The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, September 02, 1909, Image 8

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    This is Sure
And Certain
Proof That Plattsmouth
People Cannot Deny
What could furnish stronger evidence
of tho efficiency of any remedy than
the test of tini3? Thousands of people
testify tlmf, Dnn'n Kidney Pills cure
Home end niiiieiit should prove un
doubtedly the in.rit of this remedy.
Years ago your friendj and neighbors
testified to the relief they had derived
from the me of Djan'a Kidney Tills
They now confirm their testimonials.
They say time has completed the test.
J. B. Patridgc, 8lh at., Plattsmouth,
Nebr., says: "I aufTered almost con
stantly from pains across my loins and
kidneys anil at times I was in a bad
way. On several occasions I was so
badly crippled that I could only pet
about with the aid of two canes. The
first box of Doan'a Kidney Tills, pro
cured from Goring A. Co's. drug store,
helped tnc so g realty that I continued
taking tho remedy and it brought me
entire relief. It would be impossible
for mo to speak too highly of Doan's
Kidney Tills."
Tho above statement was given in
June 1906 and on Dec. 2!), 1903. Mr.
Patridge said: "I still endorse Doan's
Kidney Pills highly. I willingly renew
the statement I gave over two years
ago In their favor."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Mi burn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other. 35-4
Experimenti with New Safety Device
, for Foggy Weather.
The United Slates government Is ex
Vilnientlng In San Francisco ' bay
with a safety device for foggy weather
which Is remarkable lu tho unipienes9
of Its idea. It is nothing less than a
fog buoy which will make no nilse of
Its own, but whli h wllPbo expected to
catch the sound waves of a vessel's
whistle and echo them back across tha
The buoy, or structure, Is construct
ed of corrugated Iron sheet lug, placed
on pjjes; and built in three wiiifca
placed at different angles. Each wing
Is 32 feet square.
The Idea w:i given birth accidental
ly. There has always been union,
trouble in the upper part of San Fran
cisco bay because the shoro lights
cannot be seen when the weather la
bad.- Tilots and skippers began to no
tice, however, how clearly the corru
gated steel warehouses around Ilenlrja
Cotuyied ttio sound of their whistles,
and Tor somo time have been guiding
their way along by the echoes. Tho
government Is confident that the new
buoys will act in the samo manner.
Hunger makes me think of you;
Thought of you makes me hungry;
Between the thought and sight of you,
Indeed I'm always hungry
But with appetite awaifing
a nickle in hand ancT you
,14 virion
for anything more?
Messina Was Warned.
Signs of the approach of this oatas
trophe had not been obscure. Warn
ing had not been given of the Impend
ing danger by abnormal atmospheric
conditions, It la true. There had been i
no electrical tension in the n4c. Rut a
general dlstcmperature, says the cor
respondent of the Paris Temps, "re
acted on susceptlblo organizations."
All through tho day and night before
the nervous were peculiarly wrought
up. There was a half hour Interval
on the eve of tho original chock wJmmi
the birds, tho dogs and the cattle
evinced intense agitation. llor8oi
neighed loudly at their stalls. The
howling of the dog was noticed
aboard the ships at anchor. Cnrrent
' But Not So Often.
Bink Why is history like a wj-lter
cf comic operas?
Gink Why?
Biuk History repeats ItscK.
A Few Facts Showing the Wonderful
Progress Made in Building Up
a Marine Power.
Somo Idea of tho witiderful progress
of the German navy Is gained when
lne realizes that Vlee-Admlral Rein
nold voii Werner, whose death is an
nounced at the age of 81, saw prat
tically tho birth of that navy as we
now know it. When the German fleet
was sold by auction In 1852 Werner
secured a oommisslen in the new Prus
sian navy, and during the war wit$i
Denmark he commanded one of tho
three steam frigates, thm the prin
cipal triil pa f tins Prussian navy. At
(die date ef the formation of the feder
al navy Werner was director of dock
yards at Danzig. In 18.69, however,
the deceased vise-admiral returned to
active serylce, and at the time of his
retirement in 1878 he held the com
ninad of Hie Ilaltlc station. Ho de
voted the last 30 years of his lWe to
tho patriotic task of popularizing Wie
Idea of that sea power which he had
seen grow from insignificant propor
tlitns to a strength which has dune stt
much t stimulate the shipbuilding ef
olker nMlons. He vrtis a prolific writ
er, and his authorship extended over
a long period. Kven at the time of
tho llatHe of Jasmund ho attracted at
tent ion by a work on te' Prussian
navy, Its present and its ftiUtve.
An Inherited Fallityj.
A native of Annani, Indo-Chlna, sen
tenced in Paris for theft, wrote the fol
lowing apology to his employer: "All
Annamttes, whether emperors, man
darins, secretaries, literary men and
others, are born thieves. It is a
gravo and deadly complaint, and there
Is no cure for it. I know people do
not like thieves in France, but it can
not Te helped."
Af.errtlon Is the first requisite for
making any progress hi the acquire
ment of knowledge; K. may be glvrn In
various degrees, and It rewards accord
ing to the proportion In which It is
given. A divided attention I si how
ever, more hurtful than otherwise; it
retards tho progress f the learner,
while it iniures his miml by Improp
er exercise. George Crabbe.
