The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, September 02, 1909, Image 5
Y I I I Want Column FOR SALE. FOR RENT OR SALE-IIouse with four lots, well, two cisterns, out buildings and several fruit tree?. Nice location. Inquire at 716 S. 10th street cornor of Diamond. C. A. Hagerstrom. 3S-4 Sell your junk to Wave Allen and get the highest market price. C6-10. TO RENT-A farm, 160 acres, inquire Post office box C22. Plattsmouth, Neb. 3D-4 FOR SALE-Two story brick hou?e7 rooms, good well and cistern with 12 lots situated in south part of city. All kinds of fruit. Good barn and out build ns. Enquire of John J. Toman. G9-2 WANTED. WANTED Young men and women to fill positions paying $900 to $2000 per annum. Big demand for stenograph ers in the Government service, as well as in private business life. Our new method of teaching shorthand by mail insures as thorough and practical a training at your own home as is obtainable by personal attend ance at any business college in the country. We guarantee success. Complete course for small cash pay ment; balance to be paid when you secure a position. Trial' lesson free. Central Business Institute, Central Building, Washington, D. C. ATTENTION: Join our next excur sion to Scotts Bluff County. Send or call for literature regarding land. Windham Investment Co. 38-3 The Lincoln Eveniar. News and the Kearney Daily Huh have entered into a warm discussion over ti e methods used by the News in its "forninsity" on the tariir bill. The News takes a very democratic star.d on the question and the Hub accuses it of furnishing future ammumtijn for the democratic party. The action of the News is rot at all to be wondered at. Its editor is a democrat and therefore it is perfect ly natural for him to use democratic ammunition himself and furnish it to his party. The trouble just'iow in Ne braska is that there are too many re publican papers edited by men with democratic ideas. ! Thp Kttention of the district court ! has been taken most of the week in the I case of Zellie Ethel White, adopted j j daughter of Cyrus White, deceased, ( who is endeavoring to have the will of I the latter set aside on the grounds I that he was unduly influenced nt the j time he made the will giving his prop- erty to a church society. At the time i of going to press the case is still being I heard. Fine job work done at this office. Way to Make the Most cf Life. A we!l-rcKu!i'.ted wind, a dignified Imle; emu r.ce f the world, and a wise pyiiaratKm to potsess cne's soul In patience whatever circumstances may exist, i3 In tlie power of every man, niul fs greater wealth than that of the lud f e 5. and gretter honor (ban Ctvosar evtr acquired. Timothy DwIgUV A. L. TIDD LAWYER References: Bank of Eagle, Eagle. Nehawka Bank, Nehawka. Bank of Murdock, Murdock. First Nat'lbank,Greenwood. State bank of Murray, Murray. First Nat'l bank, Plattsmouth. CARNIVAL Will have special sales on the following dates. 1ST Fruit jars 45c per doz. Sewing machines $2 to $12 2N D - Iron beds, mattresses and springs $2 to $9 each 3RD-Hard and soft coal stoves and ranges $4 to $39 4TH Kitchen cabinets and tables $3 to $20. 6THRockers and dining room chairs at a big dis count. D. P, JACKSON Pearlman's Old Stand ATCHISON LEAVENWORTH KANSAS CITY ST. LOUIS Are Best Reached by the Reduced rates via. Missouri Pacific to Chicago, St Louis, Kan sas City and St Joe. Dates of sale August 28th to Sept. 8th and September 11th to 19th. See agent for rates, limits, and etc. Some new candidates for the nomina tion for governor next fall have shown up within the past few day.'