., where he spent his boy
hood days, and where on February 27,
18G5, he was united in marriage to Miss
Mary C. Kirkman. Mr. and Mrs. Os
born came to Plattsmouth in 1881, where
the family has since resided. Besides
his wife, Mr. Osborn is survived by
five children, three sons and two
daughters, Ben and Guy residing in
New York, Ernest and Mrs. Delia
Long residing in Omaha and Mrs. Louise
Dutton residing at University Place.
During the war of the rebellion Mr.
Osborn was a member of Co. E of the
139th Illinois Volunteer Inftintry. Dur
ing his life in this city he was identifi
ed with McConihie Post, G. A. R. and
that organization had charge of the
funeral services. The News-Herald
joins with the many frieads of the
family in extending heartfelt sympathy
to the sorrowing relatives.
1 Copyright 1 90R by
Hut SchatThcr Sc Mat
Labor Celebra
tion Postponed
Shop People Decide to Delay Fes
tivities Until Next Saturday
Some of the Events.
Owing to the inclemency of the wea
ther and the fact that great prepara
tions had been made for the event, the
Labor Day festivities planned between
this city and Havelock have been post
poned until next Saturday. Monday,
the day originally set for these events,
had been looked forward to as one the
big days of Plattsmouth's big carnival,
and when the day dawned dark and
rainy, disappointment was expressed
on every Bide. But the railroad boys
were not to bo "shunted" onto a side
track in any such unceremonious man
ner. While the condition of the weath
er precluded the possibility of doing
anything today, the men in charge of
the celebration promptly got busy with
the wires, and securing Havelock 's ap
proval, everything was postponed until
Among the events scheduled for that
day which will be participated in by '
both cities may be mentioned
A hose cart race,
A nozzle fight,
A wrestling match,
A tag of war, ,
A 100-yard dash,
A base ball game,
And a parade of floats, societies, etc.
Without doubt this would have prov
en one of tho best days of the cantyal,
and our people are to be congratulated
that they are not to be deprived of
witnessing these events.
A Deserved Appointment.
Luke Wiles, the prominent young
stockman and breeder of Red Poll
cattle, has been appointed by Got.
Shulleaberger as a delegate to the dry
farming congress which is to be held
at Raleigh, N. C, on Nov. 4, 1900.
The governor has been several months
making the appointments, which num
ber 125 from this state, but the list
was not completed untill last week and
given to the public through the medium
of the state press on Saturday. An
other prominent Cass county farmer to
reaeive an appointment was I. F. Dale
of Greeswood.
Mr. Wiles is preparing to attend the
Congress and will go if he can possibly
get his work in shape. One feature of
the trip which appeals to him is a visit
to the old homestead of his grandfather,
Thomas Wiles, who for many years re
sided in the vicinity of Raleigh.
Daniel Foster of Union, father of
County Superintendent Mary Foster,
was in the city last week attending to
business matters and taking in the
Our rain coats
shine in rain or
You can't afford to
catch cold, this kind
of weather, when you
can prevent it by be
ing a little precauti
ous. We have a full line
of oravencttcs, new
models and patterns
for Fall Can be worn
either high or low
collar. . Patterns are
mostly gray just like
everythin,!; else this
Prices range from
?10 to $25. When
yeu got chilly and
damp C(nne in, we'll
comfort you, with u
Hat t Schaffner & Marx Clothes.
M'Vih'tttun H,iin't. MliUjn ?.