Indictment cf Flat Life.;
In proportion as flat life increases
home life decreases. Tho flat dweller
ought not to keep a dog, prefers not o
keep a cat, cannot have a gurd6n, ha's
no chance of keeping house, has no
possible place for memories, and, mot
emphatically of all, has no use or
accommodation for babliw. Fortnight
ly Review.
caooi supplies
0 0 0
We have received and have on exhibi
tion one of the finest lines of school sup
plies ever brought to the city. It is aom
plete in every detail and whatever may be
your needs you will find it in our stock.
We desire to greatly oalarge our trade in
this respoct, so to make ourselves popular
with the children, from this time until
Soptembcr 11, with ouch S cente apcxt
with us for school supplies, w will make
a present of a bag of candy to the pur
chaser. Come in and look over our lino
and see what we carry, and then yon will
be yfSf?nt to let the childrtm make thoir
lnwases of us.
The Why.
There Is a bvUef that if you hang
a bright, prrtty picture In your room
and look at it earnestly every, night
and morning, your face will grow to
resemljift the one in the frame. This
probably accounts for the fact that la
almost every girl's roem there Is s
ptcnire of a Madonna. Atchison
Globe. I
To WJbrk and to Eat.
1 hold, if theJUmlghty had ever
made a set f men to do all the eating
and none of Hie werk, he would have
made them wrth mouths only, and no
hands; and if ho had ever made an
other net that he had intruded should
do all of the work and none of the
rail's,', he would have made them
without mnuthsand with all hands.
Abraham Lincoln.
Character In Snub Noses.
In tho matter of noses there are
"siubs" and "snubs." Some of them
belong te tho peculiarly vlvacfms folk.
Their vivacity is not always of the
most agreeable kind, as they are fre
quently Inclined to saw-Mce other per
sonj' feellBgsv to saying "a good
thing." Turn ups arc general- indi
cative of a merry disposition.
I Hotter Than Ever
V No relief you svV Oh yes there is. Ju3t drop in and try one of
our delicious Soda Confections. Allow us to
i suggest one of the following.
Koot Beer )
Coco Cola r
Orangeade )
Chocolate Frappe )
Rose Frappe
( Celery Phosphate
s Claret Phosphate
( Fruit Phosphate
J Violet Frappe
( Caramel Frappe
Well-Trained Memory.
"1 do not recall anytWng on that
point." tald tho witness "Oh, yon
don't?" sneered the lawyer. "You'd
better take memouy lessons." "Ecuse
mi?,'T rejoined the witness suavely,
"birt my memory has been trained by
one ef the highest-priced, lawyers n
tlw business." Philadelphia Pubfcc
in tr.e town cl Ntisrrw, Mutt.,
many children bo-ought to the pub
lie schools in barges front the sur
rounding eountry, ssnd warm soup and
cocra Is furnished them by one of tt-.e
tswnswcmen, Ms. John C. Abbot, whe
appreciate the fact that, leaving honif
so early, need som thing wawn
wiih tick hsncheon at noon.
Sundaes, any Flavor, So and 1 0o.
Ice Cream Soda with Crushed Fruit, 5c and 10c.
Remember, a 5c purchase is one rote in the diamond ring contest.
Candymakers. Next to P. O.
V 1
1 Try Our Coffee f
o o o
t Larkin
Collar Button Defender.
The collar hut ton has been libeled
Since it fkst came InW being It hai
provided i1w wallers ef J"kes for tb'a
comic papers with a largo share ol
their matrrial. That it possessed
remankablo tendency toward losing It
sek has been acco4)ted almost as an
Facts 1mto come to light wMcb
show that W collar buWon hag seen
maligned. A man In tho cmpley of th
IVirllngton ralread has worn one col
lar button for 28 years. It has stuck
.by Mm without any undue precaution
against iiss and has never shown
tendency ts wandur. j
this man sajrs he has always treat
ed'Kls cellar button Wnd4y, has nt;vei
sworn at It nor blamed It for his own
fatrtw. Hlsddea is ti'iaUif mankind so
eofds due rertpeat to the collar' button
tTwlll reclprecate.
4 liJ-rli
trm scl Ji ltno ktUtffi.
Tb no t(har Itnr nf yrr'
fhcs-ltr Iliimtul KriiHil
1 aw no tnr Hut nr yrr'
lrul(. A4 111.4 llKH.TFR
IMAIOr nilHMs I'll lX in, 4
yean known fcs Ilit,Satrt. Alv ay . KWIaMt
litest Mjli(ic B)j-0f j Oftttr JeiMi-
Mirncfi. otM-Twup vri vi-
Smoke an
Net for Herl
"With one wave of my wand," say,j
the fairy, "I een make yen grew yOu
a sain."
' Fw-sse me," renlles the wowan, "M
I decline your kind offer. If you can
bring auith to me at my present aso
all ilalfl : but I positively refuse tc
traveJ back thrcith pyrosraphy, tin
first t ago of brld-, the habit bad;
the sti'sU-UU front, balloen sleeves and
all the rest of the f.'.ity 1 can rjcmem
2 lb. can MeCord Brady Adona Coilce
This coffee is of the begt grad and if you once
use it 'we know that you will be so pleased witk
it that you will waafe to get another ean. TVy it.
We give you a few arhioies below that you y
will find very seasonable, the price is right to. Y
New Holland Heary, per keg ....... $1
Adro Peanut Butter 10c, 20c
J. M. Pickling Spice 10c
Advo Oatsup 25c
And be Happy
I Soennichsen's