. Ex-Superintendent J. L. McF.rien and Lieu tenant Governor Hopewell are among those mentioned for the republican nomination, while Senator J. E. Miller of Lincoln and Speaker Charles Pool of Tccumseh are the r.ew democratic as pirants. It is going to be a jolly flight. On Friday of this week the executive board of the state republican commit tee will meet in Lincoln. A Ytvng Artjst. Two gentlemen meeting one d5jr on the street stood idly talking when- one said to the other: "Say, Kd, I wish you could see thit little flve-ycfirold phi of mine draw, guy, she drew hfn this morning, and it was so natur al that when she threw It lti tho waste tucket, it laid there.'1 Judje. Legal Notice Alvln F"rr', tirfrrvUnt, will take notic that on Itio !lh !av of August.!'.".1. -VI tVfrru, rloint'.tl'. fiUd hrr if'itiim in thp dintnrt court if ' county. NYhriuka. a?mrt thvdvfcntlar.t. th ub jrrtanil .ry. rof w hich in to obtain a iltrrt-e of divorce fr.-n the Imnd of matrimony, and for the custody of ler children, Kthel. flair, anil Ki'tirilii. uml fcr such other te iff asciiuity may require. You are required to answer iJ petition on or before the .llih day of t-'epttfflbvr. 1901' Aba Fehki. By M. ARi mi.r, her atturnty K-i Legal No'.ice. State of N. i hrasU. , c , r , County of t us. i In the mailer of the estate cf 'Hannah C U!ack deceased. i To alt iTSns interested' ' You nr.- hi'retiv nolitlwl that there will a hcar in on the Hilton for the appointment of an ad minitratnr rf uliove etMute Ix-foro t!.in court at l'lattmoinh. in said county, on the .Inl day of SepteniK r. VMS, ut 10 o'clock a ni and that all objection iirvli if any. inunt be tiled on or be fore Mlid day and hour of hearing. AI.I.KN J. HH'.soN. 3'-6 County Judife Can county. Neb. J. E. BARWICK The First Chickem. It Is pir.oially uiiderKtond that the fcneestry cf the chicken tribe may be tiaceO to the junglo fowl of India. All of the various vailetts of our domes tfc fowls have bet n produced, It is claiiiKd by the authorities on the sub ject, from tl.e wild fowl of India. A Musical. A large number of ladies were enter tained most pleasantly at Sunny side, the home of Mrs. C. E. Wescott Tu: s day afternoon. A fine program was given and light refreshments were ser ved. The following program was rend ered by those present. 1 Piano Solo Sextette from Lucia de Lalmermoor Donizetta Mrs. Falter 2 Songs I (a) "Still Unexprest" ... " (b) 'Tuning" 1 Bond. Mrs. Eaton 3 Reading-"Old Ace" Crooks Mrs. Baird 4 Song-Florian's Song Godard Mrs. Eaton 5 Reading-"Aux Italiens" Lordj Lyton. Musical Accompaniment. Verdi Mrs. Baird 6 riano Solo-"Song of Spring" Mcrkct. Mrs. Falter 7 Song-"When the Heart is Young" Buck. Mrs Eaton 8 Reading Selected Mrs. Baird Another entertainment was given the following evening by Mrs. Wescott. Feminine Lack of Logic. Tell a wife that men are Belflsh, she will readily acquiesce. But tell tljal same woman that by spoiling her boye whether in the nursery or at school or university she Is sowing the seed of egclism, she will give you an em pha'ic dcnlsl. Car. Wcrth of Adversity. He that has never known adversity Is but half acquainted with himself cr with others. Constant success show us but one side of life. There Is a merit which we may win by our mis takes. Thorold. Legal Notice. State of N.-hrafka. Cjunty o'' l as. Notice is hen by kv n that l y virtue of a chat tel mortiM;- dated Dec. I'll, and executed by Mark M. I'r.itt to I'arr.ill D- tjuinton to lecure the p:in fi:' of fj.'i and upon which there i now due JJii.i'i. ,1. limit having been made in th pay ment, at:'! mo nut or other proceed iiijr at luw hav IiiK been instituted tu nvover Haul debt or any part thereof. I will sll the propirty Ihrrcin de scribed. to-vit: tine trniy mare named Klota anil one Him'le hnrn." at public aution at M. K. Manvpeukei H barn in 1'lutU-mouth, ill sail! o.unty on Scpte 'i!T 7, 1W, at 11 o'clock a. in. of raid day, for ex h. 35-tl ("Alif.oi.L D. QiilNTON."MortKaKeo. Sheriff's Sle. My virtue of an order of mile isstud by Jamea ItobertHon. cl 1 1; of the district court, within and fur Ca-ss county, Nebraska, and to me direotwl, i will on theith dny of September, A. l. 1WJ, at 10 o'clock A. M. of Kaid day at the aouth door of the court houxe in Mild county, sell at public auc tion to the highest biddur for cash the followinit roal enUHe to-wit: The Northweht (N. W. !) QuarU'rand the Northwent Fourth of the South- went (N. W. ' of the a. W. K tjuarter of Sec tion Thirty CO), in Township Twelve (I2. North Itanire Thirteen (13). in the county ofl'a, Ne brasku. The name hcinir levied upon and taken aa the pmtierty of LeonHnl C. W. Murray, He becra A Murray, Joseph M. Koherta. caahier, and the I'lattmouth State Dank of I'latUmouth. Ne braska. IVfendants. to satisfy a juditment of aaid court recovered by Amelia 1). Haldeman, IMaintilT awainht aaid Defendants. Plattmouth. Nob., August 19. A. D. 1909. C. 1). Ul'INTON. 3A-S Sheritf Cass County. Nebraska. V V ? V ? V f ? ? ? ? ? DOVEY BLOCK REAL ESTATE. Town residencj from $l.r)0 to $.'1,000. Don't fay rent any longer. You can own your own dwelling chenper. .et ne show you some good chances to acquire farms in Ne braska, South ami North Dakota, Missouri or Texas. FIKK INSURANCE written in six of the best companies. SURETY BONDS. Get your bonds from the American RtiretvCo. ACCIDENT INSURANCE. The risk of personal injury 11 ID times as great as that of losing your property by tire. Secure a policy of the London Gurantee and Accident Company and be sure of an income whil you are onable to work. INDEPENDENT PHONE 454. t ? t ? t V i Attention Farmers and Stock Raisers! Idle Questions. This may be an age when time It money, but first reflect on the nunibei of useless questions which we ask each ether every day, and to which we neither receive nor expect an swers. Madrid Mundo. Reduced rates to Lincoln, Neb., and return on Aug. 28th to Sept. 15th and and on Sept. lllli to 19th inclusive via. the Misouri Pacific. II. Norton.Agent. Acorn cigars 5 cents each. Smoke an 'Acorn" and be happy. Legal Notice. gScZ- I" County Curt. In the matter of the estate of Gustavo Keune. deceased. AukuhI 27th.l!l)9. ITnon reading and filing the duly verified ietition of Klir.abuth Keune alleging amonir other thinRS that duHtave Keune, an In habitant of said county died, intestate, in said county on theHOth day of Autrust, 1)9, seized of personal and roal property situated in said coun ty. all of said real and personal property being exempt from levy and saloon attachment execu tion or other mesne process, and praying that general administration of said estate be dispensed with: It is therefore ordered that a hearing be had upon said petition at the county court room, in l'lattsmouth, ("ass county, Nebraska onthe'Jlth dav of September A. D . 19(19. at 10 o clock a. m, and that notices thereof bo given by publication of this order for not less than three successive weeks prior to such hearing, in the Nkws-Hkrai.d a semi-weekly newspnper published and circula ted in said county, and due proof of publication be made ami tiled in thia oil ice. By the Court, 39-6 Allen J. Bekson. County Judge. i i'l if!Sa!ffTn"rTnS - SH- CHURCHEJ5 6CT YOUR YOUNG PEOPLE INTERESTED err you pupil WORKING 1 t Ttnsxr-r rr r I schools i i r c i i ii i u wunm r PIAHOS AND 8B1AE3S FOR . -jUsy I . FOR CHflRCIIEB feiSs schools i ANOTHER WONDERFUL lir nriSIICTT OFFER IS MADE BY THE SEtlNsTT LODGES AND SOCIETIES ijw OMAHA'S LARGEST DEALERS IN liirMII I PIANOS AND ORGANS List of Pianos and Organs to be Given Away December 31st, 1909 (Packard Upright Grand Piano. Kegular Price I Sterling Upright Grand Piano. Kepular price IKurtzmann Upright Grand Piano. Regular price ILindeman Upright Grand Piano. Kegular price C Packard Church Organs. Regular price $450 425 425 425 150 Krell Auto Grand Player I Kre Pia no. Kegular price $700 I Kohler & Camphell Upright flTIC I Grand Pintio. Ki-irular nricc . wlW Grand Piano. Regular price . I Harvard Upright Grand Pia 375 I, Walworth Upright Piano tlit Rpfrular nricp. UUU 125 lano. Kegular l'nce. Regular price . Packard Church Organs Regular price TO THE CHURCH, SCHOOL, LODGE OR SOCIETY NOT FORTUNATE ENOUGH TO SECURE ONE OF THE INSTRUMENTS MENTIONED ABOVE, WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING: 40 Pianos at a reduction of $150 from the regular retail price. 60 Pianos at a reduction of $125 from the regular retail price. 100 Chapel Organs at $37.50. . "b Thia list inoludei your C HOICK of any Piano we represent. HOW TO SECURE ONE-READ CAREFULLY Send us the name and address of anybody you think we might be able to interest in the purchase of a piano or organ. We will write them or send a representative to see them and if we succeed in selling them an instrument during the months of Septem ber. October, November or December, 1909, we will give any Church. School. Lodge or Society you may name, 'credit as follows: For Each Grand Plan Sold 10OO Points Far Each Playar Piano Sold 7SO Polnta For Each Upright Piano Sold 800 Polnta For Each Organ Sold 150 Polnta The Pianos and Organs will be given to the Church, School, Lodge or Society se curing the greatest number of points between Sept. 1st and Dec. 31st, 1909, inclusive. Names of prospective buyers may be sent in at any time, and as soon as received at this office will -be entered on our records, and credited to the Church, School, Lodje or Society indicated by the sender. If the same name is sent inby more than one person, credit will be given to the first one received, iff Write today for full particulars THE GREATEST OFFER EVER MADE BY ANY PIANO HOUSE IN THE WEST. The Bennett Company H LODGES AND SOCIETIES TAKI ADVANTAOK OP THIS OPPORTUNITY OMAHA, NEB. MAKES OF HANOS WE REPRESENT: Chick mi mi it Son, Ptiitmi. Ivrm h I'osn, Kikt.'mns STIKLIXO, II. 4 b. ii. I.IKDI-MAN. II I'KTINC.VON. K"lll It A Camfiikll, MmniiMOHN. Waiwohtm. Haivaiu. Hxnmi Co. I'lAHO. AiiToriAHO A hKLL A I, To-, hand Hlaf Pianoi. 3RQ Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Hog Salvet or medi cated Salt is the best remedy for all kinds of stock to make them tat well and. aid digestion and also a blood builder. If not satisfied with re sults money refunded. Sold at the feed store of t J. V. EGENBERGER PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. PIANOS AND ORGANS SOLD ON EASY MONTHLY PAYMNTt uyestocKnciuturcmcnmery Splendid Racing Liberatis Band and Grand Opera 5inqer& Pain's Baille'in the Clouds - J v Tvvith Airship AthlelicMeel-Carnival -DascBall I UffC ANDONL HALT KATLS POUND TRIP OH ALL RAILROADS WfJi- I for information. Premium List, or Lfiry oonns (fy I V' I '.7mi,W.R.Nellor.iSexy.1-n!!f!nffi """,r.cir i mi i ii n n h n. toi; .j'" 1 v. l ? ? t i f ? t ? ? t t ? ? f t I "E have five large Gasoline Stoves left that are shop worn but never have been used and as we need the space we will sell them at one-half price for balance of this week. We have also a few of the Ohio Steam Cookers left, reg ular price of which is $5.75 which will go at $3.00. This offer is good only for one week. JOHN BAUER f t ? ? ? y f ? f V t V ? ? : f Carnival Week Bargains Resiularprice Carnival price Rexall Violet Tolcum 25c for 20c. Rexall Tan and Freckle Lotion 25c. .20c. Rexall Tooth Powder 25c 20c. Rexall Disappearing Cream 50c 35c. Remember the above prices are for Carnival week only. Spcclnl Merchants Day Hnrgnins for Merchants Day Only. The above bargains together with 40 per cent discount on bulk Perfumes. 20 per cent discount on box Stationery. One 25c Marvel Tooth Brush free with every 25c can of Rexall Tooth Powder. In order to take advantage of these Bar gains you will have to hurry and avoid the rush. F.G.FRBCKE&CO. EXPERT PILL MIXERS. THE REXALL STORE. Hugh Norton, Agent.